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make India secular'
make India secular' - says former Pakistan PM Shujat
A group of Indian
Muslim leaders on Friday told former Pakistan prime minister
Shujat Hussain that India was a secular country "because of
is because of the Hindus that India remains a secular
country," a spokesman for the Jama Masjid mosque
said. "This is what we told him."
Former Pakistan prime
minister Shujat Hussain prayed at the historic Jama Masjid and
called upon Indian Muslims to integrate themselves fully with
the mainstream.
six decades after the sub-continent's partition, Pakistan's
ruling party on Friday gave a formal burial to the two-nation
theory by urging Indian Muslims to love their motherland.
"You are Indians by
choice. So live like Indians. Nobody forced you to stay back
(and not settle in Pakistan)," Hussain told a large
gathering at the 17th-century red stone mosque in the city's old
He reminded the gathering in
Urdu that Indian Muslims should love their motherland as they
stayed back in India, ...rejecting the offer to move over to the
newly created Pakistan.
"You (Indian Muslims)
should do everything for the progress and development of the
country," he said.
make India secular - Refer
to Who
Killed Our Culture? We Did
- By Youki
May 3 1999.
of Page
Indian Christian is considered to be a second class Christian in
the Vatican” - Paulos Mar Gregorios
Indian Christian is considered to be a second class Christian in
the Vatican” -- this was revealed by the late Paulos
Mar Gregorios (1922- 1996) who was the Metropolitan
of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Delhi. He was a man
of much substance. In addition to his religious qualifications
he was a distinguished scholar. At one time he was the President
of the Indian Philosophical Congress. He was also for some time
the President of the World Council of [Christian] Churches.
Metropolitan Gregorios asked the Pope
John Paul II what
he thought was the reason for such a small percentage of Indians
having converted to Christianity although it had been in India
for so long. The Pope said to him the reason was that the Indian
mind was not developed enough to understand the subtlety of
thought of St. Gregory of Nyssa or of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Somewhat taken aback Metropolitan Gregorios asked the Pope if he
had read Shankara
or Nagarjuna. He
was immediately shown out of the room where the audience was
taking place.
I found the incident merely
amusing because I did not find this surprising at all, but he
had been much saddened by it, for the issue was more personal
for him. As he said, he realized for
the first time and first hand that every Indian Christian is
considered to be a second class Christian in the Vatican. This
was even more galling for him because he belonged to a branch of
Christianity as ancient as any.
It illustrates that the Eurocentricism,
and the associated sense of superiority
of the European races and culture, which has very much coloured
Christian doctrine, does not seem to have yet
suffered the fact of the shift in religious demographics.
(source: What
Calls You, Pilgrim? - By Ravi Ravindra - Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
of Page
of Indians Overseas: Laborers in the Plantations
indenture system
of European Imperialism
In the colonies of the British,
and the Dutch,
exploitation in one form or the other stalked the Indian
indentured laborers.
Coolies who arrived to work in the sugar estates in the West
Indies were marched to their barracks known as ‘Nigger
Yard.’ It was the same in
Mauritius -- only the language was different, ‘camps
des Noirs’ or the backbreaking
work in the canefields.
In 1843 the first shipload of 217
Indian labourers arrived in Port of Spain in Trinidad in the
Caribbean. And in the same decade, others were taken to British
Guiana in South America, and Mauritius off the coast of Africa;
in the 1860's to the British colony of Natal in South Africa; in
the 1870's to the Dutch colony of Surinam; in the 1880's to
Fiji. By 1917-20 the indenture system was abolished but not
before 1.5 million Indian bonded labourers had been induced move
to remote parts of the globe in the service of British
plantation also kept the Indian coolies hard at work by a system
of penalties and punishments.
South Africa they worked from daybreak to nightfall, from four
in the morning to seven in the night, and far beyond their
capacity. They were strictly confined to the limits of their
master’s estate. Beating and flogging was part of the regular
routine in the plantations. In the West Indies the cattle whip
was employed; in Malaya it was the cane, and in South
Africa it was the rawhide cattle lash. One callous estate
manager reportedly said “As long as
the coolie is working for you, you have the right to do what you
like with him—that is, short of killing”.
Cholera, typhoid,
smallpox and malaria were rampant in the immigrant settlements.
From time to time large scale epidemics scourged the
plantations. Everything was blamed on the unsanitary life of the
Indians. But they were not provided with clean water and no
latrines were made available for their use. Beriberi, a disease
of malnutrition, first emerged among the Indo-Mauritians in
1880. Hookworm was identified a few years later as universal
among estate Indians in the Carribean and Malaya.
