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Eurocentrism and
some their Eurocentrism (or Graeco-centrism) is so deeply
entrenched that they cannot bring themselves to face the idea of
independent developments in early Indian mathematics, even as a
remote possibility.
good illustration of this blinkered
vision is provided by a widely respected historian of
mathematics at the turn of this century, Paul
Tannery. Confronted with the evidence from Arab
sources that the Indians were the first to use the sine function
as we know it today, Tannery devoted himself to seeking ways in
which the Indians could have acquired the concept from the
Greeks. For Tannery, the very fact that
the Indians knew and used sines in their astronomical
calculations was sufficient evidence that they must have had it
from the Greeks. But why this tunnel vision? The
following quotation from G. R. Kaye
(1915) is illuminating:
achievements of the Greeks in mathematics and art form the most
wonderful chapters in the history of civilization, and these
achievements are the admiration of western scholars. It is
therefore natural that western investigators in the history of
knowledge should seek for traces of Greek influence in later
manifestations of art, and mathematics in particular."
is particularly unfortunate that Kaye is still quoted as an
authority on Indian mathematics. Not only did he
devote much attention to showing the derivative nature of Indian
mathematics, (Attempts to show the derivative nature of Indian
sciences, and especially its supposed Greek roots, continue even
today. For example, David Pingree
has prepared a chronology of Indian astronomy which is notable
for the absence of any Indian presence!) usually on dubious
linguistic grounds (his knowledge of Sanskrit was such that he
depended largely on indigenous ‘pandits’ for translations of
primary sources), but he was prepared to neglect the weight of
contemporary evidence and scholarship to promote his own
viewpoint. So while everyone else claimed that The
Manuscript was written or copied from an earlier
text dating to the first few centuries of the Common era, Kaye
insisted that it was no older than the 12th century
A.D. Again, while the Arab sources
unanimously attributed the origin of our present-day numerals to
the Indians, Kaye was of a different opinion. And the
distortions that resulted from Kaye’s work have to be taken
seriously because of his influence on Western historians of
mathematics, many of whom remained immune to findings which
refuted Kaye’s inferences and which established the strength
of the alternative position much more effectively than is
generally recognized.
tunnel vision is not confined to mathematics alone. Surprised
at the accuracy of information on the preparation of alkalis
contained in an early Indian textbook on medicine (Susruta
Samhita) dating to few centuries
BCE, the eminent chemist and historian of the subject, Marcelin
(1827-1909) suggested that this was
a later insertion, after the Indians had come into contact with
European chemistry!
Eurocentric tendency has done more harm, because it rode upon
the political domination imposed by the West, which imprinted
its own version of knowledge on the rest of the world.
The geographical location of India made her throughout
history an important meeting-place of nations and cultures. This
enabled her from the very beginning to play an important role in
the transmission and diffusion of ideas. The traffic was often
two-way, with Indian ideas and achievements traveling abroad as
easily as those from outside entered her own consciousness.
Archaeological evidence shows both cultural and commercial
contacts between Mesopotamia and the Indus valley. Certain
astronomical calculations of the longest and shortest day
included in the Vedanga Jyotisa,
the oldest extant Indian astronomical text, have close parallels
with those used Mesopotamia.
Some sources even credit Pythagoras
with having traveled as far as India in search of knowledge,
which may explain some of the close parallels between Indian and
Pythagorean philosophy and religion. These parallels include:
- a
belief in the transmigration of souls;
- the
theory of four elements constituting matter;
- the
reasons for not eating beans;
- the
structure of the religio-philosophical character of the
Pythagorean fraternity, which resembled Buddhist monastic
orders; and
- the
contents of the mystical speculations of the Pythagorean
schools, which bear a striking resemblance of the Hindu Upanishads.
According to Greek tradition, Pythagoras, Thales, Empedocles,
Anaxagoras, Democritus and others undertook journey to the East
to study philosophy and science. By the time Ptolmaic Egypt and
Rome’s Eastern empire had established themselves just before
the beginning of the Common era, Indian civilization was already
well developed, having founded three great religions –
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism – and expressed in writing some
subtle currents of religious thought and speculation as well as
fundamental theories in science and medicine. There are
scattered references to Indian science in the literary sources
from countries to the west of India after the time of Alexander.
In a letter Aristotle wrote to his pupil Alexander in India, he
warns of the danger posed by intimacy with a
‘poison-maiden’, who had been fed on poison from her infancy
so that she could kill merely by her embrace!
crest of the peacock: Non-European roots of Mathematics - By
George Gheverghese Joseph p.
1 - 18 and 215 - 216
of Page
offers False Hope – says Pope Benedict (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger)
"I can hardly see how anyone
ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain
language of the text seems to show that the men who do not
believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost
all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is
a damnable doctrine."
- wrote Charles
Darwin (1809 -1882) naturalist known for his The
Theory of Evolution.
lost all faith in a beneficent God and saw Christianity as
futile. Refer to article - The
Evolution Wars -
Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud
- By By Greg Szymanski
6, 2007
towards other Faiths – In the eyes of a Christian, all who do
not belief in Christ are damned
eternally." "To
burn in the fires of hell".
a true Christian’s ideal world, all humans will be
"saved". This means that the whole world would have to
be Christian and all other faiths must be destroyed. Just this
statement alone proves what is wrong with this Christian
(source: War
for Souls in Iraq and beyond - By Yoginder Sikand). Refer
to Truth
can kill the West - By
M.S.N. Menon - Truth can kill the West—the truth
about Christianity. It is all in the Dead
Sea scrolls.
Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never
give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian
- Abraham
(American Statesman, 1809-1865). Also
refer to The
Dark Bible -
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975)
was one of the most profound
philosophers of this century,
author and educationalist has observed:
dogmatisms are the vehicles of human pride and not humility.
