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to destroy Ancient Culture of India?
World Domination?
say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized
in its Churches, as been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in
the world.
wrote Bertrand
Arthur William Russell
(b.1872 - d.1970)
- Why
I am Not a Christian. He was a British
philosopher, logician, essayist, and social critic, best known
for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy
the Bible says that "God is love," Christianity has shed
more blood and perpetrated more cruelty than any other religion in
the world."
- G W Foote and J M Wheeler,
authors of Crimes
of Christianity. Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887.and
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud
- By By Greg Szymanski
6, 2007
Meghalaya Christian
missionaries have converted two-thirds of Hindus to
Christianity. The Church in the north-east is engaged in
smuggling across the borders, circulating fake currency notes
and distributing arms. In December 1998, a Christian missionary,
Bedang Tamjen, was arrested for printing fake currency notes.
Another fallout is the paedophilia
activities of the Christian
missionaries in India.
In USA recently, the Christian
Church paid 100 million US $ as compensation to children who
became victims of Christian priests. Last year, a 62-year-old
Christian priest Simon Palanthingal from Kerala and linked to
St. Bedes and Don Bosco schools in Chennai was charged on four
counts for sexual assault on a nine-year old American boy and
can get maximum 20 years in prison on each of the four counts.
He is being held in the US on a $1 million bail. In India, with
no enforcement of law, it is a free run for these paedophile
Christian missionaries. Yet some time back in Jharkhand, a court
sentenced a Tamil Christian priest, Christudas, 48, who was
principal of St. Joseph’s School at Guhiyajori, to three
years' rigorous imprisonment for sodomising a 14-year old
schoolboy. In March 2005, the Christian priest, Prasad Gonsalves,
was arrested in Radhanpura town in Gujarat for demanding sexual
favours from a woman. The Patan police superintendent, A.V.
Vasava has reported that the Christian priest also promised to
give her a house if she converted to Christianity. The
widespread conversion activities and criminalities of the church
is resulting in the creation of new Christian sects through US
funding. They are called City of Faith, Exodus, Joshua, New
Life, Master Ministry, Covenant, Hiel Gospel, City of Faith and
High Land Trinity and they abhor rituals, episcopal hierarchy
and all kinds of mediators, including saints. They discard the
Church authority and the teachings of the Bible.
is the type of religious freedom the American President Bush
wants in India. It is the absolute freedom to destroy our
culture as his forefathers from Western countries did in North
America to its Native Red Indians
centuries ago. What is happening in India is the modern-day
vision of Christian aggression by USA on indigenous cultures of
the world.
work hand in hand with proselytisers
- By N Krishna
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Refer
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Sunshine of Secularism. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion
and refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity.
refer to and
Dark Legacy
and Dutch
Christians Target Hindus for Conversion
to Can
Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica?
By Alex Pomero and Christians
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - and Christians
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - and Up
to 10,000 Native Indian Missionaries to Attend Evangelism
Conference -
to The
War of Religions and The
Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind
Kumar -
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America.
this war on Hinduism?-
two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because
they are not based on human experience but on spurious and
fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human
beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic
conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For
instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and
force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or
helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to
stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be
wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.
this war on Hinduism? - By
George Thundiparambil
Refer to From
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation
and to
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).
more on Christian
Fundamentalism Agenda in USA, refer
conflict between science and God -
By Martin Kettle - Guardian and
from The American Taliban and
Fundamentalists to Push Bible as Classroom "Knowledge"
and Bush,
the Neocons and Evangelical Christian Fiction: America "Left
Behind" - By Hugh Urban and The
Christian Right, Dominionism, and Theocracy
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC. and
President Says "Intelligent Design" Religion, Not
Science and
refer to Battlefield
Earth - By Bill Moyers and The
Godly Must Be Crazy - By
Glen Scherer
and Rapture
or Rupture? - By Bryan
Zepp Jamieson.