Caribbean planters solved the problem of the sick by abandoning
them to fate. In Grenada the majority of the 2000 Indians were
kicked off the estates when they became ill and allowed to die
on the road. The editor of a Jamaica
newspaper wrote in 1863:
‘One must see these wretched hungry,
houseless and outcast specters picking up in the streets a
chance bone or any putrid offal…. and so crippled, nude,
skeletoned before their death, they live on, no parish authority
taking them in’.
the Chinese and the Blacks, the Indians were also wary of the
penchant for proselytizing among white missionaries who were on
the lookout for ‘heathen converts’.
Indians were always branded as the dregs of their country,
lowborn, even criminal. Inspite of this, the Europeans managed
to take Indian women for sexual purposes – usually the
daughter of a coolie.
(source: Life
of Indians Overseas: Laborers in the Plantations
The first wave of Indian
emigration comprised of mostly indentured labour to European
colonies to fill in the vacuum created by emancipation African
slaves in plantations, following the ban on the practice of
slavery. Indenture labour was a new concept of plantation work
on contract for a period of 3 to 5 years. The system of
indenture labour was an ingenious invention of the British to
keep their plantation economy thriving on labour under captivity
and Hugh Tinker has very rightly described it as the new name
for slavery.
(source: Indian
Diaspora: A Brief Overview - C.S. Bhat, K. Laxmi Narayan and
Sadananda Sahoo).
"The Coolies were locked up
in the sick-house; saw them the day after they were flogged;
their backs were swollen; they were in the sick-house for two
days after the flogging." -- Will. Clay.
(source: Indian
Indentured Immigration to Guyana - Hill Coolies -
That is why Sir William Hunter called the
indenture system
almost as bad as slavery. Like the slave the indentured
labourer was the property of his owner. Working conditions are savage and
inhuman. Indentured Indians exploited, beaten and brutalized;
women are sexually abused. One estate manager-overseer “had
broken the ribs of several Indians, and had caused many to
die.” And because medical care is rudimentary, the coolies, as
indentured Indians are known, contract a variety of diseases –
venereal diseases, dysentery, tuberculosis, hookworm,
ground-itch, and chigoes. As for the physical conditions of
their agricultural work, nothing could be more daunting.
(source: Sharlow:
The Promise).
of Page
Relationship With Israel
Congress Party's Anti-Semitic policies ?
With the
present government in India consisting of a coalition between Marxists
and the Congress Party
(which was responsible for anti-Semitic policies in the past),
the nature of the relationship between India and Israel has once
again come into focus. The reason for the historically
unfriendly behavior towards Israel by various past Indian
governments becomes easy to understand if one views India's
foreign policy as a projection onto the international arena of
its questionable domestic policies.
India's Muslim population is the world's second
largest - some say third, but many believe that the official
census tends to underplay the true numbers of Muslims - and
holds the country for ransom. Those
who appease Muslims in order to garner their vote dominate
Indian politics.
laws are heavily skewed to favor Muslims. The Indian government
allows Muslims to control their religious institutions, and even
subsidizes Haj pilgrimages
and madrasas;
yet, the government appropriates revenues from many Hindu
temples and imposes restraints on Hindus who wish to open
schools and colleges. Even though the country was split once to placate
Muslims - thus forming Pakistan, an Islamic theocracy - Muslims
continue to make ever-increasing demands and refuse to live in
harmony with others. In Jammu
and Kashmir, the only Muslim majority state in India, Hindus
have faced ethnic cleansing and nearly four hundred thousand
survivors live in refugee camps in squalid conditions.
This is a case of people
Pandits living in refugee camps
under their own government.
For more refer to
blind to Kashmiri Pandits' plight?
The eagerness of ambitious
politicians to woo the favor of Muslims resulted in India
becoming the first country to ban the book The
Satanic Verses by
Rushdie, following the
call of fundamentalist clerics who felt the book offended Islam.
When the Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini died, India declared
a three-day official period of mourning.
placating attitude of Indian leaders found expression on the
international front, too. India helped found the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM), an irrelevant entity that did little else of
note apart from serving the purpose of dictators and terrorists
seeking acceptance from leaders of other countries. Yasser
Arafat and Libya's Muammar Kaddafi used NAM to gain
acceptability, while Iraq's Saddam Hussein was keen to host the
NAM summit in order to be seen as a leader on the global stage.
