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Victims of the Semitic fallacy
S Radhakrishnan in his
book Religion and Society
stressed the fact that Communism is a barren Western emasculation
of Western creed.
with all its scientific reason, humanism, and economic equality,
is essentially a totalitarian doctrine, negating individual
liberty, and is a typical, almost exclusive, Western
concept. Communism
stresses the primacy of reason, but, like a misionary religion, it
has a sense of its own infallibility and an obligation to world-wide
expansion. Its greatest exponents have mainly been Western or
Western-trained. (source:
and World Civilization By D. P.
Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993 Part II p. 275). Refer
to Communismwatch
and cpmterror. ***
Communism – The Growth of Unbelief
S Radhakrishnan has
live without faith is impossible. If nature has horror of vacuum,
the human soul has fear of emptiness. One must believe, no matter
what. The spiritual homelessness of modern man cannot last
long. To belong nowhere, to be incapable of committing oneself, is
to be isolated. It is not ease but a personal burden. We must win
back over lost security."
condemns religion because it assumes that it is a type of
transcendental idealism, whose heaven is outside the historical
process. The reliance of the Communists on Marx, Engles, Lenin and
Stalin reminds one of the dependence of religious people on
scriptural texts. As a matter of fact, there is hardly any phase
in the history of communism that has not its parallel in the
history of Christianity.
The late Nicholas
Berdyaev, (1874-1948), Russian theologian and a
religious philosopher with an inside knowledge of Russian
communism, suggests that the attitude of
communism to religion, is so hostile because “it wants to be a
religion itself.” “It is built, he says, “after the pattern
of the Catholic and Orthodoz theocracies, but the pattern is
reversed.” Communism is belief without God; it is the
religion of atheism.
Communism developed because
religious people betrayed their responsibility.
Communism may be called a Christian
heresy, a heresy because it is opposed to Christian orthodoxy but
not necessary to Christian truth and Christian principles.
Communism is a judgment on the defects of religious practice.
Maritan (1882—1973), French Neo-Thomist
philosopher observes: “Communism originates chiefly
through the fault of a Christian world unfaithful to its own
principles, in a profound sense of resentment, not only against
the Christian world but – and here lies the tragedy – against
Christianity itself which transcends the Christian world.”
The Marxist hope is wholly
materialist and devoid of any sense of mystery. Man is intended
not only to understand and construct but also to wonder and
admire. Science gives us power, not vision, strength, not
sanction. Man is not body and mind;
he is also spirit.
Eliot in his poem “The
Wastelands” describes the decomposition of modern
civilization, the lack of conviction and direction, the poverty,
confusion and meaninglessness of modern consciousness. This
atmosphere of negative thought is responsible for the increase of
mental cases in the modern world, according to G.
Under such guidance, religious illiteracy has been steadily
increasing and civilization is getting detached from its roots.
man,” says Berdyaev, “stands amid a frightening emptiness. He
no longer knows where the keystone of his life may be found,
beneath his feet he feels no depth of solidity.”
Nihilism is the last word of metaphysics which refuses to go
beyond the surface appearances. We see, on all sides, a violent
loosening of the familiar bonds, a snapping of the strands that
hold a civilization together.
of Faith - By Dr. S Radhakrishnan p. 38 -
72). Refer
to Communismwatch
and cpmterror.
of Page
Victims of the Semitic fallacy
Religions can turn some men into beasts. Marxism
is a religion. It has turned many men into beasts—Stalin, Mao,
Pol Pot, to mention a few.
Marx was a Jew. He was Jewish in his inflexible
views, Jewish in his hatred of the bourgeoisie and Jewish in his
uncompromising character. In short, he was truly in the Semitic
Like his rabbi ancestors, says Northcote
Parkinson, Marx saw the
world as a place of conflict between good and evil, between
labour and capital, between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.
Thus, Marx did it all over again—he divided mankind into two
enemy camps, just as Christianity and Islam had done before.
Result? The Second World War and
the Cold War.
Semitic religions are said to be
revealed. By how many gods—one, two or three—we
do not know. The holy books speak in contradictory voices. One
speaks in favour of non-violence, another in favour of violence.
But each is declared to be true and infallible. How? Because,
they say, the books were divinely inspired. This
is the Semitic fallacy. And Marxism is a victim of this fallacy.