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney and Resurgence
Of Religious Right Among Top Concerns -
evangelicals turning up in elite circles, schools - By Laurie
Goodstein and David D. Kirkpatrick
- The
New York Times/May 22, 2005. The
Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own
- By
Bob Moser - and
of Iraq and the Ushering in of Global Christendom and Pax-Americana
the Western press is awash with stories, real and exaggerated,
about ‘Islamic fundamentalists’, rarely is mention made about
Christian fundamentalists, who, with their vast resources and
close links with the current American administration, are a
potentially more menacing threat than their Muslim counterparts. According
to newspaper reports more than a third of Americans are associated
with one or the other Christian
fundamentalist outfit, most of which
are fiercely anti-communist, anti-Muslim and are passionate
advocates of free-market capitalism, global American hegemony and
the myth of the civilizing mission of white America. In recent
years, these fundamentalist groups have been engaged in aggressive
missionary work in other countries as well, including in the
so-called ‘Third World’. Fired by a passionate hatred for
other religions, which they dismiss as ‘false’ and even
‘Satanic’, they are today among the most well-funded
missionary groups in large parts of Asia and Africa.
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - Quotes
from The American Taliban and
Fundamentalists to Push Bible as Classroom "Knowledge"
and Bush,
the Neocons and Evangelical Christian Fiction: America "Left
Behind" - By Hugh Urban and The
Christian Right, Dominionism, and Theocracy
to As
America declines, the Bible thumpers take hold
- By Ramesh Rao -
of Page
Impressing the Whites: The New
International Slavery - excerpts
"The West, then, appears to me as a juggernaut which
crushes people and cultures for insensate reasons."
– Serge
Latrouche, The
Westernization of the World.
How pervasive is this phenomenon? So pervasive, in fact, that
a cursory examination of Indian bestseller lists suggests that
virtually no literary book by an Indian writer working in English
will make it really big in demi-white enclaves such as Mumbai unless
it impresses the hell out of the whites in London or New York.
That’s the new destiny, the new Promised Land, the new
karma of the favorite sons of Mother Ganga and has been,
particularly since the mid-ninteenth century when Lord
Macaulay, smuggling in the guise of educating the
natives, dealt the coup de grace to an already battered Indian
Indian poet and Mahatma Rabindranath
Tagore complained that Indians noticed his existence only
after he had won the Nobel Prize (and then they became insufferably,
intrusively sycophantic). Even Gandhi
was accepted as an Indian leader only after he had impressed the
whites in South Africa, and as a world leader only after he had
impressed the whites in America and England.
a yogic feat, what a giant leap for one of the world’s oldest,
greatest, and philosophically exalted cultures: from becoming one
with Brahman, from escaping the cycle of maya and rebirth, to
impressing the whites in our lives….
Even Indians in India know that in the larger scheme of
things, it is the West that makes the rules. Once you impress the
Westerners – by being an immaculate ape of their best, safest
writers, with Indian spices occasionally blended in for authenticity
and local color – Indians will worship you. If you impressed them,
you really must be good. Thus even in India, it is the West that
makes and breaks reputations….
Fifty years after we received our independence from the
British, at least according the history books and the official
documents, fifty years after the British judges and magistrates and
complaint-takers had finally departed,
Indians are still going to the British and to other Westerners with
complaints about their fellow Indians: wife beaters, caste-minded
bigots, bride burners, and sexists. And all of us were doing it,
from an unemployed engineer to Arundhati
Roy! It was intolerable!
Why milking the West is a major
Third World industry

Mishra, Vikram Seth, Amitav Ghosh and Arundhati Roy.
The product of an expensive and exclusive privately run school
modeled on English “public schools” such as Eton, Harrow, and
And it is this small circle that is projected by the
Western media to Western readers as the India. …all these public
school writers suffer from the disease of Subcontinental Shame…
more refer to chapter on Greater
India: Suvarnabhumi and
Sacred Angkor).
Mishra is the quintessential Macaulay’s
Child, as all English-speaking Indians are to greater or
lesser degree. For, like almost every other successful male Indian
writer writing in English these days and receiving some Western
recognition of Western proxies in India, he is a public school
product-meaning, the product of an
expensive and exclusive privately run school modeled on English
“public schools” such as Eton, Harrow, and Rugby.
While Rushdie attended the original article, Eton in Mother
Britannia, Vikram
Seth, Amitav
Ghosh, and others are alumni of the top Indian public
schools; Seth, Ghosh and Arundhati Roy were personally known to each
other in Delhi long before they became stars. What a coincidence,
indeed! Truly a small world.
