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the Invaders really did
New York Tribune, Capitol Hill reporter, Engineering
Times, assistant editor, American Sentinel, published in Hindustan
Times has wisely observed:
at a very low level of civilization and no culture worth the name,
from Arabia and west Asia, began entering India from the early
century onwards. Islamic invaders demolished countless Hindu
temples, shattered uncountable sculpture and idols, plundered
innumerable palaces and forts of Hindu kings, killed vast numbers
of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women. This story, the
educated-and a lot of even the illiterate Indians-know very well.
History books tell it in remarkable detail. But
many Indians do not seem to recognize that the alien Muslim
marauders destroyed the historical evolution of the earth's most
mentally advanced civilization, the most richly imaginative
culture, and the most vigorously creative society. "
Mewar Hindu warriors
Islamic invaders demolished countless Hindu
temples, shattered uncountable sculpture and idols, plundered
innumerable palaces and forts of Hindu kings, killed vast numbers
of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women.
(image source: Annals
and Antiquities of Rajasthan: or the Central and Western Rajput
States of India - By
Colonel James Tod).
is clear that India at the time when Muslim invaders turned
towards it (8 to 11th century) was the earth's richest region for
its wealth in precious and semi-precious stones, gold and silver,
religion and culture, and its fine arts and letters. Tenth
century Hindustan was also too far advanced than its
contemporaries in the East and the West for its achievements in
the realms of speculative philosophy and scientific theorizing,
mathematics and knowledge of nature's workings. Hindus of the
early medieval period were unquestionably superior in more things
than the Chinese, the Persians (including the Sassanians), the
Romans and the Byzantines of the immediate proceeding centuries.
The followers of Siva and Vishnu on this
subcontinent had created for themselves a society more mentally
evolved-joyous and prosperous too-than had been realized by the
Jews, Christians, and Muslim monotheists of the time. Medieval
India, until the Islamic invaders destroyed it, was history's most
richly imaginative culture and one of the five most advanced
civilizations of all times.
at the Hindu art that Muslim iconoclasts severely damaged or
destroyed. Ancient Hindu sculpture is
vigorous and sensual in the highest degree-more fascinating than
human figural art created anywhere else on earth. (Only
statues created by classical Greek artists are in the same class
as Hindu temple sculpture). Ancient Hindu temple architecture is
the most awe-inspiring, ornate and spell-binding architectural
style found anywhere in the world. (The Gothic art of cathedrals
in France is the only other religious architecture that is
comparable with the intricate architecture of Hindu temples). No
artist of any historical civilization have ever revealed the same
genius as ancient Hindustan's artists and artisans.
minds filled with venom against the idol-worshippers of Hindustan,
the Muslims destroyed a large number of ancient Hindu temples.
This is a historical fact, mentioned by Muslim chroniclers and
others of the time. A number of temples were merely damaged and
remained standing. But a large number - not hundreds but many
thousands - of the ancient temples were broken into shreds of
cracked stone. In the ancient cities of
Varanasi and Mathura, Ujjain and Maheshwar, Jwalamukhi and Dwarka,
not one temple survives whole and intact from the ancient times.
is easy to conclude that virtually every Hindu temple built in the
ancient times is a perfect work of art. The evidence of the
ferocity with which the Muslim invaders must have struck at the
sculptures of gods and goddesses, demons and apsaras, kings and
queens, dancers and musicians is frightful. At so many ancient
temples of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, for example, shattered
portions of stone images still lie scattered in the temple
courtyards. Considering the fury used on the idols and sculptures,
the stone-breaking axe must have been applied to thousands upon
thousands of images of hypnotic beauty.
proof of the resentment that men belonging to an inferior
civilization feel upon encountering a superior civilization of
individuals with a more refined culture, Islamic invaders from
Arabia and western Asia broke and burned everything beautiful they
came across in Hindustan. So morally degenerate were the Muslim
Sultans that, rather than attract Hindu "infidels" to
Islam through force of personal example and exhortation, they just
built a number of mosques at the sites of torn down temples-and
foolishly pretended they had triumphed over the minds and culture
of the Hindus. "
Hindu columns from devastated
temples, incorporated in the halls of the Kwat-ul-Islam (Might of Islam) mosque at Delhi, began
in 1193
(image source: India: A Concise History - By Francis Watson
p. 96).