Faith cannot be opposed to reason. The
weakness of these narrow orthodoxies is a spiritual cowardice, the
failure to face realities. They are likely to destroy religion
Hinduism the attitude of freedom and generosity to other faiths is
bound up with the conviction that the religious life has its source
and certainty in the eternal deeps of man's soul.
Christian religion inherited the Semitic creed of the 'jealous God'
in the view of Christ as 'the only begotten son of God', and so
could not brook any rival near the throne. When Europe accepted the
Christian religion, in spite of its own broad humanism, it accepted
the fierce intolerance which is the natural result of belief in 'the
truth once for all delivered to the saints'.
Wilhelm Hauer
(1881-1961) a
missionary in India and an official exponent of "the German
faith", and a Sanskrit scholar, who gave to the
Bhagavad Gita,
a central place in the German faith. A
Basle missionary, later professor
of Indology, eventually leader in the neo-pagan Germanic religious
movement, says:
claims to possess the absolute truth, and with this claim is bound
up the idea that men can only achieve salvation in one way, through
Christ, and that it must send to the stake those whose faith and
life do not conform, or pray for them till they quit the error of
their ways for the Kingdom of God. "
Professor Hauer, who
spent some years in India as a Christian missionary, is much
impressed by the Hindu attitude of toleration.
He says: "If
the attitude and the conviction, that there is only one road to
truth and one way to God, form an inalienable characteristic of
Christianity, then Christianity is fundamentally opposed to the
German genius."
(source: Eastern
Religions & Western Thought - By. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
p. 285 - 288). Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America.
Refer to
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
the Bible says that "God is love," Christianity has shed
more blood and perpetrated more cruelty than any other religion in
the world."
- G W Foote and J M Wheeler,
authors of Crimes
of Christianity. Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887.
Salvation outside Church ?
A Vatican document of 1990, Redemptoris
Mssion (“The
Redeemer’s Mission”) confirms that “dialogue”
is still a means of conversion rather than a meeting between equals.
Winand Callewaert, a prominent
Catholic Indologist summarized:
“The Church is by definition missionary….For our subject,
it is important to note that RM strongly emphasizes the need of
missionary activity in Asia. For this mission, ‘dialogue’ and
‘inculturation’ are recommended as the best strategies. The
challenge consists in tuning that dialogue to the primordial goal.
Viz. evangelization…After all, (RM
declares) ‘the obvious road to salvation is the
Church, which alone is entrusted with the fullness of the instrument
of salvation’. RM continues to assert that ‘Christ is the only
redeemer of all men’. The only mediator between God and men’.
The Hindu Mind - Ideological Development of Hindu Revivalism
- By Koenraad Elst Rupa & Co. January 2001
ISBN 8171675190 p
282. originally cited in Christenen in India – W Callewaert – India
(Brussels) June 1995. p. 17- 20).
Pope Benedict
said, offers ‘false hope’; it guarantees ‘purification’
based on a ‘morally cruel’ concept of reincarnation
resembling ‘a continuous circle of hell’.
In 1997 Ratzinger annoyed Buddhists
by calling their religion an ‘autoerotic
spirituality’ that offers ‘transcendence without imposing
concrete religious obligations’… The Cardinal predicted
Buddhism would replace Marxism as the Catholic Church’s main
enemy this century.
Cardinal Ratzinger had even
more choice words for those who are not Catholic:
… Dominus Jesus, the major Vatican
document released… by Cardinal Ratzinger… called other world
religions “gravely deficient,” denied that other religions
can offer salvation independent of Christianity, and said
non-Catholic Christian churches have “defects” and are not
“churches” at all in the proper sense.
(source: Hinduism
offers false hope – Pope Benedict (Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger) -
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Sunshine of Secularism.
refer to chapter on Conversion.
Also refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity and
Priests Molest Third World Nuns to Avoid AIDS.
to Crimes
of the Popes - by G W Foote and J M
to Can
Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica?
By Alex Pomero and Christians
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - Also refer to and
Dark Legacy
and Dutch
Christians Target Hindus for Conversion. Also
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC). Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
Dying In The West? - By M S N Menon
Christianity is dying
in the West. But it is springtime for
Christianity in Asia and elsewhere. A Paradox? No. The
Pope himself says so. According to Pope
Benedict, "there is no longer evidence in the
western world for a need of God, even less of Christ."
Dear Hindu reader, are
you listening? Do you know the implications of what he says?
Perhaps not. But you should know-Christianity is in decline in
the West because the West is ashamed of the Christian God Yahweh,
who used to drink human blood, and it is flourishing in Asia
because Asians are still under the spell of religion. A
commission of Bishops (of York and Canterbury), after 16 years of
research, declared that the Bible story of the crucifixion and
resurrection of Christ was incorrect. It is this lack
of proper evidence of his life and work, which made Ian
Wilson, author of Jesus:
The Evidence
conclude: "There is scarcely a crumb of information to
compel a belief in Jesus' existence." Rudolf
Bultmann, the greatest New Testament theologian of
the 20th century, almost said the same thing. Ernest
Kasemann, a specialist on the New Testament at the
Tubingen University, says of the research on the life of Jesus:
"One is overwhelmed by how little of the accounts about Jesus
in the New Testament can be called authentic! Among the
distinguished theologians, who authored the book was Prof.
Maurice Wiles, Professor of Divinity at the
University of Oxford. They said; "The historical Jesus never
presented himself as incarnate."
(source: Christianity
Dying In The West?
- By M S N Menon -
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind Kumar
to From
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation
and American
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - Also
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).
Refer to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
to the Bhagavad Gita, even
those who worship other gods (anyadevatah), ancestral deities,
elemental powers, if they do so with faith, then their faith is
justified, for the Divine accepts every form conceived by the
Religions & Western Thought - By. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
310 - 319).
this war on Hinduism?-
two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because
they are not based on human experience but on spurious and
fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human
beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic
conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For
instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and
force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or
helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to
stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be
wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.
this war on Hinduism? - By
George Thundiparambil
- Refer
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
of Page
for Religious Conversion ?