And it is this
small circle that is projected by the Western media to Western
readers as the India. …all these public school writers suffer from
the disease of Subcontinental Shame…
(source: Impressing
the Whites: The New International Slavery - by Richard Crasta p. 1-16 and p. 93
- 94 and 115 -116). Refer to articles
and The
End of Imagination - by Arundhati Roy and The
vicious circle
- By
Also refer to Deepa
Mehta: Godmother of Anti Hinduism - By Ron Banerjee - Refer
to Who
Killed Our Culture? We Did
- By Youki
May 3 1999.
of Page
a Nation! Do secularists tolerate this? -
By M V Kamath
A slap on every Indian citizen’s face.
is rejoicing in our secular quarters that Modi has been slapped
in his face. They do not realise
that a slap on Modi’s face is a slap on every Indian
citizen’s face and some day they may know the consequences if
they care. Our intellectuals are good at bowing and scraping.
Their ancestors did that to the British.

Nazi Christian
Modi has been
tarnished (by the jholawalas or
rent-a cause activists) as a villain who is “Nazi-inspired”, a “Hindu
fundamentalist” whatever that means...
Refer to The
Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
- by Gregory S. Paul -
Nazis were Christians Too
Concordat between the Vatican and the Nazis
Cardinal Secretary of
State, Eugenio Pacelli (later to become Pope
Pius XII) signed the Concordat between Nazi Germany
and the Vatican at a formal ceremony in Rome on 20 July 1933. The
Concordat effectively legitimized Hitler and the Nazi government
to the eyes of Catholicism, Christianity, and the world.
to Nazi
photos -
turn they are doing it before the Americans. Modi has been
tarnished as a villain who is “Nazi-inspired”, a “Hindu
fundamentalist” whatever that means besides being an active
participant in crime against humanity, no less. A vicious
article in the Indian media by one Angana
described as Associate Professor
of Anthropology at
California Institute of Integral Studies
an example of the depths to which our intellectual degradation
can go.
(For more refer to
we made U.S deny visa to Modi -
By Angana Chatterji and
in Iraq: ‘not in our name’ - By Angana Chatterji - and Petition
to California Institute for Integral Studies.and Red
Badge of Umbrage – By Narayanan
Komerath -
Refer to
from The American Taliban.
Refer to Paris
Burning - Riots in France and
in France and Cars,
windows smashed in Sydney race riots
- Australia and
The Burningcross
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
to A
crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy -
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF. Refer
to Communismwatch
and cpmterror.
obviously does not know the history of riots in India, of their
origins and of their consequences. She is obviously not aware
that there have been scores of riots in different parts of the
country at different times, some more gruesome than others, all
occurring under Congress-ruled states and Congress Chief
Ministers, without a single honourable exception.
one were to describe them, as anti-Modi historians have
attempted to describe the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat, they
would come out more blood-soaked than the killings witnessed in
Gujarat in 2002. Were Angana to get a full report on how
innocent Sikh men, women and children were brutally killed by Congress
goondas following the assassination of Indira
Gandhi, for three continuous days without
interference either from the police or the Army, Angana would
possibly temper her language in cursing Modi.
Angana would be surprised to know that more Sikhs
were killed during those riots than were Muslims in Gujarat.
Incidentally many Hindus were also killed during police firing. The point is not that Congress in some
ways is a more criminalised party than the BJP. We in India are
living in times of stress but what happens in India is our
business, not that of the United States of America.
Indira Gandhi and Jagdish Tytler
A Full report on how innocent Sikh men, women and children were
brutally killed by Congress goondas following the assassination
of Indira Gandhi
freedom? Is there religious freedom in Saudi Arabia? Will Riyadh
permit a Hindu temple to be set up in forget Mecca or Medina
even Riyadh itself? And yet Saudi princes get royal treatment
when they visit the United States. What sort of
religious freedom is there in Pakistan where scores of Hindu
temples have been desecrated and where, until a couple of weeks
ago, not even a crematorium was allowed to be set up?
while we are at it, may one ask whether there is any chance for
a Hindu who dies in Spain or Portugal to get cremated there? A dead Hindu in these states has to have his
body flown over to London for getting cremated. Cremation is not
permitted in Catholic countries. The US has falsely implicated
the National
Human Rights Commission (India) for damning Modi. But a top NHRC official has denied
condemning Modi. The news agency UNI quotes the official as
saying, that the Bush Administration has blown its observations
over the 2002 riots out of proportion.
manner in which US soldiers have been ill-treating
prisoners of war is shocking beyond words. Some of them
are not even POWs but plain detainees.
