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Aurangzeb's Tryanny against the Sikhs and
coming to power by imprisoning his father and killing his two brothers,
Aurengzeb had been consolidating his power base. After ten years he now began to
apply his power throughout the country. Aurengzeb was an orthodox Muslim who
dreamed of purging India of all ‘infidels’ and converting it into a land of
Islam. Aurengzeb had no tolerance for other religions and proceeded on a brutal
campaign of repression. Famous Hindu temples throughout the country were
demolished and mosques built in their place. Hindu idols were placed in the
steps of mosques to be trodden on by the feet of Muslim pilgrims. Aurangzeb
issued a number of harsh decrees. In 1665 he forbade Hindus to display
illuminations at Diwali festivals. In 1668 he forbade Hindu Jatras, in 1671 he
issued an order that only Muslims could be landlords of crown lands, and called
upon provincial Viceroys to dismiss all Hindu clerks. In 1669 he issued a
general order calling upon all governors of all provinces to destroy with a
willing hand the schools and temples of the infidels; and they were told to put
a stop to the teachings and practicing of idolatrous forms of worship. In 1674
lands held by Hindus in Gujarat, in religious grants were all confiscated.
In this climate of intolerance the viceroy of Kashmir
Iftikhar Khan took to the task of forcibly converting the Hindu population to
Islam by the sword. The Hindu Brahmin Pandits of Kashmir were among the most
highly learned and orthodox of the Hindu leadership. Aurangzeb felt if they
could be converted, the rest of the country would easily follow. He did not want
to see the talik (holy mark on the forehead) or janaeu (sacred thread) on any of
his subjects. Given this ultimatum, a large delegation of 500 Kashmiri Pandits
decided to journey to Anandpur Sahib to seek the help of Guru Tegh Bahadur.
delegation was led by Pandit Kirpa Ram Datt (who would later on become the
Sanskrit teacher of Guru Gobind Singh and eventually become a Khalsa and died
fighting in the battle of Chamkaur). The Pandits met the Guru and explained
their dire predicament to the Guru and requested the Guru to intercede on their
behalf. As the Guru was pondering over the issue his nine year old son Gobind
Rai walked into the room, noticing the serious and gloomy mood in the room the
young Gobind asked his father what was happening. Guru Tegh Bahadur replied,
“Unless a holy man lays down his head for the sake of the poor Brahmins, there
is no hope for their escape from imperial tyranny.” Young Gobind replied,
“Revered father, who would be better equipped for this than yourself?” Guru
Tegh Bahadur hugged his son and wept for joy. “I was only worried about the
future, for you are far too young”. “Leave me to God”, Gobind replied,
“and accept the challenge of the Mughals.”
Guru Tegh Bahadur was subjected to many cruelties,
he was kept in an iron cage and starved for many days. The Guru was made to
watch as Bhai Mati Das the devoted Sikh was tied between two pillars and his
body split in two by being sawn alive. Bhai Dyala was boiled alive in a cauldron
of boiling water and Bhat Sati Das was wrapped in cotton wool and set on fire.
The Guru bore these cruelties without flinching or showing any anger or
distress. Finally on November 11, 1675 Guru Tegh Bahadur was publicly beheaded
with the sword of the executioner as he prayed. The Gurus body was left in the
dust as no one dared to pick up the body for fear of the emperors reprisal.
Refer to Heroic
Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) - By
Sita Ram Goel. Voice of India, New Delhi.
more refer to Rajputs
and Invasion of India. Watch History
of Ayodhya - (For more information on Islamic Imperialism and Hindu
Genocide please visit this site In The Islamic
Age -
Jawaharlal Nehru -
that High Priest of Indian secularism wrote:
"Babur was one of the most cultured and delightful person one could meet.
There was no sectarianism in him, no religious bigotry, and he did not destroy
as his ancestors used to."
This extravagant praise of Babur by our
secualarists is vitiated by the observations of the great Guru
Nanak, a contemporary and an eyewitness to Babur's invasion; in his
Babur Vani, Nanak denounced him in no uncertain terms, giving a vivid account of
Babur's vandalism in Aimanabad.
