A Glorious Hindu Legacy: Indic influence in Southeast
in Nepal
India's immediate
neighbors Nepal and Tibet, owe much of their cultural
inheritance to contact with India. Originally the word Nepal
implied the Valley, which, surrounded by the peaks of the
Himalayas. The holy scriptures of the Hindu religion like
the Vedas, Brahmangranthas and
Upanishads are the common heritage of the Nepalese
and Indians.
Pashupatinath Temple
Puran the ancient holy text of the Hindu religion,
describes the fame of Nepal as -
the Himalayas there is a most auspicious blessed place, where
Shanker (the giver of joy) in the form of Pashupatinath
All ancient
Hindu religious text has described Himalayas as the abode and
activity of Lord Shiva in which Nepal remained the nucleus.
the west coast of river Bagmati, which arises from a sprout in
the Himalayas, is the revered seat of Lord Pashupatinath.
It is said that a holy bath in
the Bagmati river at this spot, praying with hymns of 'Rudri
Mantra', followed by worshipping Pashupatinath Lingum with
Panchamrita - curd, ghee (purified butter) sugar, honey and
milk, will render the person free from the cycle of births. So
is the magnanimity of Lord Pashupatinath in the minds of Hindus
the world over.
The rulers of
Nepal, over centuries made contributions in enriching and
beautifying this holy temple. According to Gopalraj
Vamsavali, the oldest ever chronicle in Nepal, this temple was
built by Supus Padeva, a Linchchhavi King who according to the
stone inscription erected by Jayadeva 11 in the courtyard of
Pashupatinath in 753 AD happened to be the ruler 39 generation
before Manadeva (464-505 AD). Yet, there is another
chronicle which states that this temple was in the form of Linga
shaped Devalaya before Supus Padeva constructed a five storey
temple of Pashupatinath in this place. As the time passed,
the need for reparing and renovating this temple arose. It
is learnt that this temple was reconsturcted by a mediaeval King
named Shivadeva (1099-1126 AD). It was renovated by Ananta
Malla adding a roof to it.
(source: shripashupatinath.org).
Refer to Constant
and Changing Faces of the Goddess: Goddess Traditions of Asia
- By Deepak Shimkhada and Phyllis K. Herman

Narayana from Budha Nilakantha, Nepal, circa 8th century. stone
more than life size.
Lord Vishnu
reclining on the coils of a cosmic serpent on the infinite ocean
from which the world emerges. The Lord is shown lying down on a
thousand-headed snake named Shesha or Ananta Nag - Timeless or
Ageless snake.
primal insight into the dreamlike nature of the world of
appearances has an oddly contemporary resonance given the
direction of modern scientific thought. Long before
post-Newtonian physics “discovered” that matter is
essentially energy in drag – E =MC2 – the sages had already
intuited that the physical universe is an emanation of the
omnipotent Force, which they call Shakti.
courtesy: Dr. Deepak Shimkhada.
source: A
Tribute to Hinduism: Thoughts and Wisdom spanning continents and
time about India and her culture - By Sushama Londhe).
In Nepal
The story of the
Ramayana has played a great part in bringing about cultural
unification. Among the Ramayanas in different Indian languages,
we have in Nepali the Mero Rama
and Nepali Adarsa Raghava Mahakavya.
Thus we can understand how this sacred epic and the story of
Ramachandra has affected the way of our thinking and life. We
can understand and observe the development of Ramayana tradition
in Nepali literature from the ancient period to the modern
Being a sovereign
Hindu Kingdom, Nepal has kept the Ramayana tradition.
is revered in Nepal because she is regarded a daughter of Nepal.
Raja Janak, King of Mithila,
had his captial near what is now Janakpur in Nepal. Therefore
Janaki is worshipped annually during Dussera. Ramlila is also
staged during Dussera, which is the most important Nepali
festival held to celebrate Rama's victory.

abducting Sita and killing Jatayu in the Ramayana.
is revered in Nepal because she is regarded a daughter of Nepal.
Raja Janak, King of Mithila,
had his captial near what is now Janakpur in Nepal. Therefore
Janaki is worshipped annually during Dussera. The
Nepalis are very attached to this great Epic.
source: Paintings
by Ravi Varma).
Nepalis are very attached to this great epic. To a great extent,
the society of modern Nepal follows the same tradition presented
in the Ramayana. It is still held true that a son's duty is
to obey his father unquestioningly and a brother's to honor his
elder brother. The wife's duty is to her husband to whom she
must be faithful.
The character of Rama, Sita, and Laksmana and
Bharata have a nobility and appeal that is universal. The
Ramayana strengthens the faith in the omnipotence of God and
serves as source of the ideals of even the simplest villager who
has heard the tales of Ramayana from the lips of others.
(source The
Ramayana Tradition in Asia - Written by Kamala Sankrityayan
and Edited By V Raghavan p. 348 - 384).
It is a proven fact that Valmiki,
the composer of renowned epic the Ramayana,
saw the light of the world within Nepal at Balmikinagar in

Buddhist temple in Nepal
Nepal has never
known religious conflict and persecutions, and even today
Hinduism and Buddhism live together in complete harmony.
to Antiquity
and Origin of the Term ‘Hindu’
By Dr. Murlidhar H. Pahoja. Refer
Hinduism in
Nepal has never
known religious conflict and persecutions, and even today
Hinduism and Buddhism live together in complete harmony.
Nepalese sculpture and painting is in a style derived from the
Pala art of Bihar and Bengal. Many of the laws of Nepal and its
social organizations naturally reflect Hindu models, and the
Nepalese language is very close to Sanskrit. But the Hindu
civilization in Nepal has evolved a distinct character of its
own, effected through a blending of its own traditions with
those of Tibet.
Gautam Buddha, the light of Asia, who was born in
Lumbini in Nepal, trekked down to the plains in India in search
of Enlightenment.
(source: Chapter
on Greater India: Suvarnabhumi).
of Page
of Elephanta
- By Rev. John F Hurst
first view of the vast cave-temples is a most pleasing surprise.
The great portal bursts suddenly upon the eye. The vegetation,
which is luxuriant as in
Sri Lanka
, crowds from the hills down to the edge of the temples. Shrubs
and vines in great profusion hang over the entrance, and
surround it on all sides with a rich and varied drapery. There
is, first of all, the great façade to the main temple. It is
supported by two immense pillars and two pilasters. These make
three entrances to the temple. The great temple itself is one
hundred and thirty feet long, and one hundred and twenty-eight
feet broad. On either side there is a large chapel. The temple
proper has immense supporting columns, twenty six in all, with
sixteen pilasters. The temple, and even the columns and statues,
are cut out of the solid native mass of porphyry.

build like Titans, and finish like jewelers.”
- wrote Bishop
Reginald Heber.
peculiarity of every part of the structure is the variety of the
architecture. The columns vary in size, ornamentation, and
separating distances. Even the height differs slightly, the
distance from the ceiling to the roof ranging from 15 feet to 17
½ feet. Some of pillars are fluted and others square, and many
are surrounded by ornamental fillets. The capitals are overhung
with graceful leaves. The pillars are connected by beams, which
give unity to the whole interior.
immense spaces in the in the solid rock are the real wonder of
the caves of Elephanta. The sculptures form remarkable reliefs
upon the walls. All the figures are of colossal size. The day
when they were hewn by many hands, in the remote times was one
for great objects. Only the gigantic and preternatural were
aimed at. The caves of Elephanta are tributes to the Hindu
worship. The principle mural figure is of the three faced
Trinity of the Hindu triad. It is only a bust and yet is
nineteen feet high. The central face, with an exquisitely carved
jewel on the breast, represents Vishnu as the creative
caves at Karla
temple walls, and every part of their adorning sculpture, are
hewn out of the stone mountain. Were there no pagan deities in
stone, no reminders of any early worship, and were the country
any other than
, one would take this wonderful structure for a superb
cathedral. The only thing which is not of native rock is a
wooden covering or ceiling. This has been the puzzle of all the
toilers in Indian archaeology, and they seem today to be no
nearer a solution of the difficulty than when they began. The
entire immediate covering of the temple is of teak, a native
wood, almost the only one which resists the white ant and every
Indian insect. As you look up, and take in the whole nave, it
reminds you at once of the inverted hull of a ship.

thing is sure, that the idea of excavating the very mountains in
order to erect beautiful temples is of very early origin, and
that these cave-temples of
sprang into perfection at the very beginning of their
cross-timbers and the boards have that appearance, and yet the
more one examines the whole of the wooden umbrella, and compares
it with the rest of the temple, the more exact is its
correspondence with the stone of which all the rest of the
sacred building consists. The finishing of the wood-work is of
the same style as that of the stone. As to the reason why the
wood was put above this wonderful cave-temple, no one can
answer. The ceiling was already of stone, and many a foot
beneath the roots of the trees which waved on the mountain-top.
Nothing could add to the massive and attractive character of the
whole. It is not likely that this wooden carving was added
later, long after the work was finished and the temple had been
used. On the other hand, Thomas, Burgess, and Fergusson, the
best researchers among the antiquities of
, began their interpretation of the Karla temple by supposing
the wood to be a later addition. But after their examination,
more closely conducted, they concluded it was put there at the
time the temple was excavated from the mountainside.

remains of antiquity have excited greater curiosity. The
engineering skills involved in excavating the cave temples of
western India suggested Egyptian involvement while their
sculptural elegance was ascribed to Greek influence. Not till
the 1830s was it acknowledged that they were in fact Indian.
source: India Discovered - By John Keay).
thing is sure, that the idea of excavating the very mountains in
order to erect beautiful temples is of very early origin, and
that these cave-temples of
sprang into perfection at the very beginning of their history.
In no part of the land is one to be found which betrays an
The Country and the people of India and Ceylon - By Rev.
John F Hurst p.
153 - 168).
of Page
Media's War on Hinduism
Indian media: Its adverse role
There are many people in
who strongly feel that the so-called ‘secular’ print and
electronic media, at least a dominant section among them,
knowingly or unknowingly, is playing a very adverse and
prejudiced role, when it comes to the reporting of the Hindu
point of view. Suppressing or
misrepresenting tactics are being liberally used along with
admonitions and ridicules of the Hindus, ‘Hindutva’, and the
Hindu Dharma. At the same time, this secular section
appears to support the anti-Hindu forces in the country, which
are active with their alien and subversive ideologies. In
essence, it has come to mean that ‘secularism’ is nothing
but opposition to Hindus,
, Hindutva and the Hindu Dharma. This is quite ridiculous in a
country that is predominantly Hindu in its composition and
character. This situation is agonizing to many and confusing to
many more, since they would not get a true picture of what is
going on in the country because of the prejudice of the media.
The reasons for the selective propaganda by Indian media could
be: a) Many leading journalists and media barons are Christians
or Christian sympathizers; b) They are educated and
indoctrinated in Christian run institutes; c) The media
companies in India are completely under control of western
companies through cross holdings; d) The media is advertising
driven and almost all leading ad companies in India are foreign
subsidiaries of global ad companies.
In the
inimitable words of Sri V. Sundaram,
IAS (Retd.), renowned columnist of Chennai, “all the mainline
English Newspapers in
are deliberately Islam-embracing, Christianity-coveting,
Hindu-hating and Hindu-baiting”. And, as revealed by Dr.
Subramanian Swamy, “Academia, NGOs and mass media are the
obvious instruments that are on the radar of anti-Hindu forces.
Which and who are these forces that are shaping the anti-Hindu
bias of the media? It is a coalition, not explicit but implicit,
of Communist, Christian missionary, Islamic fanatics and other
terrorist interests. Each of these interests has their own
specific agenda. The anti-Hindu mentality of the
English-dominated media in
is secured by the cozy nexus of media with academia and the
English-speaking governing elite”.
Internet is full of anti-Hindu rubbish”, points out Swami
Devananda Saraswati who is well known for his
research on the ‘Myth
of St. Thomas’. "It is impossible to tackle head on and piece by piece by
individuals. We must set up a legal association like the Jewish
Defense League (DFL) in the
United States
, made up of Hindu lawyers. As soon as court cases start to be
foisted on these missionaries, their conduct will change if not
their attitude. But they have vast monetary resources behind
them. Which Hindu moneybags would finance a Hindu legal team?
Which Hindu lawyers (of which there are lakhs) would ever back a
dedicated Hindu cause? At the root of our problem is the Hindu
social and business elite class who could care less about their
Dharma though they make huge donations to Balaji at Tirumala. We
have to face this fact. We can do nothing until our own public
intellectuals and rich socialites and industrialist class are
behind us.”
is a case study wherein the ‘Sify.com’,
a major online Indian media outlet is working with ‘World
Vision’, an evangelical body openly indulging in unabashed
proselytisation with huge funds at their disposal for this
purpose [Rs 256 crores this year according to Home Ministry
records]. Details about Sify.com’s partnership with the ‘World
Vision’, patently a missionary agency, are
online at: http://sify.com/news/antichildlabourday/
On this page, they are blatantly fundraising for them
without informing the Indian public that they are missionaries.
‘World Vision’ also regularly advertises on Sify. It should
be noted that the ‘World Vision’ has been implicated in
induced conversions in Orissa and in
Sri Lanka
during the Tsunami. Look at a quote from the World Vision's
website regarding their “noble” mission: “Wherever we
work, our prayer is that our efforts will be used by God to heal
and strengthen people's relationships with Him and with one
another. We do this by demonstrating God's unconditional love
for all people through our service to the poor — which
includes providing for daily needs, working to build peace and
promote justice, and partnering with churches and individuals to
encourage spiritual transformation.”
Internet, ordinary individuals now have the same tools of
potential exposure on a scale comparable to large media
companies. Internet Media is the way to go.
to The
Great Joke that is
Indian Media and Who
controls the mainstream media in
to worthy causes: California
Textbook Case
and IDRF
Usurpation of Control of the Indian Media has been done by the
India happens to be one of the very few major countries in the
world whose dominant media is controlled directly or indirectly
by foreigners. The usurpation of control has actually been by
Americans, much of it through surrogates of evangelical
organisations that are in fact quasi-government agencies.
Paradoxically, Leftist Indian political parties supposedly
hostile to a
presence in
have been subdued with alacrity by these quasi-state religious
agencies, which have been operating effectively in other parts
of the world as well.
India, most English
language media outlets, are,
in effect, vying with each other to accelerate the fragmentation
in consonance with Anglo-American goals.
Viceroys to
in the decade before independence, Linlithgow, Wavell and
Mountbatten are destined to prove prescient about its innate
fractiousness. The alleged oppression of minorities is the
political bridgehead that modern evangelical organisations have
entrenched in the public consciousness, relentlessly distorting
its reality and using it ruthlessly to fuel discontent within
. By deliberately misrepresenting the Godhra communal riots as
genocide, though both communities suffered, the
media has gleefully incited Islamic terrorist attacks against
Hindus and harsh international condemnation of
. As a corollary, the rise of the BJP inspired them to
equate mundane nationalist aspirations with the oxymoron of
Hindu extremism.
Media's War on Hinduism - By Swami Jyotirmayananda
and The
Usurpation of Control of the Indian Media has been done by the
Americans - By Gautam
of Page
is unfashionable to be a Hindu in India
is Hinduism the favorite whipping boy of liberals and seculars?
David Thoreau (1817-1862) American Philosopher,
Unitarian, social critic, transcendentalist and writer. It was
Ralph Waldo Emerson who aroused in him a true enthusiasm for
The Concord
sage eloquently wrote:
the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and
cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavat
Geeta, since whose composition
years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our
modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial.
would say to the readers of the Scriptures, if they wish for a
good book, read the Bhagvat-Geeta .... translated by Charles
Wilkins. It deserves to be read with reverence even by
Yankees...."Besides the Bhagvat-Geeta, our Shakespeare
seems sometimes youthfully green..."
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German
philosopher and writer. He was one of the greatest philosophers
of the 19th century. He was the first Western philosopher to
have access to translations of philosophical material from
India, both Vedic and Buddhist, by which he was profoundly
affected. Counted among his disciples are such thinkers as
Nietzsche and Wittgenstein, as well as Sigmund Freud, who takes
a large part of his psychological theory from the writings of
every sentence (of the Upanishads)
deep, original and sublime thoughts arise, and the whole is
pervaded by a high and holy and earnest spirit...."In the
whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as
that of the Upanishads. They are destined sooner or later to
become the faith of the people."
It has been the solace of my life -- it will be the solace of my
The age-old
value system of Indian consciousness revolves around the
concepts of vasudhaiva kutumbakam (this
world is one family) and ekama sat
viprah bahudha vadanti (the universal reality is the
same, but different people interpret it by different names). Why
there are different yardsticks while dealing with religions?
B R Ambedkar wrote:
“It is said that Hinduism is said to divide
people and Islam is said to bind them. But this is only half-truth.
For Islam divides and inexorably as it binds. The brotherhood of
Islam is not universal brotherhood of man. It is brotherhood of
Muslims for Muslims only. Another defect of Islam is
that it is a system of social self-government and is
incompatible with local self-government because the allegiance
of a Muslim does not rest on his domicile in the country of his
residence but on the faith to which he belongs.
Politics Communal Agenda: A History of Politics in
from 1860 to 1953 - By Prof Makkhan Lal p.
59). Donate
to worthy causes: California
Textbook Case
and IDRF.
Indian Jews - By Jakob de Roover - outlookindia.com and
Realist. Refer
to Exodus
of Kashmiri Pandits -
By Aditya
Raj Kaul
and Godhra:
The True Story - By Nicole Elfi - jaia-bharati.org
by The
Gustave Le Clezio (1940
- ) French author
and Nobel laureate for Literature says:
great Indian epic The Mahabharata
has been a sustaining factor in my life — not so
much philosophically but in seeking stories."
Clézio inspired by The
Mahabharata -
tribuneindia.com). Watch
to Hinduism video - By Hinduism Today
is Hinduism the favorite whipping boy of liberals and seculars?
For how long a nationalist is supposed to bend backwards to be
considered liberal and tolerant?.
made me believe that Hindus, due to their majority status should
be more tolerant of minorities. Any terrorist act is a handiwork
of a few rotten apples, not the whole community and I agree with
it wholeheartedly. Then there is a constant stream of intellectuals,
liberals and self-important celebrities (Karan
Thapar, Shabana Azmi, Arundhati Roy, Rajdeep Sardesai, Burkha
Dutt, Sagrika Ghosh, Pranay Roy and others) who
repeatedly bash Hinduism on points like casteism,
lack of unity, superstition among others. I agree with them on
these too. So
called backward categories now enjoy almost 40 per cent
reservations. It’s the sins of their forefathers that upper
caste Hindus of current generation have to pay for now.
to The
Most Loathsome people in India 2008
why are there double standards
when our intelligentsia talks about Muslims?
In spite of so much violence based
on Islam (in India
only) how come they are always poor, under-represented,
righteous minority who deserve to be protected from Hindu
me explain here in case of
Jammu and Kashmir:
More than four lakh Kashmiri Pandits, living all over the
Kashmir division, were driven out of their homeland of thousands
of years after sustained violence that included rape, arson,
killings and robberies at gun-point. A large number of them are
still living in refugee camps in single room tin shacks or tents
even after 20 years of their displacement.

Glory of Angkor Wat - Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
is synonymous with 'anti-Hinduism'
in India.
always Blame the Victims: Double
Standards of Indian English Media - A constant stream of intellectuals,
liberals and self-important celebrities (Karan Thapar, Shabana
Azmi, Arundhati Roy, Rajdeep Sardesai, Burkha Dutt, Sagrika
Ghosh, Pranay Roy and others) who
repeatedly bash Hinduism but act cowardly when it comes to
criticizing Islam and its holy Terror on innocent Indians.
minus the K-word" (Kashmir) or A-word (Arunachal Pradesh)
or N-word (Nagaland) still be India
? No.
will not be
is much more than a mere geographical, sociological or
philosophical idea in the minds of the English-speaking
intelligentsia living in their gated communities.
is unlike any other nation, a nation so sharply divided and so
diverse, culturally, racially and linguistically, that the only
way the sufferings of millions of people can be mitigated, the
only way natural and manmade disasters can be confronted and
overcome is to keep
together ~ whatever it takes.
the news space that the sufferings of four lakh Hindu Pandits
ges as compared to 3-4000 Muslims (more or less) of Gujarat.
During the recent protests in J&K over the Amarnath land
issue, dozens of Hindu pilgrims were attacked and beaten up by
Muslim mobs in
Kashmir. Three Sikh truck drivers from
region were critically injured in different places there. Thirty
buildings belonging to Hindus were burnt down in Poonch. There
were grenade attacks on Hindu processions in Kishtwar. Hindus
were attacked in Rajouri too.
How many Hindu temples are left in
now? Of a few temples buildings still intact, how many are still
used as temples?
Why Kashmiris are whining about azadi when J&K is one of the
richest states in India, receives more aid than many of states combined, has a separate
constitution, flag and article 370?
don’t Kashmiris ask for Azadi of
(PoK) too?
extremists like VHP, Bajrang Dal etc are a nuisance at worst.
All they do is raise annoying protests against imaginary insults
to Hinduism like Valentine’s Day, some art etc. Students
Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and related organisations on
the other hand are accused of treason and terrorist acts all
over India. Still there is a talk of lifting ban on SIMI and banning the
VHP, Bajrang Dal.
don’t have anything against any religious group. They are free
to practice their religion, as long as they are reasonable,
don’t force their ideology on others and respect sovereignty
of the nation. Is it too much to ask for? For how long a
nationalist who by chance happens to be a Hindu is supposed to
bend backwards to be considered liberal and tolerant?
is unfashionable to be a Hindu - merinews.com). Watch
video Hindus
Under Siege and
under attack and Congress
: A Merchent of Death for Hindus in
Blast and Secularism
exposed. Refer
to Deconstructing Arundhati Roy and her
- By
Professor N D
Batra -
The Statesman 9/3/2008
and Secularism
has degenerated as the backbone of terrorists & evangelists
- By
Dr Gautam Sen
and The
Indian Jews - By Jakob de Roover - outlookindia.com. Refer
to Romila
Thapar’s Kluge Prize – By Dr. Gautam Sen -
Refer to Godhra:
The True Story - By Nicole Elfi - jaia-bharati.org.
to What
the Islamic Invaders Did to
– By Rizwan Salim
- islamwatch.org. Refer to Taliban:
Five hours’ drive to doom
– By Udayan Namboodiri
, Secularism, Whatever
is not a secular country. India
does not treat all its religions equally. For example:
allows Muslims, Christians, Jews and Parsis to manage their
civil affairs according to their respective religious laws. But
it places restrictions upon how Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and
Jains can manage theirs. Indian Parliament even overturned a
Supreme Court ruling to appease Muslims.
The Indian government annually subsidizes -- to the
tune of Rs 413 Crore -- the annual Haj journey for Muslims to go
Saudi Arabia
Andhra Pradesh government sponsors a Rs 2 Crore
religious junket for Christians to
is allocated an annual budget -- Rs 245 Crore -- that is one of
the highest for any university in
India. However it still allows the central university to retain its
distinct Muslim character. All dining halls serve halal meat and
no space is available for Hindu religious congregation. Same
goes for Jamia Millia Islamia.
Indian Muslims can have multiple wives but people
belonging to other religions can’t unless they convert to
Islam. Indian Muslims can utter talaq three times and get over
with it whereas others need to go through tedious court
One could go on and on in similar vein.
All the statements listed above are true. Therefore,
I conclude that India
is not a secular country -- rather it is, in fact, a defender of
monotheistic religions, particularly Islam.
It is not by accident that all "Indic
religions" have been slotted together under Hindi Marriage
Act and those originating outside India
were left out from its purview. It was a common-sense approach
to take at that time and, if anything, it did not go far enough.
If Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains think that they have been co-opted
within the larger fold of Hinduism then its evidence is
certainly hard to find. In an ideal situation, there would be
one civil law for all religions as laws should be the same for
all citizens.
Secularism, Whatever
- outlookindia.com).
to Misinterpretation
of the Gita by Dr. Zakir Naik - By Dr. Alok K. Bohara.
to Goebbelsian
secularism and
riot myths busted
- By Abraham Thomas - dailypioneer.com.
of Page
Shelving a Heritage
From Macaulay to MTV
Marxism infested secularity of the
has imposed the principle of
separation of State from the Church in the European and Soviet
manner. Indian Secularism has taken the form of turning away
from one’s own heritage and disregarding the spiritual and
ethical commitments that ancient and medieval vehicles of all
religions and cultures symbolize. As a result,
Sanskrit is the biggest casualty under secularist milieu.
Practically speaking, secularism now means wallowing in easy
consumerism of the day and neglecting religious and cultural
issues. Hence the disruptive and not additive protests by
for the ‘Classical’ Heritage
alone excels in belittling its classical heritage as it has
unfortunately codified it as its ‘Hindu
classification began in the colonial period when non-European
cultures were primarily seen in terms of religious denominations
of the non-Christian colored races. They were further divided
into two broad categories, primitive (African, Australian and
American aborginies) and static (Asia and
problem of giving Sanskrit
its due place in Indian education is therefore, not just a
matter of giving concession to a particular language. It
is the task of using five thousand years of all the textual
wealth produced in this subcontinent. And all who believe that
these texts, the bulk being in Sanskrit, are not required for
maintenance of cultural identity have little knowledge of
civilizational rise and decline in history.
of the Indian Anglophile
to Sanskrit and other classical languages is nurtured in no
small measure by Indian Anglophils who live under the illusion
that availability of ancient texts in English translations is
sufficient for understanding the ancient ways of thought and
feeling. For them there is no greater waste of time than
learning ancient languages. Polyglossists are no longer admired
in Indian academia. Indian universities do not demand a first
hand knowledge of Sanskrit or prakrits from their doctoral
researchers in history or philosophy.
is symptomatic of the times that a leading university like the
Jawaharlal Nehru
(JNU) did not have a Sanskrit
department till 2002 although it boasted having eminent historians on its faculty.
Indian Anglophones admire Orientalists but forget that the
Orientalist enterprise was not to inform the Indian readers but
to interpret a colonized culture for proswlytization and
governance. They also forget that no culture can do things for
another culture; one has to seek meaning in one’s own past by
one’s own effort. For those Anglophils that may doubt this
even after Edward Said’s work, one may remind them of T
S Eliot’s dictum that ancient texts have to be
studied and translated not only by each culture but also by each
generation of culture. So what great-grandfather Max
Muller did for Europeans needs to be done by
Indians for themselves today.
(source: India:
A Cultural Decline or Revival? - By Bharat Gupta
p 25 - 30). Refer to chapters on Sanskrit,
First Indologists and
new proselytizers
is this English-speaking elite
that determines what
must be reading or thinking or how Hindus must be behaving. They
read about Hindus through
publishers and show the temerity to sermonize those Hindus who
have imbibed their dharma in their genes and lived every bit of
it, making Kumbh melas possible and taking dips in the
on the chilling mornings of Kartik and Magh. The secular
proselytizer visits Kumbh, not as a devotee but as a
photographer to take pictures of bathing Hindu women and sadhus
using mobile phones, as if being sadhus they ought to live as
cavemen. The pictures they wire to press agencies essentially
depict the weird, intoxicated, obscene and the unacceptable face
of uncivilized Hindus to the west.
They don't know a bit about our faith, or what Magh, Amavasya or
Saptami means. They take Sanskrit degrees in English and tell
us, what's the use of such knowledge in today's world? To be
futuristic means denouncing all that you have preserved since
ages. That's an alienated crowd of people with an accent,
detached from the Indian reality.
One isolated incident of the Hindu
right would become a globally circulated representative of the
Hindu intolerance and terrorism.
new proselytizers - Dr
Syamaprasad Mookerjee Research Foundation).
of Page
Prelude to eternal life
is central to our ethos; we must revive this city
senior Spanish diplomats are
so enamoured of Varanasi that they are determined to try their
utmost to revive it. Mr Ion de la Riva
Guzman de Frutos, Ambassador of Spain to India, and Mr
Oscar Pujol are engaged in mobilising funds and
technical expertise for developing the great pilgrimage as a
world heritage site. Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural
Heritage is also involved in this task. Both had studied in
, and have deep regard for the city’s history and culture. But
they find its present condition, as of the
, upon whose banks it stands, quite dismal. They feel that if
Europe’s historical cities, say, Salamanca in Spain, could
survive the wear and tear inflicted by time and vandals,
Varanasi too should be restored to its past magnificence.

diplomat Ion de la Riva Guzman de Frutos and Oscar Pujol.
had studied in Banaras
University, and have deep regard for the city’s history and culture.
diplomats are so enamoured of Varanasi that they are determined
to try their utmost to revive it. Mr Ion de la Riva Guzman de
Frutos, Ambassador of Spain to India, and Mr Oscar Pujol are
engaged in mobilising funds and technical expertise for
developing the great pilgrimage as a world heritage site.
is certainly unique, representing the final post for myriad
believers. It is commonly said in Europe — “See
and die”. In
, hordes of people flock, driven by the belief that giving up
the breath in this ancient pilgrimage sanctified by Shiv and his
consort Mahadevi as well as a host of deities, saints and
savants, assures deliverance from the cycle of existence. The
is dedicated to Shiva as the cosmic emperor, and
the mother as bestower of food is worshipped in the shrine of
nearby. While scholars quibble over the precise nature of
freedom, assured by dying here — with some citing scriptures
to claim that it is a progressive liberation, requiring sojourns
in higher realms, the city holds an unequalled attraction for
seekers and tourists alike. Possibly the oldest settlement in
the world, its antiquity is credited to the view that at the
time of dissolution, which occurs periodically, Shiv perches
Banaras atop his trident, and then restores it to its place
after the waters of the great deluge have receded. It thus
surmounts time.