Refer to Islamic
Terror in India
have seen stones and columns of Hindu temples incorporated into
the architecture of several mosques, including the Jama Masjid and
Ahmed Shah Masjid in Ahmedabad; the mosque in the Uparkot fort of
Junagadh (Gujarat) and in Vidisha (near Bhopal); the Adhai Din Ka
Jhonpra right next to the famous dargah in Ajmer-and the currently
controversial Bhojshala "mosque" in Dhar (near Indore).
culture was at its imaginative best and vigorously creative when
the severely-allergic-to-images Muslims entered Hindustan. Islamic
invaders did not just destroy countless temples and constructions
but also suppressed cultural and religious practices; damaged the
pristine vigor of Hindu religion, prevented the intensification of
Hindu culture, debilitating it permanently, stopped the
development of Hindu arts ended the creative impulse in all realms
of thought and action, damaged the people's cultural pride,
disrupted the transmission of values and wisdom, cultural
practices and tradition from one generation to the next; destroyed
the proper historical evolution of Hindu kingdoms and society,
affected severely the acquisition of knowledge, research and
reflection and violated the moral basis of Hindu society. The
Hindus suffered immense psychic damage. The Muslims also plundered
the wealth of the Hindu kingdoms, impoverished the Hindu populace,
and destroyed the prosperity of Hindustan."
in wonder at the Kailas Mandir in the Ellora caves and remember
that it is carved out of a solid stone hill, an effort that
(inscriptions say) took nearly 200 years. This is art as devotion.
The temple built by the Rashtrakuta kings (who also built the
colossal sculpture in the Elenhanta caves off Mumbai harbour)
gives proof of the ancient Hindus' religious fervor.
descendants of those who built the magnificent temples of Bhojpur
and Thanjavur, Konark and Kailas, invented mathematics and brain
surgery, created mindbody disciplines (yoga) of astonishing power,
and built mighty empires would almost certainly have attained
technological superiority over Europe.
is not just for "political reasons" that Hindus want to
build grand temples at the sites of the (wrecked) Babri Masjid in Ayodhya,
the Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi, and the Mathura idgah. The
efforts of religion-intoxicated and politically active Hindus to
rebuild the Ram Mandir, the Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, and the
Krishna Mandir are just three episodes m a one-thousand year long
Hindu struggle to reclaim their culture and religion from alien
demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya on 6 December 1992 was
just one episode in the millennial struggle of the Hindus to
repossess their religion-centered culture and nation. Meanwhile,
hundreds of ancient Hindu temples forsaken all over Hindustan
await the reawakening of Hindu cultural pride to be repaired or
rebuilt and restored to their original, ancient glory.
(source: What
the invaders really did - By Rizwan
- - December
28, 1997). For more on Rizwan Salim, refer to chapter on Quotes
and Hindu

Meera Mandir, Chittorgarh,
Rajasthan. The temple is associated with the visionary poetess Meera bai -
a fervent devotee of
bai (1503 - 15546) was the wife of Prince Bhojraj. She sang her devotional songs to Lord Krishna. Her
deeply poignant songs are still sung in Hindi around the world today.
(image source: Editor's
collection of photos taken during a recent visit).
V S Naipaul has remarked:
do you ignore history? But the nationalist movement, Independence movement
ignored it. You read the Glimpses of World History
by Jawaharlal Nehru, it talks about the mythical
past and then it jumps the difficult period of the invasions and conquests. So
you have Chinese pilgrims coming to Bihar, Nalanda and places like that. Then
somehow they don’t tell you what happens, why these places are in ruin. They
never tell you why Elephanta Island is in ruins
or why Bhubaneswar was desecrated.”
your past and you are half a people!
"The converted Muslims of India are denying their past.
They do not want to acknowledge a history beyond the time they assumed their new
identity. This is almost as bad as Indians not knowing their history," said
Sir V S Naipaul at the India Habitat Centre
on Friday evening.
told Indians, "There is this great denial of the
past, this shame to acknowledge of 500-600 years of great defeat. You must
understand that other countries have had them too."
Watch History
of Ayodhya -
more refer to Rajputs
and Invasion of India.