California professor speaks of genocide. What the US under
Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon practised in Vietnam
was genocide, pure and simple. What Pakistani Jehadis
are practising in Jammu &
Kashmir (Refer to Called
And the World Remained Silent and Refer
to Kashmir
is again, genocide. Thousands of Kashmir
Pundits have been driven out of their homes and are living in
utmost degradation because of sheer terrorism practised by
Pakistani terrorists supported by successive Pakistani regimes.
Are the hands of General Musharraf clean? Why is he being
honoured and feted?
does not pay. As for our secularists, the less said the better.
By supporting the US government they have shown their true face.
Cowards come in many colours. And they are the first ones to
sell their country to a foreigner.
a nation! Do secularists tolerate this? - By M V Kamath - For
more on Indian secularists, refer to Lies
catch up with Arundhati Roy -
and State
Repression in the Narmada Valley - by Angana Chatterji
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Refer
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Sunshine of Secularism. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion
Priests Molest Third World Nuns to Avoid AIDS
refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity. Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
to White
House Defends Human Rights Record
and Iraq
Torture - memory and Human
Rights News. Refer to
Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica?
- By Alex Pomero
and Christians
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - Refer
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind Kumar
to A
crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy -
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF
Refer to Paris
Burning - Riots in France and
in France and Cars,
windows smashed in Sydney race riots
- Australia.
rejecting Modi's Diplomatic visa, the US really said to the
effect: We have no faith in the Indian constitution, judiciary
and democracy. This was a wrong and hasty move on US's part.
Eventually the US will realize that. While
the US denied Modi a visa based on religious and human rights
violations, it paradoxically ignores the Human Rights Watch’s
denunciation of countries such as Saudi Arabia, China, and
Pakistan (all autocracies) when granting diplomatic visas to
their leaders. Surely, these countries aren’t exactly a
shining epitome of religious freedom.
Eagle is
the US State Department's 'human rights' rap induces a yawn, it
is by far the most laughable sign of US blinkeredness and
Here are two priceless nuggets
in the pompously titled report, 'Supporting Human Rights and
Democracy: The US Record 2004-2005'. The
UPA has been patted for addressing "human rights
concerns" by rewriting school textbooks to rid them of
'Hindu nationalist propaganda'. US President George W Bush has
never been strong on general knowledge.
So one may excuse his
regime's cluelessness about the Indian Left's
commie-pamphleteering with school textbooks, or the Congress's
similar feat with Nehru-Gandhi hagiography. But since the report
bashes the Gujarat regime for not recalling old textbooks, the
US should have checked the facts. If, as is obvious, it refers
to eighth grade social studies books which mention Adolf Hitler,
the US State Department should have wagged its finger at the
Congress which fixed the 1986 curriculum, not Mr Modi. Again,
the report regrets tardy Gujarat riots-related judicial
processes and "witness intimidation". For
Globocop, it would seem, the Godhra
carnage never happened.
Nor did star witness-turned-star perjurer Zaheera
Sheikh bash her own 'secular'
Activists ?
the US has lent ear to the jholawalas
and Arundhati
Roy-type "global
citizens" of the world, who have made India-bashing a
profitable career. But itself accused by these
worthies of every crime from neo-imperialism to terrorism, the
US should be aware of the antecedents of its input-providers. Rent-a-cause
activists and NGOs have one agenda:
To weaken the authority of states-that's what brings in funds
(from dubious sources) and publicity. Uncle Sam isn't
exactly their pin-up boy. India has been trashed for supping
with America's capitalist sharks. It has been bashed for
globalising. Its developmental model has been spat at as
'West-inspired'. Its reforms process has been called a sell-out
to 21st century colonisers. If the US is appeasing these
pogram? India
has for the first time published detailed figures on the number
of people killed in the religious riots in the western state of
Gujarat in 2002. The
government told parliament that 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were
killed, 223 more people reported missing and another 2,500
riot death toll revealed - BBC). Refer to Anti-U.S.