followers setting diyas afloat upon
every evening, as the ceremonial aarti is performed along its
on the banks of
, between the confluence of Varuna with this great river to the
north and of Asi to the south, the city derives its name from
the two small rivers. In the past, it had various names of which
Kashi and Mahashamshan are still in use. The
former signifies city of lights with the devout followers
setting diyas afloat upon
every evening, as the ceremonial aarti is performed along its
banks. As darkness gently falls, the frieze of narrow
lanes comes alive with gaiety, music, dance and blazing lamps. Kathak
evolved as a classical genre in these lanes, crammed with shops
of silk saris and handicrafts, as did the Banaras Gharana of
Hindustani music. Goswami
Tulsidas wrote
Ramacharitamanas in
, thereby rendering the saga of Ram in the spoken tongue.
as Kashi dazzled with its brilliance, the city’s other name,
‘Mahashamshan’, indicated its sombre aspect. People came
here to seek salvation on the ghats of
. Ramakrishna Paramahansa, after visiting one of
’s burning grounds, recounted to his disciples that he had
seen Shiv whisper the Tarak mantra of liberation into the
ears of the dying while goddess Kali stood nearby.
About a hundred ghats line the riverbanks. Most are used for
bathing and sacred dips. Harishchandra and
Manikarnika ghats are deployed for burning bodies.
They are holy for left-hand practitioners, tantriks and aghoris,
whose mystifying path to truth lies through the burning grounds.
Harishchandra dwelt as a Dom
for seven long years on the ghat that bears his name after he
gave up his kingdom, as directed by his preceptor, and sold his
wife and child into slavery. After the pre-ordained period of
suffering was over, he was miraculously restored to his former
state, along with his queen and child, though the latter had
died of snake bite. Thousand of years later, devout followers
converge at this place with reverence. For them, death is the
prelude to eternal life.
(source: Prelude
to eternal life - By Anuradha
- dailypioneer.com).
of Page
Self Loathing Leftists and Liberals of India
Modern India’s modern myths
first of these myths is that India
itself is a myth. The
Mahabharata and the Ramayana
are myths that were written by men who lived in a place without
geography or history. Sanskrit came
from this same nebulous arena as did the Vedas and the
mathematicians who invented the zero.
The idea of India did not exist until the British created it is
the contention of India’s
self-loathing ‘liberals’. In the words of a historian
of recent celebrity, India is an ‘unnatural
nation as well as an unlikely democracy’. He
does not bother to explain what he means by ‘unnatural
nation’ since the nation state itself did not exist till not
very long ago. Long, long before that there was a country called
Bharat whose borders were clearly defined and whose certainty
continues to be perfectly understood by ordinary Indians across
When a pilgrim from Tamil Nadu or
Karnataka sets off to attend the Kumbh
Mela in Allahabad, he does not
think that he is travelling to a foreign country. When
a family from Bengal travels to Banaras or Mathura to drop off
some inconvenient widow in one of the ashrams, there they do not
think they are travelling abroad either. The
only people who have a problem defining India are liberal,
English-speaking ‘secular intellectuals’ who usually don’t
speak even a single Indian language. They understand no more
about the idea of India than those intellectual refugees from
the West who make India their home and become ‘experts’ on
all things Indian. They belong to the same club because they all
make a living out of writing books, histories and articles about
this India that is so unnatural a nation, so accidental a

on Hindu India by aggressive minorities
Marxists, Missionaries and self loathing pseudo secularists. They
find themselves in this extraordinary role because nothing
motivates them more than their passionate loathing of India.
The second myth perpetrated by the self-loathers is that there
is no such thing as Hindu India.
There is a ‘composite’
culture that is Hindu and Muslim and that is that.
Anyone who dares suggest that for many centuries before Islam
came to our shores India was a Hindu
country is instantly reviled as a rank ‘communalist’ of the
Hindutva kind. It is important to note here that the
self-loathing liberals have no problem describing a period of
Indian history as Mughul and
another period as British.
The problem is ‘Hindu’ India because
the premise that there was a country called Bharat that was
entirely Hindu in ancient times is somehow offensive.
Modern India has given birth to modern myths. The most popular
myth among ‘secular liberals’ in these times of Islamist
terrorism is that the Indian state is so evil that the jihad is
a valid response. You would not think that there could be an alliance between
religious fanatics and those who believe they are intellectuals
of liberal, left persuasion but in India there is. This bizarre
alliance is so strong that Indian leftists have become the most
ardent spokesmen (and women) of the Islamists. They
find themselves in this extraordinary role because nothing
motivates them more than their passionate loathing of India.
May I suggest a cure. It is time for them to spend an extended
holiday in Pakistan or Bangladesh to discover what countries in
which history is myth are really like.
India’s modern myths - By Tavleen Singh -
indianexpress.com). Refer
to Romila
Thapar’s Kluge Prize – By Dr. Gautam Sen -
vigilonline.com. Refer
to Exodus
of Kashmiri Pandits -
By Aditya Raj Kaul.
to Taliban:
Five hours’ drive to doom
– By Udayan Namboodiri. Refer
to Misinterpretation
of the Gita by Dr. Zakir Naik - By Dr. Alok K. Bohara.
Refer to Goebbelsian
secularism and
riot myths busted
- By Abraham Thomas - dailypioneer.com.
to Teesta,
It hit your face
and NDTV
of Page
The attacks on Mumbai are reminiscent of the first Arab incursions, by
sea between 634 and 637 AD through Thana, Broach and Debal. These were repulsed and led to incursions
through land routes in the Northwest between 650-711 AD.
Muhammad Bin Qasim finally succeeded in occupying parts of Sindh
in 712 AD. In contrast to the 70 years it took to occupy Sindh
in face of Hindu resistance, the Islamic armies had conquered
within eight years of the Prophet"s death. The Muslim descendents of the Hindus, at least in
, having severed themselves from their roots and heritage, find
greater commonality with Arabic language, customs and religion.
The idea of roots, state, civilization or cultural heritage are
super ceded by the common ground of Islam.
does not recognize the idea of sovereignty of state or the
concept of individual free will guiding individual choice
-whether towards lifestyle or to one"s spiritual path. All
Semitic faiths speak of a single God, but clearly not the same
one, as each claims an exclusive covenant and an exclusive
revelation through an exclusive prophet and salvation through
the individual agency representing the religion.
Of the three great faiths one must admit that the modern
Jewish faith does not directly negate others and does not indulge in the task of
conversions overtly and covertly and therefore intrinsically
seeks no conflict -only the right of self existence. The Hindus
seek peaceful self existence but differ from all, in laying no
claim to a unique covenant or a unique relationship with their
own particular God. They further believe in self inquiry, the
right to- differ, question, criticize, adopt or reject any
particular aspect or tenet of spiritual life. Faith is welcome
but not necessary and lack of faith or criticism does not call
for execution. No conversions are needed as spiritual life does
not mandate membership in an exclusive creed. State has no
spiritual responsibility. Venerable Prophets are many, within and outside
, who can be guides but are not necessarily needed. Being
reflections of the Divine through the human form they are
exalted beings but may have human limitations or imperfection at
times. There
is no Hindu Umma, Dar al Hind and Dar al Harb and there are no
Momins and Kafirs. No Ghazis are required to wield swords to
decapitate heads of Kafirs to reap rewards in an indulgent
Zannat to please the one God.
Places of worship where others worship are not special targets of
wrathful destruction. Hindus have largely chosen to accept,
ignore, negate and justify their suffering, believing that
tolerance and patience would certainly be rewarded in the long
run by dawning of reason among those who have brutalized
for about ten centuries. Large scale negation has been
supplemented by outright falsification of the scale of
atrocities on part of Islamic invaders. Indians have also
submitted to more subtle but equally pernicious civilizational
and spiritual subversion along with economic destruction by the
Christian West. Purposeful
erosion of the Hindu culture (Kul-achar) and ethos, was ensured,
by the Congress-Communist
nexus, under the cloak of secularism. This destruction continues unabated today. Political empowerment of
minorities is yet to occur in Europe and
North America
while in Islamic countries systematic cleansing has reduced
minorities to near extinction almost everywhere.
congress, communists, secularists and Human right activists have
not bothered themselves with the Hindu victims of Islam or
Christianity. They have built their credibility among foreigners
and anti- Hindu faiths by sabotaging the ideal of
"s Nationhood based on Sanatan
The idea of a tolerant Islamic State (for Non Muslims) is a
contradiction in terms. For Christianity, state and religion,
have historically been symbiotic entities -one thriving on the
expansion of the other, each empowering the other. State was
certainly the vehicle for Christianity"s
spread and eventual conquest of Europe rendering extinct all indigenous forms of spirituality and culture, from
beginning from
The idea of Hindutva, Hindu fundamentalism are not merely illogical
concepts but are carefully crafted themes to empower the
exclusivist faiths who battle today for the soul and soil of
India. There is no state other than
, that has seen political empowerment of minority faiths to an
extent that persecution of majority is no longer looked upon
with surprise. The ethnic
cleansing of 400,000 Kashmiri Hindus in Hindu majority
is ignored, while communal riots in response the burning of
Hindu pilgrims in Godhra is termed pogrom with international
condemnation, humiliation, and enquiry commissions whose
findings contradict the charge of genocide due to state
complicity or permissiveness. This of course cannot satiate the
Indian media"s Hindu bloodlust.
English media, human rights activists, television and it"s
ruling Cabal reflect a coalition of Christians, Communists,
Moslems, Western educated McCaulayites and foreign agents who
live on the crumbs from middle east or the West.
The zenith of one"s recognition in politics, academia, art , media,
or intellectual circles is related to the degree
of virulence one is able to muster against the Hindu and the culture of his
forefathers. Regrettably, the defense of majority Hindus in
their own land is at the hands of parties like BJP, whose
apologetic conviction of their own heritage offers little hope.
Their need for eulogies from the nation"s enemies is only
matched by their gutlessness, lack of vision for their nation,
colossal lack of cohesive planning and the spinelessness of
political opportunism.
For almost a thousand years jeering
Islamic armies destroyed temples telling the Hindus that their Gods were mere idols who could not
protect themselves, while the Hindu kept rebuilding his temples.
mosque built by the genocidal Babur was no mosque but merely a
usurped temple that the weak Hindu finally used his bare hands
to bring down -but to what dramatic disbelief, condemnation and
outrage -that a servile Hindu could do this! None bothered that a place of worship was named after a genocidal
monarch - for it is but natural for Islam to honor its Ghazis.

Ram and Laxman meeting Hanuman.
protect Babur"s monument (though no Islamic scholar claimed
it to be a true mosque) seemed to be a national obsession for
the liberal Indian.
English media, human rights activists, television and it"s
ruling Cabal reflect a coalition of Christians, Communists,
Moslems, Western educated McCaulayites and foreign agents who
live on the crumbs from middle east or the West. The
zenith of one"s recognition in politics, academia, art ,
media, or intellectual circles is related to the degree
of virulence one is able to muster against the Hindu and
the culture of his forefathers.
The ethnic
cleansing of 400,000 Kashmiri Hindus in Hindu majority
is ignored, while communal riots in response the burning of
Hindu pilgrims in Godhra is termed pogrom with international
condemnation, humiliation, and enquiry commissions whose
findings contradict the charge of genocide due to state
complicity or permissiveness. This of course cannot satiate the
Indian media"s Hindu bloodlust.
"s intellectual
elite today is India"s most pernicious enemy - an elite reared on the
subsidized state sponsored education funded by the toiling
protect Babur"s monument (though
no Islamic scholar claimed it to be a true mosque) seemed to be
a national obsession for the
liberal Indian, for it to be
brought down a national shame? Can such a country survive its
citizenry? Is there a Church in
named after Hitler (a faithful) or for that matter, one in
after Constantine or Theodosius?
one must come to the intellectual
elite of
The intellectual leaders of
are no longer creative, natural thinkers in indigenous languages
but are brilliant products and protagonists of Western
Education. One would be hard put to find an Indian thought
leader today who reads or writes in a language other than
Chinese, Japanese, Russians, Greeks, Germans, Spaniards,
Mexicans or Egyptians do not have "English"
intellectual Elite.
These countries do no
obsess themselves with intellectuals adorned with Booker prizes
or Oscars for denigrating their countries.
Their leading newspapers, media, or academic institutions do not
have to use English to be well regarded. It is
perfectly cute
have the Chinese Premier shake his head at the US
President and exchange pleasantries through an interpreter while
it is not for the
Indian savage
to do the same.
Indian parents
regard education in English and higher studies in the English
speaking West to be the highest form of academic achievement. It
is a natural consequence to imbibe the English based knowledge
systems and discard the vast indigenous intellectual wealth,
available in Sanskrit and other indigenous literature. Thus the
first rung of our civilization -the intellectual Indian has been
simply de-indigenized.

Nandi -
Painting by Pierre Sonnerat
elite prefer to read the New Yorker than indigenous literature. Indian parents
regard education in English and higher studies in the English
speaking West to be the highest form of academic achievement. It
is a natural consequence to imbibe the English based knowledge
systems and discard the vast indigenous intellectual wealth,
available in Sanskrit and other indigenous literature. Thus the
first rung of our civilization -the intellectual Indian has been
simply de-indigenized.
Validated by economic success and access to leadership positions this
Indian intellectual leadership is Indian only in appearance -in
character it represents colonial continuity. It is virulently
anti -Hindu and seeks not to be identified with Hindutva . Why
else is "Hindu Tattva" or the essence of being a Hindu
a dirty word while "being a good Christian" - a claim
to value. Is it not the Hindu seer who gave the world Numbers
and Counting, Astronomy, Music, Grammar, Yoga and Ayurveda
besides Philosophy and the first glimpse of God ? What knowledge
streams did the Prophets from the Monotheistic faiths bequeath
to the world ?
"s English media and its English Children have turned the
Hindu into a despicable, backward and intolerable heathen, who
is now violent as well. To unleash violence outside one"s
borders on alien lands is natural as long as the perpetrators
are Christians or Moslems but to defend oneself and one"s
faith within one"s own borders is fundamentalism in case of
the Hindu. When the Christians or Moslems disallow
proselytization or conversion it is the natural inclination to
preserve one"s identity but for the Hindu to take such a
view would be unacceptable bigotry.
Barring exceptions,
intellectual elite today is
"s most pernicious enemy - an elite reared on the
subsidized state sponsored education funded by the toiling
One must end with a discussion on solutions. As
a first measure the Hindu majority of
must find its voice and aspiration reflected in the media. It
must not support an anti
media through viewership, audience, subscription or
advertisement revenue in any form.
must demand a media free of foreign ownership or revenue based
influence. Indians must control their media. Equally important
for Indians is to elect a leadership that to start with is not
anti-India. Needless to say, any leadership that is anti- Hindu
is anti-majority and by definition, anti-India. They cannot be
at the helm of the country.

Lord Krishna
killing demon horse. stone.
of the past has done far
better under Vikramaditya
or Chandragupta.
congress, communists, secularists and Human right activists have
not bothered themselves with the Hindu victims of Islam or
Christianity. They have built their credibility among foreigners
and anti- Hindu faiths by sabotaging the ideal of
"s Nationhood based on Sanatan
Dharma. The UPA Government,
adherents and its supporting parties must be defeated and
discarded into political oblivion. Marxist organizations
and political parties need to be outlawed.
Therefore, the UPA
Government, its
adherents and its supporting parties must be defeated and
discarded into political oblivion. Marxism is welcome as part of academic discourse but its
anti-national and anti-majority views do not permit it to be a
legitimate political body . Marxist
organizations and political parties need to be outlawed. The nexus of criminals and politicians has to be broken by a
strengthened judiciary and ruthless imposition of law. A
criminalized democracy manipulated by feudal families,
foreigners, anti
and anti Hindu agencies is worse than an undemocratic, but
ethical administration.
of the past has done far
better under Vikramaditya
or Chandragupta.
The academic institutions of
starting from at its schools need to be entirely revamped. Study
of its indigenous languages, knowledge streams, and its
classical history from indigenous sources must be mandatory for
all, but most of all for its political leadership and
administration, as a prerequisite for electoral contest or
administration. Anti
academicians cannot have any public funding sources towards
salary, research and publications and media presentations
offending Hindu sentiments should not be tolerated. India"s
1.2 billion people and 1 billion Hindus must be what they want
to be, not what others manipulate them to be -in this respect
they must learn from China.
Hindu majority India
managed to lose power and suffer enslavement, decapitation,
conversion, jiziya, dhimmitude, and famines apart from
annihilation of its identity for over a thousand years. Its
current course shows no memory of this experience. All Hindus
must act now, through forging a common Hindu identity and must
express this identity through a Hindu vote for a Hindu India - a
Muslim India or a Christian India cannot be a pluralistic
. Let Islam and Christianity demonstrate this first in the lands
they control. Let the
elect a non Christian Governor or President and let
have a Hindu President first. Let rest of the world demonstrate
its equality to the Hindu .The Hindu must protect himself first,
to deliver humanity. While
as a nation state should stand for equality for all its citizens
and proclaim all life to be sacred as decreed by Sanatan Dharma
- it must let its external enemies know, that the future
theatres of war would be on their soil and the rites of war
would be one that they inflict on others.
search of Moksha
French citizen's funeral held with Hindu rites
Ujjain, MP, Feb 3: At the age of 60, a French citizen breathed his last in the
temple town of
Madhya Pradesh
in search of 'Moksha' (salvation) and his last rites were performed with Hindu rituals in
presence of several foreigners.
Kerujore passed away at Sidha Ahram
on the banks of holy
yesterday. He was staying with his wife Maria since 15 days.
He also mentioned in a letter he wrote before his death that
is a 'Moksha Nagari' (salvation town) and one could get salvation on dying here.
Ashram head Swami
Nardanand said that several local people and foreigners arrived here for 'Bhakti'
and Alin, was a polyglot and wrote books in several languages,
died here in the morning yesterday. City Superintendent of
Police Arvind Tiwari said that the French citizen died naturally
and his body was handed over to his wife after an autopsy. The
funeral was held at Chakrateertha cemetery last evening
according to Hindu traditions.
(source: French
citizen's funeral held with Hindu rites - newkerala.com).
of Page
Hindu Rate Of Wrath
When the Mahatma's cowards erupt in fury, it hurts. It isn't
there such a thing as 'Hindu terrorism', as the arrest of Sadhvi
Pragya Singh Thakur for the recent
blasts may tend to prove? Well, I guess I was asked to write
this column because I am one of that rare breed of foreign
correspondents-a lover of Hindus!
born Frenchman,
Catholic-educated and non-Hindu, I do hope I'll be given some
credit for my opinions, which are not the product of my parents'
ideas, my education or my atavism, but garnered from 25 years of
reporting in South Asia (for Le Journal de Geneve and Le
the early 1980s, when I started freelancing in south
, doing photo features on Kalaripayattu, the Ayyappa festival,
or the Ayyanars, I slowly realised that
the genius of this country lies in its Hindu ethos, in the true
spirituality behind Hinduism.
average Hindu you meet in a million villages possesses this
simple, innate spirituality and accepts your diversity, whether
you are Christian or Muslim, Jain or Arab, French or Chinese. It
is this Hinduness that makes the Indian Christian different
from, say, a French Christian, or the Indian Muslim unlike a
Saudi Muslim. I also learnt that Hindus not only believed that
the divine could manifest itself at different times, under
different names, using different scriptures (not to mention the
wonderful avatar concept, the perfect answer to 21st century
religious strife) but that they had also given refuge to
persecuted minorities from across the world-Syrian Christians,
Parsis, Jews, Armenians, and today, Tibetans.
3,500 years of existence, Hindus have never militarily invaded
another country, never tried to impose their religion on others
by force or induced conversions. You cannot find anybody less
fundamentalist than a Hindu in the world and it saddens me when
I see the Indian and western press
equating terrorist groups like Islamist SIMI, which blow up
innocent civilians, with ordinary, angry Hindus who burn
churches without killing anybody.
know also that most of these communal incidents often involve
persons from the same groups-often Dalits and tribals-some of
who have converted to Christianity and others not. However
reprehensible the destruction of Babri Masjid, no Muslim was
killed in the process; compare this to the 'vengeance'
bombings of 1993 in
, which wiped out hundreds of innocents, mostly
Hindus. Yet the Babri Masjid destruction is often described by
journalists as the more horrible act of the two. We also
remember how Sharad Pawar,
when he was chief minister of Maharashtra in 1993, lied
about a bomb that was supposed to have gone off in a
Muslim locality of
have never been politically correct, but have always written
what I have discovered while reporting. Let me then be
straightforward about this so-called Hindu terror. Hindus,
since the first Arab invasions,
have been at the receiving end of terrorism, whether it was by
Timur, who killed 1,00,000 Hindus in a single day in 1399, or by
the Portuguese Inquisition
which crucified Brahmins in
Hindus are still being targeted: there were one
million Hindus in the
valley in 1900; only a few hundred remain, the rest
having fled in terror.
after blasts have killed hundreds of innocent Hindus all over
in the last four years.
the overwhelming majority community of this country, are being
made fun of, are despised, are deprived of the most basic
facilities for one of their most sacred pilgrimages in Amarnath
while their government heavily sponsors the Haj.
see their brothers and sisters converted to Christianity through
inducements and financial traps, see a
harmless 84-year-old swami and a sadhvi brutally murdered.
Their gods are blasphemed. So
sometimes, enough is enough.
some point, after years or even centuries of submitting like sheep
to slaughter, Hindus-whom the Mahatma
Gandhi once gently called cowards - erupt in
uncontrolled fury. And it hurts badly.
happened in
. It happened in
, then in Kandhamal, Mangalore, and
. It may happen again elsewhere. What should be
understood is that this is a spontaneous revolution on the
ground, by ordinary Hindus, without any planning from the
political leadership.
the BJP, instead of acting embarrassed, should not disown those
who choose other means to let their anguished voices be heard.
There are about a billion Hindus, one in every six persons on
this planet. They form one of the most successful, law-abiding
and integrated communities in the world today.
you call them terrorists?
(source: The
Hindu Rate Of Wrath – By
Francois Gautier -
outlookindia.com National/Opinion November
10 2008). Visit Francois
Gautier. Refer
to Analysis
of Saadhvi Pragyas Case as projected by Media – By
Chanchal Malviya
- indiacause.com and
Arindam. Also
refer to Hindu
terrorism’ – See the writing on the wall - By Radha
Rajan - vigilonline.com. Refer to Islamic
terrorism in
India and What
the Islamic Invaders Did to India - By Rizwan Salim and
of Jihad against the Hindus of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
(638 -- Ongoing).
to worthy causes: California
Textbook Case
and IDRF.
Refer to
Realist. Refer
to Christian
Terrorists threaten to kill Puri Shankaracharya
- odishatoday.com
The Jews like
the Hindus are born into their religion; like Hindus they do not
convert others to their faith and like Hindus again, possess a
sense of homeland. Both Hindus
and Jews
realize now, after immense suffering and deprivation that Islam
and White Christianity have caused them both, that
neither they as peoples nor their religion can survive without
territory that is theirs by right and by a sense of historical
of Page
The disadvantaged Hindus,
pampered Minorities
is for idiot Hindus. Minorities get to destroy the Hindu faith
thru jihad, self-determination, evangelizing and US State dept.
Add UN to the list.
and Anti-Semitism: Two strains of the same deadly virus
Anti-Brahminism and anti-Semitism are two forms of
the same ethno-religious prejudice directed at an accomplished
minority group who are perceived, wrongly, to be the cause of a
nation's social and economic ills, or, otherwise, to be
controlling a nation's religious, cultural, political, or
economic destiny from behind the scenes in their own interest.
Dr. Koenraad Elst, in Indigenous
Indians: Agastya to Ambedkar, writes, "In
fact, apart from anti-Judaism, the anti-Brahmin campaign started
by [Christian] missionaries is the biggest vilification campaign
in world history."
Anti-Brahminism has become the dominant theme in the
speeches and writings of Indian secularists of all sorts.
(source: Anti-Brahminism
and Anti-Semitism: Two strains of the same deadly virus).
say they are proud to be Muslim, Christians say they are proud
to be Christian, Sikhs say they are proud to be Sikh, and Hindus
say they are proud to be ... secular."
’s putrid political dispensation, sham-secularist politicians
take sadistic pleasure in heaping scorn and calumny on the
religious icons of the majority community, namely the Hindus.
29 and 30 ostensibly incorporated for protecting the
cultural and educational interests of minorities, fly in the
face of the right to equality enshrined in the Constitution.
have been the source of promoting divisiveness between the
majority and the minority communities thereby delivering a body
blow to the ideal of unity and integrity of the Indian nation.
invidious constitutional provision has placed the Hindus at a
serious disadvantage, not only vis a vis the minorities, but
even in terms of the secular ideal professed by the
. If
we compare the theory and practice of democracy and secularism
as practiced in
with the British parliamentary system, considered to be the role
model for our country, we find that the two systems are poles
apart. In the United Kingdom
uniform civil and criminal laws are enacted and enforced for all
citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs, creed or
6l years after
once again the Indian nation stands at the crossroads of
history. The ideal of evolving a common nationality by
assimilating different religious identities into a national
identity, that is the Indian identity, has remained a pipedream.
The reasons for this abject failure to weld all citizens into
Indians first and Indians last are many and varied. The most
important reason for this monumental failure is that the
post-Independence political leadership of
has remained a prisoner of the same grievance centric minority
politics which had led to Partition of the country in 1947.
the last six decades the same divisive ideology, nurtured in the
garb of secularism, has remained the dominant theme of Indian
polity. The situation was further exacerbated by the insertion
of secularism in 1976 as an essential feature of Indian
Constitution during the Emergency which gave a cross-eyed slant
to the Indian polity.
is an eloquent witness to the fact that the Hindu
civilization has always been exceptionally tolerant
and peaceful, both by scriptural tradition and ethical training.
But during the last few decades the belligerence
of the largest minority, namely the Muslims, has
begun to bedevil the Indian state much in the same manner as it
did in the pre-Partition era. Unfortunately the old mindset of
minority-appeasement continued to dominate the Indian leadership
even after
It was
prominently reflected in the incorporation of Articles 29 and 30
in the Constitution which conferred certain extraordinary rights
and privileges on minority communities thereby elevating them
the status of some kind of ‘super
citizens’ because no comparable rights were allowed
to members of the majority community. These two discriminatory Articles, ostensibly
incorporated for protecting the cultural and educational
interests of minorities, fly in the
face of the right to equality enshrined in the Constitution.
the Indian political system is choc-a-bloc with unprincipled
busy bodies who consider minority-centric vote-bank politics,
deceptively woven into the fabric of secularism, as passport to
power. In no other country the word secularism is misused in
such a devious manner as it is in our country. Interestingly
most politicians wearing secularism on their sleeves are either
casteist leaders or leftover leftists of yesteryears who have
lost their secular moorings. Indian political theatre has an
overwhelming presence of unprincipled politicians who consider
minority-centric vote-bank politics the easiest passport to
They have
no moral compunction in singing paeans to secularism while
donning skull-caps for attending Iftar parties, or haranguing in
caste-based congregations of Brahmins, Yadavs or Rajputs in a
brazen bid to ride to political power. Surprise of surprises,
most of them defend with great gusto the grant of religion
specific dole called Haj subsidy, but oppose enactment of a
common civil code as envisioned in Article 44 of the
Despite tall claims
often made by politicians and orchestrated by the mainstream
media, the fact remains that today
is anything but a secular democracy.
The Indian
political system fails to fulfil the two most important
prerequisites of a secular democratic nation. First, the Indian
Constitution falls short of the basic postulate of uniform
application of all laws to its citizens, irrespective of their
caste creed, religion or gender. Absence of a common civil code
is a glaring example of non-application of uniform laws in the
matter of marriage and inheritance. It is well known that the
Muslim women, constituting nearly 7.5 per cent of the
country’s population, continue to be denied the right to
equality because of strident opposition by the community’s
clerics and community leaders. The second pre-condition for a
country’s claim to be a democracy is the principle of equality
before law. As mentioned above, Articles 29 and 30 of the Indian
Constitution are a flagrant violation of the principle of
equality before law. Even Article 370 conferring a special
status on the state of Jammu & Kashmir is an aberration
because it does not gel with the right to equality enshrined in
the Constitution. For instance, under Article 370, no law
enacted by the Indian Parliament is applicable to the state of
Jammu & Kashmir, unless it is duly approved by the state
legislature. Even the Governor of J&K state takes oath of
his office under the separatist constitution of that state,
while Governors of all other states take oath under the Indian
Constitution. By allowing a federating state, and only one
single state, to have a separate Constitution is a wanton
violation of the principle of one nation, one country.
is antitheatical to the very idea of national unity.
highlighted by K. Subrahmanyam
in a very perceptive article, (Forces
of Fragmentation, Behind the Fig Leaf of Secularism,
The Times of
New Delhi
, April 18, 2002) “No country
can call itself democratic or secular unless it has a common
civil law.” Democracy implies that all citizens have equal
rights and are to be treated equally under the rule of law.
Allowing different personal laws is a negation of both
secularism and democracy because it means that a person’s
religion determines the laws by which he or she is to be
that reason India
cannot be termed either as a secular state or a democracy.
If we
compare the theory and practice of democracy and secularism as
practiced in
with the British parliamentary system, considered to be the role
model for our country, we find that the two systems are poles
apart. In the
United Kingdom
uniform civil and criminal laws are enacted and enforced for all
citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs, creed or
gender, without making any exception. But not so in
. Unfortunately that ideal of uniform application of all laws to
every citizens, the quintessential hallmark of secularism, is
totally missing in the Indian system. The recent decision of
Government of India to send a 15-member delegation led by its Labour
Minister, Oscar Fernandes,
to Va
to participate in the canonization of Sister
Alphonsa by Pope Benedict XVI, exposes the ugly face
of Indian secularism. Not to be left behind in the race for
vote-banks, the CPM-supported Kerala government also sent a
delegation headed by a minister to Vatican.
the same politicians had no qualms in filing a derogatory
affidavit in the Supreme
Court denying the existence of Sri Ram in a bid to destroy the
Ram Sethu.
the British commitment to secular ideal has not deterred the
government from declaring itself a Christian
nation. Upon ascending the throne, the monarch
invariably assumes the title “defender
of the faith”, and all important state functions,
including the coronation and inauguration of the Parliament
session are accompanied by a Christian prayer, often led by the Archbishop
of Canterbury himself.
In sharp
contrast, in
’s putrid political dispensation,
sham-secularist politicians take
sadistic pleasure in heaping scorn and calumny on the religious
icons of the majority community, namely the Hindus.
No wonder, the ideal of forging a common nationality has eluded
the Indian nation. We have remained a nation divided against
itself entirely due to serious flaws in
our Constitution and weird machinations of
self-serving politicians.
(source: The
disadvantaged Hindus, pampered Minorities
- By
R K Ohri
to It
happens only in India - By S L Byrappa. Refer
to Godhra:
The True Story - By Nicole Elfi - jaia-bharati.org.
of Page
in desirable in India but not in Europe and USA?
these Double standards?
is a tool and euphemism for religious conversion
Pope calls for
cooperation among Christians against secularism in
and America.
Benedict XVI on Thursday urged Archbishop
Christodoulos, head of the Orthodox Church of Greece, to work
together to fight growing secularism in Europe. "It is
necessary to develop cooperation between Christians in each
country of the EU, so as to face the new risks that confront the
Christian faith, which is to say growing secularism, relativism
and nihilism," the pope told the archbishop in a speech
delivered in French. Benedict has made the fight against growing
secularism in Western society, especially in
, a theme of his pontificate.
Warns Bishops Against Creeping Secularism in America.
anybody still had any questions about why Pope Benedict XVI came
to America, the answer should have been made clear yesterday,
the second day of his U. S. tour. The pontiff, who turned 81
yesterday, came to teach. And the core of his message, it should
now be equally clear, is a vigorous defense of faith in an
increasingly secular world.
(source: Pope
calls for cooperation among Christians against secularism in
Europe - usastoday.com and
Warns Bishops Against Creeping Secularism - usnews.com).
Refer to chapter on Conversion.
video Hindus
Under Siege and India
under attack and Congress
: A Merchent of Death for Hindus in
India Delhi
great secular circus
in perverted Indian sense of the term means striping of any
identity remotely Hindu and do a la Manishankar Iyer,
who proclaimed eating beef as symbol of his secular identity. To
be ‘qualified’ as Intellectual in elitist left circles one
must essentially read pathbreaking linguistic works of Chomsky,
quote from the seminal works of Amartya Sen, fill book shelves
with works of Pablo Neruda/Gabriel Garcia ,sign along with Peter
Seeger , light candles to fight for justice, be part of dime-a
dozen signature campaigns for all and sundry and champion
so-called ‘unfashionable’ cause that would be featured in
great secular circus).
of Page
Bizarre and Farcically
form of Secularism in India
borrowed from the West, secularism in
served a different end. In the West secularism was creative; in
, it was imitative. In the west it was directed against clergy,
tyrannical rulers, and had therefore a liberating role; in
it was designed and actually used by Macaulayites
to keep down the Hindus, the victims of two successive
imperialisms extending over a thousand years."
Swarup (Indian
Express, 2.1.91).
the so-called 'secularism' rampant in
is a perversion of that reasonable idea: in
it is contrived to mean the active involvement of the State in
supporting certain religions (Islam, Christianity and Marxism)
and oppressing others (Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism).
Religion has become the primary consideration in all sorts of
civil affairs: in anything from the reporting of news to running
educational institutions."
- Rajeev
Srinivasan - Perverting
The post-Independent politics in
has manifested itself in most unimaginable
bizarre shades. The meaning of ‘secularism’ in
has gone the way that any English dictionary will find hard to
explain. If it is denigration
of the majority community’s gods and goddesses and even faiths
and beliefs, it passes off under the garb of ‘freedom of
expression’. Asking for the proof of
the birth of Lord Rama and Krishna; depicting Hindu
gods and goddesses in the nude and even vulgarity passes off as
the ‘freedom of artistic expressions and creativity’
and in
consonance with the ‘secular’ ethos of Indian. Killing cows
and banning the music anywhere near a mosque has to be insisted
upon not only in the name of ‘secularism’ but also to
respect the religious feelings of the people concerned.

Ram building the Sethu (bridge) and Moses parting the Red Sea.
If it is denigration
of the majority community’s gods and goddesses and even faiths
and beliefs, it passes off under the garb of ‘freedom of
expression’. Asking for the proof of
the birth of Lord Rama and Krishna; depicting Hindu
gods and goddesses in the nude and even vulgarity passes off as
the ‘freedom of artistic expressions and creativity’ and in
consonance with the ‘secular’ ethos of Indian.
Attacks on temples, killing and
maiming of thousands of people and several lakhs people becoming
refugees in their own free country are non-issues to the
‘secular’ political parties, their leaders and the
successive governments.
A political party demanding for the safeguards for the
Hindus faces the danger of being banned on the charge of being a
‘communal party’. Any social organization espousing the
cause of Hindus is bound to be termed as ‘communal.’
Most of the ‘secular’ historians and social
scientists have chosen to actively participate in creating
politically correct histories and justify action of the
government in the name of ‘secularism’, ‘social justice’
etc. Those who are not able to participate in this for one
reason or other have chosen to turn a blind eye to the historical
Politics Communal Agenda: A History of Politics in
from 1860 to 1953 - By Prof Makkhan Lal p.
xv - xvi).
to India
and her problem of
– By
Kalyan Viswanathan and
and In
you are secular only if you do Hindu bashing.
Hindus: Refugees in their own land
jholawallah brigade unabashedly turns its back to the plight of
Kashmiri Pandits.
On 19 January 1990, Kashmiri
Hindus were asked to quit home and hearth in their own country. Lakhs
were killed, homes looted, girls and women subjected to unspeakable
atrocities. The Central Government provided them
refuge in camps lacking even basic amenities. Today,
even after 28 years, they have not been adequately
rehabilitated, nor serious attempts made to help them return
home with honour. As the world and much of the nation’s
political elite remained mute, Hindus
observed 19 January as Kashmiri Hindu Displacement Day.
19 January 1990. Kashmir was breathing still; Kashmiri
Pandits lay hidden like frightened pigeons in their own nest.
Today on behalf of my fellow brothers and sisters, I wish to
revisit the pain of separation from my own home 19 years ago,
when the cruel hands of Allah-wallahs
butchered members of my community for being ‘idol
worshipers,’ for rejecting the call for unholy
jihad and for siding with their own nation, India.

Kashmiri Panditani
A part of India's cultural
heritage is destroyed; Age old temple are in ruins; a chapter of India's civilization has
been erased. But our
'Secular' jholawallah (Teesta Setalvaad,
Suzanne Arundhati Roy, Nandita Haksar, Medha Patkar, Shabana
Azmi and others) brigade unabashedly turns its back
to the plight of Kashmiri Pandits.
marauders played dire warnings from mosques which pierced each
nerve of anybody with a Hindu name. As the sun turned pale, the
exhortations became louder, and three taped slogans repeatedly
played their terror: 'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar
kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say
Allah is great); 'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do
we want here? Rule of Shariah); 'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao
roas te Batanev san' (We want Pakistan along with Hindu women,
but without their men).
The roots of this unparalleled
tragedy lie in 1986 with a well-planned strategy to expel Hindus
from the valley. By 1990, the populace saw its age-old
temples turned to ruins
and their own lives at risk.
As Pakistan stepped up its campaign against India, new Islamic terror
outfits suddenly mushroomed in the state.
As Jamait-e-Islami financed
all madarsas to poison them against the minority Hindus and
India, Pakistan instigated youth to launch Jihad against India.
A terror strike so meticulously planned was terrifying. Camps
in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) began training innumerable
Muslim men, and India witnessed
the emergence of the bloodiest Kalashnikov culture in the valley.
The victims were innocent and non-violent Kashmiri Pandits.
entire community uprooted from its ancestral land is today
struggling for its identity.
The weak-kneed Indian state shamelessly panders to Islamic
terrorists and separatists who claim they are the final arbiters
of Jammu & Kashmir's destiny. A part of India's cultural
heritage is destroyed; a chapter of India's civilization has
been erased. But our jholawallah
brigade unabashedly turns its back
to the plight of Kashmiri Pandits.
them ‘Hindu sorrow inflicted by Islamic terror’ is a truth
too harsh to accept. Thereby hangs a tragic tale completely
wiped out from public memory.
(source: Exodus
of Kashmiri Pandits - By Aditya Raj Kaul - vijayvaani.com).
India's most influential
section is the 'Secular Brigade
is synonymous with 'anti-Hinduism'
in India, that is Barath, which comprises 85% Hindus and 15%
others. In this Hindu Barath at present, the most influential
section is the 'Secular Brigade', which
comprises of almost all
political parties (except BJP), all media houses, both print and
electronic (except a very few) and most of all intellectuals and
artists (again with an exception of very few).
this secular brigade, any
heinous attack perpetrated on Hindu majority must either be
ignored or be treated as a normal affair, but even a miniscule
crime against the minorities (Muslims and Christians) must be
considered as a monstrous attack committed by the majority. Secularism
and human rights have no place wherever Hindus are victims.
ridiculous procedure, which has been under practice since the
time of independence and to some extent even before that, has
resulted in the Hindu majority being treated as 'secondary'
citizens and the Muslim and Christian minority getting all
priorities. The non-stop pandering by the secular brigade has
emboldened the minority communities to unleash all types of
terror against the majority community. The secular brigade has
been helping this by creating caste wise divisions among the
Hindus and preventing their unity.