The need for leaders such as Saddam Hussein and
Muammar Kaddafi to associate themselves with NAM in order to
gain credibility finds correspondence in Indian politics.
Despite their hatred for Hindus, branding their opponents
"Hindu fundamentalists", Communists and others who
pander to the demands of Muslims gain respect by associating
themselves with Hindus. They understand that their reputation,
as well as that of NAM, would have been in tatters if India had
been a Communist or Islamic state.

Nehru, who was an admirer of
Josef Stalin
and mimicked the
Soviet economic model in India, chose not to
declare India to be an overtly Communist state. Nehru,
supposedly described by the Chinese
Premier Chou En Lai
as a "useful
down the offer of permanent membership in the United Nations
Security Council for India and argued that Communist China
should get the seat instead.
Even India's first prime
minister, Jawaharlal
Nehru, who was an admirer of
Josef Stalin
and mimicked the Soviet economic model in India, chose not to
declare India to be an overtly Communist state.
NAM was founded by Nehru and the strongmen of
Communist Yugoslavia, Islamic Egypt, Islamic Indonesia, et al.,
and gave Indian prime ministers who belonged to the Nehru family
the illusion that they were world leaders, even though their
focus was limited to Islamic and Communist regimes.
supposedly described by the Chinese
Premier Chou En Lai
as a "useful
down the offer of permanent membership in the United Nations
Security Council for India and argued that Communist China
should get the seat instead.
misguided narrow focus on the welfare of Muslims and Communists,
while only half-heartedly trying to keep the majority of the
population contented, resulted in India treating Israel in a
shameful manner, as well.
officially recognizing Israel, India did not maintain any
diplomatic relationship with it for over four decades. It entered into a diplomatic relationship with the
Palestinians before it did so with Israel, and India boycotted
Israel in sports meets. This kind of treatment by the government
is dictated by the hatred for Jews among Muslims in India. The
hatred among Muslims in India is an Arab import, and a curious
phenomenon, because many Muslims in India have never even
interacted with a Jew.
of appeasement of Muslims by Indian politicians go back to the
time of Mohandas Gandhi, who led the non-violent civil
disobedience movement against British rule in India. When the
Ottoman Empire was dismantled and Turkey was formed, Gandhi took
the side of those calling for a pan-Islamic Caliphate, even
though the Turks were guilty of the genocide of Armenians; it
was one of many such acts that might have disqualified Gandhi
from getting the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gandhi - who
said that the cry for a national home for Jews did not appeal to
him - is blamed by his detractors for helping Indian Muslims
partition India and form the Islamic country of Pakistan.
In the recent past, with the Nehru family out of
power, the relationship between India and Israel has bloomed. In
1992, India established a full diplomatic relationship with
Israel, and since then, the two countries have signed several
defense deals. Many Israelis who have visited India as tourists
during this period have had pleasant experiences. While there
seems to be no immediate danger of things taking a turn for the
worse, it
is a cause for concern that a member of the Nehru family is once
again the de facto head of the government in India. Hopefully,
the shortsighted foreign policy of ostracizing Israel will not
become reality again, leading to the souring of relations
between India and Israel.
(source: India's
Relationship With Israel -
By Arvind Kumar).
of Page
terrorists slit throats
of 5 Hindu shepherds in Kashmir
Raising fears of
terror returning to this border district of Jammu and Kashmir,
militants abducted five Hindu shepherds and slit their throats early
this morning.
Although no
militant outfit has claimed responsibility for the massacre so far,
police suspect it to be the handiwork of Hizbul Mujahideen. Over one
and-a-half months ago, militants had killed six Hindu mine workers
in Rajouri’s Kalakote, breaking the two-year calm in the district.
The murdered
shepherds have been identified as Karnail Singh, brother Ashok
Singh, cousin Swaran Singh, Dharam Singh and Shamber Singh—all
residents of Dhar Sakki village, which has over 150 families, many
of them Hindus.

Massacre of Hindus
in Kashmir.