It too was claimed to be infallible by its followers.
In contrast, Hinduism is a quest for
truth. It has complete freedom of enquiry. Hindus do not believe
in the ‘infallibility’ of any doctrine or in the ‘last
words’ or in the ‘last prophet’.
If the communist movement failed to
attract even ten per cent of the Indian population, one can well
understand. The poor refused to put their trust in its promises.
What is more, Marxism was a product of European
experience. It need not be relevant to us.
Indian could have highlighted the ethical part of Marxism and
rejected its violence. But Indian
communists were small men—Lilliputs. They could not
have asserted their views. They had no
idea that Marxism belonged to the Semitic tradition, utterly
alien to the Hindu ethos.
Swami Vivekananda,
Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi were all devout Hindus.
communist movement naturally failed to attract the best men from
among the Hindus (not one communist came up to the stature of a
Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Gandhi or Nehru. Why?
more refer to chapter on Greater
India: Suvarnabhumi and
Sacred Angkor).
communist movement naturally failed to attract the best men from
among the Hindus (not one communist came up to the stature of a Vivekananda,
Aurobindo, Gandhi or Nehru).
Why? Because Marxism with its emphasis
on violence was utterly alien to the Indian ethos.
What was more, India had seen the calamitous result of the
mindless violence of the Muslims for six long centuries in
India. And how could the Hindus have accepted a faith that
sought to split their ranks, when they were face to face with a
new hostile force—imperialism?
Having rejected the past of India as
‘mumbo-jumbo’, the Indian communists ceased to be Indians.
But did they take roots in European civilisation? They did not.
They dismissed it as ‘bourgeois filth’. So, the Indian
communist was and is a rootless creature, who pretends to be a world
They admit today that they committed great ‘blunders’. But
that is what Christianity too admits—that it had committed
many great blunders (only Islam refuses to do so.) So, what
happend to the ‘infallibility’ of their doctrines?
The Russian communists had no experience in building a socialist
society. But they believed in the infallibility
of Marx and Lenin.
In fact, they were over-bearing, over-confident and impatient
with dissenters. It was all a repetition of early Christianity
and Islam. The Russian people paid the highest price in history
for these follies. And when Gorbachev launched his glasnost and
perestroika, he knew even less how to unscramble the rotten
system, not to speak of reconstructing it in freedom. Again, the
people paid a high price. In all, they lost a century, and about
50 million people. Was anything in the world worth this price?
Even if Russia had taken to the capitalist road, it would have
become one of the greatest economic powers in the world. And
that without paying any price. But Marxism exacted a heavy price
from very many peoples and nations.
Who was at fault? First of all, the Semitic
legacy of Europe. The unfailing faith in the
‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ reminds us of “My
community can never err.” That workers could be the larger
part of the cause for the debacle of communism everywhere could
never enter the head of the communists. It
was the same with the pioneers of Christianity and Islam. They
could never believe that their faith could pass into the hands
of evil men. And when the evil men took them over and started
their tyranny, they took the silence of the majority as approval
of their tyranny.
Marxists made other mistakes: they believed that men work for
the public good. They do not. Men work for their personal
advancement. Marxists believe that capitalists are parasites.
But it is their sacrifice which helped the early capital
Gandhi never believed in systems. In fact, he was an enemy of
systems. Systems create false faith. He put his entire faith in
the human potential—in man's ability to transform himself to a
higher being.Yes, we can transform the world. But before that,
we must transform men. Only on the foundation of human worth can
we build a good society.
(source: Marxists:
Victims of the Semitic fallacy - By M S N Menon - Also
refer to The
Communist Conspiracy.and to
and cpmterror. Top
of Page
are no thinkers in India: says V S Naipaul
Prize winning author V.S.
Naipaul says that India and China "will completely
alter the world" although he bemoans there "are no
thinkers in India".
"It's a
rather calamity of India today that there are no thinkers. A big
country, a powerful country of a billion people. There are no
thinkers in India. What is important today is the economic
development of India and China that will completely alter the
world," Naipaul
The New York Times in an interview.
In contrast "nothing that is happening in the Arab world has
that capacity", Naipaul said, adding, "It has capacity for
mischief. They are spreading their little wars to Indonesia, the
Philippines and all these other places. But that's just mischief. What's
happening in India and China will bend the world and will change it
whose writings about the world of Islam and its troubles have been
considered prophetic, had a sobering view of the Sep
11 terror attack on America.