Riot Turns Deadly in Afghanistan
Anti-U.S. Protests Erupt in Afghanistan Over Quran
Desecration Report; 4 Dead, 71 Injured - Shouting "Death to
America!" more than 1,000 demonstrators rioted and threw
stones at a U.S. military convoy Wednesday, as protests spread
to four Afghan provinces over a report that interrogators desecrated
Islam's holy book at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) has only just
condemned US abuses in Iraq. And Amnesty
International has mocked it for sermonising
without turning the mirror inward-Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are
just two monstrous warts it would see. Indeed, the US's rights
report has been ridiculed as "a business ethics manual
published by Enron"!
if one granted, for argument's sake, that India has erred, it
has done so with its own people. If it
were to match the US's 'rights' record, it would need to use a
nuke or two a la Hiroshima, or develop butchering techniques a
la Vietnam's My Lai. Or, perhaps, it would have to go with its
own WMD into sitting duck nations falsely accused of building
WMD. Thankfully, India is too civilised to have a 'preemptive'
bible telling it that other people's human rights weigh less
than its own.
Eagle is blinded - The Pioneer Edit
April 1, 2005).
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Refer
to Communismwatch
and cpmterror.
'Revoke visas of Congmen accused in
'84 riots'
Akali Dal has joined political shadow-boxing over
the US revoking diplomatic visa to Gujarat Chief Minister
Narendra Modi. The party wants similar retribution against
Congress leaders accused of flaring anti-Sikh 1984 riots.
"Washington has cited a law banning foreign officials
deemed responsible for severe violation of religious freedom.
This law should also apply to certain ruling Congress
politicians blamed for the killing of thousands of Sikhs in the
aftermath of the assassination of then Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi," Mr Dhindsa said.
The Akalis, part of the opposition
National Democratic Alliance (NDA), have consistently blamed
Congress administration in Delhi at the time for turning a blind
eye when several thousand Sikhs were targeted in mob violence.
"Unfortunately, the people who have faced trials for the
1984 massacre are occupying key positions in the Congress
government today. The US should apply the same approach towards
them also, Mr Dhindsa said.
Carnage was organised by Congress
leaders: Nanavati
GT Nanavati Commission report
on the 1984 anti-Sikh riots is certain to resurrect the ghost of
the biggest ever holocaust of post-independence India.
Describing the riots of 1984 as an
"organised carnage," the report says, "local
Congress leaders and workers had either incited or helped the
mobs in attacking the Sikhs. But
for the backing and help of influential and resourceful persons,
killing of Sikhs so swiftly and in large numbers could not have
happened.” Although the report exonerates the
Congress High Command, it indicts Delhi Police of dereliction of
duty and points an accusing finger at prominent Congress MPs of
the time, notably Dharam Das Shastri, HKL Bhagat, Sajjan Kumar
and Jagdish Tytler
(source: 'Revoke
visas of Congmen accused in '84 riots' -
and Carnage was organised by Congress
leaders: Nanavati -
- August 9 2005). Refer
to My
People, Uprooted: "A
Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal"
- By Tathagata Roy
to A
crime worse than Modi's - By Saisuresh Sivaswamy -
the Plight of Hindus refer
to Hindus
in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kashmir
- By Hindu American Foundation HAF. Refer
to White
House Defends Human Rights Record
Torture - memory and Human
Rights News.
Refer to Paris
Burning - Riots in France and
in France and Cars,
windows smashed in Sydney race riots
- Australia.
of Page
America ?
Hindus are labeled as Fascists, Communalists, Nationalists, fundamentalists,
thier activities are termed as Saffronization,
Hindutva is considered regressive, Muslims are labeled as Terrorists in
Western Media, but what about Conservative Christians
and Christian Fundamentalists who
want Christianize America and have a separate state ?).
James Kennedy, one of the most important and influential of
today’s evangelical leaders:
job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. We
are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our
neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and
arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news
media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect
and institution of human society.”
H Foxman writes: "Make no mistake: We are facing an emerging
Christian Right leadership that intends to “Christianize”
all aspects of American life, from the halls of government to
the libraries, to the movies, to recording studios, to the
playing fields and locker rooms of professional, collegiate and
amateur sports, from the military to SpongeBob SquarePants. Southern
want to convert us while we are alive, and Mormons
want to convert us when we are dead."
is the largest religion in the USA - 76.5%, Judaism - 1.3%,
Islam - 0.5%, Buddhism - 0.5% and Hinduism - 0.4%).
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
Refer to The
Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? -
Ramapriya Abraham
Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud
- By By Greg Szymanski
6, 2007
in America’s Public Square: Are We Crossing the Line? - By
Abraham H. Foxman ADL National Commission Meeting). Refer
to Intelligent
designers are out to Christianize America - Advocates of intelligent design aren’t really
scientists. They’re theologians. And they’re determined to
root every last vestige of non-Christianity out of American
American Christian Evangelicals support Israel?