According to
police sources, a group of four to five militants entered the
shepherds’ shelters at Nangi—a high-land pasture ground 10 kms
north of the village— late last night and forced the male members
out at gunpoint. One
of the militants then took one of the shepherds to ‘‘meet a
commander’’ who was waiting at some distance. After a while, the
militant returned alone and took away the other four shepherds, the
sources said. The five were later taken to an isolated spot and
their throats slit, the sources said. As rattled
family members of the deceased stayed in the shelters, the villagers
came to know about the massacre only in the morning. The killing
sent shock waves in the area, with most of the shepherds rushing
back to the village. Senior civil and police officers rushed to the
spot immediately after news about these killings came in. The bodies
were brought down from the pasture for post-mortem and later handed
over to their relatives. The last rites will be conducted tomorrow,
the sources said.
terrorists slit throats of 5
Hindu shepherds -
Refer to
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
quake, it’s terror in Rajouri - Militants slit throats
of 10 of Hindu community
While residents
of border districts were yet to come out of the shock of the deadly
earthquake, terrorists mercilessly slit the throats of 10 Hindus of
two families in the Budhal area of Rajouri district early this
morning. The police said a group of heavily armed terrorists barged
into the house of a former BSF official, Munshi Ram, in Dandot
village and took five members of the family out of the house and
slit their throats. Munshi Ram was also killed.
(source: After
quake, it’s terror in Rajouri - Militants
slit throats of 10 of Hindu community
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF
comes to Londonistan
Muslim violence
and terrorism in India have never bothered the British. The Maraad
massacre and the Godhra
incineration and
the ethnic
cleansing in Jammu and Kashmir were
either ignored or rationalised by them. The recent incident in
Jammu, when five Hindus were beheaded and a Hindu woman was hacked
to death with an axe, did not excite their alleged sense of 'fair
play'. Then should
Indians weep for them when they are victimised?
(source: Terrorism
comes to Londonistan - By Rajeev Srinivasan -
ignorant loud mouthed American runs amok ?
the unimaginable if you can. A senior M.P. from India goes to
America and says at a press conference that the Bush
Administration must treat the Blacks in New Orleans more humanely.
Can we imagine Vajpayee or Somnath Chatterjee saying in Washington
DC that America's policy of torturing detainees is illegal and
We may have strong opinions on the atrocities that go on in
America under the smokescreen of democracy, but our civilisation
stops us from expressing them in diplomatically uncivilised ways. Or
it may be our complex of subservience before the White Man that
restrains us. Whatever the reason, no M.P. or Government
representative will break conventional decencies while on foreign
America's official representatives seem to consider themselves
above (or is it below?) such decencies. An American
Congressman named
(Republican) Dan Burton has
been visiting India and talking wildly about how India should
behave. In the first place, he and a bunch of fellow members of
the US Congress are here to discuss the Kashmir issue. Who gave
them the right to do so when Indian MPs do not go to America to
discuss New Orleans racism?
Secondly, the loud-mouthed Burton feels
no obligation to confine himself to Kashmir. He is also an
authority on the Khalistan demand for a separate state in India.
That, he advises us, is an issue that the Indian Prime Minister
must discuss with Pakistan's President. Ill-qualified
experts like Burton constitute the pool of America's international
(source: Another
ignorant American runs amok - By T
J S George -
Refer to Quotes
from The American Taliban.
to White
House Defends Human Rights Record
and Iraq
Torture - memory and Human
Rights News. Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
. Refer to
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
of Page
Sikh riot victims burn Nanavati panel report
Call it ‘bundle of
Biased reporting in the Media? Riot
vs. Massacre? When around 3,000 Sikhs were in killed
in 1984, media calls it a mere riot and in Gujarat where Hindus
were burnt in a train and 2,000 Hindus and Muslims killed is
called a massacre and a progrom?).
Carnage was organised by Congress
leaders: says Nanavati
one years after the sequence of cruel events, which changed their
lives forever in 1984, horror lives on in their minds. Even
if they wanted to, the ensuing circumstancely ensured that they
relived the horror, day after day, year after year. Not surprisingly
even two decades after what has been a long road in the search of
justice, anti-Sikh riots victims feel let down.
burnt a copy of the report and vowed to keep alive their struggle to
get the culprits behind the massacre punished. Only this time, they
promised to take their fight to the international level to “show
the world how the Delhi Police, the Indian judiciary and the Indian
democracy let us down”.
Most of the women
who were witnesses to their husbands and sons being burnt alive in
the mayhem in the Capital, following the assassination of Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi by her bodyguards, are now old.
Their daughters have managed to put together their lives after what
has been a continuous fight for justice, at times under the most
trying circumstances. Raising slogans
against the Congress, the Delhi police, Mr Sajjan Kumar, Mr H.K.L.