(source: Babur
in His Own Words - - please refer to The
Baburnama Memoirs of
Babur, Prince and Emperor - translated by Wheeler
M. Thacktson).
more on Islamic Terrorism refer to chapter on Glimpses
The plight of Hindus has been
enshrined in the Granth
"Having lifted
Islam to the head, You have engulfed Hindustan in dread...Such cruelties have
they inflicted, and yet Your mercy remains unmoved...Should the strong attack
the strong, the heart does not burn. But when the strong crush the helpless,
surely the One who was to protect them has to be called to account...O' Lord,
these dogs have destroyed this diamond-like Hindustan, (so great is their terror
that) no one asks after those who have been killed and yet You do not pay
heed...." (Mahla
historian Satish Chandra author of Medieval
from Sultanate to the Mughals continues
the pattern of negationism in Indian history and writes:
"Thus, there was no atmosphere of confrontation between the Sikhs and
Mughal rulers during this period, Nor was there any systematic persecution of
the Hindus, and hence, no occasion for the Sikhs or any group or sect to stand
forth as the champion of the Hindus against religious persecution. The
occasional conflict between the Gurus and Mughal rulers was personal and
political rather than religious."
(source: Eminent
Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud - By Arun Shourie Harper
Collins India ISBN 8172233558 p.
119-120). Refer to Ignore
this genocide, we're secular - By Rajeev Srinivasan -
religious fanaticism plunged India again in chaos, famine and
misery. He was foremost a Sunni Muslim, puritan, unbending: he had
the koranic law applied in its strictest sense, cleansed from the
court all musicians and poets, banned all Hindu religious festivals
and imposed the very heavy "jizya"
tax on unbelievers.
He thus made once more the Mughal monarchy highly unpopular and
everywhere revolts sprang-up such as the one of the Satnamis
of Alwar.
Aurangzeb has them massacred until the last one, leaving an entire
region empty of human being." He also battled against the
Mahrathas, who spearheaded the a Hindu renaissance in India, he had Sambhaji,
Shivaji's son and
his Minister tortured scientifically for three weeks and after that
they were cut in small pieces till they died on March 11, 1689.
(source: Histoire
de l' Inde - By Alain Danielou
p. 278).
Taj Mahal -
Indian Icon? Long
marginalized, Hindu nationalism is becoming mainstream in India.
Indeed, more than 50 years after independence from Britain, many Indians invoke
memories of past invasions so that future generations will not be too
"You can turn the other cheek for only so
long," a female friend commented during my visit. "Sometimes you have
to show the world that you are proud."
Educated women seem to be on the forefront of the Hindu
nationalistic movement today. Many now join peasants in their annual trek to the
Kumbh Mela and other spiritual gatherings. Unless future American foreign policy takes Hindu nationalism into account,
violence in the subcontinent may well escalate, and might lead to a military,
even a nuclear, conflict.
Standing in the visa line at the Indian Consulate in San Francisco recently, I
noticed the large picture of the Taj Mahal covering an entire wall. "Isn't
it ironic," I said to a friend, "that the one icon most people
identify with India happens to be a Muslim tomb?"
"I wish they would use a picture of the Minakshi Temple instead," she
replied. The temple is Hindu. (source:
U.S. Policy Should Acknowledge Hindu
Sarita Sarvate). Refer to Heroic
Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) - By Sita Ram Goel.
Voice of India, New Delhi.
Ernest Binfield Havell (1861-1934)
principal to the Madras College of
Art in the 1890s and left as principal of the Calcutta College of Art some 20
years later. His major ideas about Indian art theory are to be found in
his two works, Indian Sculpture and Painting (1908) and, more important, The
Ideals of Indian Art (1911).