Temple of Lord Amarnath.
'Secularism' in Indian
parlance is farcically unique.
and human rights have no place wherever Hindus are victims.
In this Hindu Barath at present, the most influential
section is the 'Secular Brigade', which comprises of almost all
political parties (except BJP), all media houses, both print and
electronic (except a very few) and most of all intellectuals and
artists (again with an exception of very few).

more on Lord Shiva refer to chapter on Symbolism
in Hinduism.
Muslim supremacist, jihad-inspired conflict in Kashmir - really
a tragic ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Hindus by Muslim
jihadists which began in earnest during the 14th century -
re-emerged in late June of this year when the Indian
government had the "temerity" to
want to transfer 99 acres of land to the Shri
Amarnath Shrine Board, a trust running the popular
Hindu shrine (including the cave that houses a large ice
stalagmite itself, revered by Hindus as an incarnation of Siva,
the god of destruction and reproduction). Hundreds of thousands
of Hindus visit the area as part of an annual pilgrimage to the
cave. Please view the poignant, elegantly produced video by
Kashmiri filmmaker Ashok Pandit,
"And the World Remained Silent," (linked
here, Parts
1 and 2)
which chronicles in gory detail the brutal ethnic cleansing of
some 350,000 indigenous Hindus from Kashmir during early 1990,
orchestrated by
. and it's Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. (Focus on the time
period 2:15 to 4:00 minutes, from Part
1 above, and witness the jihadist speech
of the late, much ballyhooed "modernist reformer" Ms.
Bhutto. She was a jihadist, plain and simple; the head of what
remains a jihadist state).
to Hindus,
Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai
- By Andrew G Bostom - americanthinker.com and
Legacy of Jihad in India - By Andrew G Bostom -
the recent political and communal scenario, the Amarnath
and Khandhamal issues have
yet again established the typical behaviour of the Indian
'secular brigade', which ignored the oppression and sufferings
of the Hindus with utmost contempt, while projecting the
perpetrators, Muslims in Kashmir and Christians in Orissa, as
victims. The Amarnath imbroglio has hopefully come to an end,
but not before the Hindu majority was made to sacrifice lives,
limbs, properties, health, wealth and education, just for a
paltry allotment of 100 acres of land, that too only for three
months to facilitate their most strenuous and sacred pilgrimage,
which has been undertaken for centuries. The government, which
has been yielding to the whims and fancy of Kashmiri separatist
militant forces and Muslim political parties, has once again
exhibited its impotency by doing nothing against those
anti-national elements, which trampled upon and burnt our
National Flag, hoisted the enemy country Pakistan's flag
claiming themselves as Pakistanis by openly owing their
allegiance to it. The 'secular brigade' including the government
has brought 'disgrace' by denigrating the patriotic Hindus as
'communal' forces and by dancing to the 'azadi
tunes' of minority separatist forces. This clumsiness
was never considered as 'shame', but the democratic protests of
Hindus were condemned as 'disgrace'.
us consider two important political personalities, who have
showcased their 'secular' credentials with regards to the
communal unrest in Orissa. Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh and former Tamil
Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha have called the
attacks on Christians in Orissa as 'national shame' and
'disgrace'. Both of them have ignored the reprehensible
murder of Swami
Lakshmanananda Saraswathi and his four disciples by
Christian terrorists, without even uttering a single word of
condemnation or condolence. This has added insult to the injury
of the Hindus, who have been deeply hurt by the continuous
onslaught of the 'secular' media day in and day out.

Minister Manmohan Singh (aka Sonia Sevak Singh), Tamilnadu CM Jayalalitha and Swami
Lakshmanananda Saraswathi
of them have ignored the reprehensible murder of Swami
Lakshmanananda Saraswathi and his four disciples by Christian
terrorists, without even uttering a single word of condemnation
or condolence. Calling
Hindus "Hindu
extremists," is an absurd calumny. This has added insult to the injury of the
Hindus, who have been deeply hurt by the continuous onslaught of
the 'secular' media day in and day out.
remark came when a delegation of Christian leaders visited him
in the aftermath of the retaliatory attack on Churches, and,
close on the heels of the impudent statement made by Pope
Benedict and the audacious
action of the Italian government in summoning the
Indian Ambassador to register its protest against the
retaliatory attacks on Churches. The arrogant interference of
and the 'secularly' important statement of Manmohan Singh gain
significance in the obvious realisation that the Indian
government is under the direct control of Italian
Catholic born Sonia.

Rajya or Rome Rajya?
Benedict and Italian Catholic Sonia Gandhi and PM (aka Sonia
Sewak Singh) Manmohan
to Sonia
interference of the Italian Government and the Vatican and the
United States into
India's internal affairs is truly mind boggling.
Sing lost his sleep on seeing the plight of the families of
terrorists and terror suspects; he never lost sleep on seeing
thousands of innocent people losing their lives because of
terror attacks on Indian soil; he asserted that the Muslims have
the first and rightful claim on all the resources of India; his
government honoured the Australian evangelist Glady Staines by
giving 'Padmashri' award for her heavy harvest of souls in
Orissa; he blamed Hindus for the Malegon blasts; his
government has compassionately and indefinitely postponed the
hanging of parliament attack mastermind Afzal Guru despite the
Supreme Court's final verdict; his government facilitated the
escape of the Italian fugitive Quattrocchi and the latest being
his stoic silence over the brutal murder of Swami Lakshmanananda
in Orissa. All these and many more
actions, in the endless list, of Manmohan Singh have been so 'honourable'
that the people of
are basking in glory with pride!
the statement of Jayalalitha, that the attacks on Christians in
Orissa were a 'disgrace' to the nation, induces for an analysis
of her own 'graceful' acts. Though a plethora of her 'honourable'
deeds are available, it would be sufficed to mention just two of
them, which have a sort of connection with the Christian
she repealed the anti-conversion law, enacted by her own
government, to appease the Christian community and secondly, she
went to the extent of denigrating and destroying the sanctity of
2500 years old Institution established by Sage
Adi Sankara and flawlessly
maintained by his order of disciples as 'Jagath Gurus' for
millions of Hindus. Incidentally and ironically in
October 2004, she got the 'Golden Star for Dignity and Honour' (Thanga
Tharakai) award from a Ukraine based Christian organisation
named 'International Human Rights
Defence Committee' controlled by America and funded
by 'US Agency for International
Development' (USAID). The Indian representative for
IHRDC was Mallavarappu Prakash, who happened to be the Bishop of
Vijayawada and was later made as Chairman of Tamil Nadu
Minorities Welfare Commission!
general look at the original history of this great Hindu nation
will highlight the fact that it has been Hindus, who have been
'graceful' to the 'outsiders' and on the other hand, it has been
the outsiders, who have 'disgraced' this nation. The 'revealed'
religions have been 'gracefully' allowed to establish and grow
here by the Dharmic Hindus, who respected the cultural and
religious traditions of the outsiders and treated them with
honour, love and affection. But how did the outsiders pay back
the Hindus? Persecution, land-grabs, slavery, oppression,
proselytisation, terror and what not!
Christians have been calling the pantheon of Hindu Gods and
Goddesses all sorts of names and ridiculing the Hindu religious
customs and rituals, but brazenly adopted the very same culture
to promote their faith through the strategy of 'inculturation'.
The 'magnanimity' of the majority should not be taken as its
weakness! This boomi is a 'Hindu boomi'; this nation is a 'Hindu
nation'; its culture is 'Hindu culture'; its philosophy is 'Hindutva',
that is 'Sanatana Dharma'; its people are 'Hindus' irrespective
of caste, colour or creed; the Christians and Muslims of this
boomi have a 'Hindu ancestry'. They must respect their ancestors
and that can be achieved only by coexisting peacefully with the
Hindu majority.
'secular brigade' must change its attitude and understand that
even 'tolerance' has its limits and when it goes beyond the
limits, consequences will be devastating. The minorities must
also realise the importance of co-existence and must not yield
to the nefarious designs of the 'secular brigade', so that,
peace and harmony prevail.
(source: The
'honour' and 'grace' of Indian secularism! – By B.
R. Haran - News
Today September
1, 2008). For
daily news and columns on India refer to
Samachar. Refer
to The
Most Loathsome people in India 2008 and
of Page
The Vital difference: Middle
Eastern vs Indic Traditions
Christianity, Islam vs. Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
Hindus and pandering to Muslims/Christians
Heedless secularists
and the rapacious aggressives do not realise they are pushing
Hindus, Buddhists and others to discard their tolerance. When
a tradition has the following elements, as each of the three
Middle Eastern traditions has, as do the secular traditions of
the West — Nazism, Marxism-Leninism
— it will invariably be exclusivist,
intolerant and aggressive, and
it will invariably deploy all means — from propaganda to money
to violence:
Reality is simple;
• It has been revealed to one
• He has put it in one Book;
• That Book is inerrant as well as exhaustive: so that
whatever is in it is true, that it is true for all time; and
that whatever is not in it or is contrary to what is in it, is
false or useless or worse;
• But the Book is difficult to understand; hence, you need a
guide, an intermediary, a monitor: in a word, the Church, the
ulema, or the Party;
• The Book covers, the intermediary must cover every aspect
of life: there is no distinction between the private and the
public sphere, between the Secular and the Religious, between
the State and the Church. These doctrines are totalitarian —
in both senses: they insist on governing the totality of life
— the Roman Catholic Church’s minatory insistence against
contraception, for instance, and the reams and reams of fatwas
that deal with even more intimate matters; they are also
totalitarian in the sense that what they prescribe on any aspect
just must be obeyed;
• The test of piety is adherence to that Book and to the
prescriptions of that intermediary — in every sphere of life;
• It is the duty of that intermediary, indeed of every
believer to ensure that all come to accept and adhere to The
Message — there is only one Message;
As the Message is the ‘Truth, the whole Truth and nothing
but the Truth,’ as there is no truth beside it, those who do
not accept the Message are cussed; worse, they are thwarting the
Will of Allah, or its equivalent — the march of History in
• Hence, it is the duty of every believer, and even more so
of that intermediary to use all means to make them accept the
Message, and if, even after being offered the opportunity to
accept it, they refuse, to vanquish them all together.
these elements are present, the tradition will have one singular
objective: dominance. It
will become an ideology of power, a dogma
that rationalises everything in the
pursuit of hegemony. The dogma will necessarily gravitate to,
among other things, violence.
those elements with propositions that are central to the Indic
• Reality is multilayered complexity: both in the sense that
there are layers within layers of it, and in the sense of each
element mingling into others: the Buddhist master Thich Nhat
Hanh refers to the latter as ‘inter-being’;
It has not been revealed
exclusively to one person: several have glimpsed it;
• They have put down approximate descriptions of that
reality as well as hints of how to glimpse it in some books:
these are travel guides;
• Perceiving that Truth is an overwhelming, incomparable
experience; it is the one joy that lasts. This life gives each
of us a unique opportunity to bathe in that effulgence. If we
don’t, the loss will be ours — but that is about it: the
Truth is not affected; the guides are not falsified;
• It is not just the Book or some singular great figure who
can teach us; everything, every event, every relationship can be
a teacher guiding us to glimpse the Truth — indeed, our object
should be to make everything teach us. The essential points are
three: different ways will suit
different persons; second, the individual is the one
who has to strive — as ‘an island unto himself’; third,
the striving, the search is an inner-directed one. It has
nothing to do with the state or power or dominance over nature
or man;
• In pursuing this inner-directed search, indeed in leading
one’s life, the test is not adherence to any of these travel
guides, nor obedience to any intermediary, but darshan
— the traveller’s own experience: do not mistake
the finger pointing to the moon — that is, my teaching — for
the moon, the reality, the Buddha counsels.
single element in these traditions guides and pulls the believer
in the direction that is the exact opposite of the Middle
Eastern traditions. Reality is multilayered, hence no
description of it is final: tolerance follows as an article of
faith. The search is to be
an inner-directed one: where, then, is there a case for
converting some dar ul harb into
some dar ul Islam?
Hence, all who are apprehensive of a Hindu
reaction should:
• Get to know the non-Indic
• Shed denial — from denial of
what the basic texts of the non-Indic traditions say to denial
of the demographic aggression in the Northeast;
• Most important of all, work to ensure a completely fair
and an absolutely firm state; and an even-handed
(source: The
Vital difference - By Arun Shourie - indianexpress.com).
Hindus too far
three great religions that originated in Palestine and Saudi
Arabia — Judaism, Christianity and
Islam — have been exclusivist
— each has insisted that it alone
is true — and aggressive.
Indic religions — Hinduism, Buddhism,
Jainism, Sikhism — have been inclusive,
they have been indulgent of the claims of others. But how may
the latter sort survive when it is confronted by one that aims
at power, acquires it, and then uses it to enlarge its dominion?
How is the Indic sort to survive when the other uses the sword
as well as other resources — organised missionaries, money,
the state — to proselytise and to convert? Nor is this
question facing just the Hindus in India
today. It is facing the adherents of Indic traditions wherever
they are: look at the Hindus in Indonesia and Malaysia; look at
the Buddhists in Tibet, now in Thailand too. It is because of
this vice, and the realisation born from what had already come
to pass that Swami Vivekananda,
for instance, while asking the Hindus to retain their Hindu
soul, exhorted them to acquire an ‘Islamic body’.
can be certain that his counsel will prevail, our secularists
• The more aggressively the other religions proselytise —
look at the fervour with which today the Tablighi Jamaat goes
about conversion; look at the organised way in which the
missionaries ‘harvest’ our souls;
• The more they use money to increase the harvest —
whether it is Saudi money or that of Rome and the American
• The more any of them uses violence to enlarge its sway;
• The more any of them allies itself with and uses the state
— whether that of Saudi Arabia or Pakistan — for
is what others do from outside the only determinant. From within
India, three factors in particular will make the acquiring of
that Islamic body all the more certain:
• The more biased ‘secularist’ discourse is;
The more political parties use non-Hindus — Muslims, for
instance — as vote banks and the more that non-Hindu group
comes to act as one — ‘strategic voting’ and all;
• The more the state of India
bends to these exclusivist, aggressive traditions.
has almost become routine to slight Hindu sentiments — our
smart-set do not even notice the slights they administer. Recall
the jibe of decades: ‘the Hindu
rate of growth’.
because of those very socialist policies that their kind had
swallowed and imposed on the country, our growth was held down
to 3-4 per cent, it was dubbed — with
much glee — as ‘the Hindu rate of growth’.
Today, we are growing at 9 per cent. And, if you are to believe
the nonsense in Sachar’s report,
the minorities are not growing at all.
who is responsible for this higher rate of growth? The Hindus! How
come no one calls this higher rate of growth ‘the Hindu rate
of growth’? Simple: dubbing the low rate as the Hindu one
established you to be secular; not acknowledging the higher one
as the Hindu rate establishes you to be secular!
and radical Islam: Where the twain do meet - By Arun Shourie
- indianexpress.com).
of Page
has no religion
has no religion' (TOI Times of India Nov 11th) by Brinda
Karat who is looking through her spectacles which is
tinted red. Let me use her
logic to disprove her. The aggressive defense by the CPM to a
select group of terror outfits is well known. Direct and/or
indirect abetment of terrorism has been obvious in the States
ruled by the CPM. The maximum terror groups are in the North
East States.
compiled by S. Asia Terrorism
portal lists a staggering 174 terror, insurgent and extremist
groups operating in
most of them in the North East with Manipur-40 Assam 36,
Tirupura-30 etc. People's war group and the Communist Party of
India-Maoist are also terror groups. The
Nano car project which triggered
protests in
West Bengal
saw the CPM cadres run amuck killing and raping the poor farmers
and farm women.
there be justice for the minorities and no justice for the

Karat (CPM - Communist Party of India) and PM Manmohan
Kar Sevaks can be roasted in locked carriages and their burning
flesh does not stir the conscience of the politicians is it
small wonder that there would be a backlash? Year after year the
riots come in handy to bash Modi, the BJP and to whip up
communalism. Justice is blind-it does not look at the religion
of the perpetrators nor the victims. The author' mindset is
revealed when she calls for justice to the victims of the
Prime Minister disclosed that he spent a sleepless night when
Haneef was arrested in
. One wonders if he would lose his sleep had it been a Hariram. Minority
votes must be garnered at all cost -does not matter if it is
through the 'confluence of the blood of innocents'.
Karat did not raise her voice in protest against the shedding of
innocent blood and the violation of women. This is
not something new-it has always been the case when justice is
demanded by politicians they are selective and their vision of
justice is blurred. To give an example- In the case of the
demolition of one and a half domes in Babri Masjid the CPM and
its affiliated Women's Democratic Wing rose as one man
throughout the country to condemn and demanded the banning of
Hindutva outfits.
must be noted that not a single Muslim life was lost in that
after year the Babri Majid is brought to centre stage for
protests and condemnation by politicians to serve their narrow
vested interest.
vengeance of this demolition was the bomb blasts in Mumbai in
1993 which killed more than 300 mostly Hindus and hundreds
injured. Did the victims get justice?
as the author stated from 2004-2008 there has been at least 25
major bomb blasts in which 717 people were killed and hundreds
injured. It is not only the soft policy
of the UPA but also the government is guilty of
abdication of its duty. The CPM which had lend its support to
the UPA government should also share this guilt. The repeal of
POTA gave an impetus to the sudden spawning of terror groups.
The tardy investigation and the soft policy made the terror
groups bold. Afzal Guru's case is a typical example on the
government's weakness to bring to justice terrorists. It is
wrong to state that a small section of Indian Muslim youth is
drawn into the new work of terror groups because the State had
failed to ensure justice to the victims of communal attacks and
to punish the guilty of various crimes against the
very premise of this argument is flawed because most of the
victims of the communal attacks are Hindus-.if Brinda Karat has
the Gujarat riots in mind then by an extension of her argument
it is the failure of the government and all political parties
including the CPM to even condemn the Godra carnage that
triggered the
Kar Sevaks can be roasted in locked carriages and their burning
flesh does not stir the conscience of the politicians is it
small wonder that there would be a backlash?
after year the
riots come in handy to bash Modi, the BJP and to whip up
communalism. Justice is blind-it does not look at the religion
of the perpetrators nor the victims.
author' mindset is revealed when she calls for justice to the
victims of the minorities. Can there be justice for the
minorities and no justice for the majority?
must be conceded that most of the terror outfits are Islamic.
When Sadhvi has been grilled and put to narco analysis and brain
mapping-when chemicals are injected into her body not once but
many times Brinda and her party which raises issues against the
discrimination of women were silent. Should not the process of
interrogation and probing be the same? Or does it mean that the
appeasement policy of the Muslims includes this area too? When
the cops pick up Muslims for questioning all hell is raised that
a minority community is being harassed and hounded. Can the cops
just walk in and pick up the suspects without questioning
others? And where are the suspects holed but within the Muslim
communities? Cabinet ministers rushed to issue certificates of
innocence to SIMI-a banned outfit and to those terror suspects
picked up in the Batla House raid. The investigators are
hindered and hampered at every stage till finally the whole
investigation is put in cold storage. What is the justice Brinda
Karat is talking of? To put it in a nut shell the Muslims can
get away with any number of bomb blasts and crimes-but a single
bomb blast in which the Hindus are suspects all hell is let
loose. With the Malegoan case the color of terror became saffron
and the outcry to ban all the Hindutva outfits became shrill.
But when all the suspects were Muslims in nearly the 20 and odd
major serial blasts then we are told that terror has no
religion. From where does Jihadis emerge? What ideology inspires
them? Who supports them? We have yet to know what the PM has
done towards the extradition of Dawood Ibrahmin.
Prime Minister disclosed that he spent a sleepless night when
Haneef was arrested in
. One wonders if he would
lose his sleep had it been a Hariram. This is the
whole problem with our politicians-their perception and the way
they make the system work. Minority votes must be garnered at
all cost -does not matter if it is through the 'confluence of
the blood of innocents'.
Mrs Hilda Raja, Vasna Road,Vadodara-15
has no religion - An answer by Mrs Hilda Raja).
refer to Islamic
Terrorism and Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits
in their own country. Refer
to The
Self Loathing Leftists and Liberals of India
- By Tavleen Singh
As Dr.
K D Pratipal, Professor Emeritus, Comparative
University of Alberta
, aptly puts it:
will only live in peace as an oppressive majority or a turbulent
In the case of
the latter half of the quotation is more relevant and
appropriate. The Muslims of India are the favoured children of
the State and they are fully supported and duly blessed by the
politically insolent (if not ignorant) and ideologically insolvent Government of
India. Our boneless and spineless Prime Minister spent a
sleepless night when a suspected Islamic terrorist from
was arrested in
. He never had a sleepless night when
hundreds of Hindu pilgrims were slaughtered at various temple
cities in
during the last four years. Then he came out with his
great statement which showed his total contempt, if not hatred,
of the Hindus of India in majority when he said “The
minority Muslims of India will have the first and knock down
priority over our national resources”.
a failed state?) Refer
to Godhra:
The True Story - By Nicole Elfi - jaia-bharati.org.
Manmohan Singh: Why people have lost faith in you?
addressing the annual conference of Directors General and
Inspectors General of Police in New Delhi on Nov 22nd the Prime
Minister raised the query, ‘ask why people don’t trust-even
when you lose men’.. This was apparently in reference to the
Batla House encounter in which some of the leaders of the UPA
questioned the encounter death of Sharma shot at by the
terrorists. One cannot fault the PM for urging the police force
to instill confidence in the civil society for whom and among
whom they work. But two areas need to be focused-why should the
political leaders make statements while the police are on their
job? Is it their business to cast aspersions on the police force
and thus make the civil society lose their confidence in the
police forced? Should the objective of vote bank politics of the
politicians be taken into consideration by the police in their
task of policing, in their investigation and security job? Why
do the political class influence the police in almost all
cases-be they terrorism or other crimes. The civil society is
aware that the rich and the politically powerful get away with
crimes or with lesser punishments- be it in the mowing down of
poor living by the road sides-rape cases, and murders. Of course
in lesser violation of rules they claim immunity.
Prime Minister should have pulled up his Cabinet ministers who
made public their views on the investigation in the Batla House
case. There can be no two yardsticks but now in the
case the ATS is giving out
leaks on a daily basis. It is another matter that these leaks
are contradictory and provokes the people to react.
PM himself is guilty of bias when in the
blast resulting in the arrest of Dr Haneef confessed that
he was spending sleepless nights. Now in the
case the whole political class belonging to the ‘pseudo
secularism’ is silent and faults the BJP for its condemnation
of torture and violation of human rights of the suspects.
is relevant then to note that it is in the whole context of
prejudiced, bias, adoption of double standards and
discrimination so openly displayed by the ATS that Mr Advani was
forced to state a truth:- had the suspects belonged to the
minority community things would be different by citing the
example of Afzal Guru. The
latter is a condemned convict whose sentence is kept in abeyance
for reasons known only to the UPA
government. Immediately the Congress threatened to
‘ask the EC to take action against Advani’.
language of the media reveals the perception-that the EC is also
a handmaid of the Congress. Otherwise the media should have said
that the Congress is thinking of filing a complaint with the EC.
It has no authority to ask the EC to take action. Does
Advani’s statement call for any action is for the EC to
decide. What action can the EC take against Advani for
vocalizing something that is well known? Has he condemned Afzal
Guru? Has he stated any falsehood? Advani only cited Afzal
Guru’s case to substantiate the bias and the discrimination
that runs right through all the actions and inactions of the UPA
government. Has the Opposition not the right to expose this? For
the Malegaon suspects MCOCA is valid but not for the
suspects of the serial blasts in Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka
Hyderabad, Ajmer, Assam, Gujarat etc.
proved the suspects are innocent was the stand of Lalu, Paswan
Mulayam et al .Is that not applicable to the Malegaon suspects?
these third degree methods were employed for the
suspects? Why had their human rights violated?
had the Prime Minister at the conference not openly cautioned
that third degree methods and violation of the personhood of
suspects cannot and will not be accepted? If a reference to the
Batla House could be made then it is not out of place to mention
Caste and communalism divisive forces
are a threat to the national unity of the country. Religion also
has become a divisive tool for the UPA when it even recommended
a head count of the army on the basis of religion. The
communal mindset of the Congress and its allies has spread to
every aspect of the polity. From separate ministry, budget,
programs, education policies and even pilgrimage to guarantee
the salvation of souls- everything has been justified under the
term ‘inclusive’ development. But in the process there has
been an exclusion of a people. A
wide gulf has been created between the majority and the minority
people. This chasm is difficult to bridge because of the
insistence of a political class which banks on vote bank
politics If a country has to develop then the criterion is
to net in the poor –irrespective of religion, and built in
strategies to see that the benefits of development reach the
poorest of the poor. With this as the background of the
UPA government one is tempted to ask the Prime Minister- ‘why
people have lost faith in you and your government and why
you who had under oath vowed to act without favor or fear
has let down a people?’ Innocent blood has reddened our
streets and roads and after 1600 days in power the PM wants to
chalk out a road map to arrest terrorism in 100 days! Is this
not proof of the government’s betrayal of the people?
Contributed to this website By Dr
Mrs Hilda Raja of Vadodara, Gujarat, India).
of Page
murders of Indian students in US cause for concern
of deaths involving students and professionals from the South
Indian state of Andhra Pradesh in
the US over the past few months.
The large number of unnatural deaths of Indian students in the United States
has become a cause for worry.
this week an Indian female student, Arpana
Jinaga, was murdered
by unidentified criminals in Seattle. This murder follows a number of other murders of Indian
students, especially those from Andhra Pradesh. A 23-year-old
student from the State, Tummala Soumya
Reddy, studying in
Chicago was found murdered in her car in September, allegedly
shot dead by an African American, while her cousin, Tummala
Vikram Kumar Reddy, was found dead two days later. These two are
among the five students from Andhra Pradesh killed in the last
two years. A 29 year old medical student, Akkaldevi
was found dead with neck injuries in
Pennsylvania. Though the police have said that it was a case of suicide, his
family suspects foul play. In December last year, two PhD
students, Kiran Kumar and K Chandrasekhara Reddy, were shot dead
by unidentified people in their hostel room in Louisiana
University. Another student, Abhijit
Mahato, was murdered at
in North Carolina
, in January this year. Despite police investigation these
murders remain mysterious, with the assailants having escaped in
some of the cases. This raises serious questions about security
on college and university campuses in the US. But what is curious is that students from
, particularly from this one south
State, seem to be targeted the most. Police have suggested that the
high standard of living, well-paid jobs in hi-tech sectors and a
display of wealth were making Indians a soft target of criminal
gangs in the US. However, this does not apply to students as many of them
pursue their studies on scholarship.

Pradesh Christian Chief Minister Samuel Reddy with his family at
a Bible meeting. Series
of deaths involving students and professionals from the South
Indian state of Andhra Pradesh in the US over the past few
to Christianization
of Andhra Pradesh
and Over
zealous crusader - By V Sundaram.
to Software
engineer from AP found dead in US and
Andhra woman found dead in the US and
student from Andhra Pradesh shot dead in US and
Andhra student killed in US
may, therefore, be more to it than what meets the eye.
It cannot be lost sight of that among the students murdered are
not just those who lived off-campus in areas that have high
crime rates, but also those who lived on campus under the close
supervision of university and college authorities. It is
incomprehensible as to how dangerous criminals with weapons got
access to secure accommodations within campuses. Hence, those
responsible for the welfare of the students have failed in their
duty to provide the latter ample security. In all of this it is
easy to understand the anxiety and fear of parents who have sent
their children abroad to study, and whose security and
well-being are upper-most in their minds.
Government of India must, therefore, take up the matter with the
authorities in the
so that such attacks on Indian students cease and the guilty are
(source: Campus
murders in US cause for concern - dailypioneer.com
Edits Monday,
November 10, 2008).
of Page
real threat to the prophetic monolatrous revelatory
monotheism and Sanatana Dharma
Koenraad Elst
(1959 -) Dutch historian, born in
Leuven, Belgium, on 7 August 1959, into a Flemish (i.e.
Dutch-speaking Belgian) Catholic family. He graduated in
Philosophy, Chinese Studies and Indo-Iranian Studies at the
Catholic University of Leuven. He is the author of several books
including The
Saffron Swastika, Decolonising
The Hindu Mind - Ideological Development of Hindu Revivalism
and Negationism
in India: Concealilng the Record of Islam.
He has written about the
threat of yoga to prophetic religions thus:
fact, prophecy is radically different
from yoga: it means allowing an outside entity, which
in the case of monotheism is called Yahweh/God/Allah, to blow
certain consciousness contents into your mind. Consciousness is
not turned inward, but is (or believes it is) communicating with
another Being. Moreover, the mind is not being emptied of
its contents and made to rest in itself, as it is in yoga; on
the contrary, it is being filled with a message beyond one's
control. The prophet receives a certain information: prophecy is
like talking, though with an unusual partner via an unusual
channel; but yoga is silence.
Lastly, if it is correct that
prophethood is a mental aberration and a delusion, then that
makes it the very antithesis of yoga, which is an undisturbed
and realistic awareness of pure consciousness.
is not an erratic and disturbing experience, which befalls you
and drives you to tirades of doom and to outbursts against your
fellow men. It is a systematic discipline and makes the
practitioner calm and serene. The word yoga means
discipline, control (it is also translated as
"uniting": not the soul with an outsider called God,
but the mind with its object, (i.e. concentration). Since
its field of working is consciousness, it is not interested in
outward experiences such as recognition and glorification, or
martyrdom. There is nothing dramatic about yoga, in stark
contrast to the dramas enacted and encountered by the prophets.
most remarkable difference between the prophets' discourse and
that of the rishis, is certainly this. The
prophets all talk about themselves a lot. They think they are
very special, this one person in this one body is different from
the rest and has an exclusive relationship with the Creator.
But the rishis talked about a universal
way, a world order in which we all participate, a state of
consciousness we can all achieve. If
God is defined as that which transcends all worldly differences,
the One above the Many, then this universalism is far more
divine than the prophets' exclusivism."
of Prophetism: A Secular Look at the Bible
- By Koenraad Elst - voiceofdharma.org).
yoga bad for you? - By Irfan
fatwa council are in good company with the Christian
fundamentalists in the United States.
years ago, I developed something called arthrosis in my knees.
This is a first cousin to arthritis, and is extremely painful.
After a few months on painkillers, I enrolled in a yoga class
out of desperation. Initially, contorting my out-of-shape body
into the positions required by our teacher was very difficult,
but soon I managed to bully my joints into approximating the
postures our elegant instructor assumed so effortlessly. A few
months into this routine, I began to look forward to the
thrice-weekly yoga classes. In our darkened room, soft music
would play, while we were encouraged to empty our minds and hold
the positions for just a little longer each time. My body became
suppler, and crucially the pain in my knees disappeared.
Unfortunately, the timings of our class were changed, and I
could no longer pursue my new interest. Nevertheless, I have
nothing but pleasant memories of the year-long experience. Now,
as my creaking body protests each time I lower myself to pick up
something from the floor, I wish I could have continued my yoga
lessons. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that
's top Islamic body recently issued a
fatwa prohibiting Muslims from practising yoga due to
elements of Hinduism the ancient system
is supposed to contain.
to The Island, a Sri Lankan
daily, the Malaysian National Fatwa
Council's chairman, Shukor
Husin, has said that "many Muslims fail to
understand that yoga's ultimate aim is to be one with a god of a
different religion". I had no idea
that when our yoga teacher told us to empty our minds, she was
doing so with the aim of making space in that limited cavity for
a foreign god. Fortunately, this edict is not legally
binding, unless of course the government makes it a law. And in
case you think this is far-fetched, just remember that the Malay
government has recently made it illegal for non-Muslims to use
the word 'Allah', for fear that "it would confuse
Muslims". It seems many other things confuse Muslims in
: the fatwa council recently declared tomboy-ish behaviour by
girls un-Islamic on the grounds that girls who act like boys
"violate Islam's edicts". Now having grown up with my
cousin Meher who played cricket and rode bikes with us as kids,
and is now long happily married, I cannot imagine how her early
years as a tomboy make her un-Islamic. But according to Maulana
Shukor Husin, this kind of innocent childhood behaviour is
the members of the fatwa council
are in good company, for Christian
fundamentalists in the
United States
have long opposed yoga classes in
schools, arguing that it violates the secular principle of
separating church from state. According to them, yoga's Hindu
roots conflict with Christian teachings. And
's highest theological body banned yoga for Muslims in 2004.
what planet are these fundamentalists on? And what century do
they live in? Surely everything that's good for us, or is fun,
cannot be declared un-Islamic on a whim?
if this kind of retrogressive mindset can hold sway in a
relatively modern Muslim country like
, just think what is going on in nations like
Saudi Arabia
the reason, such desperate and ultimately futile measures only
serve to further marginalise Muslims. Already viewed as a
backward community by much of the world, Muslims risk
withdrawing from the rest of mankind at a time when
globalisation is breaking down barriers at a frenzied pace. In
, Muslim ulema have won the right to dominate women as a
religious right. This exemption was granted to them by a secular
Congress Party. In
, the Taliban and their supporters want to ban music, movies and
even kite-flying. When the Taliban were in power, they had
banned education for girls, and had denied women medical care
from male doctors. Where will this madness end?
It will
end if and when Muslims decide that enough is enough, and that
they do not want to live in the sixth century. Unfortunately,
there is much confusion in the Islamic world, with the result
that uneducated mullahs issue half-baked edicts on everything
under the sun, and ordinary people, unsure of themselves, pay
lip service to these teachings. Millions in the Islamic world
have convinced themselves that their current weakness has been
caused by the West. If they examine the causes for their
backwardness more closely, they will discover that they lie much
closer to home than they would like to admit.
(source: Is
yoga bad for you? - By Irfan
Husain - dawn.com).
Refer to Is
Yoga a Religion - By Georg Feuerstein. How
long will it take to yank fundamentalist Muslims like Abdul
Shukor Husin into the 21st century. Refer
to the chapter on Yoga
and Hindu Philosophy
the Yoga Demon! The Christian Right’s fear of self-realization
and spirituality
still at it. Those paranoid Christian
fundamentalists are again attacking yoga.
On June 15, 2006, Agape Press
carried this article: Author Wants to
Enlighten Christians About Yoga's Demonic Influence Christian
author Dave Hunt, co-founder
of the Oregon-based ministry, The
Berean Call, has written a new book called Yoga
and the Body of Christ. In it, he contends that yoga
is a spiritually dangerous practice designed to expose people to
demonic influences.
would Mr. Hunt fear “self-realization”? Why would he advise
“Christians” to avoid it?
it be that if people achieve self-realization they will
recognize the sinister mind-control techniques of
“ministries” such as The Berean Call? Could it be that they
would also realize that if they develop a “personal
relationship with God,” there is no need for ministries? The
clergy would become little more than “middlemen” who, like
all middlemen, leech off others for their own
self-aggrandizement. In fact, the clergy would become “demonic
influences” interrupting, twisting and poisoning one’s
personal relationship with Divinity for their own power and
profit. It
must be noted, however, that the Eastern spiritual philosophies
that spawn yoga do not advocate hatred toward or the murder of
gays, or anyone else. Fanatical Rev.
Fred Phelps has much in common with other dogmatic
monotheists, such as Muslim cleric Yusuf
Qaradawi who couldn’t decide whether gay people should
be “throw[n] from a high place” or whether “we should burn
them.” Not surprisingly, Yusuf Qaradawi is also a vocal
supporter of suicide bombers.
feel free to join the estimated 30 million Americans who
practice yoga, and beware those who argue against
self-realization and thinking for yourself.
the Yoga Demon! The Christian Right’s fear of self-realization
and spirituality - By By Mel
Seesholtz, Ph.D.
- onlinejournal.com).
of Page
Angry Sibling Islam
of Peace strikes again?
Islamic Terror In Delhi and Mumbai, India
Tagore (1861-1941)
poet, author, philosopher, Nobel prize laureate. Tagore
was deeply critical of the British Raj in India. He also made
some statements to the press about the ghastly book by Katherine
Mayo called Mother
which was then a huge bestseller in the U.S. Mayo's book offers
that other old myth of India: poor, backwards, savage.
Tagore's aim was criticize an unjust practice (colonialism) and
an international system (the League of Nations) which was
thoroughly unsympathetic to the plight of colonized people in
Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
He predicted
is possible that Hinduism might be a religion of the past before
many years, and the inhabitants of India will be converted to
Islam, by force."
is a religion of pacifism, while the teachings of Muhammad will
transform even our peaceful Hindus into fanatics with a lust to
fight. Even now Muhammadanism is spreading rapidly in India. You
may not believe it, but the latest figures show that there are
more Muhammadans here in Bengal today than there are Hindus. So
if the Government falls into the hands of the Indian people it
probably will mean Muhammadan rule again. "
(source: India: Land of the Black Pagoda - By
Lowell Thomas p. 244-
246). Watch
the Movie and Radical
Islam video and Terrorism
– A Presentation
blasts rocked
New Delhi
on Saturday evening, killing 30 persons and injuring over 100
persons, according to Delhi Police Commissioner Yudhvir Singh
Angry Sibling Islam
Millennium of Jihad and Dhimmitude on the Indian Subcontinent
intellectuals and Media refuse to connect the dots on religious