Gladys Staines and Stained Padma
Gandhi (1869-1948) said:
" I
am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth
Young India
1-12-26). For more refer to chapter on Quotes).
of the nation, had called
religious conversions a
fraud on humanity.
He also considered
missionaries as "a
clear libel on Indian humanity."
are harmful to India. If I had the power and could legislate I
should certainly stop all proselytizing.''
Repudiation," Young India, 4 March 1926, in Collected
Works, vol. 30 (1968), 70. The
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume
46. p.110 and Volume 61, p. 46-47 volume 64, p. 37 and 400
New Delhi 1968. For
more refer to
Gandhi on
The Christian Missionary Menace
- Compiled by Swami Aksharananda).
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database and
chapter on Conversion.
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America.
Refer to
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
As is clear
from the Mahatma's polemic against the Christian missionaries,
he was first and foremost a Hindu, who opposed all designs to
destroy Hindu culture.
Friedrich Heiler (1892 - 1967) He was a professor of history of religions and he writes in Hibbert Journal,
January 1954, p. 112 – 113:
“It is only too true that Christianity has been disgraced
by inexplicable crimes that are not found in the same form and
degree in any of the other great religions. Neither Islam nor
Buddhism nor Hinduism has slaughtered anything like as many human
beings for their beliefs as have the Christian Churches…With
the stain of this disgrace upon it how can Christianity claim to
be absolute, compared with the incomparably less tainted
non-Christian religions?
(source: The
Present Crisis of Faith - By S Radhakrishnan
p. 74).
to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan - and The
aren't equal, Vatican says
A new Vatican
declaration issued yesterday says that only faithful Catholics
can attain full salvation from earthly sin, and that other
beliefs - including Protestant Christian ones - have defects
that render them inferior.
The goal, according to a top Vatican official, is to combat the
"so-called theology of religious pluralism," which
suggests that Catholics are on par in God's eyes with, say,
Jews, Muslims or Hindus.
(source: Religions
aren't equal, Vatican says).
refer to chapter on Conversion.
Christian Church establishment in India is also involved in
anti-nationalist activities as it supports various separatist
movements throughout the country. Over the past few
years the news has trickled out that from Kerala
to Tripura the Christian
Church financially supports the naxals and other like-minded
terrorist outfits in the country. Especially, in Tripura, the
Church authorities threaten innocent Hindus with reprisals from
the naxalites if they do not convert to Christianity.
Similar atrocities are repeated by these Christian missionaries
on a daily basis throughout the country, hence the RSS hit the
bulls eye when it proclaimed that the Christian Church should be
nationalized and freed from the strongholds of its foreign
masters. In its blind fit to proselytize the Church
establishment in India has essentially become a criminal
organization which enjoys financial support from sympathetic
Christian nations around the globe. This establishment poses a
great threat to the unity of India and it must be steered in the
right direction or crushed if necessary before it gains too much
power." – By
Vikram Chobe author of The
Sinister Designs of Christian Missionaries in India.
Marxists Historian Criticizes Hindu Proselytism in West
statements published by the Indian Catholic agency, SAR News,
Marxist historian Romila
Thapar says
that fact that Hindu fundamentalist groups that criticize
Catholics for converting their members is rather ironic, when
Hindu groups like the RSS and VHP are on a conversion spree,
initiating hordes of tribals into the Hindu fold in various
parts of India.
you think Christian missionaries are really doing selfless
work;" "Do you think it is proper to exploit the
poverty of people to induce them into conversion" etc.
Thapar explained that the Hindu missionaries who have gone
abroad in recent years are not the "best representatives of
our civilization. They are not 'alter Sankaracharyas'; they lack
the dignity and the stature of an Asian figure like the Dalai
Lama. One wishes they would project a better image of their
even makes her think she and her coterie are the best
representatives of India? Who
paid for the Kluge
Chair in
the LOC - Library of Congress ? Refer
to chapter on
invasion theory.
the educational system set up before the Hindutva tampering is
so good, why does the average Indian suffer from an inferiority
complex? Why is it that the average Indian student is totally
ignorant of his heritage?
When India has
provided some of the greatest innovations in mathematics from
the numeric system, the concept of zero, the decimal system, the
basic algebra etc, why is it that the average Indian student is
not even aware of it?
Why is that we
read of only Pythagoras and Archimedes? Why doesn't Aryabhatta
or other Indian mathematicians or scientists figure in our
When even Goethe
salutes Kalidasa
in his Faust, how come our students read only Wordsworth and
Keats? Why not Ashvaghosa
instead of Shakespeare? Why not the Panchatantra
instead of the Canterbury Tales?
Killed Our Culture? We Did
- By Youki
3 1999.
Marxists Historian Criticizes Hindu Proselytism in West - and 'History
is, has been, and will be written by the winners' - Also
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion
Priests Molest Third World Nuns to Avoid AIDSAlso refer to
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity.
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind
Kumar -
to From
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation.
to Christian
Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America
and The
to The
Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney. Refer to Quotes
from The American Taliban.
to As
America declines, the Bible thumpers take hold
- By Ramesh Rao - Refer
to Communismwatch
and cpmterror.
to Can
Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica?
By Alex Pomero and Christians
have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - Also
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand -
is now 6% Christian-
2005 edition of the World Christian Database (
says that India is now 6% Christian. The government of India
last conducted a census on the Indian population in 2001 said
that Hindus were 81.4% of the population followed by Muslims at
12.4% and Christians at 2.3%. However, the more recent data from
the World Christian Database states that Hindus are now 74% of
the population and Christians are 6% of the population. The new
survey claims that Catholics have grown from 1.52% of the
population in 1970 to 1.66% in 2005. The
recent data suggests that the rampant and aggressive conversion
by Christian missionaries is much more widespread than
previously acknowledged.