"What happened on Sep 11 was too astonishing. It is one of a
kind, can't happen again. But in the end it has had no effect on the
world. It has just been a spectacle like a bank raid in a western
film. They will be caught by the sheriff eventually but they'd raid
a few banks," he said. On the Arab world he said
"intellectually it is a great tyranny. Because it is a tyranny
people's can't grow intellectually and be on the level of the world
they envy. But it has always been like that. Religion
has always been a tyranny and it becomes an expression of state
(source: There
are no thinkers in India: Naipaul - Refer
to Communismwatch
and cpmterror.
Tagore observed:
“Not a soul has any experience of big striving, or of real
and true living. They all eat and drink, do their office work, smoke
and sleep and chatter nonsense. When they touch upon emotion, they
grow sentimental; when they reason, they are childish. One yearns
for a full-blooded, sturdy and capable personality; these are all so
many shadows, flitting about out of touch with the world.” -
of Page
Luhur Uluwatu
Luhur Uluwatu is one of Bali’s ‘directional temples’ (kayangan
jagat) and guards Bali from evil spirits from
the SW.
Pura Luhur, Uluwatu
is also one of Bali's important Sad Kahyangan temples, in which
dwell major deities—in Uluwatu's case; Bhatara Rudra, God of
the elements and of cosmic force majeures.
In the 15th Century
the great pilgrim priest Dhang Hyang Dwijendra, who established
the present form of Hindu-Dharma religion, chose Pura Uluwatu as
his last earthly abode: history records that Dwijendra achieved
moksa (oneness with the godhead, in a flash of blazing light)
while meditating at Uluwatu. The temple is regarded, by
Brahman's island wide, as his holy 'tomb'. Legend also tells us
that Dwijendra was the architect of the beautiful temple, as
well as many other major temples on Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa.
Luhur Uluwatu is one of Bali’s ‘directional temples’ (kayangan
jagat) and guards Bali from evil spirits
This means that the
temple affects the island as a whole and has meaning for all
Balinese, not just the Uluwatu locals. During the Galungan
festival (the most important event in the Balinese calendar that
occurs every 210 days and celebrates the victory of good over
evil) people from all over Bali come to worship here. Pura
Uluwatu is located on the cliff top close to the famous surf
break on the SW of the Bukit peninsula. The temple was founded
in the 10th century by Empu Kuturan, a Javanese Hindu priest who
built the tiered ‘meru’ and a shrine here as well as at
other key locations long the Balinese coast. In the 17th century
Niratha also from Java came to Bali and built temples, adding to
Tanah Lot
Tanah Lot is located in the
Tabanan district southwest on Bali, only a short way from Kuta
and Denpasar, and is with it's beautiful location and
architecture one of the most characteristic temples on Bali.
According to legends it was built in the 16th century by the
Javanese priest Sanghyang Nirantha. Tanah Lot means something
like "sea temple of the earth"). He also transformed
his scarf to the holy snakes that still today is said to guard
the temple.
Tanah Lot means something like
"sea temple of the earth." The temple sits on top of a
cliff, only Hindus are allowed to climb the stairs to the top.
more refer to chapter on Greater
India: Suvarnabhumi and
Sacred Angkor).
For the Balinese this is the most
sacred of the sea temples, and one of many sea temples along the
coast of southern Bali. These temples are built on locations
where the next one in the chain is visible, and on a clear day
you can see Pura Luhur Uluwatu further south from here. At low
water you can walk out to the temple, while at high water it is
isolated by the sea. The temple sits on top of a cliff, only
Hindus are allowed to climb the stairs to the top.
(source: Daily
Om and Pura
Luhur Uluwatu - by Made Wijaya). Refer to My
Bali Diary - By B Raman -
Recently an Ancient
statue of Lord Vishnu
has been found in Russian
town of the Volga region.