is secular but khaki is suspect: Strange

Repeating itself - Islamic
Terror in Modern India.
Indian Mujahideen the shadow amalgam of the banned Students
Islamic Movement of India and Lashker-e-Taiba, claimed
responsibility for the serial blasts.
Refer to
chapter on Islamic Onslaught
and India,
Jihad’s Permanent Battleground - By
Indian Mujahideen the shadow
amalgam of the banned Students Islamic
Movement of India and Lashker-e-Taiba,
claimed responsibility for the serial blasts through an email
sent to news organisations at almost the same time as the serial
blasts. Two
people were detained from
Connaught Place
area soon after the blasts. The
blasts at Ghaffar market in Karol Bagh, at
Connaught Place
and Greater Kailash took place in quick succession, the police
said. The first
blast took place at Ghaffar market in which at least 20 people
were injured. They were rushed to the nearby Ram
Cowards run the State? Pathetic
handling of blasts' aftermath
"We don't have the
political will to fight terrorism"
- India
's former Chief Justice
R.C. Lahoti felt compelled to remind fellow citizens.
's frailty more apparent than on internal security, which
historically has been its Achilles heel. With one of the world's
highest rates of terrorism,
today is battling underground extremists on multiple fronts:
Pakistan-aided Islamists in Kashmir and elsewhere; Maoist rebels
in a north-south corridor stretching from
to its southeastern coastline; and separatists in the restive
northeast region between
and China-annexed
The jihadists,
having ethnically cleansed much of Indian Kashmir of its Hindu
minority. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
responds typically -- with empty rhetoric about the need to
fight terror. But this was not backed by any concrete plans to
tackle the militants. Half an hour after the first blast in New Delhi
on Saturday, the NDTV 24/7 telecast telling visuals that said it
all. We just don't know how to handle the aftermath of the
terror attacks which we don't know how to forestall.
by a Thousand Cuts - By Brahma Challaney - Wall street
Ignorance of Muslim colonization of India
uninformed about (and stubbornly resistant to any informed
discussion of) the motivating Islamic ideology for the Mumbai
attacks, the media "meta-narrative," repeated ad
nauseum, is also oblivious to the living historical
legacy of jihad on the Indian subcontinent."
the brutal
Islamization of India -- dating back to the initial
8th century Arab Muslim jihad ravages, and the subsequent more
extensive campaigns under the Ghaznavids (Islamized Turkic
nomads who annihilated the indigenous Hindus of Afghanistan by
the mid-9th century), through the Delhi Sultanate
period (1000-1525 C.E.) during
which an estimated 70-80 million Hindus were slaughtered --
due largely to bowdlerized
educational and public discourse on Islam, even many
modern Hindus remain ignorant of both this history,
and the Koranic injunctions which inspired the brutal waves of
jihad conquest, and Muslim colonization of India."
(source: Hindus,
Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai
- By Andrew G Bostom - americanthinker.com).
is secular but khaki is suspect: Strange
we get bad leaders in spite of having good people? If our people
are great, why do we have leaders who fail?
Where are the people if the leaders are not doing what we think
they should be doing?
people so intensely under attack by the terrorists can’t claim
to be brave by sitting silently and petitioning state clerks.
Those who fear get what they fear.
Suddenly yardsticks for our judgment have changed. Opinions,
morphed as judgments, are passed not on merit or weighing its
consequences for the society, but by the yardstick of the colour
events wear. The Nanavati Commission's
report is to be discarded even before its pages are browsed
because the Narendra Modi government instituted it and it shows
Hindus as victims. The Bannerjee report is to be trusted because
the secular Lalu Yadav instituted it and shows Hindus as
While the nation and her security forces – that includes the
police too, stand firm to combat terrorism, the state power and
the seculars are providing focused support to terrorists and
enhancing their morale through statements and casting doubt on
the motives of the anti-terror action. India's secular cabinet
ministers demanded lifting of a ban on a terrorist organization,
proposed Indian citizenship to millions of illegal Bangladeshi
infiltrators, refused to say a word of encouragement to the
security forces fighting terrorists but publicly assured help to
the accused whom police, a part of the government, arrested for
blasting Delhi and killing citizens.
All these secular statements had just one
consideration – religion of the groups they want to support or
oppose. The seculars have become the worst kind of communal hate
spreaders, with their extreme one-sided postures and acidic
language. In a way these rabble-rousing seculars have become a
security threat affecting the societal fabric and the morale of
the policemen and soldiers.
(source: Terror
is secular but khaki is suspect - timesofindia.com).
India, now
It's 63 and counting. That's the number of bomb blasts that have
happened in
over the last six months. This works out to an average of one
every three days! Of course, blasts usually don't happen singly.
Most of the time, they are serial in nature for jihadis
have perfected the art of creating a cascade of terror, be it in
Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Delhi or
The Government will not admit this, but the jihadis have
succeeded in their diabolical aim of creating an atmosphere of
insecurity and fear across the country. No city, no State is
immune to this. Even if explosions haven't happened in Kerala
yet, it doesn't mean that terror merchants don't have the State
on their radar.
From Idduki to Imphal, Kargil to
Kanniya Kumari
lives in trepidation. It is already being compared to jihadi-infested
and even
. With nearly 1,000 innocent civilians lost so far this year,
and 18,360 total deaths from terrorist depredations in the
country (excluding J&K) over the last decade,
has probably overtaken the tally of deaths in those countries.
But why
? There is no convincing answer to this question because nobody
knows what the jihadis want. In
, they are fighting foreign invasion and a puppet regime; in
they are battling to overthrow Hamid Karzai's NATO-backed
Government; in
they want to seize power from the incumbent Establishment. But
that certainly cannot be their goal in this country. Despite the
steady decline in their numerical predominance, Hindus
constitute 80 per cent of
's population, Muslims accounting for a meagre 14 per cent. So,
the establishment of Dar-ul-Islam here is about as much a
possibility as finding intelligent life on the Moon.
Anyway, from Mohammad-bin-Kasim to Aurangzeb, Muslim conquerors
pursued this ambition with resounding lack of success. Jinnah,
too, knew its futility very well, which is why he bargained for
a Muslim homeland to be carved out of
So, 300 years after the death of Aurangzeb,
the dream of Islamising India
would appear a lunatic idea. But do the jihadis really
understand this? Judging by interrogation reports of arrested
SIMI operatives as well as the elaborate e-mails sent by it and
its surrogate Indian Mujahideen, it seems that the goal of
establishing Nizam-e-Mustafa in
is something that actually drives several thousand Muslim youth
into the waiting arms of jihadi outfits.
The terrorists' strategy is two-pronged. First, they wish to destabilise
the economy and cripple visible symbols of
's success -- the Bombay Stock Exchange building, Indian
Institute of Science and offices of IT giants in
, to name just two. Alongside, they seek to knock the bottom out
of Narendra Modi's Vibrant Gujarat, paralyse Rajasthan's
tourism-driven economy, and spread panic through
since events in the national Capital have a multiplier effect on
Their second, but parallel, strategy is to create pockets of
Muslim dominance to serve as recruiting grounds through
exploitation of the community's perceived sense of victimhood. A
Times of India report that over 62,000 Bangladeshis
have gone "missing" after entering
with valid documents is absolutely stunning. Just imagine what
must be the number of illegal Bangladeshis if so many
"legal" visitors have disappeared! It is well known
that HuJI acts as the executor of jihadi terror in most
parts of
, working through legal and illegal Bangladeshi migrants. The
time has come to serve a firm Quit India notice on them. If they
don't leave voluntarily within a given deadline, they must be
forcibly deported and if necessary simply rounded up in hordes
and dumped into detention camps.
Shades of Gulag, did somebody say? But then, better a Gulag than
the impending dismember-ment of
India.comment come alive.
(source: Quit
India, now - By Chandan
Muslim supremacist, jihad-inspired conflict in Kashmir - really
a tragic ethnic cleansing of the
indigenous Hindus by Muslim jihadists which began in
earnest during the 14th century - re-emerged in late June
of this year when the Indian government
had the "temerity" to want to transfer 99
acres of land to the Shri Amarnath
Shrine Board, a trust running the popular Hindu
shrine (including the cave that houses a large ice stalagmite
itself, revered by Hindus as an incarnation of Siva, the god of
destruction and reproduction). Hundreds of thousands of Hindus
visit the area as part of an annual pilgrimage to the cave.
Please view the poignant, elegantly produced video by Kashmiri
filmmaker Ashok Pandit, "And the
World Remained Silent," (linked here, Parts
1 and 2)
which chronicles in gory detail the brutal ethnic cleansing of
some 350,000 indigenous Hindus from Kashmir during early 1990,
orchestrated by
. and it's Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. (Focus on the time
period 2:15 to 4:00 minutes, from Part
1 above, and witness the jihadist speech
of the late, much ballyhooed "modernist reformer" Ms.
Bhutto. She was a jihadist, plain and simple; the head of what
remains a jihadist state).
of Page
at the Gate: Mumbai
Terror in India
Andrew G Bostom has written that:
root of the word jihad, appears 40 times in the Koran and in
subsequent Islamic understanding to both Muslim luminaries -
from the greatest jurists and scholars of classical Islam, to
ordinary people - meant and means "he fought, warred or
waged war against unbelievers and the like." As described
by the seminal mid-19th century Arabic lexicographer E. W Lane, "Jihad came to be used by the Muslims to signify wag(ing)
war, against unbelievers."
Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai
- By Andrew G Bostom - americanthinker.com). Refer
to Mughalistan
Arrogant aim of Islamic Terrorism much like Christian Evangelicals is
Spiritual and Physical domination of India by the year 2020.
and Christianity are aggressive and intolerant faiths that share
a common goal but differ in their methods.
from Saudi Arabia and Terrorism from Pakistan

aim of Islam Terrorism much like Christian Evangelicals is
Spiritual and Physical domination of India by the year 2020.
attacks remind us that global Jihad has India
in its sights, no less firmly today than in the early centuries
of the expansion of Islam’s bloody borders. Prior to the
Muslim invasions which started in the 8th century India
was one of the world’s great civilizations. It matched its
contemporaries in the realms of philosophy, mathematics, and
natural science. It was a richly imaginative culture, one of the
half-dozen most advanced civilizations of all time. Its
sculptures were vigorous and sensual, its architecture ornate
and spellbinding."
From Middle East: The
intent of terrorism is to Islamize infidel
After the
1970s’ oil-price shocks opened the flow of rising revenues,
several sheikhdoms began funnelling some of their earnings to
the promotion of Wahhabi Islam, including the establishment of
jihad-spouting madrassas overseas. It was not an accident that
the rise of Islamic conservatism and extremism — from
— began from the 1980s with the aid of petrodollars. Today,
funds continue to be channelled to Islamist groups. Take
the Al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Taiba. Although it was established
as a front organization of the Pakistani intelligence to bleed
, this Punjabi-dominated outfit has long been fattened with
Saudi petrodollars. The
Lashkar-e-Taiba is a Wahhabist group, “backed by Saudi money
and protected by Pakistani intelligence services”, that
and the
as “existential enemies of Islam”.
author of The
Sword of the Prophet: History, Theology, Impact on the World
has observed:
attacks remind us that global Jihad has India
in its sights, no less firmly today than in the early centuries
of the expansion of Islam’s bloody borders. Prior to the
Muslim invasions which started in the 8th century India
was one of the world’s great civilizations. It matched its
contemporaries in the realms of philosophy, mathematics, and
natural science. It was a richly imaginative culture, one of the
half-dozen most advanced civilizations of all time. Its
sculptures were vigorous and sensual, its architecture ornate
and spellbinding."
(source: India,
Jihad’s Permanent Battleground - By
to Oil
sheikhdoms and the rise of Islamist threat - By Brahma
Chellaney and
islamwatch.org and
and Islamic
Terrorism and Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits
in their own country.
to Godhra:
The True Story - By Nicole Elfi - jaia-bharati.org. Refer
to Christian
Terrorists threaten to kill Puri Shankaracharya
- odishatoday.com
happens only in India - By S L Byrappa and The
Great Commission and Follow
up on the murder of Swami Lakshmananda – Dar-ul- islam
to chapters on
Conversion and
Glimpses XX and
John Paul calls for evangelizing Asia and
they don't tell you about Christianity.
video The
pervasive culture of hatred in
Pakistan and Lashkar
e-Toiba -
Pakistan and Secret
government of
Pakistan. What
the Islamic Invaders Did to India - By Rizwan Salim and
of Jihad against the Hindus of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
(638 -- Ongoing). Refer
to Exodus
of Kashmiri Pandits -
By Aditya
Raj Kaul.
Please watch video -
59 hour of Infamy – Jihadi Terror in Mumbai
a reviewer of New York Tribune, Capitol Hill reporter,
assistant editor of American Sentinel. He has written with great
passion of the willful destruction of Indic civilization:
at a very low level of civilisation and no culture worth the
name, from Arabia and west Asia, began entering
from the early century onwards. Islamic invaders demolished
countless Hindu temples, shattered uncountable sculpture and
idols, plundered innumerable palaces and forts of Hindu kings,
killed vast numbers of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women.
But many Indians do not
seem to recognise that the alien Muslim marauders destroyed the
historical evolution of the earth's most mentally advanced
civilisation, the most richly imaginative culture, and the most
vigorously creative society.'
Tenth century
was also too far advanced than its contemporaries in the East
and the West for its achievements in the realms of speculative
philosophy and scientific theorising, mathematics and knowledge
of nature's workings. Hindus of the early medieval period were
unquestionably superior in more things than the Chinese, the
Persians (including the Sassanians), the Romans and the
Byzantines of the immediate proceeding centuries. The followers
of Siva and Vishnu on this subcontinent had created for
themselves a society more mentally evolved-joyous and prosperous
too-than had been realised by the Jews, Christians, and Muslim
monotheists of the time. Medieval India, until the Islamic
invaders destroyed it, was history's most richly imaginative
culture and one of the five most advanced civilisations of all
times. "
the Islamic Invaders Did to
– By Rizwan Salim
- islamwatch.org). Sign
Pettion - Hang
Afzal Guru
Winston Churchill (1874
- 1965) PM of United Kingdom wrote:
the Hindu elaborates his argument, the Moslem sharpens his
sword. Between these two races and creeds…the gulf is
Winston Churchill 1931, 18 March.
Albert Hall,
." (Broad, 231). Refer to chapter on European
Gandhi (1869-1948)
was among India's most fervent nationalists
and a devout Hindu,
fighting for Indian independence from British rule.
He wrote thus
about Hindus and Muslims:
"There is no doubt in my
mind that in the majority of quarrels the Hindus come out second
best. But my own experience confirms the opinion that the Mussalman
as a rule is a bully, and the Hindu as a rule is a coward.
I have noticed this in railway trains, on public roads, and in
the quarrels
which I had the privilege of settling. Need the Hindu
blame the Mussalman for his cowardice? Where there are
cowards, there will always be bullies. They say that in
Saharanpur the
Mussalmans looted houses, broke open safes and, in one
case, a Hindu woman's modesty was outraged. Whose fault
was this? Mussalmans can offer no defence for the
execrable conduct, it is true. But I, as a Hindu, am more
ashamed of Hindu cowardice than I am angry at the Mussalman
bullying. Why did not the owners of the houses looted die
in the attempt to defend their possessions? Where were the
relatives of the outraged sister at the time of the outrage?
Have they no account to render of themselves? My
non-violence does not admit of running away from danger and
leaving dear ones unprotected. Between
violence and cowardly flight, I can only prefer violence to
Tension: Its Cause and Cure,
Young India,
29/5/1924; reproduced in M.K. Gandhi: The Hindu-Muslim Unity,
p.35-36). Refer
to Negationism
in India: Concealing the record of Islam – By Koenraad
Nation can move forward unless its children are taught to
squarely look at its history.
art and history books, people write of the Muslims "arriving"
in India as though they came on a tourist bus and went away
has been a wounded civilization because of Islamic violence:
Pakistanis know this; indeed they revel in it. It is only Indian
Nehruvians like Romila Thapar who pretend that Islamic rule was
benevolent. We should face facts.
became a Wounded Civilization
Writing Political Correct History: India's 'secular' Marxist historians turn a blind eye to historical
Vidiadhar S. Naipaul (1932
- ) Nobel laureate,
is the author of several books including Beyond
Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples,
the Believers: An Islamic Journey, and India:
A Wounded Civilization.
He has said: "India was wrecked and
looted, not once but repeatedly by invaders with strong
religious ideas, with a hatred of the religion of the people
they were conquering. People read these accounts but they do not
imaginatively understand the effects of conquest by an
iconoclastic religion."
became the great land for Muslim adventurers and the peasantry
bore this on their back, they were enslaved quite literally. It
just went on like this from the 11th century onwards."
He summed
up the situation well. He said, "In
art and history books, people write of the Muslims "arriving"
in India as though they came on a tourist
bus and
went away again.
Muslim view of their conquest is a truer one. They speak of the
triumph of faith, the destruction of idols and temples, the
loot, the casting away of locals as slaves." Naipaul
think when you see so many Hindu temples of the 10th century or
earlier disfigured, defaced, you realise that something terrible
happened. I feel that the civilisation of that closed world was
mortally wounded by those invasions ... The Old World is
destroyed. That has to be understood. Ancient Hindu India was
has been a wounded civilization because of Islamic violence:
Pakistanis know this; indeed they revel in it. It is only Indian
Nehruvians like Romila
Thapar (received
the American
kluge prize for study of humanity - She
is credited with creating a new
pluralistic view of the Indian civilization ? aka politically
correct history )
who pretend that Islamic
rule was benevolent. We should face
facts: Islamic rule in India was at least as catastrophic as the
later Christian rule. The Christians
created massive poverty in what was a most prosperous
country; the Muslims created a
terrorized civilization out of what was the most creative
culture that ever existed.”
15 November 1999
and http://www.indpride.com/vsnaipaul.html).
Times. No
comparison between Buddhas and Babri - Chao Mumbai.com,
Naipaul, Anwar Shaikh and Rafiq Zakaria - By V.P. Bhatia -
Deficiency to recognize Terror
of National weakness
R Ambedkar wrote
of the Islamic atrocities in
was the slaughter of the Buddhist priesthood perpetrated by the
Islamic invaders. The axe was strcuk at the very root. For by
killing the Buddhist priesthood, Islam killed Buddhism. .."
for more than sixty years our so called Eminent
(Romilla Thapar, Bipan Chandra, K N Pannikkar, Ifran Habib
others ) have suppressed facts and invented lies and continue
the fabrication of 'a benevolent Muslim rule' and the
non-existent Aryan invasion.
Shourie writing
in his famous book,
Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud:
is always presented as the one, porgressive, emancipatory
Falsification Of Indian History can lead To Disintergration of
Swamy (1939 - ) He is also a reputed
economist and worked as Assistant Economic Affairs Officer,
United Nations Secretariat, New York in 1963. He worked with two
Nobel laureates, Simon Kuznets and Paul A. Samuelson for his
doctorate in economics at the Harvard
University, awarded in 1965. He is acknowledged as an
authority on comparative studies of India and China. He is also
well-versed in the Mandarin Chinese (Hanyu) language. He was
Professor of Economics at the Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi.
He has written:
first trend to reverse is the denationalisation
of the Indian identity, and establish a clear, strong
identity in the mind of every Indian, a pysche that enables him
to connect to, and proudly own up that his being belongs to
's civilisational history.
are however afoot to bolster the disparagement of our past in
the new dispensation today. A rudderless
, disconnected from her past would, as a consequence, become a
fertile field for religious poachers and neo-imperialists from
abroad who paint
as a mosaic of immigrants much like a crowd on a platform in a
railway junction.
trend that de-nationalises the Indian psyche is through
continual falsification of history in texts adopted for
curriculum in the education system, thereby to disconnect
and disinherit the contemporary Indian from the past glory of
Hindu India. "
Of Indian History can lead To Disintergration of India -
By Dr
Subramanian Swamy).
Watch video on
Shourie on the fight against Terror. Refer to Romila
Thapar’s Kluge Prize – By Dr. Gautam Sen -
vigilonline.com and Refer
to Negationism
in India: Concealing the record of Islam – By Koenraad
Elst. Refer to Eminent
Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud - By
Arun Shourie
Collins India ISBN 8172233558
and Negationism
in India: Concealing the Records of Isalm - By Koenraad Elst.
Refer to Nuclear
Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe - By Graham
Allison and Experts
Predict a Possible Terrorist Strike with a Nuke by 2013 -- What
Can We Do to Stop It?
invasion of Mumbai by Pakistani terrorists – and undoubtedly
local collaborators – is but a replay of times past: the
periodic and predictable arrival of barbarians over the Khyber
, laying waste to the
countryside, and wreaking untold damage on a long-suffering
populace. The only crime that the average Indian committed was
to focus on the creation of wealth; of course, the barbarians
came because of the wealth. Today, once again,
is generating capital, and the intention is to thwart its
economic rise.
as now, the rulers failed the populace.
have never got a satisfactory answer to the question as to why
we didn’t build the Great Wall of India. The Chinese built a
1,500-mile wall; Indians could surely have built a 15-mile wall
and kept the marauders out. But there was clearly a failure in
leadership and in strategic thinking. Time after time, the
barbarians would pour in through the passes, march to Panipat or
Tarain, and there, in a desperate last-ditch battle, the Indians
would lose, again and again. The result: disaster.
there were traitors in-house, too. They would collude with the
invaders to the detriment of their fellow-Indians. Jaichand,
during the Second Battle of Tarain in 1192 CE, turned the tide
of the battle by allying with Mahmud of Ghori against Prithviraj
Chauhan, with the result that
Northern India
suffered 700 years of Mohammedan tyranny – it was a clear
tipping point. Or take the battle of Talikota that ended the
magnificient Vijayanagar empire: it was their own troops that
betrayed them.
of Mumbai: A Replay of History
we heading to being a failed State?
nation that has been brutalized
repeatedly is at least expected to learn from its mistakes.
periodic and predictable arrival of barbarians over the Khyber
, laying waste to the
countryside, and wreaking untold damage on a long-suffering
populace. The only crime that the average Indian committed was
to focus on the creation of wealth; of course, the barbarians
came because of the wealth. Today, once again,
is generating capital, and the intention is to thwart its
economic rise.

is under withering attack on all fronts.
the east, there is the demographic invasion by Bangladeshis,
including unhindered infiltration by terrorist elements. The
entire Northeast is in danger of secession. Christian
fundamentalism and terrorism that is on the verge of turning
into a move to secede on religious and ethnic grounds, a la East
Timor. In the tribal lands of central
, the Northeast and in Orissa, Christian terrorists are joining
hands with Communist terrorists.
Western intellectuals and journalists - as well as some
governments - are ready to blame the victim of terrorism. It
is time for
to become allies. It is a jihad we are both facing."
- Barry
more refer to Mumbai
Under Attack - boston.com.
forward to today. India
is under withering attack on all fronts. To the east,
there is the demographic invasion by Bangladeshis, including
unhindered infiltration by terrorist elements. The entire
Northeast is in danger of secession, given both the narrow and
hard-to-defend Chicken’s Neck that connects the area to the
Gangetic plain, as well as the Christian
fundamentalism and terrorism that is on the verge of
turning into a move to secede on religious and ethnic grounds, a
la East Timor. In the tribal lands of central
, the Northeast and in Orissa,
Christian terrorists are joining hands with Communist
terrorists. In fact they often are one and the same, as
confessed by an alleged Communist leader on TV. Their
preferred weapon – liquidation of inconvenient people, as they
did in the case of Swami Lakshmananda, the 84-year-old monk that
they attacked with AK-47s.
The very
future of the
, suddenly, is in question. And it is mostly from
self-inflicted, avoidable wounds. The failure of leadership is
to cease to exist.
a failed State – Ghori, Jaichand and friends redux
- By Rajeev Srinivasan).Refer to
elites eschew defense: The case of India - By Ed Katz -
of Page
World Country Government
Government failed the
It was a national
humiliation: Congress fetish of appeasing the
minority Muslim community at any cost.
Militants or
Terrorists? The
BBC chooses to call such attackers as "militants" or
Hang your heads in shame, my countrymen. Do it
because a dozen-odd terrorists traveled 500 nautical miles of
the Arabian sea from Karachi to Mumbai’s Gateway of India,
just opposite the grandiose Taj Mahal Hotel and proceeded to
humble the city of 16.4 million into utter helpless ness for
over 48 hours even as over 125 civilians and some distinguished
professional security men lost their lives to the hand grenades
and rifle bullets of a fanatical mindset. It was a humiliation
worse than the drubbing the Chinese army gave us in 1961.
It was because our motherland, India, is a soft nation, tested and proven so several times....
our country’s approach to terrorism
has all along been tepid and timid, castrated and impotent.
Because almost all the terrorist acts
in recent years have involved Muslims as the perpetrators, and
because of the Congress fetish of
appeasing the minority Muslim community at any cost,
our soft national psyche inherited from Gandhi, our response to
terrorism has become a combination of impotence and vote bank
politics sought to be covered by rhetoric and pleas for
Cowards run the state
Party's fetish of appeasing the
minority Muslim community at any cost
Enough is enough

Hindu Women
grieving over
the victims of terrorism in Mumbai.
jihadist carnage in Mumbai, is motivated by supremacist Islamic
doctrine, and the atavistic hatred of Hindus, Jews, and other
Militants or Terrorists? Our
elite Indian journalists of the print and TV/radio world are not
even sure as to whether to describe those who indulge in an act
of terror as “militants” or “terrorists”. Reams of
newspaper reports are testimony to this confusion. The latest
Mumbai drama was no different as one prominent TV channel kept
on describing the killed terrorists as “militants”.
Standards in the Mainstream Media? After
9/11 in USA they are called terrorists but in India they are
described as militants?
every stage of our every “encounter” with a terrorist act,
our collective national response has been reactive rather than
active, defensive rather than offensive. Public statements are
issued, action is promised. Period. Nothing else really happens.
Our elite journalists of the print
and TV/radio world are not even sure as to whether to describe
those who indulge in an act of terror as “militants” or
“terrorists”. Reams of newspaper reports are
testimony to this confusion. The latest Mumbai drama was no
different as one prominent TV channel kept on describing the
killed terrorists as “militants”.
Yes, it is a simple matter because
the English dictionary will tell you that a militant is one who
confronts, face to face, not one who wears a mask; and this
militant does not wield an AK 47 or throws hand grenades or
detonates a bomb with remote control mechanism.
Italian Catholic woman
Sonia Gandhi and 'soft on terror' PM Manmohan Singh
A National
dead regime is incapable of crafting any response whatsoever

Sonia Maino Gandhi and PM
Manmohan Singh.
Sonia Gandhi’s main concern is to enthrone her son as the PM.
From day one of her ‘renunciation’entry she has flouted
every democratic institution, and debased democratic norms. Thus
in her we have a defacto PM and a power centre at No 10 Janpath.
PM Manmohan
Singh and his Government have bungled and bungled grievously. The Congress and particularly the haughty woman who inflicted
Shivraj Patil on India, must be punished. Mumbai
has rung out the Manmohan Government; it is in all our interest
to ring in a new but effective dispensation. The friends of
are watching but so are the enemies of India.
Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister have been coming out
with the same pseudo-secular nursery rhyme after each terrorist
attack during the last four years.
since the UPA government under our effete Prime Minister assumed
office in 2004, the menace of organised terrorist crimes has
been on the increase. Ever since the POTA was revoked in 2004,
there has been no effective law in the country to effectively
control the organised crimes. All our major cities have become
targeted centres of Islamic terrorists who hoard money through
illegal means. Islamic Terrorism knows no national boundaries
and is fueled by illegal wealth generated by contract killing,
extortion, smuggling in contrabands, illegal trade in narcotics,
kidnappings for ransom, collection of protection money and money
laundering, etc.
was instructed by Sonia Gandhi (informally through her Security
Advisor) to target the Hindu leaders. As the ATS in
had diverted most of their staff for doing "political"
work as directed by Sonia Gandhi, the ATS was not in a position
to effectively deal with the terrorists who chose the right
moment to attack Mumbai.
of information the ATS was busy taking orders from its political
masters to give a saffron color to terrorism and hence
drew all their concentration and attention in spite of warnings
and tips of an impending attack.
The basic fact was that the Congress,
which heads the UPA sarkar, wanted to appease and win over the
Muslims with one more lollipop. Imagine,
lastly, that amounts running into thousands of crores have been
spent on the Haj subsidy for
Muslims but the security of our
very long coastline on the west is so ill-funded that terrorists
can come from
across the
Arabian Sea
to Mumbai without being spotted.
all of this is typically indolent-cum-idealistic-cum-selfish
Indian attitude to the stark realism and patriotism of the
when 9/11 occurred in 2001. One thing that nation did shortly
after that dastardly day was the enactment by the USA Congress
of what’s come to be known as the USA Patriot Act. That
nomenclature is really an acronym, and the full name of that
legislation is "Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism Act of 2001". If a name can arouse emotions, that
one certainly does. And however draconian that law has been, it
has prevented the recurrence of 9/11.
the whole young nation of ours forgets non-violence as a magic
mantra and unless our politicians show a commitment similar to
that of the USA to engage in a literal war against terror, we
shall continue to allow just about a dozen-odd terrorists to
humiliate an entire nation for over 48 hours, even as a naïve
Prime Minister calls the Pakistan chief of intelligence to share
info with us.
was a national humiliation -
By Arvind
- sify.com). Refer to ‘Manmohan
a mere night watchman’ and
Talibanisation in practice. Refer to
and The
True Balidaan Devi and
100 % Unofficial blog of the Indian Prime Minister and
Predict a Possible Terrorist Strike with a Nuke by 2013 -- What
Can We Do to Stop It?
of Page
of politics of cynicism: Creating
the 'Myth of Hindu' Terror
presence in
is costing India
Vivekananda (1863-1902)
was the foremost disciple of Ramakrishna and a world
spokesperson for Vedanta. India's first spiritual and cultural
ambassador to the West came to represent the religions of
India at the World Parliament of Religions, held at Chicago in
connection with the World's Fair (Columbian Exposition) of 1893.
His Chicago speech is uniquely Vedantic. He said:
am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both
tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in
universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.
am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the
persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of
the earth.
am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the
purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to
Southern India
and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy
temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to
belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still
fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. “
the different streams having their sources in different places
all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different
paths which men take through different tendencies, various
though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.”
Vivekananda's speeches - The World Parliament of Religions.
Chicago Sept 11 1893). .
the 'Myth of Hindu' Terror
K Punj
has astutely observed that: "For
more than a month the Maharashtra
Anti-Terrorism Squad was pre-occupied with chasing
‘Hindu terrorists’ and, it would appear, had little time for
anything else. In fact, the ATS claimed that 90 per cent of the
force was busy investigating the September 29
bombing. All this while,
’s enemies were plotting a bloodbath in Mumbai."
myth of ‘Hindu terror’, built-up
by sections of the UPA and the
Maharashtra Government for short-term political
gains, has had a macabre and grotesque fall-out. Negligence
has proved deadly, and resulted in perhaps the most venomous
terrorist attack in Indian history. Today
the State and Union Governments stand exposed. It is important
to recognise the long-term damage that their dirty-tricks have
caused. A new term — ‘Hindu terror’ — has been added to
the security lexicon. The world so far recognised only
‘Islamic terror’, with
as its source. Now
is home to both Islamic and Hindu terror, if the Indian
Government’s own agencies are to be believed. On the issue of
have been placed at par.
All this must rank as the most
destructive achievement by any Government anywhere. What
Pakistan could not achieve after decades of labour — paint
Hindu-dominated India as a factory of terror — the
‘secularists’ and their political leaders have done it in a
matter of few weeks."
of politics of cynicism - By Balbir K Punj -
dailypioneer.com Edit
28, 2008).
presence in
is costing India
the French writer Emile Zola wrote
an open letter to the then French president in the newspaper
L’Aurore, titled j’accuse (‘I
accuse’), where he accused the French government of anti-
Semitism towards Captain Alfred
Dreyfus, a Jewish officer
unfairly condemned for treason. Now it is time for the people of India
to say openly that which many, including within the Congress,
think secretly and may utter in the privacy of their chambers.
is not about Manmohan Singh, it is not even about
Shivraj Patil,
the fall guy; it is about that one person, the Eminence Grise of
India. She who pulls all the strings, She whose shadow looms
menacingly over so many, She who holds no portfolio, is just a
simple elected MP, like 540 others, but rules like an Empress.
presence in
is costing India
the Myth of 'Hindu terror' to dilute the fight against Jihad!
inept government in a total denial mode of Islamic terrorism

Gandhi - Italian born Catholic Congress Chairperson.
Intellectual giant, but a so called 'Reluctant'
politician - She who
pulls all the strings, She whose shadow looms menacingly over so
many, She who holds no portfolio, is just a simple elected MP,
like 540 others, but rules like an empress.
as the nation felt searing pain and anger over the death of more
than 195 people— including foreigners — in the terrorist
attack on Mumbai, Congress general secretary and heir apparent
Rahul Gandhi merrily partied.
Gandhi: From Tyaga
mata to one of the most powerful people in the
world. According to Newsweek,
"In the world's largest democracy, she is the queen."