The primary reason is that according to the Old
Testament, Israel was given to the Jews by God. Fundamentalist
Christians believe that in order for Jesus to return, two
preconditions are Jewish control of the land of Israel and
the conversion of the Jews to Christianity.
for Holy Land theme park on Galilee shore where Jesus fed the
5,000 - Refer to
blamed Sharon stroke on policy of "dividing God's land".
Refer to chapter on Conversion.
A state of
government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on
the Christian religion." - U.S. Senate ratified in 1797.
In the South Carolina of
their dreams, abortion would be illegal, the Ten Commandments
would be proudly displayed, public schools would be a thing of
the past, taxes would be severely limited, and property rights
would be paramount.
And if the federal government tried to interfere, well, they'd
secede. Their idea, however, is as old as America: a haven for
like-minded people with a government run according to their
particular religious lights.
Intent on protecting themselves from such worldly influences as
the theory of evolution and
the seductions of Hollywood, conservative Christians often cited
a biblical injunction: ''Therefore come out from them, and be
separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean;
then I will welcome you." To Cory
Burnell, founder of Christian
Exodus, that political activity isn't enough. He
wants something more radical -- a kind of Christian free state.
''We believe that Christ's admonition to go and make disciples
of all nations does not exclude any facets of life,""Our
Christian republic has declined into a Pagan
democracy," says Cory Burnell.
Burnell, 29, said by telephone from his Valley Springs, Calif.,
home. ''We're asking people to move and do something new. Our
intent is to put men in office who will do what [ousted Alabama
Supreme Court chief justice] Roy Moore did -- defy the federal
The group's goal is to have 2,500 members in two upstate South
Carolina counties by September 2006, and as many as 12,000 by
(source: A
state of Christianity? - By Paul Nussbaum, Knight Ridder 7/31/2005
and The
Dark Side of Christian History - By Helen Ellerbe
p. 183). Christians
look to form'new nation' within U.S. Refer
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind
Kumar - For more on Christian
Fundamentalism Agenda in USA, refer to A
conflict between science and God -
By Martin
Kettle - Guardian and
and Sikhs Protest Curriculum Changes in Calif. Textbooks and
Quotes from The American
Taliban and
Fundamentalists to Push Bible as Classroom "Knowledge" and
the Neocons and Evangelical Christian Fiction: America "Left Behind"
- By Hugh Urban and The
Christian Right, Dominionism, and Theocracy
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC. and
President Says "Intelligent Design" Religion, Not Science.
Also refer to Battlefield
Earth - By Bill Moyers and
against Christmans and The
Battle against Christmas and
Godly Must Be Crazy - By
Glen Scherer
and Rapture
or Rupture? - By Bryan
Zepp Jamieson.
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney.
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America.
against Christmas? Conservative
Christians claim
there is a stealthy "war on Christmas" under way, and
they are gathering their forces, mostly lawyers and talk-show
hosts, to fight back. They argue that Christmas has become almost
a dirty word in a politically correct society, where "merry
Christmas" is being replaced by "happy
holiday" on greetings cards and public displays so as not to
make people of other faiths feel excluded.
Tree – A Pagan Custom ?
Some Christian groups and
conservatives like Bill
O’Reilly are outraged that a small handful of
businesses and communities have started calling Christmas trees,
“holiday trees. They see this as an attack on Christmas.
Apparently Christmas trees are now sacred. But there once was a
time when many Christians considered Christmas trees to be
trees were originally a pagan
symbol used in celebrations
marking the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, which
falls on December 21 or 22. Ancient pagan religions in Northern
Europe used the boughs of evergreen trees as symbols that life
continued despite the waning of the sun. Germans
adopted the trees as a Christian symbol sometime in the 16th and
17th Centuries. The tree as a symbol of Christmas slowly spread
throughout Europe. While some Christians embraced it, others
condemned it.
The pagans (like Hindus
celebrate Nature) of northern Europe celebrated the their own winter
solstice, known as Yule. Yule was symbolic of the
pagan Sun God, Mithras,
being born, and was observed on the shortest day of the year.