Bhagat and Mr Jagdish Tytler, as they staged a dharna in the middle
of the police station on the Sansad Marg, they called the Nanavati
Commission’s report “nothing but a bundle of lies”.
(source: 84
Sikh riot victims burn Nanavati panel report -
goaded the mob to kill more'
Jasbir Singh,
who is in hiding, told Newsline he was willing to repeat that he saw
Tytler goading a mob to go for the kill even if it costs him his
life. His 2000 affidavit helped provide the panel “credible
evidence” against the leader.
can die but will always say this. For 18 of my family died and
Tytler’s hands are coloured in their blood...” said Jasbir who
had shaved off his hair to escape detection.
(source: Tytler
goaded the mob to kill more' -

84 Sikh riot
victims burn Nanavati panel report
Call it ‘bundle of
'bows head in shame' for riots
report, by retired Supreme Court judge GT Nanavati, was the ninth
inquiry commission into the riots, and was set up in 2000 by the
then governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which is now in
opposition. The
inquiry said that accounts from witnesses and victims of the rioting
indicated that "local Congress leaders
and workers had either incited or helped the mobs in attacking the
(source: PM
'bows head in shame' for riots -
delayed, justice denied
Twenty years and nine investigations later, why
have the people behind the anti-Sikh riots in the Indian
capital, Delhi, not been brought to book and punished?
delayed, justice denied -
Refer to
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
of Page
A crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy
If a mere
description of Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh as
'silly' could incense Congress workers enough to vandalise
Mumbai tabloid Mid-Day's office, you can well imagine the
anger that must have coursed through their veins when the prime
minister and their party's icon was gunned down more than 20 years
For those who find Justice Nanavati's
finding hard to believe, here's a simple question. Could Delhi have
burned the way it did -- estimates put the loss of life in those
traumatic days at around 3,000 -- without official connivance? Could
the perpetrators and chief instigators of the violence have got away
for so long -- it is now 21 years, mind you -- without official
patronage? And can all of the victims fool all of us for such a long
about who was behind the riots?The Modi administration was guilty on
this count, as was the Congress government in 1984
Yet, consider
the difference in how the two administrations have been treated. Not a
single Congressman has paid the price for the 1984 riots.
Twenty-one years down the line, we have had nine inquiry commissions
going into the violence, and there is a possibility that another probe
will now be instituted, yawn, to take up Justice Nanavati's findings.
How many of the victims will even be alive 21 years later? How many of
them will remember the details? How many will want to remember?
the other hand, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi against whom
there is no direct charge in the riots but one of presiding over an
inactive administration, is blackballed, denied
visa, a hysterical campaign is mounted whenever he tours the
country or goes overseas.
A crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy
massacre is a massacre
When the Congress is the culprit.
And when the victims are Sikhs.
Instead, the secular response to
the report has been curiously low-key. It was a long time ago, we are
told. What is the point in raking up old memories? Justice Nanavati doesn’t conclusively blame
anybody anyway, does he? And anyway, all secularists must unite to
fight Hindu fundamentalism, so let’s not get sidetracked by an old
There is something sad and
shameful about these responses. Listening to them yesterday, I had
some sense of why secularism has fallen into such disrepute. It has
become a flag of convenience for anybody who wants to oppose the BJP.
And we have forgotten that all communal violence — no matter who it
is directed against — is equally bad.
It saddens me that the secular establishment has
forgotten basic morality. Its failure to stand up for the victims of
the 1984 massacres shames us all.
massacre is a massacre - By Vir Sanghvi - Refer
to White
House Defends Human Rights Record
and Iraq
Torture - memory and Human
Rights News.
Refer to Paris
Burning - Riots in France and
in France and Cars,
windows smashed in Sydney race riots
- Australia. Refer to
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
of Page
forum deplores US resolution as 'Hinduphobic'
Agenda, Foundation Will Launch Campaign
US-based Hindu organisation has flayed as "Hinduphobic"
a resolution sponsored by two Congressmen in which they
condemned "religious persecution" in South Asia while
focusing on India.
American Foundation (HAF) expressed concern over
the "Hinduphobic" resolution sponsored by Congressmen Joseph
Pitts and John
Conyers, last week.
letters written to both the Congressmen, HAF expressed
frustration that they made India a focus of a resolution
condemning "religious persecution" in South Asia,
while completely ignoring the "persecution of
minorities" in Pakistan and Bangladesh. As the
world's largest democracy with a constitution influenced by the
Hindu ethos of tolerance and pluralism, combined with a mature
judiciary and human rights monitoring mechanisms, India hardly
deserved to be a target of such a resolution, the HAF felt.