Sonia Gandhi's selection of President
Pratibha Patil. Refer to Electing
a President, rashtramaataa).
accuse Sonia of having let her Christian and Western background,
in four years, divide India
on religious and caste lines in a cynical and methodical manner.
divide the Hindu majority, which has been steadily polarising
itself due to the Minority- appeasing and Hindu-hating policies
of the UPA. And the 'hidden' aim is, to dilute the fight against
Jihad as this government doesn't have the will &
courage to fight against the Jihadi organisations due to its
ill-conceived notion that controlling Jihadi terror would reduce
the Muslim votes. The
Army has called the ATS bluff in regard to Lt Colonel Purohit's
alleged handling of RDX and the Armed Forces, which have been
terribly upset with this government's treatment in the last four
and a half years, have realised the UPA's intentions
particularly after Malegon episode.
If you notice the ease with which the Government of
labelled the Sadhvi and her colleagues as Hindu terrorists, you
know that dangerous political games are being played that
India’s security. This government has
undoubtedly earned the wrath of the Armed Forces. The Hindu
majority, which has been watching the proceedings of the ATS and
the campaign of falsehood carried out by the 'secular'
mainstream media, has been agitated and outraged.
present rulers had repealed the anti-terror
law in
when the whole democratic world was enacting such
laws against terrorism. The terror attacks multiplied in numbers
under the rule of the present Government. It has touched the chattering
classes who form the backbone of the ‘secular’
class. The anger of this class cannot be directed against the
‘secular’ political parties that run the country today as
that would shift balance of advantage to the ‘non-secular’
Opposition. So the present rulers need to be protected. Result,
the anger is intentionally directed against the political class
as a whole.
The media seem to be on this joint enterprise to wash
off the sins of the ruling party and its leadership by targeting
the political class as a whole.
shoddy governance, Muslim appeasement, politics of votebank at
cost of nationhood, and the
Congress’ soft approach to terror are the core issues facing
us, but have all been lost in the Media coverage. Hindu
Nationalism and patriotism have always been the Secular Media's favorite
"Whipping boy."
Sonia Gandhi as being responsible
for the tragedy of Mumbai, having emasculated India’s
intelligence agencies by stopping them from investigating terror
attacks in the last four years, including the Mumbai train
blasts. She has also neutralised the ATS by ordering them at all
costs to ferret out ‘Hindu terrorism’. Did the
send a warning to
that there may be an attack on Mumbai and that the Taj would be
one of the targets? Were these ignored because the ATS was too
busy chasing Hindu ‘terrorists’ on Sonia’s orders? I
accuse Sonia and her government of having made
the NSG the laughing stock of the world.
accuse Sonia of having let her Christian and Western background,
in four years, divide
on religious and caste lines in a cynical and methodical manner.
accuse Sonia of being an enemy of the Hindus, who always gave
refuge to persecuted minorities, and who are the only people in
the world to accept that God may manifest under different names,
in different epochs, using different scriptures. I
accuse Sonia Gandhi of taking advantage of
’s respect for women, its undue fascination with the Gandhi
name, and its stupid mania for White Skin.
Sonia of exploiting the Indian Press’ obsession with her. She
hardly ever gave interview in 20 years, except scripted ones to
NDTV, yet the Press always protects her, never blames her and
keeps silent over her covert role.
someone in the Congress, someone who feels more Indian than
faithful to Sonia, stand up and speak the truth? Who said, “Go
after Hindu terrorists”? Who insisted on putting
pressure on BJP governments in Karnataka or Orissa for so-called
persecution of Christians, when Christians have
always practised their faith in total freedom here, while their missionaries
are converting hundreds of thousands of innocent tribals and
Dalits with the billions of dollars given by gullible
westerners? Who said, “Go
soft on Islamic terrorism”?
indulgence of terror was passe in India
our power-elites in politics, business, academia and media shown
care and concern when innocent women and children were being
blown up in buses in Jammu
and Kashmir
by persons maddened by religious frenzy, propped up by the ISI
and its agents, terror would not have moved to the dinning halls
of Taj and Trident hotels in Mumbai.

Hindu Women
grieving in Mumbai over terror victims.
the UPA government’s repeal of Prevention
of Terrorist Activities Act (POTA) in 2004 has
encouraged terrorism, a deterrent anti-terror law has to be
There has been more Islamist terrorism on Indian soil
under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi and Dr Manmohan Singh than
at any other time. From being a Kashmiri problem it has become
our biggest national security problem. The attacks have become
more sophisticated and more daring every time.
To fight them we must first admit that there is a jihad.
This neither Sonia Gandhi nor the Prime Minister is able to do
for fear that they might hurt Muslim sentiments. They don’t
appear to see that by not admitting that Islamist terrorism is a
reality, they virtually condemn all Muslims as being part of the
she is a danger to
very presence, both physical and occult, open the doors to
forces inimical to
. Even Indian Christians should understand that she is not a
gift to them: her presence at the top has emboldened fanatics
like John Dayal or Valson Thampu,
who practise an orthodox Christianity prevalent in the West in
the early 20th century, but no longer, to radicalise their
flock. Indian Christians should recognise that they have a much
better deal here than Christians or Hindus have in Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia.
Sonia’s rule, Indian Muslims, too, have been used as electoral
pawns. They have been encouraged to shun the Sufi streak, a
blend of the best of Islam and Vedanta, for a hard-line Sunni
brand imported from
Saudi Arabia
. For the good of India, her civilisation, her immense
spirituality and culture, Sonia Gandhi has to go and a
government that thinks Indian, breathes nationalism and will
protect its citizens must be voted to power.
presence in
is costing
dearly - By Francois Gautier - expressbuzz.com).
Talibanisation in practice
Baba parties while country mourns its losses
India have a death wish?
as the nation felt searing pain and anger over the death of more
than 195 people— including foreigners — in the terrorist
attack on Mumbai, Congress scion Rahul Gandhi merrily partied.
According to a report carried on Monday by a tabloid, Mail
Today, Congress general secretary and heir apparent Rahul Gandhi
went partying on Saturday with his pals at a farmhouse on
’s outskirts.
‘Prince’ partied hard, till 5 in the morning.
Partying Prince
I was outraged to read this news
report about Rahul Gandhi, the Congress
party scion and General Secretary, for whom, it is
alleged, Manmohan Singh has been warming the prime
minister’s chair for over four years now. The story was
carried by the “Mail Today” newspaper of the India
Today Group, but was predictably buried by other English newspapers
and channels who usually act as party organs of the
before the tears of Major Sandeep
Unnikrishnan (1977 - 2008) mother could dry up,
Congress general secretary and heir apparent Rahul Gandhi went
partying with his pals at a farmhouse on Delhi’s outskirts.
Apparently, it was a night full of live entertainment, ghazals
and candle-lit dinners, complete with the Page 3 rabble.
Does Rahul
Gandhi have no sense of timing or decency? The country is in
mourning. The bodies of 180 innocent men, women and
children of the ghastly Mumbai carnage are still warm in
the morgue. The citizens are angry and horrified at
this latest slaughter of Indians by the Muslim fanatics
reared in Pakistan’s hate factories of jihad.
And in this funeral atmosphere,
this grand-child of Indira Gandhi can spend all
night partying hard, listening to ghazals with a glass of
champagne and a plate full of Mughlai kabab, even as the NSG
commandos are locked in a room-by-room battle with the
terrorists in the pitch-dark interiors of the Taj Hotel?
This is not the first time
Rahul Gandhi has embarrassed and horrified everybody with his
immaturity and indiscretions. Is this the prince
charming that is going to rescue India in distress? He
clearly lacks maturity and intellectual depth, and shows signs
of stunted development. He does not appear well-read
and carries a sheepish grin on his face all the time. His body
language is that of a man-child unsure of himself. His political
blindness is even worse than J.L. Nehru.
(source: The
Partying Prince - indianrealist). Refer
to Rahul
Gandhi's education & citizenship.
crisis managers need not have preoccupied themselves with
looking for tell-tale signs. A casual perusal of “open
sources” would have alerted them to the startling fact that it
was business as usual for the rulers. Last Saturday, even as the
full horror of the Mumbai carnage was sinking in, the heir
apparent was busy partying till 5 am. Three days
later, his entire family was celebrating the wedding of the son
of a loyal courtier (who is also a Congress MP) in the full gaze
of the paparazzi. There was no sign of restraint. It was as if
Mumbai was another land.
edition of Times of India did a seminal service by
publishing two pages of photographs of the ruling family’s
post-Mumbai celebrations. Those
photographs did what thousands of candles, lakhs of text
messages and a trillion words of indignation failed to achieve:
Expose the callousness of
’s rulers.
India have a death wish? Terrorists massacre hundreds
of innocents in Mumbai. Congress - from PM downwards - does
nothing, feels nothing, promises nothing. Rahul baba goes for
bacchanalian parties, even as commandos get shot, almost at the
same time. No one says a word. How do Indians respond: by voting
in the congress in 3 states out of five. Incredible! Gotta hand
it to the first family -- they've cracked the code.
(source: Partying
Rahul raises hackles - dailypioneer.com frontpage Tuesday,
December 2, 2008 and Does
India have a death wish?
of Page
Manmohan should own up guilt. Cover-up won't work
Gandhi’s cheerleaders in the media always ensured that her
name never appeared among the list of people responsible for
compromising national security.
Aurobindo (1872-1950)
most original philosopher of modern India. Education in England
gave him a wide introduction to the culture of ancient, or
mediaeval and of modern Europe. He was described by
Romain Rolland as ' the completest synthesis of the East and the
West.' He had observed that:
“Nationalism is not
politics but a religion, a creed, a faith ..... I say that it is
the Sanatana Dharma, which for us is nationalism. This Hindu
nation was born with the Sanatana Dharma, with it moves and with
it grows. When the Sanatana Dharma declines, then the nation
declines, and if the Sanatana Dharma were capable of perishing,
with the Sanatana Dharma it would perish. The Sanatana Dharma,
that is nationalism.”
Uttarpara Speech’, The
Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo, vol. viii, p. 12).
The embarrassingly slavish loyalty of
Shivraj Patil and NSA ‘Mike’ Narayanan failed on
this crucial count because of the fierce denunciation of her
regime’s failure to prevent the utter calamity visited on
Mumbai. A second group that may have greater weight influencing
her decisions is a number of foreign governments that include the
Papacy and the Italian
government, a key conduit for US
access to her.
The ultimate guilt for the carnage in Mumbai lies with those who
refused to prepare for such an eventuality. The final arbiter on
all significant policy decisions of the UPA government is its
chairperson though she knows next to nothing and relies almost
exclusively on advice given to her. Her choice of advisers is
primarily based on her perception of who is loyal to her and
their ability to promote the aspirations of her family.
from gratifying her private religious
prejudices, contemptuously
demonstrated by systematic acts of discrimination and gross
humiliation of Hindus over the past four years and converse
indulgence of evangelical Christians and Muslim bigots, her
principal goal is to win elections. Her foreign advisers also
earnestly wish to ensure electoral success for her, which she of
course obviously desires herself, to translate their insidious
aims into policy decisions of the Government of India. Some of
their prized goals, like the ceding of Jammu & Kashmir to
, cannot be realised outright because civil war would result in
. But
the Anglo-American conspirators,
who have repeatedly sought to harm India ever since its
Independence and assiduously assist Pakistani assaults against
India, settle for lesser immediate goals instead.
In order to win elections
the cupidity of enough short-sighted Hindus can be relied upon
and Muslims can then constitute the bulwark of her Congress
Party’s strength. These Hindu voters are whipped into shape by
an obliging national media whose main goals are commercial gain
and the gratification of status cravings of owners and editors.
Shivraj Patil Real culprits get away
Sonia Gandhi’s cheerleaders in
the media always ensured that her name never appeared
among the list of people responsible for compromising national
security. Every time jehadis carried out bomb blasts or murdered
security personnel, Shivraj Patil
was the one who, like a lightning rod, received and absorbed all
criticism. She usually appeared as a benign, if not divine,
figure, anguished by the grief of victims. Often, there would be
reports in which Sonia Gandhi would be shown, a
la Florence Nightingale, talking to the wounded in
hospital. Unfortunately, Sonia and her cronies in the Congress
are not the only ones responsible for the deteriorating security
situation. Our intellectuals are equally, if not more, culpable
in creating a climate of opinion prohibits a thorough analysis
of jehad and jehadis. The
relationship between the Congress leadership and intellectuals
is symbiotic in nature. Mendacity is the heart of this
symbiosis. When the truth asserts itself—as it did in the
event of the Mumbai attacks—some or the other scapegoat is
found. The latest scapegoat is Shivraj Patil, who has been
relegated into the political wilderness.
an article in April 2005, Husain Haqqani,
’s Ambassador to the
, wrote that the Pakistan-based LeT is a jehadi group of Wahhabi
persuasion, “backed by Saudi money
and protected by Pakistani intelligence services.”
According to Haqqani, “Lashkar-e-Toiba has adopted a
maximalist agenda for global jihad.”
Shivraj Patil Real culprits get away - By
Shanker Kapoor).
to The
Most Loathsome people in India 2008
and Media
and UPA Government Tarnishes the Image of The Indian Army -
By Gurmeet
of Page
in fake secular stupor the politicians and media ignore
terrorism in India
Indian media will not use the term terrorism for any religious
group other than the Hindus.
last several weeks, our "Anti-Terrorist Squad" was
busy hunting down so called Mythical
Hindu Terrorists, torturing Sadhvi, defaming the Indian Army
while, the "Real Terrorists", the Jihadi"s were
planning for such a large operation. Indian Media was busy with
convincing people how Hindu terrorists are greater threats to
society, how they are evils hell bent on destroying
"secular India", and here on the ground, the brothers
of secularists, the jihadi"s, Afzal Guru"s were
planning to blow of the heritage of India- the Taj.
shared a hymn sheet on the tragedy and were anxious to evade
the grim responsibility of their much-loved mistress and her
shameless minions.
Unable to resort to the
standard hand-wringing routine on Muslim
deprivation and hysterical accounts of fascist Hindu provocation
to excuse mass murder they adopted a childish playground ruse.
personalities like R Sardesai and Burkha Dutt took up blaming
all politicians and thus deflecting any blame on the real
culprits in the current administration of Sonia Gandhi and
Manmohan Singh.

The reporting of the Mumbai carnage by the four or five
national dailies and the two evangelical television channels,
NDTV and CNN-IBN that mould opinion in urban
, suggests they shared a hymn sheet. Unable to resort to the
standard hand-wringing routine on Muslim deprivation and
hysterical accounts of fascist Hindu provocation to excuse mass
murder they adopted a childish playground ruse.
personalities like R Sardesai and Burkha Dutt took up blaming
all politicians and thus deflecting any blame on the current
administration of Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh.
elite’s naïveté
- These journalists appear to have a very low opinion of
their viewers and do not realise that they cannot fool all the
people all the time and with logic that would not pass muster at
housewives kitty party.
is near universal unhappiness with the ‘Page 3’ chatteratti
having been given an outsized platform to expose their naïveté
and elitist solidarity. Until the shootout of 26/11 this
mollycoddled set had enjoyed charmed lives which they constantly
remind the world they had earned or inherited and are now free
to enjoy. They had pretty much escaped contact with human bodies
in smelly polyester glued together in suburban trains — the
obvious targets for terror attacks.
Therefore, when the attacks did occur in those seemingly
impregnable social fortresses, the rich and famous sprang back
like injured leopards using the idiot box to bare their teeth.
shoddy governance, Muslim appeasement, politics of votebank at
cost of nationhood, and the
Congress’ soft approach to terror are the core issues facing
us, but have all been lost in the Media coverage.
in fake secular stupor, most of Indian political parties and
mainstream media ignore terrorism and demographic invasion; and
invent phony explanations for the same. Since
the UPA government’s repeal of Prevention of Terrorist
Activities Act (POTA) in 2004 has encouraged terrorism, a
deterrent anti-terror law has to be enacted.
source: NDTV and IBN live).
reporting of the Mumbai carnage by the four or five national
dailies and the two
evangelical television channels, NDTV
and CNN-IBN that mould opinion in
, suggests they shared a hymn
sheet. Unable to resort to the
standard hand-wringing routine on Muslim
deprivation and hysterical accounts of fascist Hindu provocation
to excuse mass murder they adopted a childish playground ruse.
These journalists appear to
have a very low opinion of their viewers and do not realise that
they cannot fool all the people all the time and with logic that
would not pass muster at a
housewives kitty party.
The issue they anxiously
wish to evade is the grim
responsibility of their much-loved mistress and her shameless
minions for consciously avoiding
the introduction of national security measures that might
unsettle their disgraceful Muslim vote banks. The failures to
act are far too long to enumerate, but the recent misuse of most
of Mumbai’s ATS resources to pursue alleged Hindu terrorists
has been the most egregious of them.
all the would-be saviours of
and supposed savants of its ancient heritage, etc., etc.
Narendra Modi alone has declined to break bread with the media
accomplices of terrorist outrage against Hindus. Let us remember
that it is the refrain of the media and especially Christian
evangelical channels like NDTV, alleging
ill-treatment of Muslims in
, which terrorist murderers are repeating even as
they slay innocent men, women and children. This kind of diseased
journalism exhibits not merely the filth of the sewer and the
morals of the brothel, but the depravity of the devil himself.
Foreign enemies of India, led by an alliance of
Pakistan and three of its most spiteful co-conspirators, the
United Kingdom, China and the USA, will always be there to
torment India, but why their numerous proxies are allowed carte
blanche inside India is a mystery.
Manmohan should own up guilt. Cover-up won't work - By
Gautam Sen).
Attackers Had GPS Units, Satellite Maps
heavily armed attackers who set out for Mumbai by sea last week
navigated with Global Positioning System equipment, according to
Indian investigators and police. They carried BlackBerrys, CDs
holding high-resolution satellite images like those used for
Google Earth maps, and multiple cellphones with switchable SIM
cards that would be hard to track. They spoke by satellite
to Terrorists
Attacking Mumbai Have Global Agenda - YaleGlobal,
8 December 2008.
to Islamic
Terrorism and Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits
in their own country
websites rejoice over Mumbai attacks
websites on Thursday were swamped with messages from people who
were celebrating the devastating Mumbai attacks which have left
over 200 people dead and 281 injured. "Oh
Allah, destroy the Hindus and do it in the worst of
ways," was one of the comments that appeared on Islamist
forums on the Internet immediately after the attacks. "The
battle that is underway in Mumbai is a battle for Allah between
its servants and the infidels," said another message
published on the al-Falluja forum. Several Al-Qaeda sites also
posted several pictures of the victims in Mumbai and provocative
websites rejoice over Mumbai attacks). Refer
to Misinterpretation
of the Gita by Dr. Zakir Naik - By Dr. Alok K. Bohara.
Mumbai Terror Apologists
"Mumbai wasn't just about Pakistanis seeking
retribution against India's Hindus.".....because if that
were the case they wouldn't have targeted and tortured and
murdered Jews. So let us call Mumbai
what it is, Islamic terrorism
-- Islamic terrorism..... It is an ideology of hatred and
violence, a method of committing the most heinous acts known to
man, all in the name of a religion, all in the name of
- Joe
(Note: Who sexually humiliated guests before killing
them at the Taj Mahal Hotel during the siege November 26
"Even the Rabbi and his wife at Nariman House were sexually
assaulted and their genitalia mutilated," said a senior
officer of the investigating team).
yourself the question that if the Kashmir problem were resolve
tomorrow, if Israel-Palestine reached a lasting peace, do we
believe that al-Qaeda would disband? Do we believe that Lashkar-e-Toiba
and Jaish-e-Mohammad
would put their guns down and beat them into plough-shears and
say we would now be farmers because our job is done. I mean the
point about is that is laughable, right? And the point about
that is that that is not their project.
Their project is power.
This is a power grab by the most obscurantist, revanchist,
old-fashioned, medievalist idea of modern culture that attempts
to drag the world back into the middle ages at the point of
modern weaponry ..."
- Salman
Rushdie - jihadwatch.org.
(1959 -) Dutch historian, born in
Leuven, Belgium, on 7 August 1959, into a Flemish (i.e.
Dutch-speaking Belgian) Catholic family. He graduated in
Philosophy, Chinese Studies and Indo-Iranian Studies at the
Catholic University of Leuven. He is the author of several books
including The
Saffron Swastika, Decolonising
The Hindu Mind - Ideological Development of Hindu Revivalism
and Negationism
in India: Concealilng the Record of Islam.
a stay at the Banares Hindu University,
he discovered India’s communal problem and wrote his first
book about the budding Ayodhya conflict. An strong advocate
for Hindu
revivalism in the West.
He writes:
those numerous analysts and commentators who have explained Islamism
as a reaction to poverty or neo-colonialism
have never been able to account for the involvement of wealthy
Western-educated persons like Osama
bin Laden, who sacrificed a life of
luxury because he got serious about his religious commitment.
less have their sociological models ever been able to explain
the purely Islamic motivations expounded in the final writings
of terrorists like Mohammed Atta of
Twin Towers fame and Mohammed
Bouyeri, murderer of Islam-critic Theo
van Gogh."
(source: Outrage in
South Asia
- Koenraad Elst).
attacks in Mumbai have brought forth a parade of subtle and
not-so-subtle denial. The sound of gunfire and the counting of
the dead had not yet been finished in Mumbai when the terror
apologists had already explained it. Aryn
Baker writing in Time
Magazine, spoke of how "the roots of Muslim rage
run deep in India." Her article meandered over economic
disparities faced by Indian Muslims and the need for justice,
else the people like the gunman in the Oberoi Trident Hotel
would "keep calling." Tariq
Ali stated, that India needs to look closer to home
to Kashmir where "conditions have been much worse than
Mumbai Terror Apologists
have Muslim organizations, very quick to protest insulting
cartoons, been mostly silent about the atrocities in Mumbai?

Aryn Baker,
Martha Nussbaum and Arundhati Roy and Dr. Deepak Chopra
The Tibetan genocide by the Chinese, a real genocide
in an age of hyperbole, in which over 1 million Tibetans have
been killed, their monasteries have been destroyed and their
identity and culture under attack has continued for decades,
have scarcely turned Tibetans into taking AK-47's into their
hands and blasting Chinese tourists in Mumbai.
did Buddhists the world over start blowing people and declare
Muslims as their enemies because of the great injustice in the
destruction of the magnificient Bamiyan Buddhas, a marvel of far
greater grandeur than the obscure and relatively insignificant
Babri Masjid, by the Taliban.
Chopra while carefully distancing himself from Hinduism to
skillfully market himself to the broader American public, Dr.
Chopra also distanced himself from reasoned analysis. If poverty
and lack of education were the root causes, it is strange that
most of the 9/11 suicide-attackers were both well-to-do and
educated as is Osama Bin Laden himself. The trained Mumbai
attackers had little problem using the GPS or Google Earth to
carry out their blood-soaked plots. Neither poverty nor lack of
education is the "root cause" propelling these
cold-blooded and merciless killers.
Nussbaum, writing in the Los Angeles Times about the Mumbai
attacks focused her entire article on the terrible doings of the
"Hindu Right." Arundhati
Roy, asked us to "contextualize" the Mumbai
attacks as a choice for India to make between "justice and
civil war."
second form of apologia is the apologia of "just
cause." This form of apologia bandies about every
imaginable excuse-economic disparities, the pulling down of the
structure of the Babri Masjid, the situation in Kashmir, the
riots in Gujarat, the alleged persecution of
"minorities" in India and so on and so forth as the
reason for terror. All this must apparently be fixed, we are
told, before the terror will go away. The choice as the doyen of
selective apologia, Arundhati Roy, herself informs us in an
article about the Mumbai attacks that the choice is between
"justice" for all these things and "civil
war" in India. How that relates to Pakistan-based terror
groups with a pan-Islamic mission killing
Jews in Mumbai is somehow lost in the fog of her own picturesque
Yes, somehow, the persecution of the Hindu minorities
in Pakistan and Bangladesh to the point of elimination in
Pakistan and to truly genocidal proportions in Bangladesh, has
yet to generate bands of Hindu terrorists turning into random
mass-murderers in those countries. By contrast, Muslims have
increased, both in absolute numbers and in percentage terms in
independent India. These are simply facts to be acknowledge.
Severe genocidal persecution would show up in census data. Ask
the Tibetans. The Tibetan
genocide by the Chinese, a real
genocide in an age of hyperbole, in which over 1 million
Tibetans have been killed, their monasteries have been destroyed
and their identity and culture under attack has continued for
decades, have scarcely turned Tibetans into taking AK-47's into
their hands and blasting Chinese tourists in Mumbai.
Ahmediyas, an unorthodox Muslim sect, are likewise a severely
persecuted minority in Pakistan who have not take recourse to
terror. Nor did Buddhists the world
over start blowing people and declare Muslims as their enemies
because of the great injustice in the destruction of the magnificient
Bamiyan Buddhas, a marvel of far
greater grandeur than the obscure and relatively insignificant
Babri Masjid, by the Taliban.
The final apologia is the apologia of mitigating
circumstances-that of poverty and lack of education. Among its
recent proponents-none other than the good
doctor Deepak Chopra, amiably turning Larry King's
questions on the Mumbai attacks into the "root causes"
of "poverty", "education" and lest we
forget, "fundamentalist Hindus." In the bliss
generated by the chanting of mantras and the counting of
dollars, while carefully distancing
himself from Hinduism to skillfully market himself to the
broader American public, Dr.
Chopra also distanced himself from reasoned analysis. If poverty
and lack of education were the root causes, it is strange that
most of the 9/11 suicide-attackers
were both well-to-do and educated as is Osama Bin Laden himself.
The trained Mumbai attackers had little problem using the GPS or
Google Earth to carry out their blood-soaked plots. Neither
poverty nor lack of education is the "root cause"
propelling these cold-blooded and merciless killers.
Mumbai Terror Apologists - By Sankrant Sanu
- chowk.com). Refer to Peace
rally in Florida on Mumbai Terror attacks - It was a show of unity and
solidarity between various Hindu, Jewish and Christian groups
which came and stood together against the nefarious design of
Jihadi terrorists.
have Muslim organizations, very quick to protest insulting
cartoons, been mostly silent about the atrocities in Mumbai? The
slaughter of the Holtzbergs and other Jews at Chabad House
should be a wake-up call to Western liberals who believe that
jihadism can be defeated through reason and happy talk. Only
other Muslims can launch the stringent internal reform necessary
to stomp this barbaric extremism out.
the Muslim issue on Mumbai - By Camille Paglia- salon.com).
for Dummies
York Times moral blindness
past Saturday, the New York Times
ran an op-ed piece entitled "What
They Hate about Mumbai," focusing
specifically on the free market sins of that great city. With
contrived evenhandedness, the op-ed managed to blame both Hindus
and Muslim extremists-without blaming either party in particular
for the murderous attacks. With only the moral
blindness that the New York Times could capture, each
op-ed would portray the attacks in a contrived even-handed way,
without blaming, or even naming, the perpetrators of the
attacks-Muslim jihadists.
and reading reports of the Mumbai attacks was an
in Wonderland experience. Even
after an Islamic terrorist group took credit, TV anchors and
reporters assiduously avoided the term Islamic terrorist. They
must have consulted with the Thesaurus for the Politically
Correct to determine that the word "gunmen" would not
offend any jihadist.
Wednesday, even though everyone knew by then that the
perpetrators were jihadists, CNN constantly referred to the
terrorists as "extremists"-with
no modifier. Hell, they could have been the Basque ETA or the
ultra right wing
militia. Then a CNN anchor asked his guest with totally
innocence, "Now why would an extremist group target a
Jewish house of worship?" Because,
my dear politically correct anchor, it was an Islamist terrorist
the terrorists are winning - By Steven
Emerson - Jewish World Review).
Refer to Stench
of death is overwhelming – By Bruce Loudon and Murder
in Mumbai - walstreetjournal.com
naïveté versus the rascality of the Pakistani military
The Indian
leadership's naïveté is more than matched by
the rascality of the Pakistani military establishment, which
demands a bribe for every move on its part — generous US aid
flow to help rein in the Taliban, and a
resolution to sever its institutional support to India-directed
India's naïveté versus the rascality of the Pakistani military
's perpetually squabbling leaders and Media have
failed to put national security above partisan politics.
After every
attack high-ranking public figures from overseas who will offer
loads of sympathy, heartily pat the septuagenarians and
octogenarians governing India for their restraint, and then
peddle their eclectic wares.
The Mumbai
assaults reveal the new face of terror and unless the effete
Indian leadership wakes up, transnational terrorists are sure to
carry out more murderous rampages.
But as the Mumbai strikes show,
- because of its location next to the Pak-Afghan belt and its
eyesore status for jihadists as the only real democratic,
secular state in the vast arc stretching from
- will stay on the frontlines of global terror.
Turning this
appalling situation around demands a new mindset that will not
to be continually gored. That in turn means a readiness to forge
a bipartisan consensus to do whatever is necessary to break the
terrorist siege of the country. What is needed is a new brand of
post-partisan politics, coupled with the political will and
vision to combat terror, or else Mumbai-style murderous rampages
would be executed elsewhere in
every major terrorist assault, India can expect — as has been
the case since the Mumbai attacks — visits by high-ranking
public figures from overseas who will offer loads of sympathy,
heartily pat the septuagenarians and octogenarians governing
India for their restraint, and then peddle their eclectic wares
— from seeking access for their police to investigate
terrorist strikes in India and question arrested suspects, to
urging New Delhi to use the latest tragedy to resolve the
Kashmir issue with Pakistan.
The visitors are not
stupid not to know that cross-border terrorism would not end
even if
were to offer Kashmir on a platter to
. After all, the self-declared mission of the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba
LET— still actively
aided by the Pakistani intelligence — is "global
jihad", with the specific goal to set up a caliphate
across southern, central and southeastern
’s becoming an easy prey for terrorists is linked not to
the Kashmir issue but to its effete leadership, which won’t
impose any costs on the sponsors of terror, yet unabashedly
appeals to other states to fight
’s war on terrorism. Unable to think and act strategically,
the leadership has helped turn
into a classic lamb State that can be continually gored without
fear of retribution. Tellingly, if Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh has made any vow after
Mumbai, it is — to quote his words in Parliament — "to
galvanise the international community into dealing sternly and
effectively with the epicentre of terrorism which is located in
terror is bribe ruse
- By
Brahma Chellaney asianage.com).
War, Stupid!
not Hinduism is a way of life for us.
under Scrutiny
- By G P. Srinivasan
billion strong Hindus have been taken for a ride, for so long,
by so many eminent people, and at last they have seen through
the game. Hindus have been woken rudely after Mumbai 26/11
up, are alerting other Hindus who are in deep coma to
wake up .To the Hindus who have been kept under Maya that all
religions are the same and gain you the same goal" is
Moksha delivered to the Hindu society."
– A retired
Post Master General of India.
to The English media in
Some one summed up the
whole discussion, "Mahatmas, Editors, Babas, Babus,
Writers, Marxist Historians, Media Anchors and Politicians have
been keeping Hindus under a cloud of beliefs that your State is
secular and will take care of your interests, if you are good to
your neighbor good - good will come to you- has been rudely
shattered by continued Jihadi attacks - such fooling of Hindus
for so long by so many eminent people thanks to the failed Hindu
Those who
used to appreciate the courageous role of the media - have
now chosen to use their own critical faculties to filter through
the "media stories" and see through their "game
plans", "inspired deceptions", "Planted
Plain lies" "hoot and run tactics." Thanks to the liberating effects of the internet and World Wide
Web blogs and websites people are no more tied to TVs and the
Western and Arab inspired anglicized press but look for
alternative sources, beyond the NDTV,
CNN IBN, TIMES NOW and 'The Hindu', 'Times of India'
and 'Deccan Chronicle'.
Hariharan Balakrishnan is a veteran of Indian navy,
of the Indian navy Frigate INS Trishul who has been regularly shaming
the backward English press with wide range of
information from all over the world. He said "
People in my street now do not just spend few minutes with their
typical "cuppa" every day morning with 'The
Hindu' , but spend hours on the net to know all about Jihad
terror. Our neighbors have stopped totally the regular papers.
In the last decade the internet service providers like VSNL,
MTNL BSNL, AIRTEL and TATA have seen rapid growth.
conservative reader of 'The Hindu' from
South India
, a retired Post Master general, aged 83, has been using
the internet for over 10 years now. He spends hours in
front of his monitor complains his wife. "He
is an active member of many internet forums and spends
an average of eight hours on the net". He says "I
get regular updates comments and even phone calls from friends
all over the world and who share the latest developments". He
is inspired and willing to educate me and his younger
grandson and quotes from the Hadits, Surah
and Sunnah and
knows exactly why
is attacked. I do not depend upon the Indian TV to tell me the
truth as they are scared.
terror, do not secularise it!
has done
into this mess? It is the Indian polity's inability to say
plainly that Islamic terror is a global phenomenon, and it is
extending itself into
through global Islamic network. Result, instead of isolating the
terror, the national political discourse began secularising it.
The seculars saw normal anti-terror laws as anti-Muslim laws by
showing the number of detainees under the law which contained
more Muslims. They refused to acknowledge that global Islamic
jihad appeals only to Muslims and not to other communities.
How will
fight terror with this cerebral paralysis?
terror, do not secularise it!
Refer to Godhra:
The True Story - By Nicole Elfi - jaia-bharati.org.
Arjuna !
in India - By David Frawley
Indian media will not use the term terrorism for any religious
group other than the Hindus. Terrorism perpetrated in
the name of Islam will be called ‘jehadi terrorism’ or
simply ‘terrorism’. It is said that terrorism has no
religion, but this is not the case if terrorism can be linked to
Hinduism, a religion unlike most others, built upon
have seen a few bigoted or conservative Hindus here and there
but overall Hindus are the most tolerant and accepting of all
religious groups and the most concerned with spiritual practices
rather than converting others or conquering the world. Unlike
most Biblical traditions, Hindus do not claim that theirs is the
only path and if you don’t accept their religion, you will
suffer eternal damnation or at least never receive the favour of
God. Instead they teach you methods of Yoga and meditation so
that you can experience the Divine for yourselves and in
yourself, freeing you from any dependency upon institutions or
Unfortunately today, under the pretext of Hindu terrorism,
terrorism is being enacted against Hindus in
today. Hindu nuns are being stripped of their human rights,
subject to narcotic testing that is illegal in the rest of the
world, and tortured. Clearly such treatment would never be given
by the police to a Christian nun. Even in
, evidence gained in this manner is not admissible in a court of
law, yet it seems to be not only admissible but unquestionably
true in the Indian media, which builds a case of Hindu terrorism
based upon the torture of Hindus and allegations built upon that
torture. What is the brazen face of terrorism they are showing
us among Hindus? Not a Bin Laden and 9/11 with Al Qaida proudly
boasting of its attack and citing scripture in its
justification, not a Taliban taking over a country and turning
it into a terrorist state, not an attack on India’ Parliament,
but a Hindu nun and her two wheeler, even though polygraph
tests, torture and narcotic drugs injected into her have failed
to produce a confession.
Yet the media of India seems to think that Hindu terrorism is
more dangerous or at least a better story, while the greater
number of Indians who have died from terrorism caused by
non-Hindu groups don’t seem to be worthy of consideration. The
nearly ninety people who died in
seem to have been forgotten, for example, mainly it seems
because one cannot make them into a case of Hindu terrorism.
The reason for this fixation on Hindu terrorism is clear.
has suffered from many recent terrorist attacks and there has
been little headway in bringing any of the terrorists to
justice. Elections are coming up and
those who are afraid of losing seats for their failure to deal
with real terrorism, which is generally directed against Hindus,
feel that raising the bogey of Hindu terrorism will improve
their chances at the polls. Their war on terror is largely a war
against Hindus to promote anti-Hindu voting sentiments.
Jehadis won’t need to terrorise Hindus anymore because Indians
themselves will do it to get elected, calling Hindus terrorists
while they take away their human rights and let the real
terrorists go free. Recently more than
eight Hindu students have been murdered in the
United States. Is the government of
making a protest against anti-Hindu terrorism in the
? Certainly the American government would make a
protest if American students were being murdered in
, particularly if they were Christians or Christian workers. But
deaths of Hindus don’t count it seems. Hinduism is the
religion that most commonly teaches us to respect all religions
and honour a diversity of paths to the Divine, yet we find
Hinduism remains the most denigrated of all the world’s major
is time for Hindus to stand up against the distortions of
Hinduism that abound in the world today, which means challenging
the media and political groups that target and malign Hindus and
Hinduism for their advantage.