Mithras is the Roman name for the Indo-Iranian god Mitra, or
Mithra, as he was called by the Persians.
is part of the Hindu pantheon. As the Sun God grew and
matured, the days became longer and warmer. It was customary to
light a candle to encourage Mithras, and the sun, to reappear next
year. The tree is the one symbol that unites almost all the
northern European winter solstices. Live evergreen trees were
often brought into homes during the harsh winters as a reminder to
inhabitants that soon their crops would grow again. Evergreen
boughs were sometimes carried as totems of good luck and were
often present at weddings, representing fertility. The Druids used
the tree as a religious symbol, holding their sacred ceremonies
while surrounding and worshipping huge trees. In 350, Pope Julius
I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December
25. The holiday of
Christmas has always been more Pagan than Christian, with it's
associations of Nordic divination, Celtic fertility rites, and
Roman Mithraism. That is why both Martin Luther and John Calvin
abhorred it, why the Puritans refused to acknowledge it, much less
celebrate it, and why it was even made illegal in Boston!
And many of them (like Oedipus, Theseus, Hercules, Perseus, Jason,
Dionysus, Apollo, Mithra, Horus and even Arthur) possessed a
narrative of birth, death, and resurrection that was uncomfortably
close to that of Jesus. And to make matters worse, many of them
pre-dated the Christian Saviour).
was a formidable competitor of early
Christianity. Renan’s observation has often been
quoted that if Christianity had failed, the whole of Europe would
have been Mithraist. Before Mithraism, which no longer survives as
a form of worship, could be suppressed and its temples in Rome
demolished by Christians, Christianity adopted many of its
doctrines and ceremonies. The Mithraic traditions and doctrines
are collected in the Avesta, and a yasht, a special hymn of
praise, is dedicated to Mtihra. Mithra is the Persian name of the Vedic
Mitra, the deity of light and truth,
warring against the powers of darkness in association of Varuna.
In India he was, in fact, regarded as the sun. In Vedic texts, the
connection between Mithra and the bull, which later became the
focal point of Mithraism, is perhaps more cleary found than in the
Avesta. Mithraism appears to have come to the Roman
Empire from Iran. The worshippers of Mithra were called
“Soldiers of Mithra” which is probably the origin of the term
“Soldiers of Christ’ and the exhortations to Christians to
“put the armor of light”, Mithra being the God of Light.
Mithra was also called the Good Shepherd and Mithra was addresses
as Dominus, Sunday must have been the “Lord’s Day” long
before Christian times. Concepts such as “the blood of the
Lamb” or “Taurus the Bull” were similarly borrowed from
Cromwell (1500 - 1658) the Lord Protector of England
(1653 to 1658) and a devout Calvinist, preached against “the
traditions of decorating Christmas trees and condemned any joyful
expression of Christmas as desecration of “that sacred event.
Colonial Puritans
(those men who supposedly established the United States as a
‘Christian nation’) considered the display of Christmas trees
“pagan mockery of Christmas.
(source: America's
right rally to protect a Christmas 'under siege' and
and World Civilization By D.
P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p. 98 - 103 and Oh
Christmas Tree - By
Michael Coblenz - interventionmag,com and
Holidays). Refer
to The
Battle Against Christmas and Concerned
Women for America. Refer
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney
The Burningcross
more refer to chapter on Nature
Worship and Hinduisms
'Christian' Website Mixes Killing & Evangelism ?
The website is FORCEMINISTRIES -
and sports a flashy animated intro featuring men with automatic
weapons ready, willing and able to kill... apparently for Christ!
"Imparting" faith in Christ with an AK-47?? The website is
listed officially as part of the TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network).
'Christian'Website Mixes Killing & Evangelism -
to Christian
Televangelist Calls for Venezuelan President's Assassination
- Religious
broadcaster Pat Robertson
and founder of Christian
Coalition of America and a former
presidential candidate,
suggested on-air that American operatives
assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country
from becoming ''a launching pad for communist infiltration and
Muslim extremism.''
the video of Robertson's statement, thanks to,
(Note: The infamous
evangelist Pat Robertson has on many occasions called Hindus
“demonic” and mocked them by saying "Hindus are looking for
the wrong God" while on a recent missionary tour in India).
to Christian
Pat Robertson Denounces Hinduism as "Demonic - Hinduism
Today July 1995. Refer
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind Kumar - Refer
to Quotes
from The American Taliban. Refer to The
Historical Roots of America's Christian Fundamentalism and
Psychology of Christian Fundamentalism
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - Refer
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney.
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
of Page
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