He has
written about the civilizing influence of Hindu art on the invaders: "It is very important to remember also that from motives of
self-interest, and not from any respect for art, these ferocious
invaders, who massacred wholesale men, women, and children of the general
population, usually spared the artisans and craftsmen,
and thus preserved for their own uses the art-traditions of the countries
they ravaged and desolated. Skilled craftsmen were always the prizes
of war, and when an uncivilized race like the Mongols triumphed over a highly
cultivated one the craftsmen of the defeated became the teachers of the victors;
this transplantation into a new soil brought new vigor into art, and was the
beginning of great developments. When Timur the ancestor of the Indian Moghul
dynasty, withdrew his hordes from northern India in 1398, after
ravaging it with fire and sword, he took back with him as captives all the
masons who had built that famous mosque of Ferozabad, in order that
they might build one like it at Samarkhand. This Indian
art fulfilled once more its civilizing mission, and when two and half centuries
later Timur’s descendant…”
The important part which craftsmen, more especially oriental
craftsmen, have always played in the world’s history as missionaries of
civilization, culture, and religion, is not generally recognized by bookmen.
Even at the present day the Indian craftsmen deeply versed in his Silpa-sastras,
learned in folk-lore and in national epic literature, though excluded from
Indian universities – or rather, on that account – is often more highly
cultured intellectually and spiritually than the average Indian graduate.
It is curious that archaeologists, who are so concerned in
trying to prove that nearly all Indian art was derived from the West, should
seem to be only dimly aware of the immeasurably greater debt which European art
and science owe to India, for they very rarely dwell upon it. From the time of
the break-up of the Roman Empire, and even some centuries before, down to the
days of the Renaissance, there was flowing into Europe, a continuous
undercurrent of Indian science, philosophy, and art, brought by the art workers
of the East."
(source: The
Art Heritage of India - By Ernest Binfield Havell p. 77-78). For more on
Ernest Binfield Havell, refer to chapter on Quotes
Hindu Art.
Top of Page
nation which delves deep into its past sees far into its
Apostle said "I have been made victorious with terror (cast
in the hearts of the enemy).
- Bukhari
for the Cause of Allah (Jihad) -
For information
on Jihad refer to chapter on
Muslim rule should not attract any criticism. Mention of
destruction of temples by Muslim invaders and rulers should not be
mentioned.” - Circular,
Boards of Secondary Education, India.
(source: The
Legacy of Muslim Rule in India - By K S Lal).
Refer to Ignore
this genocide, we're secular - By Rajeev Srinivasan - Refer
– Christianity’s angry sibling? -
is always presented as the one, progressive, emancipatory religion."
Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud - By Arun Shourie Harper
Collins India ISBN 8172233558
Secular Politics Communal Agenda
Writing Politically correct Histories?
The Indian history writing has never been an easy task
because the beginning itself was motivated by the political considerations and
religious constraints, rather than driven by the principles of historiography.
This necessarily encouraged historians to distort the history of
so as to fit in certain ideological and religious framework. Entire
history written by colonial, ideologically and politically motivated historians
is witness to it and victim of it. Since the independence of
a new approach has become fashionable i.e. writing of 'politically correct
history'. The entire history wiring has now been reduced to 'secular'
history and 'communal'
history. In the process, the sacredness of
primary evidence and importance of original sources have become a major
casualty. To push their agenda and to write 'politically correct history',
historians have resorted to hiding away the facts, ignoring the facts.
Their sole agenda is to prove their viewpoint wedded to their political ideology
and its usefulness in the immediate battle in politics. This approach is
as visible as daylight in the writings dealing with almost all periods of
history, including the freedom struggle and the partition of the country.
The last sixty years history of independent
has been dealt with even more callously.
Politics Communal Agenda: A History of Politics in
from 1860 to 1953 - By Prof Makkhan Lal).
Historical truths in the name National integration?
An Insider's
view on 'Indian History' -Exposing Communist Historians
"it is our duty not to sow the seeds of thorns in the
minds of the growing children which will shape up as barriers for the national
integration. Such thorns are mostly seen in the history lessons. Even we can
find them occasionally in the language and social science lessons. We have to
weed out such thorns. We have to include only such thoughts which will inculcate
the concept of national integration in the minds of the children. This committee
has this great responsibility on it."
Other four members were nodding their heads respectfully. I
"Sir, I am not able to understand your words. Will you
please explain with some illustrations? "
"Gazni Mohammed had looted
Somnath Temple, Aurangzeb built the mosques by demolishing the temples in Kashi
and Mathura, he collected jizya - is it helpful to build a strong India under
the present circumstances by conveying such useless facts, other than generating
the hatred in the minds?"