Krishna and Arjuna, the great warrior of India.
is time for Hindus to stand up against the distortions of
Hinduism that abound in the world today, which means challenging
the media and political groups that target and malign Hindus and
Hinduism for their advantage. The
anti-Hindu media will sell their souls and will vilify Hinduism
all for money, fame and power.
anti-Hindu media actually seems worse in
than in the West. Sadly, many of these anti-Hindu sentiments
come from Hindus in
who see certain other Hindu groups as their enemies. They will
sell out their own religion and vilify it with the name of
terrorism, if it brings them money, fame or another few years of
political power regardless of its ramifications for the future
of their country or their religion.
So let us address the real problem of
terrorism and not target Hinduism. If the main thing
we can boast for in dealing with terrorism is capturing Hindu
nuns, our campaign against terror is certainly lacking.
(source: Terror
- By
David Frawley - organiser.org).
Refer to People's
anger and a crumbling spy agency – By Sheela Bhatt and
ready for federal investigating agency, but wants Pota back too
and India's
strategic deafness & the massacre in Mumbai
- By Praveen Swami
didn't Christian organizations condemn the attacks?
is angry with the thousands of Christian organizations in
that did not officially condemn the Mumbai attacks
which goes into street agitation at the drop of a hat for
any Christian cause". "The
Hindu organizations have been advocating Hindus to be Pure
at heart and do not see "evil, hear evil and do evil".
How do we close our faculties if we see so much evil outside
attacking us from all sides? Both religious leaders and the English
media have been dishing out to Hindus
with unauthentic substance and literature as official views
of Islam that has been weakening Hindus.
foundation of the state called
Pakistan, for the pure was based on the Islamic ideology, why it has
become so impure he asked? He demanded the media should
not take people like himself for granted and quotes "one
can fool some people for some time, and not all people for all
times". "the media is stupid
like dinosaurs and bound to walk its way to destruction".
Media's reckless reporting:
Do they want Armageddon"?
"With an anarchist
like Rajdeep Sardesai, elected
as the head editor the less said the better about the fate of
the media" said
I asked him who are you , he said "Rajdeep
hater". "It is time for the centre to step in to clip
their wings take some wind off these sails of the
electronic media" says an Indian IT professional from Israel.
their Souls - Irresponsible
Indian media will not use the term terrorism for any religious
group other than the Hindus. This
anti-Hindu media actually seems worse in
than in the West.
will sell out their own religion and vilify it with the name of
terrorism, if it brings them money, fame or another few years of
political power regardless of its ramifications for the future
of their country or their religion.

Sardesai Editor-in-Chief, CNN-IBN
& World Vision Child Sponsor and Burkha Dutt.
With an anarchist like Rajdeep Sardesai, elected
as the head editor the less said the better about the fate of
the media
to Can
u please take BARKHA off air! Discussions - facebook.com and
- merinews.com and Barkha
Dutt and NDTV is a terrorist's DREAM COME TRUE!!
Is the media above law?
the readers and viewers and their intelligence"; "the
editors are overestimating themselves and their hoot and
run tricks". A Criminal Psychologist from
seeing the reports on the media says: "they
are almost hysterical, they must undergo psychological
examinations. Some of them are under severe stress and
pathological symptoms and even manipulative".
Prof Chakra of
Hindu has taken
to communist ideology ...the very name Hindu is used to
mislead Hindus, it is dishonesty". Seeing
the reports "Mumbai sees a rash of attacks" a
severely distressed registrar of a University said that he
will not renew the Rs 500/- annual subscription for the Hindu.
He regretted come this 2009 January..., which is
round the corner, you will not get the 500 bucks you marketing
guy. "
under Scrutiny
- By G P. Srinivasan - haindavakeralam.com).
& CNNIBN Defending Antinationals & Terrorists
Indian media's lack of common sense
Instead of raising a din and forcing the Government
to wake up to the threat of terrorism, our media is obsessed
with the motivation of the killers and whether they were
'really' Pakistanis! Before
the waves of smoke have even receded, the media machine
worldwide has launched itself into a predictable overdrive.
Barely a few hours in the wake of the wanton violence in Mumbai,
the media began an orgy of speculation, cliché, and in some
cases, open falsehood. Secular progressives have been peddling
this perverse theory for a few decades in the Indian public
discourse. However, in recent times, the field has widened. When
taken to its logical conclusion, this theory reverses roles
where the victim becomes the aggressor. In the current case, it
simply means that
deserved this attack for we invited it upon ourselves. (Refer to
trust Indian Mainstream media)
This grand narrative is the sense of
Muslim victimhood. The central premise of this
narrative rests upon the all-encompassing and institutionalised
Muslim discrimination that exists in
. In the wake of the Mumbai attacks, this theory has been
revived almost instantly. Several editorials and opinion pieces
assert that this attack is proof that anti-Muslim discrimination
has reached record proportions. They worry that it is
continually driving thousands of Muslim youth to willingly get
brainwashed by the Pakistani jihadi industry. This narrative has
now been globalised. Amid
all this Muslim-victimhood
trumpeting, the media seems to have forgotten
a basic, simple truth: Common
the contrary, it advertises its lack of common sense with great
pride. It brandishes every explanation and analysis except the
most obvious. Common sense says that the Mumbai attack is the
latest and most severe evidence that the
machine has declared a war against
; and that this jihad is no longer restricted to
. It is well-oiled and, thanks to a
pusillanimous Government, can strike at will. Instead
of focusing on national security and kicking the Government
awake to take action, the media takes refuge in spinning reams
about the psyche and motivation of the terrorists and whether
they are "really" Pakistani terrorists and other
assorted mindlessness.
Newsweek do research?
sheep following sheep, Newsweek
latches on to the perfidy spread by the Indian secular
media. This article would be laughable on the counts of
non-research, extreme bias, and poor understanding of Indian
But, as Koenraad Elst
observes elsewhere, Western journalists
writing on
don’t bother with such trivialities as research when it comes
watching. They rest content by peddling the same trash that
their Indian journalist brethren pass on to them. It is just
another damn stinking, dirty
Third World
news report. But it is not laughable because it treats serious
issues flippantly.
is really funny to watch these people from CNN
IBN utter the term ‘alleged
terrorists’ again and again, despite the fact that
an Islamic terrorist outfit - Deccan
Mujhahideen - has claimed that they are responsible
for this attack. Now, just think of the vile and venom spread in
the name of ‘Hindu terror’, ‘Saffron terror’, and all
other religious references when a sadhvi was arrested. If this
is not intellectual dishonesty, what else is?
there was Ms Zain Verjee,
the CNN International anchor and a Muslim, who did not let a
single opportunity go without telling Americans how disaffected
the Indian Muslim youth are in
and how opportunities for India
’s muslims are slim.
talks about
’s Hindu poor (600+ million) or Buddhist and Jain poor and their travails. I guess
Hindus don’t count since we are “secular.”
in the hands of jihadis - By Sandeep B and Does
Newsweek do research?
- sandeepweb.com. Refer to
War, Stupid!
is a Fundamentalist? Who is a Mere militant? Ask Fareed Zakaria
There's something amusing about this
Fareed Zakaria article. The only moment he deems fit to
associate fundamentalism is calling "Hindu
fundamentalist.." The Laskhar-e-Taiba(Army
of God) and likes are at most "Pakistani
no association with religion there you see!
Of the few
articles I've read by Fareed Zakaria, rarely if ever have I
noticed him calling "Islamic
fundamentalist" or "Muslim
fundamentalist." Seems to be a deliberate miss
to me. Why such reluctance when he is all to ready to announce
"Hindu fundamentalist."
is a Fundamentalist?).
Refer to Mumbai
Attackers Had GPS Units, Satellite Maps
Biased Broadcasting Corp, also
known as BBC
The BBC kept describing the
murderers of Mumbai as "gunmen"
rather than calling them what they were: Terrorists.
There is a clear distinction between gunmen and terrorists.
Criminals use guns, and can be called gunmen; they do it for a
purpose, to steal or kidnap or loot. Terrorists use guns and
bombs in the random killing of innocents in pursuit of a
political or personal agenda. The killers at Chhatrapati Shivaji
Railway Terminus, Taj, Oberoi and a home where Jewish people
lived, did not come to steal art, or money, or railway property.
would be interesting to find out if the BBC called the
destruction of the twin towers of
New York
the work of "gunmen" or "killers" or
"airplane bombers", or whether it called them
terrorists. Did the BBC consider the men who killed innocents on
's trains and buses "bombers" in search of a little
private excitement? I am not sure about the nature of the
What I am sure about is that to describe the terrorists of
Mumbai as mere "gunmen" is mealy-mouthed, weak-kneed
and just plain offensive.
Broadcasting Corp, also known as BBC - By M J Akbar - dailypioneer.com).
Image source: BBC
the West lost us
the American media rushed to internationalize 9/11, they seemed
to be in an equal hurry to domesticize 26/11, as if “terror”
is something that happens regularly in
, like water problems, or sly airport touts.
I think that the Western media has persisted for far too long with
a framework of reporting that is disconnected from reality, and
this showed all too sadly in its approach to Mumbai. It
continues an old
imperialism, unreflectively enjoying
its discursive overlordship over South Asia by presenting
as "rivals," as if that is what a billion and a half
people think of all the time. It continues a selfish cold-war
era framework of false moral equivalence between India and
Pakistan, reporting that the countries have fought four wars without once
naming an aggressor, chirpily discounting every Indian grievance
with a clever Pakistani government retort (see this
piece in Times of India). And it grants a voice it seems, to
only one sort of South Asian and South Asian opinion: one that
finds fault in
, even when at least one cause lies elsewhere.
the West lost us
- By Vamsee Juluri
Tragedy and Farce - By Atanu Dey
by a Thousand Cuts
we need to update Karl Marx’s idea of history that it “repeats
itself, first as tragedy, second as farce” to suit
the history of terrorism in India where each cyclic repetition
consists of a brutal tragedy immediately followed by a hopeless
script is tiresomely familiar.
Islamic terrorists attack and kill by the scores, if not
hundreds, in acts of mindless mayhem and destruction. Even as
the short tragedy is unfolding, the farce begins with the prime
minister and other government officials declaring that they will
punish the perpetrators. That gives way to so-called “secular
intellectuals” quickly justifying the horror by pointing out
that we need to understand the conditions that motivated the
Islamic terrorists to go on a killing-spree of infidels –
namely, poverty and discrimination against the followers of the
celebrated Religion of Peace.
are the Brahmins (those who guide intellectually) and Kshatriyas
(those protect society) in

frail old man being led away by a policeman after
the gruesome blood bath at the CST train station in Mumbai.
Tragedy and Farce:
The script is tiresomely familiar. Islamic terrorists attack and kill by the scores, if not
hundreds, in acts of mindless mayhem and destruction. Even as
the short tragedy is unfolding, the farce begins with the prime
minister and other government officials declaring that they will
punish the perpetrators. That gives way to so-called “secular
intellectuals” quickly justifying the horror by pointing out
that we need to understand the conditions that motivated the
Islamic terrorists to go on a killing-spree of infidels –
namely, poverty and discrimination against the followers of the
celebrated Religion of Peace.
The usual bunch of
intellectuals write what they consider to be penetrating
analysis such as “What
They Hate About Mumbai.” They
appear to be deaf and dumb to the persistently professed goal of
the terrorists of claiming
— the Land of the Impure — for Islam.
farce continues with furious calls of “we should not let the
terrorists win by allowing them to divide us.” Candle-light
vigils and moving articles of ordinary people rallying to help
others sprout up like mushrooms in a dank pile of manure. Things
get back to normal in a few days and the spirit of
“resilience” is much celebrated in the news media. Life goes
on for a few weeks or months, and then once again the tragedy of
Islamic terrorism strikes and the farce is enacted once again.
Like the instructions on a shampoo bottle says, “lather,
rinse, repeat.”
Bit of Farce
most important element of the subsequent farce involves
obtuseness. The usual bunch of pseudo-secular
intellectuals write what they consider to be penetrating
analysis such as “What
They Hate About Mumbai.”
appear to be deaf and dumb to the persistently professed goal of
the terrorists of claiming
— the Land of the Impure — for Islam.
act of Islamic terrorism currently undertaken in justified on
two incidents: Godhra riots and Babri
masjid. But then can
Godhra and Babri masjid be used to justify the thousands of
temples that were destroyed in
over the last thousand years? The terrorists cry
themselves hoarse with blood-curdling yells of “allah hu akbar”
while slaughtering without compunction and yet these worthy
commentators write lengthy pieces with convoluted arguments on
why the killing goes on.
a farce, the only people you take seriously are the jokers.
Here’s John Oliver,
correspondent for The Daily Show,
explaining who the terrorists are and what they hope to achieve.
Tragedy and Farce - By Atanu Dey). Watch
tragedy with John Oliver - Daily show with Jon Stewart -
December 1, 2008.
Fresh Insight
media-politician anti-Hindu nexus has to stop immediately
Every time a political leader spoke, it was a feeling of
shame that I felt somewhere deep within, and couldn’t help but
wonder when we would see the end of this rotten, old and
decaying lot who can sell this country to the dogs for a few
hundred crores. It was indeed sad to see the nation pay the
price for their uncommitted, visionless leadership. Haven’t we
had enough of disgusting and shameless statements like ‘we are
planning to modernize our equipments and increase budgets for
our intelligence departments...’ etc? Forget having any kind
of moral responsibility to resign instantly from ministerial
posts after their sheer failure to protect the country time and
again, they are such a bunch of illiterate and shameful
individuals that they don’t even feel ashamed and embarrassed
to come up and give those sickening and predictably stale, dated
statements again and again.
as I thought of the whys of 26/11, I couldn’t help but put the
blame on our government’s virtual anti-Hindu sentiments, for
all practical purposes not just today, but over years and years.
Of course, I had been feeling this especially during the last
fortnight and almost everyday, as I saw newspaper after
newspaper devote endless newsprint to “Hindu
terrorists” and “Hindu bombs”. In my entire
life, I don’t remember reading even once any media house in
India calling anyone a “Muslim terrorist” or any bomb a
“Muslim bomb”; and rightly so...
A new word
called the Hindu bomb was recently used to malign Hinduism.
Well, it’s very easy to do so
. That’s because Hindus are the people who, despite being the
majority in Hindustan, are the people who can be abused in
and gotten away with. Because Hindus, in reality, aren’t
terrorists or bomb makers and are supposed to be tolerant,
patient and – dare I repeat what Gandhi said – even cowards!
So Hindus can be abused in this country by every scheming
political class wanting to garner the Muslim vote bank during
elections. It’s not just that they can be tortured brutally
(even women) by investigating agencies, but the fact is that for
Hindu arrests, there aren’t even any human
rights groups jumping in and
creating farcical noises.
But that’s not all. Assisting the
political class mostly willingly (and, at rare times, due to no
alternative choice) in this conspiracy is almost the entire
Indian media and its lot of fake and mostly half-educated
journalist fraternity. Pampering Muslims blindly – even
terrorists caught red handed – or their extremism all the time
gives most media houses and journalists an illusion of large
hearted (farcical) secularism. Some media
houses have made it their business to support Muslim
terrorists et al because then, there are crappy human rights
groups around the world who fund them and praise them and give
them awards by organising pseudo-intellectual seminars and
gatherings. Of course, for those media houses that refuse to tow
the government’s line of press release campaigns, the
government would put tens of income tax, foreign exchange
management, MRTP cases, etc., against them, so that to save
their backsides, they start falling in line.
media-politician anti-Hindu nexus has to stop immediately, if we
really don’t want another 26/11
- the sundayindian.com).
Dark shadow of jihad
shameless outsourcing of the task of chastising
Guru of
, convicted for his role in the attack on Parliament House on
December 13, 2001, and Ajmal Amir Kasab
, seen striking terror at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus on
November 26, 2008, are the symbols of 21st century jihad against
Besides a common commitment to jihad, their separate acts of
aggression against an
perceived as Hindu, establish the reality of a universal ummah
determined to subjugate all to Islam. This is why
— given a share of Hindu ancestral territory after bloody
violence in the mid-20th century — have failed to evolve as
viable states and have repeatedly returned to unleash mayhem on
a non-threatening mother country, despite persistent failures to
win overt or covert wars.
words can adequately condemn the UPA’s
shameless outsourcing
of the task of chastising
, or BJP’s acquiescence in this surrender of
sovereignty —completes the picture of a
supine India where secular and minority-communal forces readily
collaborate to hurt Hindu sensibilities.
Poignant instances of this partnership today centre round some
of the most flagrant instances of jihadi strikes in recent times
— the Parliament House attack, the Batla House encounter, the
Mumbai massacre; a thread of perversity
pervades all. Now, seven years later, Afzal
remains unrepentant, and the Indian state cannot find the
courage to hang him due to vote-bank considerations.
Grief-stricken families of police constables who sacrificed
their lives to defend Parliament House have returned the gold
medals of valour to the Government in anger; this scandalous
regime has kept the medals, and refused to hang the jihadi.
Hindus, enraged after Mumbai, are
clamouring for justice. Activists have collected over 1,200
signatures on a petition to the President regarding public
sentiment that terrorists be shown no mercy; to date Rashtrapati
Bhavan has not granted them an appointment. The President was
quick to meet a Christian delegation after the murder of Swami
Laxmanananda Saraswati in Kandhamal, Orissa, earlier this year,
but never tried to meet his orphaned bhaktas. The Hindu Jagruti
Sabha had previously submitted 18,000 signatures to then
President APJ Abdul Kalam regarding Afzal Guru.
Jihad is a foreign ideology; its
objective is world dominion. Islam made impressive
strides in the early centuries of its birth. But in the modern
period, most Muslim nations lack the ability to defend
themselves, and modern jihad has been a tool whereby the West
controls both Muslim and non-Muslim societies. The
ISI’s Western patrons are well-known; its local
cells in
are part of the same axis that once partitioned the country. Only
an overtly conscious Hindu Rashtra can tackle this menace. This
applies equally to the issue of conversions, which remain a
foreign policy objective of the Christian West.
(source: Dark
shadow of jihad - By Sandhya Jain).
the CIA does not want Dawood in Indian hands
The role Dawood Ibrahim the underworld kingpin who
heads the D-Company and has known ties to
's Inter-Services Intelligence and even the Central Intelligence
Agency, is apparently being whitewashed. His capture and
handover to
might prove inconvenient for either the ISI or the CIA, or both.
the CIA does not want Dawood in Indian hands - By Jeremy R
Hammond - rediff.com)
Indian Americans ask UN to
declare Pakistan a terrorist state
Braving sub zero temperature and cold wind, more than 200
supporters and workers of dozens of Indian American organisation
held a demonstration outside the UN,
seeking the world body declare
a terrorist state. The demonstrators, from
New York
and adjoining
New Jersey
states spearheaded by Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) and Indian
American Intellectual Forum, demanded that the international
community take action against
Saudi Arabia
also as groups based there had been funding the terror
operations which are planned and executed from Pakistan. The demonstrators carried pictures of Jewish couple Rabbi
Gavriel Holtzberg and wife Rivka, who were murdered
by the terrorists during Mumbai attacks, with caption: "It
is a crime to be a Jew?" The demonstration began with a
silence observed for one minute to pay homage to the victims of
Mumbai attacks and the police officers who were killed in the

freezing rain be damned. Indians in
New York
came out to rally in front of that collective negation of
humanity at the United Nations.
source: atlas
"Who is funding terrorism?'
Saudi Arabia
," "Down with
," "
, a failed state," "Stop aid to
," and "Radical Islam is the worldwide problem,"
were among the slogans that they shouted.
(source: Indian
Americans ask UN to declare Pakistan a terrorist state -
to Peace
rally in Florida on Mumbai Terror attacks - It was a show of unity and
solidarity between various Hindu, Jewish and Christian groups
which came and stood together against the nefarious design of
Jihadi terrorists.
Asleep after Mumbai
caught in terrorist atrocities perpetrated for Islam typically
experience fear, torture, horror, and murder, with sirens
screaming, snipers positioning, and carnage in the streets. That
was the case recently in
(now called Mumbai), where some 195 people were murdered and 300
injured. But for the real target of Islamist terror, the world
at large, the experience has become numbed, with apologetics and
justification muting repulsion and shock.
terrorism ranks among the cruelest and
most inhumane forms of warfare, excruciating in its
small-bore viciousness and intentional pain, Islamist terrorism
has also become well-rehearsed political theater. Actors fulfill
their scripted roles, then shuffle, soon forgotten, off the
Indeed, as one reflects on the most publicized episodes of
Islamist terror against Westerners since 9/11 – the attack on
Australians in Bali, on Spaniards in
, on Russians in Beslan, on Britons in
– a twofold pattern emerges: Muslim exultation and Western
denial. The same tragedy replays itself, with only names
Muslim exaltation: The
Mumbai assault inspired occasional condemnations, hushed
official regrets, and cornucopias of unofficial enthusiasm. Western
denial: No. The fact that terrorist fish are swimming in a
hospitable Muslim sea nearly disappears amidst Western
political, journalistic, and academic bleatings. Call it
political correctness, multiculturalism, or self-loathing;
whatever the name, this mentality produces delusion and
Western denial: No. The fact
that terrorist fish are swimming in a hospitable Muslim sea
nearly disappears amidst Western political, journalistic, and
academic bleatings. Call it political
correctness, multiculturalism, or self-loathing;
whatever the name, this mentality
produces delusion and dithering.
Nomenclature lays bare this denial. When a sole jihadist
strikes, politicians, law enforcement, and media join forces to
deny even the fact of terrorism; and when all must concede the
terrorist nature of an attack, as in Mumbai, a pedantic
establishment twists itself into knots to avoid blaming
terrorists. What
finally will rouse Westerners from their stupor, to name the
enemy and fight the war to victory? Only one thing seems likely:
massive deaths, say 100,000 casualties
in a single WMD attack. Short of that, it appears,
much of the West, contently deploying defensive measures against
fancifully-described "activists," will gently slumber
(source: Still
Asleep after Mumbai - By Daniel Pipes).
's day of infamy
safe are our nuclear establishments and material?
war of civilisation between the Muslims and the infidels has
begun in
Indian territory
. So said the first statement issued in the name of the so-called Indian
Mujahideen (IM) in November,2007, after the three orchestrated
explosions in three towns of Uttar Pradesh outside local courts.
We saw the latest round of this war in Mumbai on the night of
November 26, 2008, as an unestimated number of terrorists -
divided into small groups and wielding hand-held
weapons and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) - literally
took control of Mumbai and targeted with frightening precision
famous hotels preferred by the rich of the country and foreign
tourists, railway stations, a hospital and many other places
scattered across this business capital of India. The iceberg of
jihadi terrorism to which I have been drawing attention since
November,2007, in article after article, in interview after
interview, in discussion after discussion has struck not only
Mumbai, but the Indian State.
The iceberg moved from UP to Jaipur. From Jaipur to
. From
to Ahmedabad and
. From there to
. From
. From
to Mumbai now - despite the claims made by the Mumbai Police
some weeks ago of having discovered and crushed a plot of the IM
to carry out strikes in Mumbai.
Government of Manmohan Singh
reacted to the repeated warning signals of the moving iceberg
since November 2007, in the same way as the Bush Administration
reacted to reports about the plans of the Al Qaeda for an of
aviation terrorism in the US.
It just did no react. It was in a total denial mode. From
a localised threat, jihadi terrorism has become a pan-Indian
menace with a pan-Islamic ideology.
day of infamy
- By B Raman - southasiaanlysis.org).
dearth of Warnings
Arun Shourie
- ) is a prominent Indian journalist, author, and politician. He
is an economist with the World Bank, a consultant to the
Planning Commission,
and editor of the Indian Express.
He has said: " Complete
failure of intelligence and the unlimited terror attacks on
Indian soil has proved that governance has evaporated under the
Congress led UPA dispensation’. The UPA government ignored the
inputs resulting in the worst terror attacks on Mumbai.
has lost count of the numerous terror attacks occurring every
now and then and the UPA government has shown the world that it
has lost the political will to tackle terrorism’.
Here is the mother of all warnings:
shifted its Consulate which was
situated on the coast of
to the metro’s interiors after coming to know of a plot to
attack it by sea. It had even shared this information with
Indian authorities along with a warning that the Taj could be a
target. A sensible US could secure itself even in distant
, but
can’t guard its own backyard from Islamic terrorists coming in
with ample prior notice!
war on Bharat is religious in nature. It is both external and
internal, the latter being more potent. The intent is to
Islamise infidel
What is
apparent is that neither the government in
nor in Mumbai took the warnings seriously.
Reportedly, among the list of targets that the terrorists had in
mind were the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the Chatrapati
Shivaji Railway Terminus and even The Times of India, not to
mention Hotel Leela Kempinski in Bandra.
Even the
speech delivered by Dr Manmohan Singh following the fidayeen
attack on the Taj Hotel showed no sense of anger or
determination, let alone daring. He
was literally droning . We need a strong Prime Minister who is
willing to take action without delay to carry the message to the
terrorists next door that they have a neighbour who cannot be
taken lightly. But what
simultaneously needs is the dismissal of the UPA government. It
has proved itself as effete and unfit to continue in power. It
has betrayed the people as no previous government ever has to
the shame of the country and the pain of Mumbai’s citizens.
now or never! – By T R Jawahar - newstodaynet.com and
the folly of failure – By M V Kamath.
But what about the Prime
diabolical and cynical
pursuit of vote-bank politics
pall of gloom and shame that enveloped the nation in the
immediate aftermath of the audacious terrorist attack on Mumbai
last week has since given way to unprecedented anger across the
country over the deliberate and criminal neglect of national
security by the United Progressive Alliance. Unable to cope with
the heat, the coalition has quickly dumped Home Minister Shivraj
Patil and is promising to slay a few more scapegoats at the
altar of public opinion in the hope that these ministerial and
bureaucratic 'executions' will douse public wrath.
The people at large, however, should not fall for the bait and
lower their guard because the relief that these 'sacrifices'
will provide us will only be temporary and cosmetic. As everyone
is aware, the ruling coalition and the Congress which heads it
are simply unwilling to tackle the original sin that has brought
this great nation to its knees, namely the mistaken notion that
they can consolidate Muslim votes if they go slow on Muslim
country has become vulnerable to repeated terrorist strikes
because of the diabolical and cynical
pursuit of vote-bank politics by this coalition since
it came to power in May 2004.
Government repeals POTA and holds back clearance of anti-terror
laws enacted by Gujarat and Rajasthan. the Government turns away
from the real threat to national security and dissipates
its energies and resources chasing the chimera of 'Hindu
UPA has let us down on many counts. The coalition is so fixated
on Muslim votes that it jettisoned POTA simply because this law
had been introduced by the BJP. Egged on by a small bunch of
pseudo-secularists whose hearts bleed only for terrorists and
secessionists, the UPA coalition also took the fateful decision
to deny states like
and Rajasthan the right to frame stringent anti-terrorism laws.
nation has been subject to regular and outrageous serial strikes
by terrorists over the last few years. There were many incidents
when the BJP was in power. There have been many more after the
UPA took charge. So, where is the difference? The difference is
that while both Governments have presided over an incompetent
security apparatus, the latter must take the blame for sending
out all the wrong signals and discouraging anti-terrorist
initiatives by the security forces. The difference is one of
intentions (niyat). The intentions of the present
Government are not genuine. It appears ready to sacrifice the
lives of innocent citizens, in order to keep alive a so-called
vote-bank. The
responsibility for this rests squarely on the shoulders of the
Prime Minister and the UPA chairperson who is the de facto Prime
Minister. They must be held accountable for all the lives lost
in Ahmedabad, Jaipur,
New Delhi
, Mumbai and elsewhere, and for putting us to shame before the
international community. They
should not be allowed to shift the blame onto some scapegoats.
If we do not quickly ease out the real culprits from their seats
of power, public fury may consume all that we hold dear -- our
civilisational ethos, our democratic way of life and our
Constitution. We should not allow this to happen.
what about the Prime Minister? - By A
Surya Prakash
- Edit Tuesday,
December 2, 2008).
fight terrorism, be proactive
Defensive measures alone won’t suffice
nearly a millennium, India was repeatedly invaded, raped and
subjugated by those who came primarily to plunder its wealth,
with some staying on to rule by conquest. Now again, raiders
from the northwest are repeatedly assaulting India, not to cart
away its riches but to undermine its rising economic strength
after a long historical period of humiliation. That is why
’s commercial capital has been repeatedly attacked by the
raiders, who have chosen their targets there carefully — from
the stock exchange and financial institutions in 1993 and city
trains in 2006 to its landmark luxury hotels in 2008.
That India is an
island of stability, economic growth and democratic empowerment
in a sea of turbulence stretching from Jordan to Malaysia also
makes it a magnet for terrorists from a particular quasi-failed
state that seems intent on taking India down with it as it
sinks. Such is the tyranny of geography that
is wedged in an arc of failing or authoritarian states that try,
in different ways, to undermine its secular, multiethnic,
pluralistic character.
fight terrorism, be proactive - By Brahma Chellaney).
of Page
elites eschew defense: The case of India - By Ed Katz
the loss of Kshatriya virtues, and in the last century, the rise
of Gandhian cowardice, have hurt Hindus.
blood from
the innocent victims was barely dry when journalists
published articles,
not about the vicious killers, but about the dangers of a
"rightward tilt" in
"progressive" Western press disparages Hindu warriors
as dangerous right wingers, thus betraying their bottomless
naiveté concerning
's aggressive Muslim neighbors, past and present.
Bharat Mata, or "Mother India," the birthplace of
the glorious Upanishads
as well as Prince Siddhartha, has been sucker punched by 21st
century monsters. The blood from
the innocent victims was barely dry when journalists
published articles,
not about the vicious killers, but about the dangers of a
"rightward tilt" in India. The rise of Hindu nationalism however began as a
response to a perceived lack of "manliness" in the
Hindu warrior the result of which was an open door to centuries
of foreign persecution and terror in India.
explaining the "root" causes of the massacre in Mumbai
we will hear plenty in the coming weeks about disaffected
Muslims living in
India, or about the menacing American war on terror, or about the
situation in
the literati in the media will probably miss however is a
profound and paradoxical thread stitched into the very fabric of
Hindu culture: what does it means to be a "man?"
In other
words, is the true "male" the Kshatriya caste warrior or the Brahmin caste renunciant?
Was it the Hindu patriot and warrior-hero Shivaji
Bhosle, the 17th century equivalent to
's William
Wallace, who organized the first successful guerilla
campaign against Muslim rule in
? Or is the "real man" the gentle, transnational
and priestly archetype embodied in figures such as Mohandas
Gandhi, who renounces violence in the name of universal love?
put, Hinduism's masculinity crisis is deeply embedded in its
social structure, in its ancient texts, and in the language of
modern Hindu nationalists such as Swami
and Lala
Lajpat Rai. Both men would have identified the
complexities of caste as the "root cause" of over 800
years of Muslim and then British rule in
. That is, when searching for the reasons why Hindus have
been traditionally defenseless in the face of foreign invaders
Hindu nationalists tend to see their own
culture and traditions as the culprit. Beginning with
British rule in the early 18th century, Hindu
nationalists began some serious soul searching concerning their
inability to protect Mother India from subjugation.
Lajpat Rai (1865-1928) freedom fighter spoke for many Hindus when he speculated
back in 1907:
question that has often haunted us, asleep or awake, as to why
is it that notwithstanding the presence among us of great,
vigorous, and elevating truths, and of the very highest
conception of morality, we Hindus have been a subject race, held
down for so many centuries by sets of people who were neither
physically nor spiritually nor even intellectually so superior
to us as to demand our subjugation."
to explain why a handful of foreigners coming from six thousand
miles away in
could become
's masters became the focus of an intense amount of scholarly
activity among Hindu intellectuals. Profound thinkers like
Ghose, India's greatest 20th century
philosopher, argued that the "ascetic ideal" etched
into Hindu identity became oppressively "top heavy" in
India and smothered the more warlike themes in Hindu tradition
and culture.
In his
of Indian Culture
Aurobindo claimed:
it is true that the ascetic ideal, which in the ancient vigor of
our culture was the fine spire of life mounting into the eternal
existence, became latterly its top-heavy dome and tended under
the weight of its bare and imposing sublimity to crush the rest
of the edifice."