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database).
to Who
Killed Our Culture? We Did - By Youki
May 3 1999.
A large number of foreigners have made India their home,
empathised with its people and worked shoulder-to-shoulder with
Indians because they fell in love with this land. Even during
the freedom struggle, several Britons distinguished themselves
by participating in the movement and rousing the conscience of
their own countrymen against the injustices perpetrated on
Indians by the colonial rulers.
A grateful India reciprocated by bestowing affection and
honour on the countless foreign-born men and women who helped
this country rediscover its self-esteem. In contemporary India,
too, there are many examples of such selfless dedication.
Therefore, the conferring of the Padma Bhushan on William Mark
Tully, for decades the BBC's voice in India and India's voice to
the world deserves unstinted commendation.
The same, sadly, cannot be said for the other
foreign-born recipient of this year's Padma awards. The
honouring of Ms Gladys Staines, widow of Australian missionary
Graham Staines, brutally murdered by
an irate mob in Orissa some years ago, defies all logic. A
person selected for such awards should be distinguished in
his/her field and bring glory to this country in some form. A
bewildered nation needs to be enlightened on Ms Staines'
contribution in this regard.
But, however tragic Graham Staines' killing, can it be
official policy to honour the widow of every person who dies in
mob violence?
are hundreds of foreign missionaries active in different parts
of the country, but controversy has always dogged their actions
because of the wide suspicion that their final goal remains proselytisation,
regardless of the camouflage. This may not be true in many
instances, but the popular anger against conversion-related
activities has often led the Government to ask many of them to
leave the country. Curiously, Ms Staines too left India "on
furlough" for her native Australia some time ago despite
averring that Orissa would remain her place of work. That raises
an additional question:
What were the
compelling reasons for honouring an absentee missionary?
What remarkable achievements has she notched up
on behalf of India since leaving the country's shores? There are
hundreds of foreign missionaries active in different parts of
the country, but controversy has always dogged their actions
because of the wide suspicion that their final goal remains
proselytisation, regardless of the camouflage.. She will rise in the country's
esteem if she were now to decline the politically motivated
Padma Shri conferred upon her. That will be an appropriate
rebuff to the misconceived agenda of bleeding-heart
jholawalas who have unfortunately
come to dominate decision-making layers of this Government.
was Gladys chosen for Padmashree when there are many of people
here who are much more eligible for such an honour?"
does not even want to stay in our country and yet we give her a
Padmashree. What about the large scale
conversion they were engaged in? This is unfair. She
does not deserve this honour."
(source: Stained
Padma - Editorial - - January 27 2005).
refer to chapter on Conversion
and India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database. Refer
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Priests Molest Third World Nuns to Avoid AIDS
Sunshine of Secularism. Also
refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity
this war on Hinduism?-
two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because
they are not based on human experience but on spurious and
fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human
beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic
conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For
instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and
force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or
helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to
stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be
wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.
this war on Hinduism? - By
George Thundiparambil
Refer to From
De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation
and American
Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War
- By Yoginder Sikand - Also
refer to and
Dark Legacy
and Dutch
Christians Target Hindus for Conversion. Refer
to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
of Page
the Buddhists with `God’s Armour
"Put on the full armor of God and fight with weapons of Spiritual
- Christian
Evangelist Luis Bush (Time, June 30, 2003).
through some old press clippings, I was reminded of this when I
read a statement by leading American Christian Evangelist Billy
Graham. He was defending himself against accusations of being an
anti-Semite, as reported in the New York Times of March 17,
2002. In the last paragraph of his statement he says:
“...hatred of anyone with different beliefs has no place in
the human mind or heart. I urge everyone to examine themselves
and renew their own hearts before God. Only the supernatural
love of God through changed lives can solve the problems that we
face in our world.”
Isn’t that funny? The man is obviously contradicting himself.
This is the mental sickness of all Christian evangelists. While
ostensibly denying they are opposed to other beliefs, they
cannot really consider as a religion, any faith devoid of
monotheism. Hence is the craze to “save non-Christian
souls.” It
was Sri Lanka'as Anglican Bishop
Lakdasa De Mel who declared over five decades ago
that the task of the Church would not be finished till the
remaining 90 per cent of the island's population were converted
to Christianity (The Revolt in the Temple).
Sri Lankan-born Dhammika
Akeemana, a long time U.S. resident, recalls Christian
evangelists on American TV stressing the need to convert
Buddhist and Hindu Asians who are “barbarians”: because they
believe “in many gods.”
This inane perception was
dramatically reflected many years ago in the celebrated trial in
which a young American high school teacher was tried in Dayton,
Tennessee in 1925 for denying the Divine creation of man. During
the trial, Defence Lawyer Clarence
Darrow, an agnostic, questioned relentlessly, Chief
Prosecutor William Jennings Bryan, a
Christian fundamentalist.

You have never in all
your life made any attempt to find out about other peoples of
the earth – how old their civilizations are, how long they
have existed on the earth – have you?” “I think they are very
Asked Darrow: “You have never in all
your life made any attempt to find out about other peoples of
the earth – how old their civilizations are, how long they
have existed on the earth – have you?”
Bryan: “No sir, I have been so well satisfied with the
Christian religion that I have spent no time trying to find
arguments against it. I have all the information I want to live
by and die by.”