The resolution
represented a political agenda, according to HAF, as it was
submitted in advance of a planned visit by Narendra Modi, the
Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat, India, to the United
States. The visit was cancelled on March 18, 2005 when the
United States State Department abruptly revoked Mr. Modi's
tourist visa and declined granting him a diplomatic visa. There
is speculation that the resolution, in addition to a coordinated
campaign by members of the Forum
of Indian Leftists, Indian
Muslim Council, Federation
of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America,
Against Genocide, and others to vilify not only
Modi, but his political party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, led
to the unexpected decision.
Pitts (born-again
Christian evangelist Republican Congressman) has
a history of ignoring the suffering of Hindus everywhere,
especially in South Asia," said Dr. Meghani. "His
personal biases against Hindus and India are disappointingly
transparent in this resolution."
heinous tragedy that befell Gujarati Muslims in riots after the
murder of 58 Hindus burned alive on a train by terrorists must
be denounced. But if the Congressmen
were sincere in their censure of violations of religious
freedom, they would not have ignored the situation in India's
Jammu & Kashmir state, where thousands have been massacred,
and where religio-ethnic cleansing by Islamist extremists
supported by Pakistan has resulted in an exodus of 400,000
Hindus, Sikhs, and Indian Muslims from their ancestral
homes," said Dr. Mihir
Meghani, President of the Hindu American Foundation.
(source: Hindu
forum deplores US resolution as 'Hinduphobic'
- Hindu
American Foundation).
(For more refer to US
in Iraq: ‘not in our name’ - By Angana Chatterji -
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion. Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
to My
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy.
to White
House Defends Human Rights Record
and Iraq
Torture - memory and Human
Rights News.
Refer to Paris
Burning - Riots in France and
in France and Cars,
windows smashed in Sydney race riots
- Australia.
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind
Kumar -
and American
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - Also
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).
more on Christian
Fundamentalism Agenda in USA, refer
conflict between science and God
By Martin Kettle - Guardian and
from The American Taliban and
Fundamentalists to Push Bible as Classroom "Knowledge"
and Bush,
the Neocons and Evangelical Christian Fiction: America "Left
Behind" - By Hugh Urban and The
Christian Right, Dominionism, and Theocracy
and Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC. and
President Says "Intelligent Design" Religion, Not
Science and American
Also refer to Battlefield
Earth - By Bill Moyers and The
Godly Must Be Crazy - By
Glen Scherer
and Rapture
or Rupture? - By Bryan
Zepp Jamieson.
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney and Resurgence
Of Religious Right Among Top Concerns -
evangelicals turning up in elite circles, schools - By Laurie
Goodstein and David D. Kirkpatrick
- The
New York Times/May 22, 2005. The
Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own
image - By Bob Moser - and
to A
crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy -
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Sunshine of Secularism. Refer to Can
Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica?
By Alex Pomero
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World -
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation
The best unofficial estimate put the death toll
in the Gujarat riots at 2,000. Armchair
aficionados of world peace term it as "genocide" (even
"Holocaust"), link Modi with Hitler, and the RSS with
the Nazi party. They conveniently hide the fact that one-fourth
of those who perished in the post-Godhra riots were Hindus, and
so were 40 per cent of those displaced. First, why is this fact
being concealed? But more importantly, can the killing of 2,000
people be equated with the killing of reportedly six million
people in the Nazi extermination camps?
(Refer to The
Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
- by Gregory S. Paul - Refer
to Quotes
from The American Taliban
Communal truth, secular lies - by Kanchan Gupta
often than not we come across absurd claims of "thousands
of Muslims butchered by Hindu fanatics in Narendra Modi's
Gujarat". This is a lie that has been repeated ad
nauseam since that terrible day
when Hindus travelling by Sabarmati Express where roasted alive
after their coach was set ablaze by Muslim fanatics.
has been repeated the most by India's Marxists who subscribe to
the Goebbelsian tactic of repeating
a lie till in the popular
perception it comes to be identified as the truth.
Stomach-churning details of the Bhagalpur
riots - Muslims were killed, buried in fields and cauliflower
and other winter vegetables planted over the rotting cadavers -
no longer feature in the secularists' collective conscience. The
anti-Sikh pogrom that followed Indira
Gandhi's assassination is not even talked about any more: More
than 4,000 Sikhs were murdered, many of them by placing burning
tyres around their necks.