- Still The object of Islamic conquest
as the object of Islamic conquest, endured, over the centuries of Muslim rule
and misrule, tens of millions of Hindu victims. India is a country
that, at its Independence, was forced to give up large chunks of its territory
on both sides to form West Pakistan (now Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh), in order to accommodate Muslim demands. In
, at Partition, 15% of the population was Hindu; it is now 1.5%. In
, at Partition, 34% of the population was non-Muslim (Hindu and Buddhist); it is
now 7%. Meanwhile, in
, the Muslim percentage of the population steadily rises.
In the Pakistan-held
parts of
Jammu and Kashmir
, 400,000 Hindu Pandits
have, by Muslim pressure, been driven out. In Indian-held
, terrorist attacks by Muslims, supported by Pakistani groups unchecked by, and
at times supported by, the Pakistani army, have attempted to murder and
terrorize the Hindus and drive them out.
every counter-attack by Hindus pushed to the limits of their endurance is given
front-page coverage. We all know about the Hindu attacks on the
mosque deliberately erected on the Hindu temple at Ayodha. We all know about the
Hindu attacks on Muslims in Gujarat -- why, the State
Department banned Narendra Modi, who ran the Gujarat government, from
entering the
United States
But the provocations
that prompted those attacks, the burning to death of Hindu pilgrims, is quickly
glossed over in a sentence. And all the other Muslim attacks,
steadily, all over India -- those repeated bombs in Mumbai, killing bankers and
tea-wallahs alike, set off by the Muslims who run the Bombay underworld (the
head gangster sought, and found safe haven, in Pakistan), and even the attack by
Muslims on the Parliament building in New Delhi --somehow none of them ever
quite make any impression on the non-Indian world. That
world remains so deeply uninterested in what is endured by Indians, and
unsympathetic (but why?) to Hindus.
a different attitude by the Indian government, and by all the Infidel
governments - By Hugh Fitzgerald
Jihad Watch).
Top of Page
Torture of the
Islam Killed Buddhism
are there absolutely no Buddhist temples in Afghanistan, in Turkestan? Nor Hindu
or Zorastrain or Manichaen temples, for that matter?"
Ayodhya and After - By Koenraad Elst p.
According to
B. R. Ambedkar:
"The Musalman invaders sacked
the Buddhist Universities of Nalanda, Vikramshila, Jagaddala, Odantapuri to name
only a few. They raised to the ground Buddhist monasteries with which the
country was studded. The monks fled away in thousands to Nepal, Tibet and other
places outside India. A very large number were killed outright by the Muslim
commanders. How the Buddhist priesthood perished by the sword of the Muslim
invaders has been recorded by the Muslim historians themselves. Summarizing the
evidence relating to the slaughter of the Buddhist Monks perpetrated by the
Musalman General in the course of his invasion of Bihar in 1197 AD, Mr. Vincent
Smith says, "....Great quantities of plunder were obtained, and the
slaughter of the 'shaven headed Brahmans', that is to say the Buddhist monks,
was so thoroughly completed, that when the victor sought for someone capable of
explaining the contents of the books in the libraries of the monasteries, not a
living man could be found who was able to read them. 'It was discovered,' we are
told, 'that the whole of that fortress and city was a college, and in the Hindi
tongue they call a college Bihar.' "Such was the slaughter of the Buddhist
priesthood perpetrated by the Islamic invaders. The axe was struck at the very
root. For by killing the Buddhist priesthood, Islam
killed Buddhism. This was the greatest disaster that befell the
religion of the Buddha in India...."
(image source: History of
India - By A V Williams Jackson).
But today the
fashion is to ascribe the extinction of Buddhism to the persecution of Buddhists
by Hindus, to the destruction of their temples by the Hindus. One point is that
the Marxist historians who have been perpetrating this falsehood have not been
able to produce even an iota of evidence to substantiate the concoction.