Asked about the religions of Confucius and Buddha, Bryan
retorted: “I think they are very
inferior… The Christian religion has satisfied me,
and I have never felt it necessary to look up to some competing
religion.” (20th Century Journey - William L. Shirer)
Small wonder that evangelists have
virtually no respect for and understanding of Hinduism and
Buddhism. Christianity
has been used as a Trojan horse from the time it replaced
Paganism in Europe.
people who do not agree with them and then accusing those
violently provoked of intolerance and fanaticism has been the
evangelist strategy, since colonial times. We see plenty of
evidence of it today in Sri Lanka and India. Is there any other
reason for these proselytizers to open prayer houses in
predominantly Buddhist and Hindu areas?
the late 19th Century, foreign Christian missionaries, hand in
glove with Western powers, tried similar tactics (giving special
privileges and powers to Christians) in China. When enraged
Chinese peasants rose in revolt (the 1899-1901 `Boxer’
uprising) and killed not only foreign missionaries but also
Chinese Christians, the West promptly branded the rebels
barbarians and reactionaries. As in Central and Eastern Europe,
traditional religion in Asia is inextricably related to culture
and national heritage. The problem with the West is that it has
always been too outward bound. For the past several centuries it
has been trying to conquer and convert the world –
ideologically, culturally and economically. Christian
evangelists have formed part of this offensive.
the Buddhists with `God’s Armour’
- Also
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database).
refer to chapter on Conversion.
Also refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity
more refer to The Scopes
Trial of 1925
pitted William
Jennings Bryan against Clarence
Darrow and teacher
T. Scopes in an American
case that tested a law
passed on March
13, 1925,
which forbade the teaching, in any state-funded educational
establishment in Tennessee,
of "any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation
of man as taught in the Bible,
and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order
of animals").
to A
conflict between science and God - By Martin Kettle -
Crusade against science in Modern America - Three-quarters
of Americans, in other words, still do not accept what Darwin
established 150 years ago. Just under half of all Americans
believe the natural world was created in its present form by God
in six days as described in Genesis. They believe, incredibly,
that the earth is only a few thousand years old).
to Cornell
President Says "Intelligent Design" Religion, Not
Rawlings noted that this is not the first time evolution has
been challenged. Similar groundswells rose against it in the
1860s, shortly after Charles Darwin published "On the
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,'' and in the
1920s, culminating in the famous "monkey
involving Tennessee high school biology teacher John Scopes.
Evolution also was the focus again in 1987 when the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled that Louisiana's "Creationism Act'' was
comments aren't the first time in which Cornell has stepped up
to defend science. Cornell's first president, Andrew
Dickson White,
wrote a two-volume work, "A
History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom,''
in which he sought to provide his readers with a clear
distinction between theology and science.
Robertson tells Dover, PA citizens, after the election:
“Don’t turn to God if you need help”
On today’s 700
Club, Rev. Pat Robertson took the opportunity to strongly rebuke
voters in Dover, PA who removed from office school board members
who supported teaching faith-based “intelligent design” and
instead elected Democrats who opposed bringing up the possibility
of a Creator in the school system’s science curriculum. Rev.
Robertson warned the people of Dover that God might forsake the
town because of the vote.
refer to Dinosaurs,
evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC).
Refer to Quotes
from The American Taliban
of Page
Jayendra Saraswati punished for
countering Christian propaganda: RSS
leaders have said that Jayendra Saraswati, has been punished for
countering Christian conversion propaganda.
RSS chief KS
Sudarshan, has accused the Central government of harassing
Jayendra Saraswathi.
implicated in a series of cases, ranging from money laundering
to assaults, was earlier arrested in a case relating to the
murder of a temple official, Shankararaman, who incidentally was
also a bitter critic of the Seer. Saraswati ic was granted bail
in January, after nearly a month of detention and massive nation
wide protests by Hindu groups.
The RSS said
that the seer's extensive charity work was increasingly luring
India's poor away from Christian missionaries.
now the seer is being harassed and victimized and all this is
happening at the behest of the Central government. It is under
pressure from Christian missionaries who have been destabilized
by Shankaracharya. The number of hospitals, school and charity
organisations opened by him came as a boon for the poor
people," Sudarshan told thousands of party workers at a
conclave in Mangalore. (ANI)
(source: Jayendra Saraswati punished for countering Christian
propaganda: RSS.
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database).
refer to chapter on Conversion.
to Bible
thumpers: Americans
are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind
Kumar - Refer
to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
The Burningcross
of Page
unveils ancient Indian port city
The deadly tsunamis that crashed into the southern Indian
coast have unearthed priceless relics, including two granite
lions, buried under sand for centuries, archaeologists say. Archaeologists
from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) have descended on
the ancient seaport of Mahabalipuram, famed for its rock
carvings dating back to the great Pallava dynasty, to see the
sea has thrown up evidence of the grandeur of the Pallava
dynasty. These have been buried for centuries," the
archaeologal body's superintending archaeologist, T
Sathiamoorthy, told AFP late Thursday.
all very excited about these finds."
dynasty dominated much of South India from as early as the first
century BC to eighth century AD and Mahabalipuram is now
recognised as the site of some of the greatest architectural and
sculptural achievements in India. Among the tsunami
"gifts" found in Mahabalipuram, are the remnants of a
stone house and a half-completed rock elephant, archaeologists
say. There are also two giant granite lions, one seated and
another poised to charge. The statues are each carved out of a
single piece of granite stone, testifying to the carver's skill.
objects were uncovered when the towering waves withdrew from the
beach, carrying huge amounts of sand with them. The
archaeologists are also excited about a report from locals that
just before the waves struck on December 26, the sea withdrew a
great distance baring the seabed on which lay a temple structure
and several rock sculptures. "We'll be exploring the seabed
to document these Pallava relics," Sathiamoorthy said,
adding the Archaeological Survey of India would dispatch a team
of marine archaeologists next month to the area.

more refer to chapter on Greater
India: Suvarnabhumi and
Sacred Angkor).
myths of Mahabalipuram were first set down in writing by British
traveller J Goldingham, who visited the South Indian coastal
town in 1798, at which time it was known to sailors as the Seven
Pagodas. The myths speak of six temples submerged beneath the
waves with the seventh temple still standing on the seashore.