Each of these massacres of innocent men,
women and children took place when the Congress
was in power and did nothing more than twiddle its
thumbs as marauders went about their pillaging secure in the
belief that they would not be punished.
(source: Communal truth, secular lies - by Kanchan Gupta - - June 1,
Refer to Paris
Burning - Riots in France and
in France and Cars,
windows smashed in Sydney race riots
- Australia.
has for the first time published detailed figures on the number
of people killed in the religious riots in the western state of
Gujarat in 2002. The
government told parliament that 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were
killed, 223 more people reported missing and another 2,500
riot death toll revealed - BBC). Refer to Anti-U.S.
Riot Turns Deadly in Afghanistan
Anti-U.S. Protests Erupt in Afghanistan Over Quran
Desecration Report; 4 Dead, 71 Injured - Shouting "Death to
America!" more than 1,000 demonstrators rioted and threw
stones at a U.S. military convoy Wednesday, as protests spread
to four Afghan provinces over a report that interrogators desecrated
Islam's holy book at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo
Refer to
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
The Jews comprised a mere 1 per cent of Germany
during the Holocaust. Muslims are not so insubstantial a
minority in Gujarat, let alone in the entire India. Jewish
children did not study in madrasas where concepts of jihad and
kafir were ingrained in young minds. Physical violence (let
alone with religious overtones) was not something associated
with Jews. In the Gujarat riots, like
in most other previous riots of India, the first provocative act
of violence came from the Muslim minority, and not the Hindu
majority. A peaceful or scarred minority is not expected to
mobilise an armed mob of 1,500 plus people to torch a train.
Caches of illegal arms and
ammunition were recovered from Muslim houses (but not Hindu
houses) during the riots. The Gujarat police recovered caches of
arms from Muslim localities during the Jagannath rathyatra in
2002. But no rocket launchers, mortar shells, or guns were there
with Hindus. Is this genocide?
‘Secularists’? - By Balbir K. Punj -
to A
crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy -
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF
visit was about opportunity, not religion' - says Sri
Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living
Foundation and the International Association for Human Values,
spoke at the annual convention of the Asian American Hotel
Owners Convention on Thursday.
Sri Sri then went on to talk about the
unprecedented progress that was occurring in Gujarat under the
Modi administration. He noted that more than 40,000 dams had
been constructed in just one year. "The water level has
come up in Gujarat so much. People are so happy," he said.
"In the
villages for the first time in many years there is enough water
for the people -- even in drought-hit areas. So see the positive
things that are happening and tell the person all the nice
things the person has done. You will uplift the goodness in
people," he said.
Sri Sri reiterated, apparently referring to the sustained
campaign against Modi, "If you always keep telling a person
of all the negative things all the time, the person gets
(source: Modi
gets an unlikely supporter, Sri Sri -
angered by recent initiatives in Congress are protesting what
they see as an effort to "systematically promote a
Hinduphobic and anti-India agenda within the United
Hindu American Foundation said Monday (March 21) it will launch
a campaign to educate the nation's 2 million Hindus about risks
posed by "a small minority ... in the House of
Representatives, Islamist groups and radical communist
groups." In particular, the group is objecting to two
initiatives targeting a Hindu-led province in India that has
experienced religious violence.
Hindus, however, see a
pattern of selective condemnation in which their faith is
unfairly singled out.
The killing of
tens of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans, and the atrocities
committed in the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisons, are
there for all to see. Applying the same
yardstick, how would the US feel if Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice was denied visa by the Indian Government for
the violation of human rights and atrocities committed by the US
in Iraq or Afghanistan? Mr
Modi may still have the last laugh. Even if the US revokes its
earlier decision and grants Mr Modi the visa, he should not go
to America. He has already addressed a gathering at New York's
Madison Square Garden through satellite from Gandhinagar. The US
hasn't insulted Mr Modi alone, it has challenged the
self-respect of the entire country and the Indians living
abroad. The Gujarat Chief Minister has a knack of turning every
controversy towards his advantage.
America has made Modi a hero - by Anil
Narendra - - Op-ed Friday
March 25th 2005 and 'Hinduphobic'
Agenda, Foundation Will Launch Campaign.
refer to chapter on Conversion.