For more refer
to chapter on Suvarnabhumi).
of Page
to Preserve a Tribal Heritage - By Stephen Knapp
divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for
- John
(American Statesman, 1735-1826)
pilgrimage through Northeast India reveals a rich Vedic
lifestyle threatened to the core by sometimes violent Christian
In December of 2003 a few of us from the Vedic Friends
Association traveled through Assam,
Arunachala Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, and later Sikhim
on a spiritual journey. Unfortunately, the trip wasn't all love
and light. The local tribesmen in that part of India face a
major threat from sometimes violent Christian insurgents whose
conversion efforts too often result in murder and mayhem. This
article is about the plight of these noble people and the danger
they face on a daily basis from religious zealots who have no
notion of the vast spiritual heritage they debase or the
terrible consequences they incur for doing so.
During our trip, the tribal
people seemed less concerned with aggressive Christians than
they were impressed with us--white Americans who had been raised
as Christians but had now chosen to follow the Vedic and Hindu
path of spirituality. Our presence in their cultural rituals
touched them deeply. They asserted again and again that we were
the only Westerners they had ever met who weren't hell-bent on
convincing them to give up their traditional ways of living and
convert to Christianity.
Many tribal
cultures all over India are immersed in
Vedic traditions, or
contain elements that are carried over from the Vedic way of
life. Today, however, the world is slowly coming to understand
that Christians are thoroughly infiltrating the Northeastern
region. Nagaland in particular--long famous for its ancient,
ascetic, Naga culture--is an area where conversion tactics are
most successful. According to census figures just released for
2001, Nagaland is 90 percent Christian.
Many tribal people of India's
Northeast are being hammered with the idea that if they want to
progress into the 21st century, they must become modern like the
Westerners. Since most Westerners they meet are evangelical
Christians, they presume that Christianity is the essence of the
Western value system and that they must therefore become
Christian to be progressive.
Abuse of alcohol and drugs is
escalating and so is sexual promiscuity, fueling the spread of AIDS
and causing more abortions to be performed. Abortion never used
to be an issue in this part of India, and AIDS was almost
unheard of.
In one area of Arunachal Pradesh that we visited, new converts
to Christianity were being told to not associate with their
"heathen " friends and neighbors. They were also being
discouraged from participating in their traditional festivals,
dances and music, or even joining in community harvests and
group house raisings. They were being motivated to wear only
Western clothes, listen only to Western music and celebrate only
Western holidays. This was creating divisions in families and
communities, and creating social unrest.
indigenous cultures of India are treasures worth saving. They
offer an important connection to the best India's past has to
offer. It seems to me that the social and environmental problems
of the country are not due to some inherent problem in the
traditional culture itself, but rather in the choice many make
to abandon this culture. Remaining fixed in the true principles
of this ancient lifestyle and passing these principles on to the
next generation certainly can't hurt India in its attempts to
carve a future which is at least as powerful as its past.
(source: Fighting
to Preserve a Tribal Heritage - By Stephen Knapp
January/February/March, 2005).
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
Stephen Knapp has written
many books and articles on Vedic philosophy
and is the president
of the Vedic Friends Association, an organization dedicated
to protecting and sharing Vedic culture. For more information
For more refer to Crafts
of North-East India.
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database.
refer to chapter on Conversion
Priests Molest Third World Nuns to Avoid AIDS
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind
Kumar - Also
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney.
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
this war on Hinduism?-
two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because
they are not based on human experience but on spurious and
fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human
beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic
conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For
instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and
force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or
helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to
stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be
wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.
this war on Hinduism? - By
George Thundiparambil
Refer to From
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - Also
refer to and
Dark Legacy
and Dutch
Christians Target Hindus for Conversion. Refer
to The
War of Religions and The
Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
Charles Dickens
(1812 - 1870) English novelist and author of Pickwick Papers
and Oliver Twist. He wrote:
are perfect nuisances, and leave every place worse than they
found it."
threat to Naga Culture - By
N.C. Zeliang
Heraka Association believes that ‘Loss of religion
is loss of culture and loss of culture is loss of identity’.
Genuine cultural identity of any society is comprised of
indigenous religion, native culture, language, glorious history
of forefathers, art and crafts, rites and rituals, traditional
village institutions and customary laws. We work to enhance
every component of Naga identity. Today, it has become a fashion
in Naga society to talk about Naga identity while cutting the
roots of every component that constitute genuine Naga identity.