Vivekananda, Lala Lajpat Rai and Sri Aurobindo Ghosh.
Nationalists like Aurobindo and Vivekenanda reminded Hindus
however to evaluate for themselves the efficacy of pacifism.
Weakness only invites invasion. Warrior energy, or rajas
as the Hindus call it, is a normal and natural part of cultural
For Aurobindo, until that day arrives -- the day when we're all
content enough to "stay with pleasure at home" -- a
nation would be foolish to let its guard down in the name of
Durant, the American historian, calls Muslim rule in
as “the bloodiest story in history”. Bharat Varsh
(India) is the oldest and worst victim of terror in the
world. The
"progressive" Western press disparages Hindu warriors
as dangerous right wingers, thus betraying their bottomless
naiveté concerning
's aggressive Muslim neighbors, past and present.
Refer to chapter on Islamic
Aurobindo's vision was of a harmonious and peaceful
international community inspired by Hinduism's spiritual grace
and maturity, he was quite impatient with what he called the
"fanatics of pacifism" whose myopia threatened this
lofty goal. Aurobindo understood, as pacifists like Gandhi
did not, that the international community was still a menacing
state of nature. Aggressive national actors were always
ready to fill, as Thucydides said in
over 2 millennia ago, any potential vacuum including the one in
. Therefore, for the Hindu warrior warfare could be an
elevating experience if the conflict safeguarded the
"principle of right, justice, and law which shall be the
basis of the harmony towards which the struggle ends."
argued that pacifism can do nothing to root out the causes of
war or oppression. Indeed, he said, the non-violent
approach may be responsible for extending the shelf-life of
international conflict:
is not enough that our own hands should remain clean and our
souls unstained for the law of strife and destruction to die out
of the world; that which is at its root must first disappear out
of humanity. Much less will mere immobility and inertia
unwilling to use or incapable of using any kind of resistance to
evil abrogate the law."
and other nationalists recognized that traditions of
renunciation in
together with the gentle wisdom contained in Buddhism, Jainism,
and the inward-searching Upanishads
had conditioned Hindu men to meet foreign aggression with
passive resistance. This "top-heavy dome" of the
spirit in other words had smothered the more aggressive and
warlike features of the Hindu edifice. In fact, the
roughly 4th century B.C. Bhagavad-Gita
-- considered to be the "Hindu bible" -- highlights
the spiritual adventures of Hinduism's greatest
warrior in history,
Arjuna. (Arjuna is something like a combination of
Achilles and Socrates -- on steroids). In the Bhagavad-Gita,
or "Song of God,"
- an incarnation of God - persuades Arjuna, through the lush
philosophy characteristic of Hinduism's greatest thinkers that
he should choose to fight when
threatened by subjugation and injustice. In one famous
tells Arjuna:
are the Kshatriyas
(warriors) O Arjuna, for whom such a war comes of its own accord
as an open door to heaven."
of the four traditional castes in Hindu culture, the warrior
caste, or Kshatryia,
was created by God to be the "arms" or protectors of
society. Their courageous protection and sacrifice allowed
members of the other castes such as the Shudras
(servants), Vaishyas
(merchants), and Brahmins
(priests) to accrue spiritual merit in the successive lives that
would eventually result in the rediscovery of God as the ground
of each person's entire being. God is telling Arjuna that
to fulfill his caste obligations he should not
shrink from battle. To be overrun by enemies would be to
threaten the entire soul-making process at the heart of every
individual Hindu's journey back to God.

Lord Krishan and Arjuna in the Mahabharata. Arjuna is
Hinduism's and India's greatest warrior
in history. In
the Bhagavad-Gita, or
"Song of God,"
- an incarnation of God - persuades Arjuna, through the lush
philosophy characteristic of Hinduism's greatest thinkers that
he should choose to fight when
threatened by subjugation and injustice.
The Gita is a diamond among scriptures of the
world. The
Bhagavad Gita has influenced great Americans from Thoreau to
Oppenheimer. Its message of letting go of the fruits of one’s
actions is just as relevant today as it was when it was first
written more than two millennia ago.
to chapter on War in Ancient
Dwaraka and Vimanas.
problem many modern Hindu nationalists noticed however is that
those with the highest spiritual discipline and merit, the Brahmin
priests, fulfilled their caste obligations by renouncing the same ties to nation and family that provided
the bulwark against foreign invaders. By renouncing all
earthly attachments -- including violence and anger -- in the
pursuit of God those at the top of the Hindu hierarchy provided
an example that was troublesome to the warrior's maintenance of
national integrity. Simply put, it meant that the very
existence of nationhood was an impediment to rediscovering God.
This left
at the mercy of Western and Islamic civilizations, both of which
had no problems combining religion and statecraft in the pursuit
of their national interests. Another way to look at
this is to ask yourself the following: how often were Hindu
armies leaving
to ransack and colonize non-Hindu civilizations? Why were
Muslims in
instead of Hindus in
? When was the last time a Hindu tried to convert you on
your front porch or at the leading edge of a sword?
Hindu nationalist writers and orators over the last century and
a half like Swami Vivekenanda were stung by these Western and
Islamic criticisms. Vivekenanda's project was to
reinvigorate the essence of manhood in the Hindu Kshatryia
warrior. The Swami's poignant pleas to his creator spoke
for many Hindu men when he cried out in anguish:
Thou Mother of the Universe, vouchsafe manliness unto me!
O thou mother of strength, take away my weakness, take away my
unmanliness, and -- Make me a Man!"
It was Vivekenanda who famously said that Hindu
men needed an intense regimen of "beef, biceps, and the Bhagavad-Gita."
Weightlifting and wrestling became popular in
. "No more weeping, but stand on your own feet and be
men" said Vivekenanda. "It is
a man-making religion that we want. It is man-making
theories we want. I want the strength, manhood, kshatravirya,
or the virility of a warrior." Posters of Hindu
guerrilla fighters like Shivaji Bhosle began to adorn the walls
of gyms. Vivekenanda recognized that without a tough
warrior caste Brahmin priests would be helpless in the face of
international aggressors:
[warrior] said, "But for the power of my sword, where would
you be O Brahmin
[priest], with all your power of lore? You would in no
time be wiped off the face of the earth."
sad truth is that for much of its history since the late
Medieval period Hindus have been the victims of proselytizing,
aggressive, and often violent foreign powers who swept into the
vacuum created by a Hindu culture that values internal, not
external spiritual conquest. It's
no wonder that today in Mumbai Hindu nationalists are again on
the rise. The "progressive" Western press
disparages these warriors as dangerous right wingers, thus
betraying their bottomless naiveté concerning
's aggressive Muslim neighbors, past and present.
Nationalists like Aurobindo and Vivekenanda reminded Hindus
however to evaluate for themselves the efficacy of pacifism.
Weakness only invites invasion.
Warrior energy, or rajas
as the Hindus call it, is a normal and natural part of cultural
survival. For Aurobindo, until that day arrives -- the day when we're all
content enough to "stay with pleasure at home" -- a
nation would be foolish to let its guard down in the name of
elites eschew defense: The case of India - By Ed Katz -
are the Brahmins and Kshatriyas in
question one could come up in the recent situation in
is, where are the kshatriyas? The people who provide leadership,
save lives etc.? A rejoinder to this question is: where are the
brahmins in the current Indian society? Are we in a situation
that Arjuna feared (or unfortunately foresaw) in chapter 1 of
Bhagavad Gita?
are the Brahmins and Kshatriyas in
Indian Jews - By Jakob de Roover
To be against "Brahminism" is part and
parcel of the political correctness of progressive scholars in
twenty-first-century India.
Indian Jews - By Jakob de Roover - outlookindia.com).
of Page
Congress’ Hand is smeared with the blood of innocent
Nationalism and patriotism have always been the Secular Media's favorite
"Whipping boy."
is disheartening to see alternative news portals broadcasting
the Main Stream Media's vilification of the Hindu Nationalists.
In sync with the Globalists agenda, they have latched onto the
Hindus (like they did to the Jews) as the new whipping boys.
The Cynical
Secular Media of India and their political alignment
Tragedy made into a farce
will be remembered as one of the darkest days of Independent
India. The country has faced many tragedies and fought many
wars, yet 26/11 has left a legacy of searing pain and anger. The
people are angry, desperate, and helpless. The
fourth estate — media, particularly electronic media — has
abjectly failed to respond to the Mumbai terror attack in the
manner expected of it.
Meanwhile, the media is now over-emphasising the views of
‘Page 3’ personalities which are nothing but an example of
their double standards. These celebrities are to be equally
blamed for the hyperbolic media coverage as they have been hysterical
in their response. This is
largely because this is the first time they have been in close
proximity of terrorism which till now they thought was a problem
for the masses who use public transport or shop in crowded
We have heard from them how “wimps are running this country”
and “politicians don’t know what intelligence is”. It
would be nice to hear them explain why they did not raise a
similar hue and cry following the earlier attacks, including in
Mumbai? Where was their grief when common people were massacred?
As for the extra ordinary coverage of Page 3 personalities and
politician bashing, the entire thing was manipulated by the so
called secular media. The
anchors and the persons that are interviewed have not
directly blamed the existing Government, officials,
both at the centre and the state, instead they generally talked
ill of politicians.
BJP has always been at the receiving end of the secular media.
Now even when it is not in power, it is being abused. In power,
it was criticized and help responsible for the attack on
Parliament, Red Fort, Kargil… Now it is under fire in
opposition as well.
all this, the nation is the
biggest loser. The
shoddy governance, Muslim appeasement, politics of votebank at
cost of nationhood, and the
Congress’ soft approach to terror are the core issues facing
us, but have all been lost.
people are being confused by the secular and cynical media as
part of a big cover-up to save the Congress. What people need is leaders with the
boldness to act firmly and lead them out of present morass. The
lesson the Mumbai Massacre is that India lacks such a
leadership, and that it lacks a media that can seek
accountability on behalf of the real people of India.
Mumbai’s political class,
however, was as craven and crass as its rich and beautiful
most striking aspect of media coverage of the Mumbai tragedy was
the special positioning of the rich and famous as the city’s
representative voices and faces. Worse was the fact that they
all seemed to have a particular political alignment. One channel
allowed actress Sharmila Tagore to dominate a particular
telecast to the near exclusion of other guests, and her
well-rehearsed and eloquent performance was remarkable for its
sheer partisanship.
More importantly, in all the verbiage, Ms Tagore never once
expressed regret or apology for the murder and mayhem unleashed
on the city by fidayeen in the name of the religion she
now professes.
Management and India’s Mismanagement - By
Jain - vijayvaani.com and
absence of a law lets channels go scot-free and
made into a farce - By Sadhya Jain).
of Page
Nationalists: Indigenous Resilience - By Brannon
Globalists are pushing for the final conquest of
succeed they must first destroy the world's last remaining
Indigenous power structure, the Indian Hindus.
to defame the Hindu Nationalists
70,000 Indians have died due to this onslaught of terror.
It is disheartening to see
alternative news portals broadcasting the Main Stream Media's
vilification of the Hindu Nationalists. In sync with the
Globalists agenda, they have latched onto the Hindus as the new
whipping boys. It is also strange that despite
being hit by terror for decades, only now the suddenly concerned
Westerners are paying attention.
Propaganada is making the rounds claiming that Hindu
Nationalists were involved in the Mumbai attacks. Please
consider. If such people were an all powerful group capable of
International terrorism or even domestic terrorism why do the
very same corporate media outlets attack them?
same corporate media that gave us Obama and Osama, the lies
about 9/11,
etc spend a disproprotionate effort in demonizing the Hindu
Nationalist groups. A
majority of Indian media is owned by the very same corporates
that control the Western media. Rupert Murdoch owns about 6 TV
stations here. The Indian media is blatantly hostile to the RSS,
BJP, VHP and all other Hindu Nationalist groups.

Lord Krsna
expounds the unique philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita.
is among the oldest of the world's faiths. It is a total way of
life. It
is a dharma or way of life evolved by the great sages and seers
of ancient India.
traditions extend back before recorded history. Hinduism has
been like the rainforest of the spirit. It is imperative and
critical for the health of the planet that Hinduism should not
only survive but flourish.
is disheartening to see alternative news portals broadcasting
the Main Stream Media's vilification of the Hindu Nationalists.
In sync with the Globalists agenda, they have latched onto the
Hindus (like
the Jews) as the new
whipping boys. The Globalists are pushing for the final conquest of
. To succeed they must first destroy the world's last remaining
Indigenous power structure, the Indian Hindus.
is because these Hindu Nationalists are dedicated to an
that is based on Indigenous traditions and the Indian way of
life. Contrary to the media and
Communists-Islamic-pseudo-secular propaganda machine's claims
these Hindus do not see themselves as a religious based group.
They thus consider any Indian, regardless of their way of
worship as Hindus. The fact is nearly all Indian Muslims and
Christians have always been Indians. They merely changed their
methods of worship and are thus considered as Muslim Hindus and
Christian Hindus.
is evident from the fact that Naqvi, the Chairman of the BJP,
the Hindu Nationalist Party is a Muslim. During the Gujarat
riots, that are used as proof that the BJP pursues a genocidal
anti-Muslim ideology, the BJP Prime Minister of
, Vajpayee appointed a Muslim, Dr. Kalam as the President of
India. Time magazine responded by declaring Vajpayee as a
drunkard, unfit to rule such an important nation like
. The testimony of prime witnesses used to blame Narendra Modi,
the Chief Minister of
, for the riots, revealed that they were pressured and coerced
by Teesta Setalvaad
to lie in court.
The case collapsed yet still the anti-traditionalists continue
to point to these very claims that have been repudiated by the
Muslim witnesses. When people depend on lies to make their case,
one is wise to question their credibility.
to Goebbelsian
secularism and
riot myths busted
- By Abraham Thomas - dailypioneer.com.
Nanavati Commision, after
years of investigation, has given a clean chit to the BJP
administration. The only 'proof' used to discredit the BJP comes
from its political enemies and the Pakistanis. If you want to
accept that as proof go ahead. Yet if one believes it is
unbiased they are only fooling themselves and throwing fairness
and justice out the window. Another lie that is constantly
bandied about is that the Sangh Parivar killed Gandhi. This is
based on the fact that the assasin had been a member of the RSS
20 years earlier. He had also been a member of the Congress
party yet none attempt to link the Congress party to the
killing. In fact the RSS has repeatedly taken media outlets to
court over these attempts at defamation and won every time. For
those who discount this, being biased against the Indian
judicial system, the
courts also agreed that the RSS had nothing to do with the
assasination of Gandhi. In fact the whole effort to tie the RSS
to the crime is reminicent of the Cointelpro operations done
against the American Indian Movement. AIM.
Hindu Nationalists are authentic Indian Patriots.
are demonized as racists and fascists merely based upon their
Love of country and culture.
are being made to blame Hindus for the Mumbai terror attacks.
The ludicrous 'proof' of the
attackers being Hindu is based on a photo of one terrorist. He
is displaying a red string on his wrists. The Chinese Government
media was the first to float this theory and
is spreading it. How difficult is it for the terrorists to
intentionally wear and display such an identifying marker? In my
opinion this is part of the campaign to demonize the Hindu
Nationalists. The intention is quite clear.
's enemies have Think tanks dedicated to this kind of
psychological warfare.
the Western and Corporate powers conquered the world they
destroyed any and all Indigenous based power structures they
survived this onslaught due its vast population and vibrant
's Hindu:
The Last Indigenous
Power Base
Hindu groups represent the very same Indic based Indigenous
groups of the 1700s. They had reclaimed
for Indians. The British defeated them and usurped
and its wealth for the bankers of
. They soaked up the treasures of
from the banks of the Ganges and squeezed them out on the banks
of the
. They have never given up their control of
and have merely adapted their methods of control.
's Hindu Nationalists represent the greatest threat to their
continued hegemony.
is fulfilling its role as the local Agent Provocateur on behalf
of the Empire.
By featuring Anti-Indian Pakistani propaganda supports these
anti-Hindu agenda is an important aspect of the
New World
Order's campaign.
represents one 6th of humanity. The Globalists are pushing for
the final conquest of
. To succeed they must first destroy the world's last remaining
Indigenous power structure, the Indian Hindus.
Nationalists: Indigenous Resilience - By
Parker -
mwc news.net).
vendetta to defame Hindus
Yoga Guru Ramdev lashed out at
the ‘secular brigade’ for
making use of phrases like Hindu terrorism.
vendetta to defame Hindus).
TERRORISM: The Great Indian ‘Secular Conspiracy’ in full Swing
Cities are being bombed on weekly basis! Innocent Indians blown
to bits every other day! Brave heart’s sacrifice
questioned! Terrorists like Afzal Guru
being treated as ‘Son in Law’! Prime
(Minister) Minion stays awake whole night for a
suspected terrorists arrest in foreign soil!
Minion claim: ‘Muslims have the first right on Indian
resources’! More than 42 bomb blasts and the Congress and NCP
governed Maharashtra State Government
arrests a Sadhwi, tortures her, drug her, still if they find no
clue they claim: Narco
analysis yielded no result as ‘Sadhwi’ practices yoga!
media is playing ball at their political master’s
behest and busy tarnishing all that is Hindu and all that is
very same MSM which attributes ‘Jehadi’ terrorism to so call
‘alienation or /and discrimination’ is yelling
at the top of their NOISE: Hindu Terrorism, Saffron Terror 24×7!
TERRORISM: The Great Indian ‘Secular Conspiracy’ in full Swing
- prudentindian.com).
Bizaare Political Drama of Secular Fundamentalists
Perverse Secularism of the UPA Government
2004, proved to be the turning point in the modern history of
. The year witnessed the most
bizarre political drama and the Nation was dammed to be ruled
ruined by the Gang of looters, petty criminals, turncoats, and
petty regional chieftains. Circa
2004, Post election results, the Gang
some how cobbled up nos on the mutual ‘Give
and Take’ basis – in
lay man paralance agreeing honorably to share THE LOOT
– under the Leadership of Reluctant
Indian and named it as United Progressive Alliance! UPA?
Huh! Since
the unholy and opportunistic alliance needed a façade to
explain away the ‘marriage
of convince’ Secularism
had been chosen as the Grand Bonding Glue and each of the
Gang Member claimed to
be more Secular than
other, a fierce battle of :Who
is more Secular than another started among them selves. Competitive
Secularism, you may so call it. Each of them
devised and proposed the more and more outrageous mean to claim ‘More
Secular’ than another. Since ‘Secularism’
for these thugs is to berate any and every thing Hindu
thus an undeclared code was agreed upon to launch a smear
campaign against all the symbols of Hinduism.
government of Sonia
Gandhi’s Prime Minion took extra pain
to be seen as more ’secular’ among the secularists that it
went in overdrive, which would appease the ‘Secular
Votes’. This would still have been
bearable to an extent but in their zeal to be more ‘Secular’ than the other ‘secular’ they unleashed series of attempts to heap
humiliation on Hindus. Things
got so worse that they dared to challenge
the historicity of Lord Rama too!
then, Jihadi groups spoiled the party for ‘secularists’
Jehadis kept doing their religious duty by killing the Kafirs
in city after city after city. Trains, Bus, Markets, Temples, Streets, Auditoriums where ever they could find some Kafirs
they blew them up. Since the Govt. even if for a name sake – is
said to be running the state affairs – terrorists were
caught and invariably they turned out to Muslim sounding names.
made these ‘Secular Fundamentalists’ squirm. They wondered:
what to do as their ‘secularism’
becomes questionable in the eyes of ‘secular voters’ if they
catch only Jehadi! Not that they wanted to catch Jehadis but as
the each terrorist turned out to be Jehadi alone, they were
Court’s order and subsequent quashing of plea for Afzal’s
hanging was another ‘albatross’
around their neck. Being most Secularists they were in a strange
dilemma: To hang Afzal and forfeit their claim of being
‘Secualr’ or to treat
him as son in law: so they were blamed on being soft on
terror. Then
happened: ‘Batala
House’ encounter.
hell broke loose. Secularists were out on prowl claming
the encounter was fake and the ‘Secular
Vote Holders’ – exploiting the time as nation
entered in election mode – went for overdrive to make the Govt
look visibly uncomfortable. Secular
media all this while kept the ante up on the ‘saffron
Facts, Logic, Reasoning or even the simple National Interest
were sacrificed at the altars of this ‘perverse
secularism’. Thus a Hindu
Terror face was needed as a counter to the Jihadi terror. Since
the so called ‘Hindu Terrorism’ is/was non existent and the secularists
were so desperate they
invented one. If only the Prime Minion and his Master could
lay hand on some Saffron Clad Sadhu or Sadhwi, implicate in some
terror conspiracy, thus all their problems would be solved.
The Great Indian ‘Secular Conspiracy’ in full Swing
- prudentindian.com).
and UPA Government Tarnishes the Image of The Indian Army
Playing Deadly Political Games
Col Shrikant Pasad Purohit of the Army's Intelligence
Corps is "suspected" of terror. Yet, most television
news channels and some newspapers violated all norms of
journalism and went to town with malicious
headlines: "Army's Image Stained",
"Terrorism Tarnishes Indian Army" etc.
the nation has been at peace, the Army has been at war - of one
kind or another - ever since independence. Scrupulously
apolitical, the Indian Army's greatest achievement since
independence is undoubtedly its monumental contribution to
keeping the Indian nation united, despite strong fissiparous
tendencies, strident religious fundamentalism, ethnic
dissonance, externally aided insurgencies and large-scale
socio-economic disparities. The
Army is also an exemplary proponent of the power of positive
secularism, as all ranks not only tolerate each other's religion
but also actively participate in all the rituals and celebrate
each other's festivals in a spirit of genuine reverence.
Hundreds of thousands of ex-servicemen have spread the Army
ethos of secularism, tolerance, moral uprightness and selfless
discipline - the essence of the Bhagvad
Gita - to all the corners of the country. The serving
jawans proceeding to their villages on leave also carry the same
message with them. It would not be an exaggeration to state that
the Indian Army has been a major force for national integration
and has knit India together better than any other organ of the
However, some of the
media and other inimical forces now appear to be bent on
destroying the strong bond that the Army has forged with the
people of
Indian Army has earned its impeccable reputation over 60 years
of dedicated service to the nation; its image cannot be so
easily destroyed. In fact, it is the image of the irresponsible
media that stands tarnished in the public mind. However, if the
media continue to indulge in wanton attacks on the armed forces,
the morale of the soldiers, sailors and airmen will certainly be
adversely affected and, in the long run, that will not augur
well for India's national security.
Before Being Tried! - By Gurmeet
Kanwal - dailypioneer.com).
of Page
Mumbai has rung out UPA Govt
there are “elements within
” committed to the destruction of
, its civilisation and its way of life is undeniable.
happened in Mumbai over the past three days wasn’t
’s first encounter with terror.
isn't some
where the police are preoccupied only with financial crime,
illegal immigration and speeding offences. That
is a constant target and Mumbai a prime target were common
knowledge. That we were caught so horribly unprepared suggests
that our security preparedness is non-existent. This, in turn,
implies that our agencies are either inept or focussed on
forecasting polls and rounding up the usual suspects.
callousness of the politicians and media of
class which
is busy feathering their nest
for an uncertain future.
indifferent and casual attitude of the UPA Government has
emboldened the terrorists.