"But are not they the
historical truths?"
teaching the lessons to be learnt from the history, should we not explain the
historical truths? These ideals of hiding history are influenced by the
politics. This trend will not last long. Whether they are minority or majority,
if the education does not impart the intellectual power
to face the truth and the resultant emotional maturity then such education is
meaningless and also dangerous."
Insider's view on 'Indian History' -Exposing Communist Historians
The Self
Loathing Leftists and Liberals of India
second myth perpetrated by the self-loathers is that there is no
such thing as Hindu India.
is a ‘composite’ culture that
is Hindu and Muslim and that is that. Anyone who dares suggest
that for many centuries before Islam came to our shores India was
a Hindu country is instantly reviled as a
rank ‘communalist’ of the Hindutva kind. It is
important to note here that the self-loathing liberals have no
problem describing a period of Indian history as Mughul
and another period as British.
The problem is ‘Hindu’ India because
the premise that there was a country called Bharat that was
entirely Hindu in ancient times is somehow offensive.
India has given birth to modern myths. The most popular myth among
‘secular liberals’ in these times of Islamist terrorism is
that the Indian state is so evil that the jihad is a valid
response. You would not think that there could be an alliance
between religious fanatics and those who believe they are
intellectuals of liberal, left persuasion but in India there is.
This bizarre alliance is so strong that Indian leftists have
become the most ardent spokesmen (and women) of the Islamists. They
find themselves in this extraordinary role because nothing
motivates them more than their passionate loathing of India.
May I suggest a cure. It is time for them to spend an extended
holiday in Pakistan or Bangladesh to discover what countries in
which history is myth are really like.
India’s modern myths - By Tavleen Singh -
Refer to India
After Gandhi: A History of the World's Largest Democracy - By
Ramachandra Guha where he
claims that India is "an unlikely democracy" and
"an unnatural nation".
Marxists historians only continued the colonial-missionary project
to deconstruct and weaken India. Their conclusions could be
likened to 'old wine in new bottles'. If Indian academia was
dominated by the left - i.e. the likes of Romila
Thapar, the Indian Express, the Times of India, CNN-IBN, Pankaj
Mishra, Somini Sengupta and Ramachandra Guha represent
the 'liberal' response. The two are inter-related and
are both offshoots of the colonial-era world view. There is an
element of deracination involved. Many
are intellectual heirs to Thomas
Babington Macaulay.
by Marxists Historians
have acted as the biggest apologist of Islamic
jehad. Their intellectual henchmen have wasted millions of pen-hours to prove
how Islam is an egalitarian and tolerant religion.
N. (Manabendra Nath) Roy (1887-1954), has justified the depredations
of Muslim invaders on Hindus in his book The Historical
Role of Islam (1937) on economic ground. This book, an exercise in
masochism, sets the pattern for Marxist historians of India.
wrote in the preface:
phenomenal success of Islam”, “was primarily due to its revolutionary
significance and its ability to lead the masses out of the hopeless situation
created by the decay of antique civilizations not only of
but of
and of
Marxists' Islamic phobia - By
Priyadarsi Dutta). Refer
to Negationism
in India: Concealing the record of Islam – By Koenraad Elst
to Islamic Jihad in the chapter on Glimpses XXI
Negationism : The Indian Marxists
One should know that there is a strange alliance between the
Indian communist parties and the Muslim fanatics. Marxism
dehumanizes people to impersonal pawns, or “forces” in the
hands of god History. The Marxist
historians had the field all to themselves, and they set to work
to “decommunalize” Indian history-writing, ie. To erase the
importance of Islam as a factor of conflict.
In Communalism and the Writing of
Indian History,
Thapar, Harbans Mukhia
Chandra, professors at Jawaharlal Nehru University
- JNU, the Mecca of “secularism” and negationism) in Delhi,
write that the interpretation of medieval wars as religious
conflicts is in fact a back-projection of contemporary religious
conflict artificially created for political purposes. They
explicitly deny that before the modern period there existed such a
thing as Hindu identity or Muslim identity. Conflicts could not
have been between Hindus and Muslims, only between rulers or
classes who incidentally also belonged to one religious community
or the other. It is of course a fact that in the Jewish ghetto in
Warsaw the Nazis employed Jewish guards: this does not disapprove
Nazi-Jewish enemity.