(source: To
undo the Scandal, Undo the Control - By Arun Shourie -
to Muslim
blow up Buddha statue in Swat
"There can be no doubt that the fall of
Buddhism in India was due to the invasions of the Musalmans." Islam came
out as the enemy of the 'But'. The word 'But' as everybody knows, is the Arabic
word and means an idol. Thus the origin of the word indicates that in the Moslem
mind idol worship had come to be identified with the Religion of the Buddha. To
the Muslims, they were one and the same thing. The mission to break the idols
thus became the mission to destroy Buddhism. Islam destroyed Buddhism not only
in India but whatever it went. Before Islam came into being Buddhism was the
religion of Bactria, Parthia, Afghanistan, Gandhar, and Chinese Turkestan, as it
was of the whole of Asia..."

The Ruins of Nalanda
source: History of
India - By A V Williams Jackson).
"The Mussalman invaders
sacked the Buddhist universities of Nalanda, Vikramshila, Jagaddala, Odantapuri
to name only a few. How the Buddhist priesthood perished by the sword of the
Muslim invaders has been recorded by the Muslim historians themselves.
(source: B. R. Ambedkar,
"The decline and fall of Buddhism," Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings
and Speeches, Vol. III, Government of Maharashtra. 1987, p. 229-38). For
more refer to chapter on Education
in Ancient India.
Emerson Sen ( - 1982) historian and
journalist and Asia specialist, wrote on the plight of the
was to descend on all the great centers of traditional Indian
learning, however, when the untutored Muslims of Central Asia
poured into India with fire and sword at the beginning of the 11th
Pageant of India's History - By Gertrude Emerson Sen
p. 275 - 276). For more on Gertrude Emerson Sen refer to chapter
on Quotes.
Refer to Heroic
Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) - By Sita Ram Goel.
Voice of India, New Delhi.
more refer to Rajputs
and Invasion of India.
Dalai Lama
(1935 - ) has said: “When I say that Buddhism is part
of Hinduism, certain people criticize me. But if I were to say that Hinduism and
Buddhism are totally different, it would not be in conformity with truth.”
Who is a Hindu? – By Koenraad Elst p.
to Exodus
of Kashmiri Pandits -
By Aditya
Raj Kaul
Buddhism driven out of India?
It is a canard. A lie propagated by vested interests.
are the facts? Buddhism was a reaction to the growing permissiveness and
distortions of Aryan society.
was, therefore, puritanical. But by banning drinking, dancing, singing and
theatre, Buddhism sowed the seeds of opposition.
never opposed Buddhism.
The first disciples of the enlightened one were all
Brahmins, like
Maha Muggalanna, Sariputta, Maha Kashyapa, Asita, Kaundinya. In
Fact, the kings gave equal protection to both Hinduism and Buddhism. For
example, the Gupta Empire, although Hindu, gave full protection to Buddhism. So
did Harsha’s empire. Lalitaditya, the greatest king of Kashmir, although not a
Buddhist, built the largest Vihara for the Buddhists.
to Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys Davids (1857
- 1942) among the 246 poet-authors mentioned in the Thera Gatha, 113
were Brahmins, 70 Kshatriyas.
Thus, it is
clear that Buddhism had no real opposition in India. In Fact, the kings gave
equal protection to both Hinduism and Buddhism. For
example, the Gupta Empire, although Hindu, gave full protection to Buddhism. So
did Harsha’s empire. Lalitaditya, the greatest king of Kashmir, although not a
Buddhist, built the largest Vihara for the Buddhists.
more refer to chapter on Gllimpses
to Muslim
blow up Buddha statue in Swat
Durant (1885-1981) American
historian, would like the West to learn from India, tolerance and gentleness and
love for all living things. He has observed about Buddhism in India:
"Despite its elements of nobility, Buddhism, like
Stoicism, was a slave philosophy, even if voiced by a prince; it meant that all
desire or struggle, even for personal or national freedom, should be abandoned
and that the ideal was a desireless passivity.
(source: Story
of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage - By Will
Durant MJF Books. 1935. p. 524 – 525). Watch
the world remained silent – By Ashok Pandit
of Buddhism from
S. Radhakrishnan
disappearance of Buddhism from India is due to the practical
coalescence of the two faiths, especially when both the
Brahmanical and Buddhist faiths got mixed up with gross
superstitions. The over emphasis on an
exclusive ethical pathway to salvation by some of the Buddhistic
schools made it incompatible with the flexible, many-sided,
synthetic genius of the Indian religious consciousness. The Indian
religion rejected the exclusiveness and assimilated the valuable
teachings of Buddhism and thus preserved the line of continuity."