The myths also state that a large city which once stood on the
site was so beautiful the gods became jealous and sent a flood
that swallowed it up entirely in a single day.
(source: Tsuanami
unveils ancient Indian port city - and Tsunami
throws up India relics
of Page
in Ruins
Why Ancient India has not been tapped by Indian media?
On April 1, 2002, a team of divers from the Indian National
Institute of Oceanography and the Scientific, England, found
some ruins, off the coast of Mahabalipuram, South India,
covering several square miles under the sea. This was considered
the biggest breakthrough on ancient India and was heralded by
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as a discovery which may
‘rewrite history’. But the response
from the Indian media? Zilch.
In the past few years, BBC and other Western media have made
several well-executed programmes based on ancient India, namely
the Vijayanagar empire, the ancient Buddhist marvles, the
underwater structures at Lothal in Gujarat, the sea routes from
India to Egypt, the Indo-Atlantis expedition, the Harappan
Civilization….The list is never-ending. Indian television
channel, in stark contrast, have failed to tap any of the
topics. Ironically, ancient India,
considered a veritable treasure trove on ancient culture and
heritage by the West, has time and again, been sidelined by the
Indian media.
“I personally think that the Indian media considers viewers
as mindless illiterates hooked only to Bollywood and puerile
soaps. Watch any Western media channel, they keep showing
fabulous programmes on ancient India,” lambasts Sushmita
Dasgupta, a school teacher and an avid history buff.
Disgruntled Indian historians, however, hold the Indian media
responsible for the lack of interest among the viewers. “The
Indian media (other than some newspapers) have never shown
interest in anything about ancient India even though I have been
in the thick of things for 10 years – from the Indus script
decipherment to the Gulf of Cambay discoveries. Television, it
seems, has no correspondents to look beyond political gossip,”
says eminent historian, vedic scholar and author Dr N S Rajaram,
bitterly. Incidentally, he has been interviewed by the BBC
alongside Graham Hancock, the person behind the discovery of The
Lost City of the Gulf of Cambay.’
Another scholar, Dr. S Kalyanraman who has done extensive
studies on the river Saraswati and other subjects on ancient
India, seconds Dr Rajaram’s views. He says, “No
Indian reporter ever bothers checking out on ancient Indian
culture or talking to Indian historians. All they are interested
in is debunking anything good about the heritage. In fact, they
tend to ignore these subjects even after the Western media
covers the discoveries.”
The Indian media has an aversion to taking risks. They do not
want to stray from conventional tearjerkers or even contemporary
subjects and rationally speaking, why should they? That’s what
gives them their ratings.”
in Ruins: Why Ancient India has not been tapped by Indian
media? - By Sumita
of Page
Nadi astrology
Through a Life - The
mysterious Nadi Shastras saw it all before
walking into a simple dwelling in India and having someone you
have never met pull out an ancient palm leaf and begin reading
about your past, telling about the house you were born in and
the name of your parents.
you believe that someone in India keeps the record of your past,
present and future? Yes! This is called Nadi Astrology written
by enlightened masters called the Siddhas.
These Siddhas may have known you in a past lifetime when you
lived in India.
These Siddhas are an esoteric group of enlightened saints
from the distant past. The stories of many of them are not yet
well-known in the West. They founded Nadi astrology. Lord
Shiva, pleased with their devotion, bestowed upon
them some exclusive powers. He gave them the incredible
clairvoyance to know the past, present and future. The Siddhas
have etched their priceless knowledge on ancient palm leaves
called Nadis. If they were associated with you in your 'Poorva
Janma' (previous birth), they promised to help you in a future
life, i.e. now. By the Nadi law, you will be involuntarily
attracted to the leaves by destiny only. Not everyone has a
leaf, so it is an interesting omen that you are reading this

Nadi leaves are inscribed in Sanskrit, the language used in all
ancient Indian arts and sciences. It
is said that thousands of years ago, the great sages of Indian
had the power to look into the past and future of the entire
universe and recorded the life of each human being who either
lived, were living or were to live.
Nadi leaves are inscribed in Sanskrit, the language used in all
ancient Indian arts and sciences. The Maharajah Serfoji II of
Tanjore, a true patron of art and sciences, stored these palm
leaves in his palace library. He had them translated into Tamil.
astrology is relatively unknown in the West, and even in India
it's surrounded by mystery. Thousands of palm-leaf bundles of
prophecy, going by the name of Nadi
Granthas in Tamil in South India and Bhrigu
Samhitas in Sanskrit in the North, expound
minute details about a person's life, including their name,
caste, occupation, medical problems and remedies for sins
committed in the past life.
of years ago the Maharishis (great seers) recorded destiny of
individual souls (jivas) for all time. They accomplished this
through their ability to cognize the subtle mechanics of
creation on the finest levels of their own awareness.
is said that thousands of years ago, the great sages of Indian
had the power to look into the past and future of the entire
universe and recorded the life of each human being who either
lived, were living or were to live. At some point of
time, these discussions were written on palm leaves in an
ancient Tamil script, which can now only be deciphered by expert
Nadi astrologers. Nadi in Tamil means “ in search of“.
Because one individual goes in search of his details in the nadi,
this system came to be called by this name. The palm leaf
inscriptions are scattered throughout India.
are Number of Nadis available named after the Rishis who
composed the same. There are only a few Nadi readers available
who could interpret the inscriptions which are written in the
poetic language. There are various Nadis available like Agathiya
Naadi, Suka Nadi, Brahma Nadi, Kausika Nadi etc.
palm leaf inscription of an individual is spotted out by his
thumb impression. Lines on the thumb of people on the earth are
are classified into 108 types. The Nadi palm leaves are arranged
according to these types. The Nadi readers identify the
particular types of lines on the thumb and the corresponding set
of palm leaves are taken. The time duration to pick up your leaf
depends upon the identification of the thumb impression. Some
impressions are identified easily and the corresponding leaves
are found soon.
are there not only for Indian nationals but also for foreigners
and other nationals belonging to other religions and creeds.