Time and again, the
negationist historians (including Bipan Chandra, K N Panikkar, S.
Gopal, Romila Thapar, Harnans Mukhia, Irfan Habib, R S Sharma,
Gyandra Pandey, Sushil Srivastava, Asghar Ali Engineer, as well as
the Muslim fundamentalist politician Syed Shahabuddin) have
asserted that the tradition according to which the Babri mosque
forcibly replaced a Hindu temple, is nothing but a myth purposely
created in the 19th century. To explain the
popularity of the myth even among local Muslim writers in the 19th
century, most of them say it was a deliberate British concoction,
spread in the interest of the “divide and rule” policy. They
affirm this conspiracy scenario without
anyhow citing, from the copious archives which the British
administration in India has left behind, any kind of
positive indication for their convenient hypothesis – let alone
the rigorous proof on which a serious historian would base his
assertions, especially in such controversial questions.
Personal Attacks on Opponents
In December 1990, the leading JNU historians and several
allied scholars, followed by the herd of
secularist pen-pushers in the Indian press, have tried
to raise suspicions against the professional honesty of Prof. B B
Lal and Dr. S P Gupta, the archaeologists who have unearthed
evidence for the existence of a Hindu temple at the Babri Masjid
site. Rebuttals by these two and a number
of other archaeologists have received minimal coverage in the
secularist press.
I have been thinking of the behavior of our Marxist friends
and historians, their unprovoked slander campaign against many
collegues, hurling abuses and convicting anyone and everyone even
before the charges could be framed and proved. Their latest target
is so sober and highly respected a person as Prof. B B Lal, who
has all his life never involved himself in petty politics or in
the groupism so favorite a sport among the so-called Marxist
intellectuals of this country. But then
slander is a well-practised art among the Marxists.”
in India - By Koenraad Elst p.
37 - 41).
Refer to
Eminent Historian Displeased with The Ayodhya Verdict – By Dr. Koenraad Elst
Media Manipulation
- By Sandeep and
Ayodhya: Has India really moved on? – By Amitabh Tripathi
Verdict leaves ‘secular intellectuals’ aghast – By Swapan Dasgupta
Ram Ki Nagari, once again – By Kanchan Gupta
appoint Indian proxies to let them pull strings from behind the
scenes, but through such intermediaries, they impose their
epistemologies, institutional controls, awards and rewards, all in
the name of universal thought.
Refer to Dialog
on Whiteness Studies - By Rajiv Malhotra - Refer to Romila
Thapar’s Kluge Prize – By Dr. Gautam Sen -
Romilla Thapar received the American
prize for study of humanity - She is
credited with creating a new pluralistic
view of the Indian civilization? Refer to the
chapter on Aryan
Invasion Theory.
Thomas George Percival Spear
(1901 - 1982) co-author with Romila
Thapar of the prestigious A
History of India (Penguin) writes:
supposed intolerance is little more than a hostile legend based on
isolated acts such as the erection of a mosque on a temple site in
de l'Inde moderne (Fayard), the French equivalent of Percival Spear's history of
, praises Aurangzeb and says, 'He
has been maligned by Hindu fundamentalists'.
Since then six generations of Marxist historians have done the same
and betrayed their allegiance to truth. Very few people know for
instance that Aurangzeb banned any kind of music and that painters
had to flee his wrath and take refuge with some of Rajasthan's
friendly maharajahs.
truth about Aurangzeb
- By Francois Gautier -
and Indian Communists - Strange Allies?
historians, who maintained their hegemony in authoring the school
textbooks during long period of Congress rule, masked the barbaric
role of Muslim invaders in India and were reticent to portray
their bigotry against the Hindus. They preferred to paint
destruction of Hindu temples more for economic motivation than
iconoclasm. Portraying the exclusivist and totalitarian
ideology of communalist Muslims as ideology for social equality
they feel proud in tarnishing the cultural tradition of this
country. It
became a ritual for them to denounce Hindu nationalists as major
cause behind any communal riot. They however, closed
their eyes when there was a nation level war cry against Supreme
Court verdict in Shahbano case.
and Indian Communists - Strange Allies? - By R. Upadhyay
Note: Dismissing
the very credible evidence of the court chroniclers amounts to holocaust denial.