(source: East
and West: Some Reflections - By S. Radhakrishnan
British Historian
Mr. Vincent Smith says:
"Great quantities of plunder were obtained, and the slaughter of the
'shaven headed Brahmans", that is to say the Buddhist monks, was so
thoroughly completed, that when the victor sought for someone capable of
explaining the contents of the books in the libraries of the monasteries, not a
living man could be found who was able to read them." It was discovered, we
are told, that the whole of that fortress and city was a college, and in the
Hindi tongue they call a college Bihar."
Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud - By Arun Shourie Harper
Collins India ISBN 8172233558 p.
more refer to Rajputs
and Invasion of India.
Dr. B R Ambedkar in the
section, the decline and fall of Buddhism (Writings and Speeches volume III,
Government of Maharashtra 1987 pp 229-38) after
explaining the events like Muslim invaders destroying the universities of
Nalanda, Vikramasheela, Jagaddala, Odanthapura etc., brutal killings of the
Buddhist monks, escape of Buddhist monks to Nepal, Tibet to save their lives
says, "the roots of Buddhism were axed. Islam killed the Buddhism by
killing priestly class of Buddhism. This is the worst catastrophe suffered by
the Buddhism in India."
Marxists who quote Dr. Ambedkar whenever it is convenient for them to denigrate
Hinduism, ignore nicely these words 'the
decline of Buddhism in India is due to terrifying actions of Muslims'of Dr.
Ambedkar, who fought against the caste system in Hinduism throughout his life
and at the end embraced Buddhism; this may be it is one of the important
philosophies of Indian Marxists.(source:
Insider's view on 'Indian History' -Exposing Communist Historians
did Buddhism vanish from
main cause was the neglect by the monks of this life and its values. While the
Buddhist monks realized that everyone was not fit or could not become a monk or
nun, they paid attention only to the life of a monk and not to the life of a
householder. Which meant that they focused on the life of a monk, which is a
life of inwardness as compared to that of a householder, which is one of
reason was the admission of women into monasteries and the more or less
indiscriminate conversion of men, women into monks and nuns. While true
renunciation and celibacy were appreciated, people wanted to see them well
practiced. When people supported these monasteries with their hard-earned money,
they did not want its residents to live in luxury and enjoyment, virtues, which
were condemned.
next reason was the deterioration in the political and economic life of the
country. Monasteries were supported by the people and the Kings e.g. Ashoka.
Now, when a dynasty fell or a king died, the next in line might not give the
same degree of support. The king’s
thinkers realized that their defeat was due to the loss of their best fighters,
leaders, who had become monks. This made the country an easy prey to the foreign
invader. Coincidence or otherwise, India’s first foreign invasion by the
Greeks took place in 327 B.C. a couple of centuries after Emperor Asoka’s
peace movement.
existed in the monasteries and unlike the dharmaasutras (ethical codes) lacked a
moral code. So when monasteries disappeared, Buddhism disappeared. The invasion
of the Muslims and the ruthless destruction of Buddhist monasteries extinguished
the lamp of Buddhism in
North India
. The wanton destruction of the great monastery of Uddandapura (
) and the wholesale massacre of its monks might make us visualize how the great
monasteries of Nalanda, Vikramasila and others met with a tragic end.
The extreme asceticism
practiced and popularized by both Buddhism and Jainism disturbed the social life
, the seat of many imperial dynasties, became
, the land of monasteries (viharas). There was nothing in these religions to
emphasize the importance of life in this world and its values.