is jihad’s
Disneyland? Islamic
terrorist shooting randomly at innocent victims at CST station
in Mumbai and inefficient and effete
Manmohan Singh.
happened in Mumbai over the past three days wasn’t India’s first encounter with terror.
is a shame that not one of the allies of the Congress had
condemned the Mumbai holocaust. The silence of Lalu, Paswan,
Mulayam and even the Leftist parties is eloquent. They have
revealed their vested interest. Fear that by condemning they
would lose the votes of the Muslims. The Congress with its "secularist media" allies which
has single handedly failed to fulfill its primary raja dharma in
protecting the subjects.
Mumbai attack has exposed the crisis within
. On the security front,
was callously unprepared; on the diplomatic plane, it found
itself with little room for manoeuvre. The Government was guilty
of a lack of foresight and paralysed by a leadership that
couldn’t distinguish between a “soft power” and an
emasculated power. If
is in wilful denial of its complicity in spreading terrorism,
the Indian Government is in denial of its vulnerability and
It's distressing to face the truth. But whether we like it or
not the LeT's successful fidayeen attack on Mumbai is the best
recruitment messages for hordes of impressionable Muslim youth.
You can almost hear the lunatic from the pulpit boasting that if
10 mujahjdeen could keep the
at bay for 60 hours, imagine what a thousand could do. After
Mumbai, jihadis will not recoil in horror at the devastation
their colleagues have done; they will intensify their campaign
and engage in competitive bravado. The prospects for the future
are horrifying. The ineptitude of our internal security
apparatus has been exposed before the whole world. We can either
act or decide that we are incapable of performing any better. In
which case sheer self-preservation demands we outsource the job
of R&AW and IB to Mossad or MI6 or CIA-depending on our
has rung out UPA Govt - By
Swapan Dasgupta daily
pioneer.com November 30, 2008).
is jihad’s
Jaipur to Ahmedabad, Delhi
to Guwahati, terrorists have bombed markets, public parks, even
hospitals. The victims have been, broadly, working class and
middle class folk.
Now, by invading the Taj
and the Oberoi-Trident hotels, the terrorists have established
that there is no class discrimination to their evil.
’s rich and famous, its show-biz stars and its business elite
have been told, starkly, they are not insulated. There was a
time when
was a laboratory of political and economic ideas — from
planning to free enterprise, socialism to liberal democracy.
Today, it has become a playground for a wide variety of Islamist
terror tactics and methodologies. It is jihad’s
(source: India
- By Ashok
daily pioneer.com Edits
29, 2008).
The oldest victim of
Major recent attacks by Islamic
terrorists in India:
March 12,
1993: 257 killed and more than 1,000 injured in 15 co-ordinated
bomb attacks in
. The blasts were orchestrated by an Islamic group headed by
Dawood Ibrahim.
14, 1998: 46 people were killed and more than 200 injured in 13
car bombs in the city of Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu. The attacks were blamed on the “Al Umma”
Islamist group
1, 2001: Militants belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammed, a Kashmiri
group, attacked
Jammu and Kashmir
Assembly complex in
, killing 35 people.
13, 2001: Attack on the Indian Parliament complex in
New Delhi
led to the killing of a dozen people and 18 injured. Four
members of the Pakistan-based Islamist group Jaish-e-Mohammed
were later convicted for their part in the plot
24, 2002: 31 people killed, 79 wounded at Akshardham temple in
14, 2002: Islamic attackers killed more than 30 people in an
Army camp near
13, 2003: A bomb attack on a commuter train in Mumbai killed 11.
Aug. 25,
2003: Twin car bombings in Mumbai killed at least 52 people and
injured 150. Indian authorities blamed the Kashmiri Islamist
group Lashkar-e-Taiba
5, 2005: Attack on the Ram Janmabhoomi complex, the site of the
destroyed Babri Mosque at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.
Oct. 29,
2005: Three explosions in busy shopping areas of south
, two days before the Hindu festival of Diwali, killed 59 and
injured 200. Islami Inqilabi Mahaz (Islamic Revolutionary Group)
claimed responsibility, but authorities blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba
7, 2006: A series of bombings in the holy city of
killed at least 28 and injured over a hundred. Indian
investigators blamed Pakistan-based Islamic terrorists.
11, 2006: Seven bomb blasts on the Mumbai Suburban Railway
killed over 200 people. Police blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba and
Students Islamic Movement of India.
8, 2006: At least 37 people were killed and 125 were injured in
a series of explosions near a mosque in
. The Islamic Movement of India claimed responsibility.
25, 2007: Forty-two people killed and 50 injured in twin
explosions at a crowded park in
by Harkat-ul-Jehad-i-Islami (HuJI).
13, 2008: A series of six explosions in Jaipur killed 63 people
and injured more than 150.
26, 2008: Serial explosions in the western Indian city of
killed 45 people and injured more than 150. The Indian
Mujahideen claimed responsibility.
13, 2008: Five bomb blasts in
New Delhi
’s popular shopping centers left 21 people dead and more than
100 injured. The Indian Mujahideen claimed responsibility.
And yet, The
New York Times manages to produce a
long reports on the attacks without mentioning the word “Muslim”
or “Islamic” even once!"
Apparently there has never been an Islamic terror
attack in
before,” an astute
commentator notes, ”and therefore the Times
has no idea of who may have done this.”
of Page
more evidence do the Americans want?
the limits of Hindu and Indian Tolerance
Thus far and no further - By B Raman
cannot convince somebody, who does not want to be convinced, who
is not prepared to be convinced.
has been our experience since 1981 when
started using terrorism as a weapon to keep
bleeding and to weaken it, in the hope that, by doing so, it
will be able to force
to agree to a change in the status quo in Jammu & Kashmir.
The more
the evidence we collected, the stronger the rejection --
particularly from the
. Not sufficient enough. Does not directly implicate the
government of
. That was the stock reply we received repeatedly. The
was interested only in protecting the lives and property of its
citizens and in preventing another 9/11 in the
homeland from Pakistani territory. So long as
was co-operating with the
in action against al Qaeda, the
closed its eyes and continues to close its eyes to Pakistani
support for acts of jihadi terrorism directed against
. One would have expected that the US attitude after the Mumbai
terrorist strikes would have been different because the
terrorists of the Pakistan government-raised and backed
Lashkar-e-Tayiba killed not only about 160 Indians, but also 25
foreigners -- six of them Israelis and another six Americans.
The Jewish
civilians killed by the terrorists in the Nariman
House were subjected to brutalities the like of which the world
has not seen since the brutalities inflicted on the Jewish
people by the Nazis during the Second World War.
yet, the attitude of the
and other Western countries has been the same as it has always
been. Where is the evidence, we are asked.
evidence? Evidence
of the death of 160 Indians? Evidence of the death of six
Americans? Evidence of the death of six Israelis? Evidence
of the brutalities inflicted by the terrorists on the Jewish
people? Is not the capture by the public of one of the
perpetrators, a Pakistani national, who has confessed that he is
and that he belonged to the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and that the entire
operation was mounted by the LeT evidence enough? Are not the
intercepted telephone conversations between the perpetrators and
their handlers in
evidence enough? What more evidence do the Americans want?
evidence did they have when Ronald Reagan ordered the bombing of
in 1986 after an explosion in a
West Berlin
discotheque, which killed some Americans? What evidence did they
have before Bill Clinton ordered the Cruise missile attacks on
jihadi training camps in Afghan territory in August, 1998? What
evidence did they have against al Qaeda and the Taliban before
they bombed
from October 7, 2001? What evidence did they have against the Saddam
Hussain government before they invaded and occupied
in 2003? In every case affecting
American nationals and interests, they bombed and then collected
evidence. They did not wait till they had collected all the
evidence possible before they bombed. They did not act on the
basis of evidence accepted by the international community. They
acted on the basis of their conviction as to where from the
attacks on Americans came. Their actions were motivated by the
need to show that nobody can play with American lives and get
away with it.
We should
stop demeaning ourselves as a nation by going to the Americans
and others with evidence. I am shocked by suggestions that we
should produce the evidence before the UN Security Council. I
cannot think of a more naive idea. It
is as stupid as the advice given by the British to Jawaharlal
Nehru to take the Kashmir issue to the UN Security Council with
a promise that it would do justice by
. The
time for action against
has come. Action based on our conviction that the terrorists
came from a Pakistani terrorist organisation, which enjoys the
patronage of
's Inter-Services Intelligence.
immediately the covert action capability of the Research
and Analysis Wing, which was wound
up by Inder Gujral, when he was the prime minister in 1997, and
empower it to impose prohibitive costs on Pakistan till it stops
using jihadi terrorism against India. The RAW imposed heavy
costs on
for supporting the Khalistanis
and should be able to do so now for its support to the LET and
other jihadi terrorist organisations.
A divided
, a bleeding
, a
ever on the verge of collapse without actually collapsing --
that should be our objective till it stops using terrorism
. We should be realistic enough to anticipate that
will step up terrorism in
Indian territory
if we adopt such a policy. This should not deter us from
embarking on this policy. The policy of active defence against
should be accompanied by time-bound action to strengthen our
counter-terrorism capability at home.
Thus far and no further - By Raman - rediff.com).
has no effect on people?
Terror is a passing phase - according to editor of Indian express
the voters thought otherwise, it was apparently because they
looked upon these as passing phases with no long-term effect.
Not only would prices come down, as they have already started to
do, but the very insanity of the jihadis would lead them to
their doom. They were also probably not too pleased by the
BJP’s propensity to make political capital out of such
(source: Message
from voters - indianexpress south India edition).
Chabad House
attack an "enemy action" against State of Israel
Indian Jewish identity is the
only one that
hasn’t been created by persecution,” -
Robin David, a Jew said. “We’ve
never felt scared. This is the first time we’ve been made to
feel like Jews.” -- an Article by Naresh Fernandes is the editor of Time Out Mumbai.
seriously the terror strikes on a Jewish establishment in
's Ministry has decided to view the attack on Defence Nariman
House or Chabad House as an "enemy action" against the
State of Israel. The decision will entitle the families of the
victims of Nariman House the same financial benefits that are
granted to victims of terror attacks in Israel.
Moshe's tears fill up Synagogue
Jewish congregation dissolved in tears in a synagogue Monday
at the grief of a two-year-old orphan who cried out for his
father-- a Rabbi-- and mother slain by terrorists at Nariman
House amid emotional scenes during a memorial service.
House attack an "enemy action" against State of Israel
and Orphaned
Moshe's tears fill up Synagogue).
, a Link Based on Culture and, Now, Terrorism
its modest way, the coalition attests to the deepening bonds
between Jews and Indians, whether in Israel, India or the United
States; and this week’s events demonstrate perhaps the most
visceral and grisly element of connection, though far from the
only one. “I am seeing that there is some natural affinity
being developed between
and Jewish people,” said Mr. Anighotri, 48, who owns
technology and consulting companies. “Because both these
countries and people have been affected by this kind of terror
— killing of civilians, something despicable that is happening
year after year.”
affinity extends well beyond the shared experience of being the
target of Islamist terrorism, or the resulting military and
security ties between
. The softer tissue of human experience — culture, religion,
values — also binds Indians and Jews. “The
best way to explain it is that I was telling my daughter, ‘If
you have to marry outside
, marry a Jew,’ ” said Shoba Narayan, a
writer in
who has visited
with her husband, an investment banker. “The
cultures are so similar — the commitment to education, the
ability to delay gratification, hard work, the guilt, the
fatalism. And I think this is because we are both old
a Jewish community known as the Bene Israel has lived in
for more than 2,400 years, fully tolerated by the surrounding
Hindu and Sikh populations.
a less obvious way, too, soldiers have forged ties. About 30,000
Israelis visit
each year, many of them on lengthy vacations after having
finished their army service. They, in turn, have brought back to
the food, fabric, music and mysticism of
, particularly its Hindus. The popular Israeli band Sheva has
incorporated Indian instruments and chordal structures into its
music. Yoga
classes proliferate in
. Hindu food, with its emphasis on vegetarian
dishes, has been easily adapted for kosher cuisine. An annual
festival called Boombamela celebrates all things Indian, if with
a somewhat naïve, New Age tilt.
, a Link Based on Culture and, Now, Terrorism - nytimes.com).
of Page
the limits of Hindu Tolerance
Fundamentalism and Imaginary Hindu terror
have been written about Muslim angst following the post-Godhra
riots in Gujarat. But what about Hindu anger in response to the
thousands of innocent people felled by jihadi
bomb blasts over the last 15 years?
As well as the mindless and senseless
genocide against the Kashmiri Hindus?
to Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of
Kashmiri Hindu Pandits - And the World Remained Silent - Movie
the average Indian so thick-skinned as to applaud Manmohan Singh
when he says the first right to the country's scarce resources
belongs not to the poor irrespective of caste and creed but only
to Muslims? When anti-terror laws are diluted and vociferous
demands for the lifting of the ban on SIMI reverberate through
sections of the political class and the liberal-secular
intelligentsia, should the victims of jihadi terror be
expected to cower in fright? Isn't it then a miracle that
vigilante groups aren't roaming the streets of our cities
seeking revenge?
who equate imaginary Hindu terror with
jihadi violence would do well to realise this odious
comparison can only agitate people further, communalise the
polity beyond redemption and unleash retribution on a scale not
seen before. The fact is that individual miscreants or petty
bomb peddlers do not constitute anything like Hindu terror
groups; they have no sympathy, at least yet, from the community.
But stoked and insulted repeatedly, the tolerant and largely
passive Hindu might just start justifying the actions of fringe
groups. By nature, the Hindu can never be a terrorist. Secular-fundamentalists
should not provoke him to a point where he seriously
contemplates the option.
is Hindu terror? – By Chandan Mitra - dailypioneer.com).
the truth- By Irfan Husain
Ifran Husain has written: "
I go, I am asked why
is now the focal point of Islamic
extremism and terrorism, and why successive
governments have allowed this cancer to fester and grow. As a
Pakistani, it is obviously embarrassing to be put on the spot,
but I can see why people everywhere are concerned. In
virtually every Islamic terrorist plot, whether it is successful
or not, there is a Pakistani angle.
Albright, the ex-US secretary of state, has called
Pakistan ‘an international
migraine’, saying it was a cause for global concern
as it had nuclear weapons, terrorism, religious extremists,
corruption, extreme poverty, and was located in a very important
part of the world. While none of this makes pleasant reading for
a Pakistani, Ms Albright’s summation is hard to refute. Often,
the truth is painful, but most Pakistanis refuse to see it.
Instead of confronting reality, we are
in a permanent state of denial. This ostrich-like posture has
made things even worse.
What we conveniently forget is that for most of the last two
decades, the army and the ISI used these very jihadis to further
their agenda in Kashmir and
. This long official link has given various terror
groups legitimacy and a domestic base that has now come to haunt
us. Another aspect to this problem is the support these
extremists enjoy among conservative Pakistani and Arab donors.
Claiming they are fighting for Islamic causes, they attract
significant amounts from Muslim businessmen here and abroad. And
almost certainly, they also benefited from official Saudi
largesse until 9/11. Many foreign and local
journalists have exposed aspects of the terror network that has
long flourished in
. Names, dates and addresses have been published and broadcast. But
each allegation has been met with a brazen denial from every
level of officialdom. Each
time an atrocity like Mumbai occurs, and
is accused of being involved, the defensive mantra chanted by
the chorus of official spokesmen is: “Show us the proof.”
This was no hit-and-run operation, but was intended to cause the
maximum loss of life.
(source: Facing
the truth- By Irfan Husain - dawn.com).
Abrahamic adherents seek
determinedly to hinder Hindu civilisational affirmation
marks a decisive end to Hindu acquiescence in Muslim (or
minority) appeasement. As well-heeled citizens, unnerved at the
prospect of falling victim to a jihad
that has hitherto targetted the ordinary and the ill-endowed, as
green flags fluttering above jhuggis
invoke fears of ascendant Islam, the emerging reality suggests
contemporary India is inflamed with righteous indignation and
rejects minority separatism that demands appeasement and makes
Hindus feel cornered in their own country (for native Hindus
have no other motherland, or holy land, no second or superior
Advocates and apologists of
Islam have lost political cachet, whether they realize it or
2008: Bigger than Ayodhya 1992
By Sandhya Jain -
Nussbaum strikes again against the Hindus
Shedding Crocodile tears for the Indian Muslim?
Nussbaum, a
bleeding heart liberal, sitting
in her ivory tower of American academia, in
an article A
cloud over India's Muslims, show her utter lack
of sympathy for the Hindu
victims of Islamic Jihad in India.
Russell Rich in her article Six
Years Ago Violence Rocked India, and No One Here Blinked
Huffington Post also shows her severe lack of understanding of
Indian politics by equating
Godhra with Mumbai and denying that the train was set on fire
and Hindus roasted to death.
thread that binds the conspiracy theorists, the Hindu-Zionist
haters and the India-watchers who have been prolific in shedding
tears for the Indian Muslim in the op-ed pages of western
publications, is the belief that
had it coming.
Also refer
to Required:
a different attitude by the Indian government, and by all the
Infidel governments - By Hugh Fitzgerald - Jihad
Billy Kristol
has astutely observed that: “[Nussbaum's] article was
headlined "Terrorism in India
has many faces." But one face that Nussbaum fails to
mention specifically is that of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Islamic
terror group originating in Pakistan that seems to have been
centrally involved in the attack on Mumbai....’
True Face - By Billy
Kristol - nytimes.com).
went wrong?
Tamasha of the coverage?
channels made a tamasha of their
coverage of the terrorist strikes
in Mumbai, broadcasting the views of 'Page Three' socialites on
what went wrong and how to prevent future attacks on
. Meanwhile, know-all anchors bored you to death.
has displayed both its worst and best sides during and in the
aftermath of the horrific terrorist strikes on Mumbai. On the
one hand we have witnessed the bankruptcy of our policy and
opinion-makers highlighted by political posturing and media
hysterics. At the same time many stories have emerged of quiet
heroism by those who simply did their jobs competently without
making a big deal about it.
A beleaguered
Prime Minister, Mr Manmohan Singh, and his aides have
also compounded the situation by blowing hot and cold against
. They appear quite oblivious to the heavy cost the country may
have to pay for this empty posturing at such a critical
juncture. Both the Prime Minister and
the UPA chairperson appear to have completely lost the plot of
governance. What else can explain the ignominious
departure of the Maharashtra Chief Minister and his deputy after
controversial public gaffes. Increasingly, the Congress High
Command resembles a rabbit caught in headlights, almost resigned
to impending political doom.
Most of these channels insisted on rounding up 'Page
Three' socialites and celebrities, asking them for
their opinions. This meant viewers had to suffer an unending
stream of inanities that were touted by news anchors as 'public
opinion'. Not surprisingly, the viewers were fed up of these
programmes as they were with politicians and there
was even a group on Facebook which demanded to ban a famous news
anchor after her antics on the small screen during the reporting
of terror attacks.
(source: What
went wrong? - By Ajoy
of the Indian Intellectuals
the Christian Defence minister A K Anthony shouts
from the rooftop that India is considering all
options including military action against Pakistan, it means
only one thing: India is not going to attack Pakistan. No
country invades another after warning it of an attack in as many
words - the US is the sole exception. It is no surprise
therefore, that Pranab Mukherji’s tough talk turned out to be
just that - talk. Such is the depth to which the country has
fallen that even after the biggest
terrorist attack in the country’s history its leaders just do
not know how to react. A couple of Patils
resign, a minister blows hot and cold, the PM assures the nation
the umpteenth time that no one would be spared. What more can
people want? There seems to be no bottom to the abyss in which
India has fallen.
UPA Government has so quickly converted a great opportunity into
a fiasco.
When the world
and the nation waited for the Prime Minister to act, when
Pakistan was shaking in its shoes for fear of reprisals, all
that the Indian Prime Minister did was to invite (OK summon) the
Inter-Services Intelligence Director-General to India to show
him evidence of Pakistani complicity. The idea is so stupid that
it does not deserve any comment. The tragedy is that neither the
rulers nor those expected to replace them have shown any
determination to root out the terrorism.
If you mean business, where is the
need to implore US, engage Pakistan or issue hollow threats of
inflicting ‘costs’?
are countless subscribers to this woolly idealism, even in
unsuspected quarters. As per a report in the Wall
Street Journal, the US-based new-age guru Deepak
Chopra, a 'faithful adherent of the root-causes
theory' spoke to CNN about the need for a Marshall Plan for
Muslims. The reporter Dorothy
Rabinowitz added that '...nowhere
was there any mention of Islamic fundamentalism...
nor did we hear any particular expression of sorrow from the New
Delhi-born Dr Chopra for the anguish of Mumbai's victims.' Dr
Chopra went on to add that '...this is the moment where India
has to stop blaming Pakistan and actually ask Pakistan for help.
What concerns him most is the possibility of a retaliatory
attack against Muslims in any part of India.
the Brahmin (brain) is blind, the Kshatriya warrior (muscle) is
to India
Intellectual Zombies - By Babu Suseelan
soldiers can take on the world, it is our intellectuals who have
confused our thinking and paralysed our will. Behind the failure
of the might of the State lies the failure of the Intellect,
failure to recognise the nature and potency of the enemy and
devise an appropriate response. We
have had enough leaders to hanker after peace with a neighbour
that is an international security risk. We now need a
leader who can lead us to victory through a war.
attacks: the real failure –
By Virendra Parekh).
More skeletons
tumble out: Criminal negligence of Central and State Govts
UPA Government acts busy to hide its blunders
Two days before the terrorists struck at Mumbai, the Research
and Analysis Wing (RAW) had intercepted this chilling message:
Char halal ho gaye jenab (four have been killed).” Already in
possession of information about a possible attack on Mumbai by
sea route, the RAW passed on this message to the Coast Guard to
increase vigilance along the coast. The matter ended there. No
one cared to react. Two days later, the terror boat made a safe
landing at the Cuffe Parade port in Mumbai coast.
Reports said the terrorists relayed the above message to their
Pakistani masters after they captured an Indian fishing vessel
off the
coast and killed four of its crew. The terrorists who left
in a Pakistani Merchant Vessel MV Al Husseni then shifted to the
Indian fishing boat MV Kuber to reach Mumbai.
terrorists were in constant touch with their ‘masters’
across the border and several of their messages were intercepted
by the Indian intelligence, who passed them on to both the
Centre and the
Some warnings specifically
mentioned Taj and Oberoi hotels as possible targets. For once,
it would be unfair to lay the blame at the door of RAW,
Intelligence Bureau or National Security Adviser.
But no one cared to read
the writing on the wall. The
attack on Mumbai is a shameful saga of criminal negligence on
part of the State and Central Governments.
The buck does not stop with Shivraj Patil or Vilasrao Deshmukh. The
entire machinery failed to act, though the Government may be
busy in fixing accountability for the Mumbai attacks.
skeletons tumble out - Pioneer
News Service New Delhi FRONT PAGE Tuesday, December 2, 2008). Refer
to Creating
'Hindu terror' to dilute the fight against Jihad! and
in uniform: A salute from the nation
Blasts Probe – impetus for Hindu
in October of Potential Terror Attack
intelligence agencies warned their Indian
counterparts in mid-October of a potential attack "from the
sea against hotels and business centers in Mumbai," a
intelligence official tells ABCNews.com. A second government
source says specific locations, including the Taj hotel, were
listed in the
warning. One month later, Nov. 18, Indian intelligence also
intercepted a satellite phone call to a number in Pakistan known
to be used by a leader of the terror group, Lashkar e Taiba,
believed responsible for the weekend attack, Indian intelligence
officials say. The Indian intercept also revealed a possible
sea-borne attack, the officials say. The
phones also include the same Thuraya satellite phone intercepted
in November by the Indian spy agency RAW, the Research and
Analysis Wing, which runs an extensive electronic intercept
counter-terrorism official says all leads continue to point
Lashkar e Taiba, a
separatist group with strong ties to al Qaeda. The group,
referred to as LeT in the Indian press, has taken credit for a
number of previous terror attacks on
targets, including the Mumbai commuter rail system and the
Indian Parliament building.
(source: U.S.
in October of Potential Terror Attack - abcnews.com).
of Page
Appeasing our tormentors?
Treason of the learned
Left-liberal intelligentsia in our country is more than happy to
see the UPA regime compromise national security: For both, this
means keeping Muslims at home and abroad in good humour. The
bloodbath in Mumbai shows how horribly wrong they are.
In the outpouring of anguish and anger, now that Islamic
terrorists have struck at iconic and internationally renowned
five-star hotels, restaurants, lounges and a Jewish outreach
programme’s headquarters in
, a significant Left-liberal dogma has been left intact.
Osama bin Laden, the global grandmaster of terrorism, declared
that America and its Nato allies, Israel, and India were the
principal enemies of the Islamic world, it was perhaps
inevitable that only India, with its innate callousness, would
not take the threat seriously and stay vulnerable, even in the
face of near continuous attacks.
But the key reason for
this disgraceful vulnerability is not gross intelligence
failure, sluggish response, logistical inadequacy, ill-equipped
constabulary or a less than high-tech armed force, but that same
debilitating dogma that saps our political will. And in a
functioning democracy, political will is of paramount
importance. It is political will and firm direction that has
kept terrorist strikes in the
category in the
and the
. And it is the lack of this self-same political will that is
responsible for the frequent gouging of
’s soft underbelly.
Thus, implies this particular Left-liberal dogma, if we, the
rest of the Indian people, want to live in peace, we must appease
and satisfy our tormentors.
is why Israeli, British, American, Japanese, Australian citizens
have been killed and maimed for drawing closer to
But the West is not sentimental at the expense of its security.
For it, one attack is more than enough. It is not confused about
the difference between ordinary, law-abiding Muslims and the jihadi
who must, of course, be neutralised. And to make this
distinction between wheat and chaff, it does not hesitate to
suspend certain civil liberties, including very strong
preventive detention and interrogation practices. It does not
consider aggressive monitoring of all affairs Islamic intrusive,
and swiftly applies the fullest penal rigours of its laws where

praying in temple for the dead in Mumbai terror attacks.
Left-liberal intelligentsia in our country is more than happy to
see the UPA regime compromise national security: For both, this
means keeping Muslims at home and abroad in good humour. The
bloodbath in Mumbai shows how horribly wrong they are.
, particularly its ruling alliance seen to be largely dependant
on the Muslim votes, including those created by the infusion of
illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, and a country that allows Indian
Muslims to live outside the embrace of a common civil law,
clearly is confused when it comes to the imperatives of national
Nevertheless, this must be why Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
announced with ringing clarity that India’s largest minority
had the first right to the nation’s developmental resources.
He did not see the irony or the unfairness of his pronouncement
even if most Indian Muslims are both poor and uneducated,
because, naturally, there are others too.
Congress was formed to secure independence, but of a unified,
multi-ethnic, multi-religious country. The formation of Islamist
Pakistan was its first failure, acknowledged by no less a
personality than Mahatma Gandhi. Later, the gratuitous
liberation of
also went badly. And now, the Congress is deliberately soft on
It is time to end this cannon fodder raj that uses up our heroes
to no purpose. It is time to hit back hard with the requisite
political will. And if the UPA does not have the stomach for
this fight, it will have to be replaced by those who do.
of the learned – By Gautam
Mukherjee Oped dailypioneer.com Tuesday,
December 2, 2008).
the 'Hand' smeared with blood
- By Hilda Raja
failure of the UPA Government
- What
stares at the face of
is the total failure of the UPA government.
- With
Sonia Maino as an extra constitutional power centre we
cannot hope to hold for long this country as a united nation
because of her personal ambition and her myopic vision.
- The
Mumbai massacre by the terrorists is a bugle call to all
nationalists and patriots to end the rule of the Congress.
It will be a national disaster to allow her--an Italian born
woman to guide the destiny of this country.
- The
nation cannot be taken for a ride any more--enough is
enough, the Congress must be banished with its political
buffoons who have segmented and divided the people into
ghettos of creed and caste, and sat back to pontificate
their hollow words of consolation while innocent people were
massacred on the streets and roads, in the bazaars and
shopping malls, in temples and shrines and now in heritage
buildings and our financial capital--Mumbai.
- The
Congress’ Hand is smeared with the blood of innocent
is a shame that not one of the allies of the Congress had
condemned the Mumbai holocaust. The silence of Lalu,
Paswan, Mulayam and even the Leftist parties is eloquent. They
have revealed their vested interest. Fear that by condemning
they would lose the votes of the Muslims. This clearly exposes
that these politicians will not mind Indians to be killed by the
Islamic outfits whether from across the border or within the
country--both are linked and messed together.
well planned, well coordinated and well equipped with modern
weapons, the full story of the highly motivated and trained
fidayeens will slowly emerge. What has already surfaced puts to
shame the governments at the Centre and the State.
has slammed
--according to it the lack of sufficient intelligence
inputs, and the assault by the NSG--the navy commandos was too
quick, resulting in the death of maximum hostages. The fault
finding between the agencies will continue but what stares at
the face of
is the total failure of the UPA
Mumbai terrorists attack on Taj was aimed at hitting at our
heritage, the beauty and the grace that is
and the financial capital cannot be missed. The attack on
Parliament itself should have made the UPA government sit back
and take serious note because it was not the numbers which were
killed but that the terrorists dared to hit at the seat of our
democracy--in which rests the sovereignty of the people.
The indifferent and casual attitude of the government emboldened
the terrorists. Inspite of information the ATS was busy
taking orders from its political masters to give a saffron color
to terrorism and hence
drew all their concentration and attention in spite of warnings
and tips of an impending attack.
The Centre and the State governments are responsible for
Karkare’s killing. The
fishermen union has come out with the shocking information that
it had conveyed to the police that RDX was being smuggled into
the country. This would have put Karkare into trouble had he
been alive. At least instead of shamefully being asked to resign
he died as a martyr. Confusing and contradictory leaks to the
media has made it worse and gives the impression that we are
lest equipped and prepared for taking the terrorists head-on. So
to flash-‘Mumbai liberated’, ‘
wins the battle’ against the terrorists is not only incorrect
but also a mere boost. Had the terrorists been taken alive then
we could be proud of an accomplished task. True 11 policemen
lost their lives but the 183 killed and 275 injured speak a
different story. Are our men trained for such a task, are they
well equipped? Have they been given the update intelligence
inputs? Was there co-ordination between the army, the NSG and
the navy? These are pertinent questions.
is Enough

will be a national disaster to allow her-an Italian born woman
to guide the destiny of this country. The
Mumbai massacre by the terrorists is a bugle call to all
nationalists and patriots to end the rule of the Congress. Mrs
Sonia Gandhi’s main concern is to enthrone her son as the PM.
From day one of her ‘renunciation’entry she has flouted
every democratic institution, and debased democratic norms. Thus
in her we have a defacto PM and a power centre at No 10 Janpath.
nation cannot be taken for a ride any more--enough is enough,
the Congress must be banished with its political buffoons who
have segmented and divided the people into ghettos of creed and
caste, and sat back to pontificate their hollow words of
consolation while innocent people were massacred on the streets
and roads, in the bazaars and shopping malls, in temples and
shrines and now in heritage buildings and our financial
capital--Mumbai. The Congress’ Hand is smeared with the blood
of innocent people.
crucial question is what was the UPA government engaged in since
it came into power? The number of serial blasts across the
country should have put it on the alert. What is the mechanism
it has put in place to counter such attacks and to arrest the
growth of terrorism in this country? The Congress and its allies
are busy with their political ambitions of coming back to power.
Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s main concern is to
enthrone her son as the PM. From day one of her
‘renunciation’entry she has flouted every democratic
institution, and debased democratic norms. Thus in her we have a
defacto PM and a power centre at No 10 Janpath.
Towards this she instituted a co-ordination committee and became
its chairperson. Though the coordination committee is defunct
she continues as the NAC chairperson which allows her to attend
every Cabinet meeting. Hence her ‘renunciation’ was a
backdoor entry to power and to gain absolute power without
responsibility. A new meaning she and her coterie gave to the
very term ‘renunciation’. This is
no democracy. Mrs Sonia Gandhi and her family has been a tax
payer’s burden. With her as an extra constitutional
power centre we cannot hope to hold for long this country as a
united nation because of her personal ambition and her myopic
The Mumbai massacre by the terrorists
is a bugle call to all nationalists and patriots to end the rule
of the Congress. It will be
a national disaster to allow her-an Italian born woman to guide
the destiny of this country.
A relevant note in this context. It has oft repeated that the
'Nehru Gandhi family’ claim that it has made sacrifices for
the country. It is educative to impartially analyze this claim.
All power positions are natural targets in the political
scenario. This is globally true. But in the case of the Mrs
Indira Gandhi she was shot at by her own body guards in her own
backyard. The nation has yet to know who the conspirators were.
The nation cannot be taken for a ride
any more--enough is enough, the Congress must be banished with
its political buffoons who have segmented and divided the people
into ghettos of creed and caste, and sat back to pontificate
their hollow words of consolation while innocent people were
massacred on the streets and roads, in the bazaars and shopping
malls, in temples and shrines and now in heritage buildings and
our financial capital--Mumbai. The Congress’ Hand is smeared
with the blood of innocent people.
the 'Hand' smeared with blood
- By Hilda Raja).
is Enough
is India's worst hour. Infinitely worse than the 1962 Himalayan disaster
that broke the morale of the country. The war against Mumbai is
war against India. The moral can be that psychological scars will endure.
Forty-five years after that fateful event with the world's
fourth largest military, a bountiful economy, a disorganised but
working democracy and an impressive information technology
knowledge power status, India with both hard and soft powers is
still imminently vulnerable and emphatically undefended against
terrorism, indeed all threats to internal security. The
oldest victim of terrorism is also the most unprotected and
doing little to correct it. Otherwise why would any Government
worth its salt tolerate a terrorist attack a month spread all
across the country, losing more lives to terrorists than to
enemies across the border?
's reputation as a soft state,
to turn the other cheek if you like, has been reinforced. Added
to it is the conviction among jihadis of all colours that
you can travel to
, Mumbai and
or anywhere in
, mount terror attacks, and escape scot-free. Impunity attaches
now to terrorism committed in
. This is not
a new war on Mumbai but the continuation of the 1993 serial
bombings to cripple the commercial capital of the nation and to
destablise rising
. The terrorists's commando-style operation is a masterly plot
as sophisticated as 9/11 - striking 11 targets ironically routed
through the Gateway of India. The first
non-state actor, the British East India Company, used this
landing site as one of its entry points to subjugate India. The route appears to have been reopened to terrorists, aided
and abetted by local sympathisers.
The response to the terrorist attacks has been confused and
feeble which is not surprising. The terrorists have created a
unique and unprecedented situation of hostages in three places.
Our people have very little expertise in negotiating in hostage
situation. Dealing with this will be tricky for the security
forces. We need to be cool and firm to tide over the multiple
crises largely of our own creation. No further dithering will do
in meeting the terrorist challenge.
needs a Patriot Act or National Security Act forthwith, coupled
with a Department of Homeland Security under the direct charge
of the Prime Minister. It is time to appoint a professional
National Security Adviser with a military background. All this
must happen in 100 days as announced by Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh. National political consensus on national internal
security is a must. This is not only
's last chance to act but also to be seen to be serious about
it. The nation's credibility is at stake.
(source: Enough
is Enough - By Ashok
K Mehta
dailypioneer.com OPED Friday, November 28, 2008).
has the right to go after terrorists'
Barack Obama has said that
has the sovereign right to go after the terrorists, who
perpetrated the deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai.
At a press
conference that followed his rolling out his national security
team, Obama, when reminded that during the campaign he had said
if there was irrefutable evidence of Al Qaeda leaders and
training camps in Pakistan he would go after them with or
without Pakistan's permission and asked if India has that same
right, replied, "Sovereign nations
obviously have a right to protect themselves."
has the right to go after terrorists' - rediff.com).
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secularism breeds terrorism
you encounter (in fight) those who disbelieve, strike their
necks first, till when you have completely massacred and wounded
many of them, then bind them firmly (taking them as captives).
Thereafter is the time, either for generosity or a ransom until
the war lays down its burden."
- an
ayat from the Quran (47:4.)
the Movie and Radical
Islam video and Terrorism
– A Presentation
come there are periodic terrorist attacks in India
while there has been none in the
since 9/11? Are the terrorists operating here more
resourceful and committed than those targeting the US
? Is India
a bigger hate object for jihadis compared to the rest of the
answers to these questions are obvious. Since
has suffered 17 terrorist strikes that have left at least 500
people dead and thousands maimed. But none of the perpetrators
has been convicted till now for these ghastly crimes, although India
tops the list in terms of civilians falling victim to terrorism.
is the only country that surpasses India
in terms of terror-related casualties.
The core question is: Why are the terrorists becoming so bold as
to give advance information? The simple answer is that they bank
on the pusillanimous response of the 'secularists'
to terror attacks.
seems to be a conspiracy to avoid facing what the world has come
to characterise as pan-Islamic propaganda. It runs like this.
The centuries since the ascendance of Islam in
West Asia
have been the golden age of Islam. Christian Europe succeeded in
destroying this golden age by defeating the
Ottoman Empire
in the west and the Mughal Empire in the east. The Islamic state
does not recognise any boundaries nor does it want parliamentary
democracy as all laws are already there in the Quran.
is needed only to enforce these laws and, therefore, every law
made has to conform to shari'ah. That is why clerics should
oversee all laws and regulations. The return to pure Islamic
laws can be facilitated only when modernity (like gender
equality, education for women, etc) is destroyed and a Caliphate
like that which existed during the
Ottoman Empire
is reinstated. In this endeavour Allah is on their side.
world will accept its subservience to Islam or it shall be
forced to accept Islam's supremacy.
fundamentalist leaders know that the UPA
Government has its Achilles heel --
the desire not to antagonise the vote-bank of the UPA, including
the Congress. This explains why the Prime Minister
and his Home Minister did not follow up on the information that
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi shared with them about the
threat to Delhi. The Home Minister has the habit of throwing up his hands and
donning a defeatist attitude.
country needs a Home Minister who will take the battle into the
camp of the terrorists, instead of waiting for the terrorists to
strike again and again. It is this pusillanimous attitude that
is preventing the UPA Government from allowing
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan from enacting tough
anti-terrorism laws.
Obviously, the UPA
is playing to the gallery. It suits the peddlers of the doctrine
of terror well. So, perverse secularism and terrorism go on
feeding on each other.
secularism breeds terrorism -
By Balbir Punj dailypioneer.com).
of Page
Shabana Azmi,
vocal activist wants to ban RSS in retaliation
for banning SIMI but she should know that the RSS is not
in the habit of bombing random civilians.
RSS wants to preserve Indian culture not destroy it like the
Islamic fundamentalists and the Christian missionaries (Pentacostals,
John Dayal etc) and hence they
are no more wicked than the YMCA
or the Salvation Army or any
such social organizations.
The RSS does not teach that there is
only one to God and all other religions are false.
bashing and baiting organizations should be banned including -
Christian missionaries, Islamic outfits that sponsor terror,
Maoist/Communist organizations and so called "secular"
West leaning organizations.
of Page
must be retained
afford to fall victim to psywar
stray voices in the media have been questioning, with surprising
nonchalance and lack of depth, the wisdom and expediency of
retaining Kashmir as a part of India. This matters not because such voices reflect any growing view
in our country but because they play into the hands of enemies
of the nation. Their suggestions embolden subversive forces both
within and outside the country, and encourage our adversaries to
entertain the hope that with a little more effort, Kashmir will
secede from India.

temple at Martand, Kashmir.

nation aspiring to become a major player in global power
dynamics can afford to fall victim to such psywar.
to Tragedy
of Kashmiri Hindus
will is a critical component of state power. In the absence of
military might, psychological warfare is the weapon of choice of
a devious adversary to attempt to break national will, and to
also confuse and demoralise the Indian state. No
nation aspiring to become a major player in global power
dynamics can afford to fall victim to such psywar.
cannot and
must not give any signal that could be misinterpreted to mean
that its national resolve to preserve its unity and integrity is
legal validity of
Jammu and Kashmir
’s accession to
is unquestionable and was in accordance with the popular will.
There is no basis on which any change in the political status of
the state of
Jammu and Kashmir
could be considered. The UN itself has accepted that in the
vastly changed circumstances the UN Resolutions of 1948 and 1949
are no longer relevant. In any case, there is no provision for
holding a referendum only in one part of the undivided state of
Jammu and Kashmir
or for holding separate referenda in the three geographically
distinct sections of the state.
the other states included in the First Schedule of the
Constitution of India,
Jammu and Kashmir
is clearly an integral part of India
and will remain so. There is an unanimous resolution of the
Indian Parliament of February 22, 1994 to the effect that “the
state of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an
integral part of
and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country
will be resisted by all necessary means.” It further adds
that, “
must vacate the areas of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression.” Section 3 of
the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir also plainly asserts that
“the state of
Jammu and Kashmir
is and shall be an integral part of the Union of India.”
Section 147 of the Jammu and Kashmir
Constitution prohibits any amendment of Section 3 by the state
legislature. Kashmir is an inalienable element of
India’s civilisational identity and symbolises the fundamental
principles on which the modern Indian state has been built. We
take pride that India
is a prospering economy, but the pursuit of wealth should not
make us forget the values that keep our nation one.

ancient Hindu temple demolished by Muslim rule in Kashmir.
the other states included in the First Schedule of the
Constitution of India,
Jammu and Kashmir
is clearly an integral part of
and will remain so. Kashmir is an inalienable element of
Indias civilisational identity and symbolises the fundamental
principles on which the modern Indian state has been built. It
is distressing, indeed alarming, that these seditious
views, which question India
’s unity and integrity, are being freely aired by a section of
the intelligentsia and loud mouthed activists.
to Exodus
of Kashmiri Pandits -
By Aditya
Raj Kaul
successfully overcome all secessionist threats faced by it. No
responsible government can ever compromise
’s territorial integrity by even contemplating the secession
of Kashmir.
is not a trifling issue. If the Indian state is seen as weak
enough to let Kashmir go, other states and disaffected groups
will only get emboldened, leading to the unraveling of
as borders in the plains of northern
are not defensible, Kashmir is vital
’s security. Finally, communal harmony could be
seriously compromised. Detractors of secular, democratic India
tend to forget that the overwhelming majority of Indian Muslims,
who constitute over 15 per cent of the population, has
absolutely no sympathy for the partisan few who still fan a
tired idea called secession.
is distressing, indeed alarming, that these seditious
views, which question India’s unity and integrity, are being freely aired by a section of
the intelligentsia. Refer to Loose
canon: Congress attacks Arundhati over
remark and If
only Arundhati would quit India - By Kanchan Gupta

vale of Kashmir.
is regrettable that the print and electronic media are giving
undue space and prominence to these views.
is a free and democratic country with a vibrant media and we are
proud of it. But freedom of expression does not mean unbridled
licence to flout the law of the land by airing or fanning
seditious views. Such views also do a disservice to the people
of Kashmir.
is regrettable that the print and electronic media are giving
undue space and prominence to these views.
is a free and democratic country with a vibrant media and we are
proud of it. But freedom of expression does not mean unbridled
licence to flout the law of the land by airing or fanning
seditious views. Such views also do a disservice to the people
of Kashmir. We call upon the intelligentsia that has the power
to shape public opinion to use their power with wisdom and
slogans do immense damage in open and democratic polities and
can mislead people to take partisan positions without
understanding the grave implications. We also urge the media to
exercise restraint and show responsibility in the larger
national interest.
proud and patriotic Indians who strongly believe that the unity
and secular democratic fabric of our republic must be preserved
at all costs, we call upon the Government of India to make it
unequivocally clear at the highest level that under no
circumstances will the government and people of India
countenance any compromise with the integrity of the nation.
also call upon the people of India
and all political parties to raise their voices and come out
unambiguously against secessionism in any form whatsoever.
(source: India
can’t afford to fall victim to psywar
- samachar.com).
of Page
You Know?
Mahtama Gandhi
installs Kalidas statue
now has a statue of Sanskrit poet
Kalidas on one of its most important streets,
something that few Indian cities can boast about.
A bronze bust of the poet was unveiled at the
on a street called the ‘
theatre way’, which is being developed as the cultural and
artistic hub of the eastern metropolis.
is one of the few world cities outside
, if any, to sport a statue of the great 5th century poet.
authorities plan to put up 19 statues of literary luminaries
from across the world at the ‘theatre way’.
The statue of Kalidas is the first to be set up. He may be the
only Asian literary figure to be given this honour as the other
statues will depict writers and poets from non-Asian countries,
sources said. This is the second statue of great sons of India
being put up in China, the earlier being one of Mahatma
Gandhi which was unveiled at the prestigious
Choyang park in Beijing late last year.
Two other Indian icons, Rabindranath
Tagore and Jawaharlal
Nehru were recently listed among the 50 important
foreigners who have influenced modern China. The listing was announced by the People’s Daily, the
Communist Party of China official organ, recently. These are
among the strong indications of growing interest in
and its culture, in
with the active backing of Chinese official agencies that are
keen on developing stronger relationship with
The two countries are celebrating this year as the Year of
India-China Friendship.
(source: After
Mahtama Gandhi
installs Kalidas statue - timesofindia).
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