Destiny has leaves for those who wished to have their readings.
It is also stated that about 40% of the people in the world only
are likely to get these results as available. The other leaves
might have been damaged or lost in the course of time.
(source: Nadi
of Page
Saving Hindus from Vile Brahmans
are generally agreed that the Inquisition
of Goa had earned “a sinister
renown as the most pitiless in Christendom.”
"Converting thousands
of Hindus from the myths and vile superstitions of
Given at Rome, at St.
Peter's, on the 24th day of June, in the year 1893, the
sixteenth year of Our pontificate.
XIII (1810- 1903):
To Our Venerable Brothers,
the Patriarchs, Archbishops and Bishops and other Ordinaries in
Peace and Communion with the Holy See.
Venerable Brothers, Health
and Apostolic Benediction.
The Orient, courageously and
successfully explored by the Portuguese,
is coveted by many today for its lucrative trade. We, however,
have a more noble purpose in mind. We reflect upon those immense
regions of the Indies where for many centuries men of the Gospel
have expended their labor. Our thoughts turn first of all to the
blessed Apostle Thomas who is rightly called the founder of
preaching the Gospel to the Hindus. Then, there is Francis
Xavier, who long afterwards dedicated himself
zealously to the same praiseworthy calling. Through
his extraordinary perseverence, he converted hundreds of
thousands of Hindus from the myths and vile superstitions of the
Brahmans to the true religion. In the footsteps of
this holy man followed numerous priests, secular and religious,
who with the authority and permission of the Holy See strove
untiringly to preserve and promote the Christian mysteries and
institutions introduced by Thomas and renewed by Xavier. To
this day, they are continuing these noble efforts; nevertheless,
in the vast reaches of the earth, many are still deprived of the
truth, miserably imprisoned in the darkness of superstition! How
very great a field, especially in the north, lies yet
uncultivated to receive the seed of the Gospel!
(source: AD
For more refer to and The
Spanish Inquisition : A History -
By Joseph Perez nd Flesh
Inferno : Atrocities of Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. (The
Blood History Series) and
of Faith - By Forrest G Wood. Also refer to chapter
on Glimpses V.
to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
to Truth
can kill the West - By
M.S.N. Menon - Truth can kill the West—the truth about
Christianity. It is all in the Dead Sea
of Page
Christians resent Roman bossism
Papacy and the Pope of
Rome are the legacies of the Imperial State Church of the Holy
Roman Empire, which had nothing to do with the Christians
outside the erstwhile Oikumene (Roman Empire), till the advent
of the European colonization. The Christians in Rome of the 1st
century AD, which was then only a movement in Judaism, could not
function as an established church due to the brutal persecution
unleashed by successive Roman emperors. It could assert its
identity only by 70 AD after the destruction of the Jerusalem
Temple. By the middle of the 2nd century every important city in
the Roman Empire had its own Christian community headed by a
bishop. It was only in the 4th century (313 AD) that
Christianity was permitted to be practised in Roman Empire by
the Emperor Constantine. In 380 AD, Theodosius-I decreed
Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire,
and all other religions including the different denominations of
Christianity were prohibited. Through this decree the Church
became the Imperial State Church of the Holy Roman Empire, and
the religious persecution in the reverse direction started.
There is no biblical,
theological or historical reasoning for the Roman Patriarch to
wield authority over other churches. It was only due to
political reasons that the Bishop of Rome could become Patriarch
of the Roman Church and later become the Pope-head of the
churches in the Oikumene (Roman Empire). During the European
colonial period the Papacy encroached on all the churches in the
world by suitably manipulating history and theology, that the
Bishop of Rome is the only successor to St. Peter’s throne,
and that Jesus entrusted his Church with St. Peter. This is
nothing but religious imperialism.
Church and Indian Christianity are degraded to the status of
religious colonies of the Roman Church. Even to appoint a local
Bishop the Church has to get ratification from the Roman Curia!
The Bishop elected has to kneel down and declare his faith and
allegiance to the Roman pontiff in front of his
representative-of course a European
The Malabar Church is
one among the most ancient churches in the world-more ancient
than the Roman Church. The early Malabar Church (Thomas
Christians) maintained a unique identity due to geographical,
historical and cultural factors. In the absence of any written
documents on the history of early Malabar Christianity, we get
information on these only from the oral traditions and
folklores. This Church is Christian in faith and Indian in
culture and heritage. This was the only Church in the whole
world administered in a democratic manner right from the lowest
units-parishes-each parish being a democratic republic.
But the identity and
the cultural heritage of this Church were brutally trampled by
the Portuguese colonial invaders.
Through the pseudo-synod convened by the Portuguese
Governor-cum-Arch Bishop Dr. Dom Menezis at Udayampur in 1599
AD, the Malabar Church was annexed and made a territory of the
Roman Church. All the documents
pertaining to the history, heritage and liturgy of the Church
were burnt and there started a gradual invasion on the
tradition, heritage, hierarchical set-up and identity of Malabar
Christianity. The much-cherished Indian customs and
rituals were replaced by Western rituals. It
was a total surrender of the Indian Christianity before the
Westerners. The transformation was manifest even in the theology.
According to the Book of Geneses, man is created in the image
and likeness of God (Imago Dei). But
according to the Western import man is categorised as
‘sinner’. As the great Indian
Saint Swami Vivekananda put it,
“It is a standing libel on human dignity to call him a
Now like the other 20 churches, Malabar
Church and Indian Christianity are degraded to the status of
religious colonies of the Roman Church. Even to appoint a local
Bishop the Church has to get ratification from the Roman Curia!
The Bishop elected has to kneel down and declare his faith and
allegiance to the Roman pontiff in front of his
representative-of course a European-before being consecrated.