succeeded in reviving a strong positive attitude towards the world and its
values and all that could be called human and activistic. On the other hand, Sankara
said that everything that was good in Buddhism already existed in the
Upanishads. In fact, Gaudapada, the grand
teacher of Sankara, unified the current spanda (vibration) doctrine of Saivism,
the vijnana (mind) doctrine of the Buddhists and the Atman doctrine of the
Upanishads in his Mandukyakarikas and made the way easy for Sankara to
assimilate and absorb Buddhism. Thus, there remained no justification for its
separate existence in
; it had no social ethics and consequently, no hold over society. It could not
stand alone as a spiritual discipline as it was shown to be part of the
Swami Vivekananda said:
“Thus, inspite of preaching mercy to animals, inspite of the sublime
ethical religion, inspite of the discussions about the existence or
non-existence of a permanent soul, the whole building of Buddhism tumbled down
piece-meal and the ruin was simply hideous. The most hideous ceremonies, the
most obscene books that human hands ever wrote or the human brain ever
conceived, have all been the creation of the degraded Buddhism. The Tartars and
the Baluchis and all the hideous races of mankind that came to
, became Buddhists and assimilated with us, brought their national customs and
the whole of our national life became a huge page of the most horrible, bestial
customs. Sankara came and showed that the real essence of Buddhism and that of
Vedanta are not very different but that the disciples did not understand the
master and have degraded themselves, denied the existence of soul and one God
and have become atheists. That was what Sankara showed and all the Buddhists
began to come back to their old religion”.
B R Ambedkar addressed
delegates of Young Men’s Buddhist Association in May 1950 at
on ‘Rise & fall of Buddhism in
’. He said:
"Buddhism in its material force had disappeared. But as a spiritual force
it still exists’. As regards Hinduism he said it went through three phases,
Vedic religion, Brahmanism and Hinduism. It was during the Brahmanism period
that Buddhism was born. It
was not true that after the days of Shankaracharya Buddhism was dead in
. It was going on for years together. In fact Shankaracharya and his teacher
were both Buddhists he added. While
he was digging material on the subject for the decline/vanish of Buddhism from
India the reasons were - adoption of some rituals & practices from Buddhism
by the Vaishnava & Shaiva cults, which were vociferous in their propaganda
against Buddhism. During the invasion by Allauddin
Khilji thousands of priests in Bihar were massacred and consequently some of
them fled for their lives to
. In the meanwhile, the majority of
Buddhists went over to Hinduism. The third cause was that Buddhism was difficult
to practice while Hinduism was not. Reason four was that the political
atmosphere in
had been unfavorable to the advancement of Buddhism he concluded."
did Buddhism vanish from
to Islam
Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims - By Alamgir Hussain -
Kavalam Madhava Panikkar
(1896-1963) Indian scholar, journalist,
historian from Kerala, administrator, diplomat, Minister in Patiala Bikaner and
Ambassador to China, Egypt and France. Author of several books, including Asia
and Western Dominance,
India Through
the ages and India
and the Indian Ocean.
He brings to notice the deliberate attempt and evil design
behind the European writers’ depicting Emperor Asoka as the Constantine of
Buddhism and the fallacy of looking at Indian history through European
"Asoka is spoken of as a Buddhist emperor and his
reign as a kind of Buddhist period in Indian history. The distinction between
Hinduism and Buddhism in India was purely sectarian and never more than the
difference between Saivism and Vaishnavism. The exclusiveness of religious
doctrines is a Semitic conception, which was unknown to India for a long time.
The Buddha himself was looked upon in his lifetime and afterwards as a Hindu
saint and avatar and his followers were but another sect in the great Aryan
tradition. Asoka was a Buddhist in the same way Harsha was a Buddhist, or
Kumarapala was a Jain. But in the view of the people of the day, he was a Hindu
monarch following one of the recognized sects. His own inscriptions bear ample
witness to this fact. While his doctrines follow the middle path, his gifts are
to the Brahmins, Sramanas (Buddhist priests) and others equally. [It is also to
be noticed that the Madhyamikamarga or the middle path the Buddha prescribed for
his followers was nothing new to Indian tradition. Vairagya that lies between
Kama and Krodha had already been with the Indian thought. Sri Krishna in the
Githa had already dealt with the reactionary chain of vishayasanga, Kama, Krodha,
sammoha, smruthivibhrama and the ultimate destruction at length.] His own name
of adoption is Devanam Priya, the beloved of the gods. Which gods? Surely the
gods of the Aryan religion. Buddhism had no gods of its own.'
'The idea that Asoka was a kind of Buddhist Constantine
declaring himself against paganism is a complete misreading of Indian conditions
through the eyes of the Christian Europe.
Asoka was essentially a Hindu, as indeed was the founder of
the sect to which he belonged."
(source: A Survey of Indian
History - By K M Panikkar Asia Publishing House, Mumbai, 1977,
p. 33-34).
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