This is not the only a case of anti-Hindu bias. Jawaharlal
Nehru was absurd enough to think that India's 'communal harmony' should be based
on falsifying history.
important part of the Congress view of the Hindu-Muslim conflict was that it had
been created (rather than just exploited) by the British.
Aurobindo ridiculed this as escapist myth-making. When a disciple
said that: '"it is because of the British divide-and-rule policy that we
(Hindus and Muslims) can't unite"
Aurobindo replied:
Was there unity in India before the British rule?"
Rebirth -
By Sri Aurobindo Publisher: Mira Aditi ISBN
81-85137-27-7 p. 221 and Decolonizing
the Hindu Mind -
By Koenraad Elst p. 331 - 332). Refer
to Heroic
Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) - By Sita Ram Goel.
Voice of India, New Delhi.
Vivekananda wrote:
"Mohammedans talk of
universal brotherhood, but what comes out of that, in reality? Why, anybody who
is not a Mohammedan will not be admitted into the brotherhood; he will more
likely have his throat cut."
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - volume
2 p. 380 and Decolonizing
the Hindu Mind -
By Koenraad Elst p. 331 - 332). Refer
to Ignore
this genocide, we're secular - By Rajeev Srinivasan -
Also refer to Blasts
in Varanasi
Sultan: massacred of 700
Iyengar men, women & kids
Iyengars do not celebrate Diwali; they observe it as a
Dark Day.
was on this day over 200 years ago that Tipu
Sultan (1750 - 1799) herded nearly 700 men and
women belonging to this community and put them to a cruel death,
according to two Mysore-based scholars who have more than academic
interest in this particular aspect of history.
who belong to to Bharadwaja gotra, the lineage of the Pradhan, stay away from
Deepavali celebrations because it was on the same day that Tipu Sultan killed
their ancestors.
child of those families is told about the bloody event that day, the paper
points out.
heroic role that dowager queen Rani Lakshammanni
and her relentless battle for the restoration of the throne during the period of
Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, is not adequately mentioned (except
in the three-volume History of Mysore by Hayavadana Rao).
"It is a pity
that her persistent effort and courage despite being confined behind the
curtains of the royal palace and constantly threatened by the mercurial temper
of Tipu Sultan in bringing about the promise that she had made to her husband Immadi
Krishnaraja Wodeyar (1734 - 1766), finds scant mention by the historians.
do not even have an authentic biography of this grand dame of Mysore who lived
most of her life under house arrest," it says.

Royalty - The Wodeyars.
Sultan: massacre of 700
Iyengar men, women & kids.
It was in 1790's that Tipu Sultan, on coming to know of
the agreement between Gen. Harris, the then Governor of Madras,
and Tirumaliyengar, herded the latter's relatives for decimation.
"There is no mention of this in any history book, but 200
years after the horror, the Mandyam Iyengars do not celebrate the
somehow slips in to a mode where the conquerors are heaped with
all the encomiums and the vanquished is made to shoulder all the
opprobrium the historians see and create," the couple says.
Questioning the stand of noted historian Romilla
Thapar that history has to be read in between the
lines (of inscriptions), it deprecates the tendency to brush aside
folklore and tradition, "the backbone of Indian
Tipu massacre 700 Iyengar men, women & kids? -
Vijendra Rao Refer
to Tipu
Sultan--Villain or Hero? - edited by Sita Ram Goel -
In spite of these atrocities, Percival
Spear, co-author (with Romila
Thapar, is
the foremost Marxist scholar of ancient Indian history)
of Penguin
History of India, writes:
"Aurangzeb's supposed
intolerance is little more than a hostile legend based on isolated acts such as
the erection of the mosque on a temple site in Benares." She has called
the muslim invaders as mere "visitors".