US officials call Modi visa denial misjudgement
Some former senior State Department officials
believe the decision to deny Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra
Modi a visa was unwise and has thrown up complicated questions
for future US foreign policy. Despite the crimes that took place
in Gujarat, they contend, using the International Religious
Freedom Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act at this
juncture with India has set a precedent that the State
Department will find hard to live by.
"I wouldn't have denied him the visa," Ambassador
Dennis Kux told IANS. Kux is a senior policy scholar
in the Asia program at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre
for Scholars and a retired Foreign Service South Asia
Having set a precedent now, is the
State Department going to move in the future to keep out several
others that in the past have been associated with
"severe" religious persecution, for instance those
political leaders named during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in New
Delhi, or those implicated in acts against Chechnyans in Russia,
or even Beijing's Communist Party members that have moved
against the Falun Gong sect or Christians in China, not to
forget those who persecuted the Kashmiri Pandits?
"It is an issue fraught with dilemmas. It has opened up
something of a pandora's box for the US," said Walter
Andersen, former State Department official, now associate
director of the South Asian Studies department at the Johns
Hopkins University.
(source: Former
US officials call Modi visa denial misjudgement -
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
'I Stand By My Assessment'
- By B Raman
who are vigorous in their denunciation of the human rights of
the Christian and Muslim minorities in India remain muted on the
Bush Administration's policies in Iraq and the serious
violations of the human rights of the Iraqi Muslims by the
American troops. Who is devious, mischievous and motivated?
Stand By My Assessment'
- By B Raman -
- By Dr. Ramesh Rao
“success” of a motley group of activists in having the U.S.
deny a diplomatic visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi
is a portent of more religious conflict in India. That the U.S.
government has sought to bar Modi from visiting the U.S, by
going the extent of even revoking his business visa, is yet
another blow to peace and reconciliation between religious
communities in India. The glee with
which the “secular-Muslim-Christian”
combine, who have nothing in common except it seems a visceral
dislike of Hindu activism, has proclaimed victory at this hasty
and undiplomatic move by the U.S. government goes to show that
these “activists” are nothing but short-sighted, willful,
and vulgar propagandists masquerading as messengers of peace and
goodwill. They wish nothing more for India than continued
religious and communal conflict. Denying Modi a platform in the
U.S. is an undemocratic and unwise move.
“coalition against genocide” has successfully seduced
Congressmen into pressuring the State Department to vilify and
criminalize the lawfully elected Chief Minister of Gujarat. His
role in the riots that followed the burning to death of 58
children, women, and men in the ghastly Godhra
massacre is yet to be described, evaluated and
judged by the Nanavati
Commission that has been inquiring into the
riots. The U.S. move is therefore a crude attempt at pre-empting
the decision of the Commission.
It shows how fickle, careless, and hasty the U.S. can be in its
relations even with friends and democratic partners. What can we
then say about its relationship with its declared enemies? One
also wonders if the Bush administration has bought off or
quieted the harsh critics of its Iraq and other foreign
misadventures – those shrill critics who also happen to be the
ones who have conspired to demonize Modi.
targeting Modi they have sent a signal that it is easy to
interfere in the internal affairs of India, and to play the old,
White, supremacist “divide
and rule” game. Thus the Indian-Muslim
and Indian-Christian groups in the U.S. have colluded and
collaborated on this misadventure though elsewhere in the world
Muslims and Christians are hacking and heaving at each other.
The Indian “secular, progressive” groups in the U.S. are on
their usual short-sighted, self-aggrandizing power trip. Their
will to win is powerful, and they don’t mind the costs. But we
have to give them their due: they are good at rounding up the
powerful and the influential at short notice, and they are good
at posturing and parading their “peace activist”
conclude, the cancellation of the visa for Modi is yet another
kink in the twisted relationship between India and the United
States. No one, except the myopic and foolhardy, will rejoice at
this turn of events. This “victory”
for the “coalition of convenience” is surely a defeat for
India and the U.S.
Victory - By Dr.
Ramesh Rao For
more refer to Carnage
in Godhra, Gujarat
Of Godhra Carnage).
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion.
Also refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity.
refer to and
Dark Legacy
and Dutch
Christians Target Hindus for Conversion.
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC). Quotes
from The American Taliban and Christian
Fundamentalists to Push Bible as Classroom "Knowledge"
and Bush,
the Neocons and Evangelical Christian Fiction: America
"Left Behind" - By Hugh Urban and The
Christian Right, Dominionism, and Theocracy
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
to My
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
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