Wearing costly dresses, singing pop-songs, drinking foreign
whisky and rum, disco-dance, beauty pageants, violation of civic
rules and disobedience in the name of civil liberty, indecent
dress and heinous deeds, etc. are not the symbol of Naga
have been living with Hindu society from centuries and they are
not converted to Hindu Dharma. Rather, Hindus encourage us to
preserve, protect and progress our own indigenous religion. The
Protestant Church and Catholic Church are looking towards
southeast Asian countries particularly India for nuns and
missionaries. This is the reason that all the denominations of
Catholic and Protestant Churches are pouring money to increase
their numbers in India particularly in Northeast.
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud
- By By Greg Szymanski
6, 2007
*** If
we wish to save Naga society from doom and downfall we have to
return to our forefathers’ root. Westernisation in the name of
modernisation is dangerous. Nagas
have been living with Hindu society from centuries and they are
not converted to Hindu Dharma. Rather, Hindus encourage us to
preserve, protect and progress our own indigenous religion.
Hindus believe in co-existence, not
in survival of die fittest. Today the world is changed. In 1997,
a team of 22 Japanese scholars visited several places in
Nagaland and did video-recording of Naga customs and traditions.
It was a part of their research to revive their ancient faith
and culture. Americans, Britishers and other European Countries
are researching and working hard to revive their forefathers’
religions and cultures. They have identified that lack of
spirituality and destruction of joint family system, have given
rise to major problems at national and international level. The
recent failures of USA in domestic and international conflict
managament and attack of Al-Queda on World Trade Centre on 11
September 2001 have strengthened the fear of holocaust in the
mind of Americans. They are, therefore, organising Pagan
Conferences to revive ancient faith and culture. The number of
Church-goers in western countries are sizeably diminishing. The
Protestant Church and Catholic Church are looking towards
southeast Asian countries particularly India for nuns and
missionaries. Several of Naga missionaries and nuns are working
in America, Britain and other American and European
sub-continents. Catholic Church is mostly dependent on India for
Catholic priests and nuns. This is the reason that all the
denominations of Catholic and Protestant Churches are pouring
money to increase their numbers in India particularly in
We must
protect our religion and culture from being extinct.
threat to Naga Culture - By
N.C. Zeliang - For more refer to Crafts
of North-East India an
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database.
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Sunshine of Secularism. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion.
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World -
to Truth
can kill the West - By
M.S.N. Menon - Truth can kill the West—the truth
about Christianity. It is all in the Dead
Sea scrolls.
think-tank calls RSS terrorist
Though the East
Virginia-based organisation The
Terrorism Center - is an obscure
the RSS is not ready to let the "issue" pass. "It
has been there on the list for a while now. We had written to
them when we got to know of it and asked them to remove us from
the list, but they have not," said spokesperson Ram Madhav. Also
refer to Christian
Militancy in the Northeast: Cross-border challenges - and Manipur
library arson 'a Christian Taleban' act. and Christian
Televangelist Calls for Venezuelan President's Assassination
- Religious broadcaster
Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American operatives
assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country
from becoming ''a launching pad for communist infiltration and
Muslim extremism.''
finds Koran 'mishandling'
The US military says it has identified five
incidents in which the Koran was mishandled by American
personnel at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. (source:
finds Koran 'mishandling' -
and Dealing
with the Christian Taliban - By Frank Pitz). Refer
to From
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind Kumar
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - and
to Patriarch
denounces U.S. evangelicals in Iraq - By Tom Heneghan,
AlertNet Date: May 19, 2005).
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).Refer
to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
to A
crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy -
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF.
more on Christian
Fundamentalism Agenda in USA, refer
conflict between science and God -
By Martin Kettle - Guardian and
from The American Taliban and
Fundamentalists to Push Bible as Classroom "Knowledge"
and Bush,
the Neocons and Evangelical Christian Fiction: America "Left
Behind" - By Hugh Urban and The
Christian Right, Dominionism, and Theocracy
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC. and
President Says "Intelligent Design" Religion, Not
Science and
refer to Battlefield
Earth - By Bill Moyers and The
Godly Must Be Crazy - By
Glen Scherer
and Rapture
or Rupture? - By Bryan
Zepp Jamieson.
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney and Resurgence
Of Religious Right Among Top Concerns -
evangelicals turning up in elite circles, schools - By Laurie
Goodstein and David D. Kirkpatrick
- The
New York Times/May 22, 2005. The
Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own
- By
Bob Moser - and
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
of Page
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