R. Ambedkar who
became a Buddhist wrote:
"Such was the slaughter of the Buddhist priesthood perpetrated by the
Islamic invaders. The axe was struck at the very root. For by killing the
Buddhist priesthood,
Islam killed Buddhism. This was the greatest disaster that
befell the religion of the Buddha in India. " Today it is impossible to
find this quotation of the Indian history textbooks.
(source: The
decline and fall of Buddhism - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches,
Volume III Government of Maharashtra. 1987. p. 229-38).
Yet, these Marxist
historians hawk their party line.
There is no such thing as Hinduism. it is Brahminism; Brahminism equals
intolerance and persecution - Buddhists, Jains, and of course the Shudras; Islam
equals peace, equality,
brotherhood, the ascent towards monotheism; the Left means equality, freedom and
everything nice; Revolution means the rule of Workers and Peasants.........
Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud - By Arun Shourie Harper
Collins India ISBN 8172233558 p.
87). Refer to Heroic
Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) - By Sita Ram Goel.
Voice of India, New Delhi.
present India's medieval history impartially (as the British did)
would be deemed "communal". Babasaheb
Ambedkar did not mince his words writing about the extermination
of Buddhism by the sword of Islam in 12th and 13th century (The
Decline and Fall of Buddhism; Vol III, Writings and Speeches).
Islamic chroniclers have themselves gleefully recorded such works
of depredation as acts of great virtue in the extermination of
jahilya (infidel tradition). But
Leftist historians claim that Buddhist shrines were destroyed and
pillaged by Hindus, and Islam had no role in it.
the Marxists are right, then Ambedkar, who himself became a
Buddhist, must be "communal"! The
truth is that the Buddha, himself a Hindu, received patronage from
Hindu kings. In pre-Islamic era, Buddhism not only flourished in
India but sailed to South-East Asia, where it still survives in
Thailand, Myanmar Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. But
"Hindu atrocities" must be invented and Islamic
atrocities must be overlooked in order to defend
(source: Secular
objective sans objectivity - By Balbir K Punj - -
July 1 2004). Refer to
this genocide, we're secular - By Rajeev Srinivasan -
Also refer to Blasts
in Varanasi
Soviet historians, K.
Antonova, G. Bongard-levin, and G. Kotovsky write:
"This cold calculating
politician was a fanatical Moslem and his victory over Dara Shukoh signified the
advent of a policy, which stripped Hindus of their rights..." Between
1665 and 1669, he gave orders for Hindu temples to be destroyed and for mosques
to be erected from their debris. Hindus were not allowed to wear any marks of
honor, to ride elephants etc.." "The heaviest burden of all was the
poll-tax on non-Moslems, or jizya, introduced in 1679..."
(source: A
History of India - By K. Antonova, G.
Bongard-Levin, and G. Kotovsky
- Moscow, Volume I and II 1973 p. 255).
of the NCERT’s new history books have since come out, and some of them have
been badly received. there has been intense pressure on Left historians to
condemn this otherwise accurate narrative, as it deviates too sharply from their
own perspective. Hence, under the aegis of the Left-dominated Indian History
Congress (IHC), an Index of Errors of all the new books has been compiled. The
section on medieval India is presented under the signature of Irfan Habib."
slave trade in India rivals early Arab and later European trade from Africa. It
would be unjust to negate this atrocity from the annals of history.
The IHC claims this flourishing market in human beings declined under the
Mughals. But noted historian Dirk Kolff - Naukar,
Rajput and Sepoy: The Ethnohistory of a Military Labour Market in Hindustan,
1450-1850, Cambridge University Press, 1990) is fairly
is irrefutable evidence for the enslavement and deportation of thousands and
thousands of peasants by the Mughal aristocracy. Many of these were sold to
countries to the west of India. The trade had flourished before 1400, when
Multan was a considerable slave market, but it was continued after that, with
Kabul as the main entrepot” (p 10); “In these deportations Jehangir also had
a share” (p 11); and “the Emperor Shahjehan also used to have offenders
against the state transported beyond the river Indus to be ‘exchanged for
Pathan dogs’.” He concludes: “Anyway, it is clear that, in the 1660s,
Indian supply of and Persian demand for slaves was still considerable.”