Christians resent Roman bossism - By Joy C.L. Kuriachira
- Also
refer to India
is now 6% Christian -
Christian Database).
to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On
Christian Missionary Activities -
Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956
Sunshine of Secularism. Also
refer to chapter on Conversion.
Also refer to How
various parts of the world was converted to Christianity. Refer
to The
War of Religions and The
Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
to Can
Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica?
By Alex Pomero. Refer
to The
Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan -
of Page
finds 50 lakh manuscripts and counting
People at the National
Mission for Manuscripts are a surprised lot. When
they began a survey to map and document ancient scriptures lying
neglected and unseen in numerous pockets of the country they
followed an estimate that India had nearly 10 to 20 lakh of
them. The figure they found out after their pilot survey in
three states, had shot up to a staggering 50 lakh manuscripts,
making India the largest storehouse of the `records of yore' in
the world. And the count is not the final tally, says Sudha
Gopalakrishnan, director of the mission.
Seven lakh of these are just from the three states-UP,
Bihar and Orissa, where the mission surveys were held. And of
the interesting volumes that they came
across include a voluminous copy of the Mahabharata
weighing a quintal. The mission, established in 2003
by the centre under the Ministry of Culture to attend to the
unkempt manuscripts across the country, plans to embark on a
hunt for the ancient volumes in states such as Rajasthan and
The last year's search in three states - 30 districts
of Orissa, 13 districts of Uttar Pradesh and 10 districts of
Bihar was carried out through a well-defined strategy involving
around 2700 people. "We involved students and teachers in
our drive to find the scriptures. They then searched the
villages in the districts-in libraries, temples, monasteries and
Madrassas for the texts," says Gitanjali, co-ordinator of
the survey. From Orissa itself, around 17,857 repositories were
found, most of them containing texts of the 'tantric' thought.
From Unnao in up about 25,000 manuscripts were procured.

scene from Bali - Abhimanyu in the Mahabharata
more refer to chapter on Greater
India: Suvarnabhumi and
Sacred Angkor).
The 50 lakh also includes manuscripts that were
digitized and documented such as the 500 manuscripts of the 6000
stored at the Iqbal library in Srinagar and 85 manuscripts of
1,000 Kudiyattam manuscripts from Kerala. The mission has also
identified 3,500 manuscripts from the Orissa state museum, 4,000
vaishnavite manuscripts from Majuli islands in Assam and 6,500
manuscripts from Tamil Nadu about Siddha stream of medicine,
digitisation of which began from January 15 this year, according
to a report prepared by the mission.
Yet another project of the mission is to embark on
preservation of manuscripts with natural ingredients and
considering the climatic conditions of the area of preservation.
There are references on preservation of scriptures in ancient
and medieval literature such as Ashokan edicts, Kautilya's
Arthashastra, puranas, Dasabodhas and the medieval saint
literature, Shreenand Bapat, an indology lecturer at Tilak
Maharashtra Vidyapeeth says in a paper that he compiled on
preserving ancient scriptures.
Saroj V Bhate, honorary secretary of Bhandarkar
Oriental Research Institute (BORI) in Pune, says the
institute is planning to coach around 30 people in indigenous
methods of conservation. "One of the reasons for bringing
the manuscripts from Mumbai to Pune in 1971 was because the
climate here is dry. There need not be much done to preserve the
documents, except for treatment with tobacco powder and camphor.
But that is not the case with the areas in the coastal belt,
where humidity is more," Bhate says. Sudha Gopalakrishnan
says they had organised an exhibition and seminar where
different regions across the country had exhibited their
specific method of preservation. These would be compiled into
reference texts and would be used for preservation works in
future, she says.
(source: India
finds 50 lakh manuscripts and counting -
of Page
You Know?
India, the
Land of the Sages
Who were the
Vedic Sages?
The sages who composed the Vedas, capturing the eternal
truths and shaping them into beautiful hymns, are called rishis,
which means “seers.”
Hinduism acknowledges that seers come in different flavors.
There are advanced seers who see everything. There are beginning
level seers, too – great souls for sure, but they have only
just begun to glimpse the full majesty of the Supreme Reality.
- Deva-rishis
means god-like seers. These sages level of consciousness is
beyond human imagination. Their awareness extends to all
worlds and throughout the past and the future. These great
beings live in a much higher plane of reality than ours, but
when they do so, they can enter our world. To us they are
practically gods. The sage Narada
is an example.
- Brahma
rishis means god-realized seers. These are fully
enlightened men and women who exist here on earth in
physical bodies. They could move into higher worlds if they
wanted to but remain here to serve humanity.
- Raja-rishis
are “royal seers” – those who have gained mastery in
both the physical and the spiritual worlds. The legendary King
Janaka, who successfully governed the prosperous
and cultured kingdom of Videha while remaining in a
continuous state of divine awareness, is a famous example.
- Maha
rishis are “great seers” who may not be fully
enlightened like the Brahma rishis, but they have a deep and
authentic understanding of the divine, and work tirelessly
to help raise humanity to higher levels of consciousness. Veda
Vyasa belonged to this group.
- Parama
rishi are “advanced adepts” who are well
along the road to enlightenment but have not yet completely
purified their minds.
- Shurta
rishis means “learned seers” those souls who
have grasped the truths at the core of their spiritual
tradition, and are now working hard to translate that
knowledge into living experience.
- Kanda
rishis are “striving seers” the beginners on
the path who don’t have much technical knowledge about
spirituality, yet feel a complete commitment to spiritual
life and a burning desire for spiritual truth.

The men and women who “channeled” the wisdom inherent in
the Vedic hymns thousands of years ago were only able to do so
because of their advanced stage of spiritual development. Hindus
universally hail them as Brahma rishis, seers of the highest
order possible for mortal beings.
Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen p. 47 - 48).
Vyasa, Vishwamitra, Bharatwaj, Rishi Sandipani
of Page
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