such denial? - By Sandhya Jain -
Desmond Tutu (1931 - ) is a South African cleric and activist who
rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. Tutu was
the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa. He
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
was Christians, you know, not Pagans, who were responsible for the Holocaust.
was Christians, not Pagans, who lynched people here
in the South, who burned people at the stake,
frequently in the name of this Jesus Christ"
Quotes - Watch the Bloody
History of Communism -
Sagan (1934-1996) famous astrophysicist, says:
, the Inquisition
condemning people to death until the end of the eighteenth century, and
inquisitional torture was not abolished in the Catholic Church until 1816.
last bastion of support for the reality of witchcraft and the necessity of
punishment has been the Christian churches.”
Demon-Haunted World - By Carl Sagan).
Progressive Paradise of West Bengal
spite of Islamic Onslaught and British Imperialism, our children in India should read
what the West Bengal's Leftist government is
teaching kids. Refer to an extract from the, textbook for Class V.
“Islam and Christianity are the only religions which
treated man with honor and equality..."
(source: Does
Indian history need to be rewritten? Times of India 12/02/01 (Watch
History of Communism -
Alvares has written: "The English establishment
themselves as a separate ruling caste; like other Indian castes, they
did not inter-marry or eat with the lower (native) caste.
Their children were shipped off to public schools in England,
while they themselves kept to their clubs and bungalows in special
suburbs known as cantonments and civil lines."
(source: Decolonizing
History: Technology and Culture in India, China and the West 1492
to the Present Day - By Claude Alvares p. 191).
Swami Vivekananda
remains a great Hindu thinker and seer. He has written: "Mohammedans talk
of universal brotherhood, but what comes out of that in reality? Why, anybody
who is not a Mohammedan will not be admitted into the brotherhood; he will more
likely have his own throat cut. Christians talk of universal brotherhood; but
anyone who is not a Christian must go to that place where he will be eternally
(source: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda,
Volume II, page 380).
writes: "There is nothing
intrinsically equalitarian in monotheistic religions
like Islam and Christianity. The case of sharp inequality fostered by Islam,
...the champion of slavery and forcing of Kafirs
or Infidels into slavery was a common practice...while lower castes are continuously being
fed anti-Brahmin "history." "In Christianity, stratified feudal
society was sanctified by Christian theology. The Christian concern for social
action is a recent invention, made necessary by the finding that in Europe the
working class was attracted by atheist socialism..."
and After - By Koenraad Elst Voice of India SKU: INBK2650 p.109-110).
Refer to Heroic
Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) - By
Sita Ram Goel. Voice of India, New Delhi. Refer to
There an Islamic "Genocide" of Hindus? - By Koenraad
became a standard practice to destroy an Indian, Persian,
Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Jewish or Christian temple and build a
mosque on its ruins. This was always interpreted by historians as
a kind of one-upmanship; a way to demonstrate the superiority of
Islam and humiliate the defeated. Koenraad Elst in his recent
book, Negationism in India,
writes: "In all the lands it
conquered, Islam has replaced indigenous places of worship with
mosques. In Iran, there are no ancient Zoroastrians or Manichean
shrines left. In Central Asia, there are no Buddhist temples left.
Similarly, in India (except the far South where Islam penetrated
rather late) there are practically no
Hindu temples that have survived the Muslim period (over 10,000
destroyed). But there are thousands of mosques built on
the foundations of Hindu temples (for example, the Ayodhya
temple)." In my opinion, this Islamic behavior was more than
an exhibition of cruel superiority. It was based on the pagan
belief that they would acquire the power of the defeated
peoples by absorbing their Holy Places and making them theirs."
Sacred Places
- By Bernard J. Shapiro - Arutz Sheva).
more on Islamic Terrorism refer to chapter on Glimpses
XV. Refer to
this genocide, we're secular - By Rajeev Srinivasan -
In Christianity, The Believing Christians are
superior to Pagans or Heathens. This super
caste system of Christianity does not leave pagan humans even after they die,
because 'Pagans' are condemned to everlasting hell.
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